im jus happy that they actually showed gameplay from the actual angle you play at. not gonna judge the game though i know it looks great already and im sure it'll feel much different (a video cannot simulate that)
Can't lie, a bit disappointed after watching gameplay....say they built a new engine, but seems to play the same...and graphics not as impressive in motion.
I am sure that eventually someone will throw a video up somewhere where we can all download it from.
We saw the trailer in a non-compressed state (if you downloaded it), just have to trust them.
With the next gen games especially everyone needs to take a breather before getting upset about how a game looks in a highly compressed streaming video. When it's presented in that way you aren't seeing the game in the way it will be on your television.
Just a reminder guys, a lot of whats been improved on the newer version is under the hood stuff, foot planting , ball physics. Plus it's kind of normal for Gamespot to blast games for something...they gave GTA 5 a 9 and got all kinds of crap for it. They actually are notorious for trying to be "the one's" who have something bad to say. Not that it's bad, but you know...know your source is all I'm saying.
Am I the only one that hates that little turn and sprint move that PGs or whoever it may be gets the ball after the other team scores, even when there is absolutely no defense there? It just looks canned and pointless to me...
Where are these graphics?! I'm so disappointed in the Gamespot footage shown. It looks nothing like the OMG trailer and these stills!
I am sure that if he had an exciting play (which he didn't) and zoomed in close on the replay, slowed it down, and had a good song playing in the background you would see something similar.
While ball tangibility is great, Players interaction are still a force field away. Bosh tapped lebron on the head, didn't even come close to touching him.
Yeah I notice that too, in video and trailer, small detail, but kinda annoying.
First off the video starts off showing last gen gameplay.......And doesn't this clown know Steph Curry has been in the league 3 years already???
This is what happens when you let nerds review sports games
Whoa there. You're really trying to play the "nerd" card? We're on a sports video game forum talking about poor compression of a video of the next-gen version of a game that's already out.
Where are these graphics?! I'm so disappointed in the Gamespot footage shown. It looks nothing like the OMG trailer and these stills!
The game will look exactly like those screens and the OMG trailer when you get it home because your TV won't compress the video to hell and back like the Gamespot Player.
The game will look exactly like those screens and the OMG trailer when you get it home because your TV won't compress the video to hell and back like the Gamespot Player.
True but I was expecting the court to look bigger and the player models to look more distinctive in body types and wingspans but no such luck. It looks way to similar to current gen at least from this crappy compressed footage.
The detail is nice on the little things. But the graphics are not that nice, the screenshots for both 2K and Live compared to left me a bit disappointed. But from what I`ve seen the 2K players look a bit better because the skin textures. But if this game plays like 2K14 for PS3 I will be sad. But you shouldnt judge til you play both because this guy covering the game could be dumb and maybe NBA Live gameplay is crazy. So who knows.
Looks good but plays the same so my hype is gone. Guess 2k made their move quick vs nba live. Nba live looks less but hopefully gameplay is refreshing.