NBA 2K14 News Post

GameSpot has posted the first gameplay footage from the PlayStation 4 version of NBA 2K14. Check it out and post your thoughts!

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
NBA 2K14 Videos
Member Comments
# 81 BigAkers @ 10/23/13 11:32 PM
Just look at Mark Jackson...Ezeli....Barnes....O'Neal.....just wow. Can't wait to experience this game myself.
# 82 kgbrolic @ 10/23/13 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by LingeringRegime
The crowd looks a lot better too. One thing I noticed that there were fans sitting next to the scorers table, don't remember if that was on current gen or not.
One of my biggest gripes with 2k was the crowd and how they damn near cheer the entire game and everyone looked the same. The next gen crowd looks human and I like how some of the crowd is leaning in their chair.
# 83 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 10/23/13 11:33 PM
Things like emotion , no sliding, playing Against improve A.I are things you can't get in a quick video like that. If I recall he only played til halftime right? Wish the video was better quality I mean that was YouTube-like.

The physics and foot planting looked nice. Current gen looks cartoony compared to this.
# 84 Vni @ 10/23/13 11:34 PM
Video is definately current gen until the 21st second.
# 85 d23x @ 10/23/13 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by yungflo
in that pic, he never touched lebron's head. I find it funny that they emphasis ball on hand and tangibles, but yet bosh cant touch lebron's head. there's a forcefield
# 86 yungflo @ 10/23/13 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
NBA2K has what's been acknowledged as the best commentary in a sports game by miles for the past few years. And you say it sounds a little robotic? And you're disappointed it sounds the same? They added a ton new commentary for the current gen game yet you expected something COMPLETELY new in this game also? smh at the goofy expectations some of you have
2k commentary has always been a sore spot for me. I can't bring up other games in here, but I feel like 2k has been second in the commentary department. That's my opinion. When it comes to authentic sounds, they have none. That's not a big gripe for me as you are making it sound. I thought with more space for allocated data, they would in a position to implement more. And Yes, since they said they were creating two different games for CG and NG, why not I expect a little revamp? I didn't buy 2k14CG , I am waiting for it on ps4.

Sheesh some people on these forums. Lol. Always trying to invalidate an OPINION.
# 87 HakeemOlajuwon @ 10/23/13 11:36 PM

wow well done 2K ! looks amazing
it's really hard to come back on current-gen after seeing this.

i really hope the creation mode will be good too
# 88 stillfeelme @ 10/23/13 11:37 PM
Game visually looks outstanding. I expect it to play like current gen but a little bit better with better AI. The big improvements appear graphics/visual AI and how emotion will affect gameplay. Some of this is human like AI that will take a few games to appreciate. I am actually impressed with current gen so this is just another notch
# 89 RandomPerson @ 10/23/13 11:37 PM
In terms of graphics, it's a dramatic improvement. Crowd, lighting, faces, player models, cloth physics, etc. Everything looks amazing.
# 90 Sundown @ 10/23/13 11:38 PM
Sigh. Looks like they face scanned the Warriors right before they clinched playoffs and were growing out their beards. They just had to capture the guys with a look they sport for a couple of weeks out of the whole season.

Lee looks like Ben Affleck from Argo. Lol. He looked great on the bench though. I think some of the expressions make the players look unlike themselves at times. I see how Steve thinks Curry looks kind of weird, especially around the jowls. Hopefully it's just with a few expressions.

I hate the reviewer already. "Meh... bleh, bleh, Seth Curry..."


I'm also not seeing the footplanting. I mean it's a little better, but there's still plenty of sliding and shifting.
# 91 Chickenney @ 10/23/13 11:40 PM

They even got opposing fans in the home crowd
# 92 yungflo @ 10/23/13 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by dat swag
Coach mark Jackson has clearly been in the weight room putting in work on them Shoulders. I'm sure that will be fixed before it ships though.
the game that was showed was most likely the final product
# 93 Vni @ 10/23/13 11:41 PM
Animations look actually not as good as current gen.

Game speed is too high for my liking too. I heard some of the old rim sounds. I wasn't gonna hurry to get a PS4 and I doubt 2K14 NG will change that. That trailer set my expectations too high.

edit: Not trying to spoil the party... I see lots of improved stuffs. Crowd and player models are really good.
# 94 Chickenney @ 10/23/13 11:43 PM

They even got opposing fans in the home crowd
# 95 The 24th Letter @ 10/23/13 11:44 PM
everyone has their opinions....but what animations looks WORSE than current gen?

Come on man, lol
# 96 RangersCruz @ 10/23/13 11:45 PM
Looks good for the most part

now i just want to see how realistic the players we create look
# 97 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 10/23/13 11:46 PM
Chalmers sliding at 1:37?
# 98 d23x @ 10/23/13 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Chickenney

They even got opposing fans in the home crowd
Is it me or does that guy with the brown jacket on look like Lebron?
# 99 TerminallyOdd @ 10/23/13 11:48 PM
I see what some are saying about the animation, but I'm pretty sure opinions on that will change once we get a better video. The game runs at 60 frames per second, and this video is a choppy, compressed mess. I think it'd be wise to reserve full judgment until we see something of a higher quality.
# 100 Vni @ 10/23/13 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
everyone has their opinions....but what animations looks WORSE than current gen?

Come on man, lol
Most of them aren't as smooth to me.

Originally Posted by TerminallyOdd
I see what some are saying about the animation, but I'm pretty sure opinions on that will change once we get a better video. The game runs at 60 frames per second, and this video is a choppy, compressed mess. I think it'd be wise to reserve full judgment until we see something of a higher quality.

Yep you're right.

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