Madden NFL 25 News Post

Check out the latest Madden NFL 25 next-gen gameplay trailer, as well as 4 more "War in the Trenches" gameplay videos.

Madden NFL 25 - War in the Trenches: Pass Rush & Pocket Time

Madden 25 Designer Clint Oldenburg breaks down the pass rush & pocket time that you'll find in the next gen version of Madden 25.

Madden NFL 25 - War in the Trenches: Passing Pocket Formation

Madden 25 Designer Clint Oldenburg breaks down the new passing pocket formation that you'll find in the next gen version of Madden 25.

Madden NFL 25 - War in the Trenches: Pass Blocking Footwork

Madden 25 Designer Clint Oldenburg breaks down the pass blocking footwork that you'll find in the next gen version of Madden 25.

Madden NFL 25 - War in the Trenches: Sorting

Madden 25 Designer Clint Oldenburg breaks down sorting in the next gen version of Madden 25.

Let us know what you think!

Check out the full press release below.

New Details Released on Player Sense, True Step, the War in the Trenches and More

The Madden NFL 25 next-generation gameplay conversation begins today with the debut of the all-new “Feel It” trailer. EA SPORTS will be rolling out full gameplay details on Madden NFL 25 website and Facebook page that highlight how the game reaches new heights on next-gen consoles.

New features introduced in Madden NFL 25 include Player Sense, which enables players to scan the field, anticipate situations before they happen and maneuver based on instinct for the first time ever. Players make up to 50 times the contextual decisions they ever have before, bringing a new level of intelligence to every player on the field. In addition, the implementation of True Step player motion provides unprecedented ball-carrier control, as well as the most organic, user-driven outcomes in franchise history.

Furthermore, the War in the Trenches fundamentally changes the dynamic of the offensive and defensive line. Linemen are able to make four times as many decisions per second, and 300 new blocking animations will lead to never-before-seen situations and outcomes. Offensive linemen intelligently identify the “Mike” linebacker, and shift and sort assignments at the snap in order to target the biggest defensive threats. While the offensive line brings a new arsenal of double-team blocks and blitz pick-ups the defense has gotten smarter too, utilizing bluffs, stunts and angles to find the weak point in the line, split double-team blocks or confuse the protection long enough to get into the backfield. Every down is a new battle to control the line of scrimmage.

Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
Madden NFL 25 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 bigeastbumrush @ 10/18/13 05:09 PM
60 calculations per second.

Man, they're grasping for straws at this point.

True Step?

They must have some creative brainstorming sessions at EA.
# 2 green94 @ 10/18/13 05:10 PM
The Lynch move was nasty.
# 3 wordtobigbird @ 10/18/13 05:11 PM


Very nice to see improved pass rush. DEs running pass the QB. Good improvements.
# 4 apollon42 @ 10/18/13 05:13 PM
That actually looked a lot better than the videos on ESPN. So I'm confused. I didn't mind the animations, also the line blocking looked superb. The problem is, Madden should've been like that on current gen. It definitely looks better though. It didn't blow me away, but I'm not mad either.
# 5 Cowboy008 @ 10/18/13 05:14 PM
Looks alright was expecting it to be worse.
# 6 tnixen @ 10/18/13 05:15 PM
I have to admit that looked pretty damm good.

EA is making me crazy with these videos some look awful and some look pretty good. Which game are we getting on November 15th?
# 7 Mr_Riddick @ 10/18/13 05:17 PM
I mean, the line play looks improved....
# 8 bodymore @ 10/18/13 05:17 PM
I'm confused. One minute it looks like crap, then it looks okay. I'm still not sure what to think about the game.
# 9 bcruise @ 10/18/13 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by tfer717
I'm really confused. Everything I've seen up to this point has looked like turd.... But that was relatively impressive. Albeit the animations for qb's and rb's look identical....the foot planting and slower pace to everything (I know it was slow mo but still) seemed pretty nice. Animations still kill this game for me but I liked what I saw there
It wouldn't be the first time EA held new gameplay features out of their promotional material (IIRC they "flipped a switch" to turn on the Infinity Engine at a certain point during the M13 promotional campaign).
# 10 apollon42 @ 10/18/13 05:18 PM
EA is confusing me. This looks similar to what we saw at E3, the ESPN videos look atrocious. I'm still not sure what's going on. But if the game looks like this, I'm cool with it.
# 11 ultralow36 @ 10/18/13 05:18 PM
that really look pretty good ..
# 12 wordtobigbird @ 10/18/13 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by TheBuddyHobbs

These are better than the gameplay trailer. Madden is taking steps in the right direction and thats good to see.
# 13 PVarck31 @ 10/18/13 05:21 PM
This looked good. Line play looks WAY better. Oldenburg must know his stuff.

Felling a little better about spending all this damn money next month lol.
# 14 BobbyColtrane @ 10/18/13 05:21 PM
I don't want to admit this, but I want to play it.

# 15 dghustla @ 10/18/13 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by TheBuddyHobbs

good find. The QB animations leave something to be desired but the game actually looks good and the pocket is a beautiful thing to see.
# 16 wordtobigbird @ 10/18/13 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by BobbyColtrane
I don't want to admit this, but I want to play it.

I LOVE the fact that I want to play it now. After seeing those ESPN videos I had no interest. I want to see how the Oline/Dline interaction changes the way people play Madden. Now that DEs actually shoot up field it SHOULD completely kill the deep dropbacks. They should lead to sacks every time you go farther back than the drop calls for. So thats one annoying part of Madden's legacy that could be eliminated. Can't wait.
# 17 reverend_heat @ 10/18/13 05:24 PM
Definitely the most promising video since E3 ended, I simply don't know what to think at this point. We think it looks like crap, then we think the gameplay looks improved, then people who have played it say it looks and feels like current gen, then these videos drop, IDFK anymore!!
# 18 tha_show256 @ 10/18/13 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by royounggoku
REALLY liking the detailed description of the improvements with video, better than any "sizzle" trailer they could have shown. Why can't it always be like this?
I'm like everyone here...confused, one minute Madden NG looks pretty damn good like this trailer we just got. The next it looks like the mnf video. If it looks this trailer, I'm in! That MNF video though, has me a bit worried and confused as to what EA has going on with Madden 25 NG though.
# 19 radatdude2 @ 10/18/13 05:25 PM
is it great? no, but its not that bad thought!!! finally some good video this video shows promise. i enjoy current so this certainly going to garnish a purchase from me #flipfloper
# 20 tnixen @ 10/18/13 05:26 PM
The way the QB drops back and holds he ball is so ugly!

EA really needs to fix this animation ASAP!

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