NBA 2K14 News Post

As if you couldn't imagine NBA 2K14 adding anything else cool, today 2K Sports released a trailer that reveals they have 600 real player and coach interviews which will be used in the game.

The feature, called 2K Real Voices, will feature real halftime and post-game interviews. Most likely a few players per team are represented with multiple possible interviews per player, it's a cool feature for sure that'll help the immersion factor within the game.

Sounds crazy cool, what do you all think?

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Member Comments
# 121 HakeemOlajuwon @ 11/08/13 09:13 PM
This 2K sport real voice is already in the current-gen version.
When David Stern talk about Pelicans or Anthony Bennett

I thought it was a good idea to use real draft but i couldn't imagin 2K doing this for all players and coachs

It's really awesome ! thanks 2K
Just change the angle and zoom of the camera and it's perfect
# 122 Eman5805 @ 11/08/13 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by SimBaller
Remember that one time, like a month ago, when everyone was in agreement that next gen was going to be a port of old gen with better graphics? I'm glad we're past that now. It was rough to watch.
I always believed otherwise. And I'm looking forward to seeing how y'all can top yourselves going forward.
# 123 DamnYanks2 @ 11/08/13 09:14 PM
Stop it 2k, just stop it.
# 124 JustSteve @ 11/08/13 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by jd12
What?!?! No Gregg Popovich?!? Lol.
Oh, please, I hope he stonewalls the interviewer! (fingers crossed)

Now I just want to see Craig Sager in his colorful suits.
# 125 Gosens6 @ 11/08/13 09:16 PM
Is it too soon to start looking forward to NBA 2K15? Can you guys imagine what we're in store for in the coming years.
# 126 DamnYanks2 @ 11/08/13 09:16 PM
If they have Pop's trolling, that would just make me smile/
# 127 JustSteve @ 11/08/13 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by rspencer86
How do you guys think they got the audio? Ripped it from real NBA broadcasts? Had the players/coaches record a few lines in a studio?
Well, if they're doing head scans of everyone, why not get a few sound bites while you're at it?
# 128 MarvinOida @ 11/08/13 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by SimBaller
Remember that one time, like a month ago, when everyone was in agreement that next gen was going to be a port of old gen with better graphics? I'm glad we're past that now. It was rough to watch.
Well, to be honest, CG is still an amazing game. And it wouldn't really hurt us if NG was a port but with upgraded graphics, sounds, and focus on stuff like MyCareer, Association, and Online.

I want to an in depth difference with gameplay, cause it would so be great to know how certain things from generations changed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 129 DamnYanks2 @ 11/08/13 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
Well, to be honest, CG is still an amazing game. And it wouldn't really hurt us if NG was a port but with upgraded graphics, sounds, and focus on stuff like MyCareer, Association, and Online.

I want to an in depth difference with gameplay, cause it would so be great to know how certain things from generations changed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yea I'm perfectly happy with current gen, I love CG NBA 2k14.
# 130 King_B_Mack @ 11/08/13 09:33 PM
I will say this though. This feature is a complete failure if I hire Coach Sheed and I don't hear "both teams played hard my man, both teams played hard."

Make it happen SimBaller. :P
# 131 Gosens6 @ 11/08/13 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
I will say this though. This feature is a complete failure if I hire Coach Sheed and I don't hear "both teams played hard my man, both teams played hard."

Make it happen SimBaller. :P
Imagine all the players that we're going to potentially see as coaches. Kobe, Nash, D. Fish, Garnett, I can not wait! Hopefully they'll give interviews as coaches, but we'll see.
# 132 lgxjames @ 11/08/13 09:46 PM
So my only question is how will this work when Draft classes come in, Are they assigned a "Real Voice" to use??

BTW I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE THIS, Classic 2k being awesome.
# 133 Marc_Rez @ 11/08/13 09:53 PM
Ok I do have one complaint. The animation with players folding their arms during the halftime interview(D. Rose halftime interview for example) looks a little weird. I think the hands on the hips or one had down and the other wiping sweat of their face is more realistic. Am I too picky?
# 134 Hockeynut99 @ 11/08/13 09:54 PM
So will it be related to the actual game that is being played at that time? If the coach talks about not rebounding and in the game they been rebounding like crazy that can get pretty lame in my opinion.
# 135 Dr. Poe @ 11/08/13 09:56 PM
It's over. 2k killed it. That is taking things to a new level. Just adds to the authenticity of the game. Too hot! Sports game of the year!
# 136 Csquared @ 11/08/13 10:03 PM
I seen this and literally started laughing with joy. This is amazing. I take ANYTHING I've ever said wrong about 2k!
# 137 NINJAK2 @ 11/08/13 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by DamnYanks2
Yea I'm perfectly happy with current gen, I love CG NBA 2k14.
I'm with you man. I love CG but looking at that next gen Kevin Durant really pisses me off. CG didn't get screwed in gameplay imo but we definetly got screwed with face scans. I get ticked off more about Euroleague teams on CG because I know that the development of those face scans took away time from the regular NBA player scans (Jimmy Butler, CP3, Lebron,etc). Enough bitching on my part--I got to get a NG system now.
# 138 Jakeness23 @ 11/08/13 10:08 PM
Did anyone else notice it looks like KG is wearing a sleeve that's been rolled down? We get that amazing detail but no warmups?! Haha, dang I can't wait! This is going to be THE longest week ever..
# 139 RangersCruz @ 11/08/13 10:10 PM
KG and West look so good as well

I cannot wait when my PS4 comes i pop in my 2k disc

Voices on point i always wanted in this current gen
# 140 barimanlhs @ 11/08/13 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by Goffs
If they add Bosh's antics in the game then this is my GOTY!

That would easily be one of, if not the greatest easter egg in a video game lol

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