NBA 2K14 News Post

As if you couldn't imagine NBA 2K14 adding anything else cool, today 2K Sports released a trailer that reveals they have 600 real player and coach interviews which will be used in the game.

The feature, called 2K Real Voices, will feature real halftime and post-game interviews. Most likely a few players per team are represented with multiple possible interviews per player, it's a cool feature for sure that'll help the immersion factor within the game.

Sounds crazy cool, what do you all think?

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Member Comments
# 161 turty11 @ 11/08/13 11:22 PM
as amazing as that is, it further enhances the issue of baby arms... IE westbrook.

they could also make it so they arent all in the same pose and throw some photo bombs in there!
# 162 Lovesports @ 11/08/13 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Irishwhiskey119
This is dumb as hell.

It'll get old QUICK because you can only have so many comments in. Plus players won't want to do this every year.
Players aren't doing anything...they are using bits from live interviews
# 163 charter04 @ 11/08/13 11:37 PM
Good grief. This is by far the sports game I'm looking so forward to. I'm a football guy but, man this looks awesome. It's great that the more we know about this game the better it gets. It's like anti-madden. Great Job 2K.
# 164 charter04 @ 11/08/13 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Irishwhiskey119
This is dumb as hell.

It'll get old QUICK because you can only have so many comments in. Plus players won't want to do this every year.
SMH just SMH
# 165 CaliDude916 @ 11/08/13 11:40 PM

# 166 jarod43 @ 11/08/13 11:49 PM
Finally they ripped something from the nfl 2k5 book. This definitely brings more realism to the game, can not wait till this comes out.
# 167 RipCityAndy @ 11/08/13 11:53 PM
The idea is cool. The real voices are cool. Hopefully these are implemented contextually... that would be very cool. WHY WHY WHY are there only two positions that they players/coaches stand in. Option A: hands on hips. Option B: hands behind back. I guess it really stands out when you watch a couple dozen interviews back-to-back... but it's just kinda... distracting. It looks soooo unnatural.

Sorry guys, this just isn't exciting to me. We had interviews last gen and they became boring (actually... they were borderline annoying) fast.

I think I would rather see real life video cuts from interviews. Just me though.
# 168 Eman5805 @ 11/09/13 12:00 AM
I shudder to imagine trying to get 600 soundbites from players and coaches by bringing them into a studio or whatever.

Hell, this has a the potential to become something amazing. And if they don't have to do a lot of lipsyncing they can keep adding more and more to from different scenarios. And I imagine your MyPlayer will have his own interviews as well.
# 169 Artman22 @ 11/09/13 12:02 AM
This is amazing!!! 2k does it again!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 170 Escobeats @ 11/09/13 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by RipCityAndy
The idea is cool. The real voices are cool. Hopefully these are implemented contextually... that would be very cool. WHY WHY WHY are there only two positions that they players/coaches stand in. Option A: hands on hips. Option B: hands behind back. I guess it really stands out when you watch a couple dozen interviews back-to-back... but it's just kinda... distracting. It looks soooo unnatural.

Sorry guys, this just isn't exciting to me. We had interviews last gen and they became boring (actually... they were borderline annoying) fast.

I think I would rather see real life video cuts from interviews. Just me though.
Attachment 68513

Ahhh reaaaaaaaaaally?
# 171 FAM CEO @ 11/09/13 12:07 AM
Nice touch 2K...Nice touch
# 172 Mr_Riddick @ 11/09/13 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Irishwhiskey119
This is dumb as hell.

It'll get old QUICK because you can only have so many comments in. Plus players won't want to do this every year.
# 173 d23x @ 11/09/13 12:09 AM
Seems to me like they would be able to patch in more quotes, since I'm almost 99% sure these are from real interviews. Would be the icing on the cake if they were to do this.
# 174 RipCityAndy @ 11/09/13 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Escobeats
Attachment 68513

Ahhh reaaaaaaaaaally?
lol. Good find. One more stance! I just went back to re-watch the trailer...trailer only had two poses. Hopefully I'm wrong and the selection of poses is larger than it was portrayed here. At least now I know sometimes the players will cross their arms in front. Thanks.
# 175 Mr_Riddick @ 11/09/13 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by RipCityAndy
lol. Good find. One more stance! I just went back to re-watch the trailer...trailer only had two poses. Hopefully I'm wrong and the selection of poses is larger than it was portrayed here. At least now I know sometimes the players will cross their arms in front. Thanks.
Good enough for me seeing how this is thier first attempt in NBA 2k...... And who knows next year they'll probably add "signature stances." Can u imagine?
# 176 Sundown @ 11/09/13 12:21 AM
They really need to animate the eyes. Have them actually look at Doris or flicker to the camera or wander a bit. Carlyle looked a lot more alive when he looked up in thought for a moment.

Everyone else's eyes are locked to their head even as it moves around.

It's a little thing and 2K has the tech.

And again, Doris Burke's body language is all wrong. She looks like a Sim.
# 177 LeBronistheKing @ 11/09/13 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by NvME

Catty response given that there was no complaint. I'm positive you're not receiving any proceeds from the sale of this game, and I'm postive you had no hand in it's development, so I'm baffled as to why you were touched emotionally.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not old enough to drive yet.
32 years old, married, and a kid on the way. Was not touched emotionally. Just making a light hearted observation really. Props on using the Danny Dubenstein image of Leon from Curb your Enthusiasm though.
# 178 reptilexcq @ 11/09/13 12:29 AM
I am amazed. Not the interview part but the accuracy of the players' voices. How the heck did they got the players voice sound so real?? Did 2K have someone in the studio that can speak in multiple tongues?lol
# 179 Eman5805 @ 11/09/13 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by reptilexcq
I am amazed. Not the interview part but the accuracy of the players' voices. How the heck did they got the players voice sound so real?? Did 2K have someone in the studio that can speak in multiple tongues?lol
Real Voices isn't just a name. That's their...

You know what,, I'm going to pretend you were being sarcastic. If you weren't pretend with me.

We'll both make out happier either way.
# 180 swaggedout @ 11/09/13 12:37 AM
I wonder if we can assign a voice for our create a player.

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