NBA Live 14 News Post

EA Sports today released the first gameplay trailer for NBA Live 14, which features snippets of gameplay action.

What do you think about the trailer?

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
NBA Live 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 301 bryce722 @ 10/18/13 03:20 PM
The only basketball game I have been playing yearly is 2k. I started when I was 10 with 2k5. The only Live game i played was Live 10 and it was good but it wasn't better than 2k10 in my opinion.

Real question: Can someone help me understand what Live offers/or 2k lacks that would make you consider to buy it over 2k? Im biased to 2k and I feel that I may not be seeing what some others are seeing. In this trailer besides the dribbling and some of the signature shots it looked bad to me.
# 302 jWILL253 @ 10/18/13 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by CMH
Some actual 5-on-5, I guess.

But graphically it's not anywhere close to what NBA 2K is doing.

I'm trying to figure out what EA is using the extra power to do. Is it signature skills? AI? Synergy-related information?

If 2K shows a deep feature list and new gameplay (and early reports seem to indicate they will) then I can't understand what EA is doing with the extra horsepower in the new systems.

It's not on player models, that's for sure. And while the models aren't hideous to me, they just aren't life-like.

Again, I have no problem if a game released it's models cell-shaded and still played an awesome 5-on-5.

I will wait and see if Live can deliver in that regard. But, right now, it looks like a more detailed current gen. Which is exactly the same for Madden and FIFA. That's disappointing.
I think it's time we face the truth: EA is lazy. They mislead everyone again with not only the initial next-gen Madden 25 trailer from E3, but they also did it with FIFA 14 & Live 14. And, as we all know now, none of those next-gen titles look any different from their current-gen iterations.

In fact, one could say they could pass for PC versions of current-gen games. That's how bad they look.

2K is blowing Live out the water, and it's not even funny...
# 303 NikeBlitz @ 10/18/13 03:24 PM
I don't know, obviously i can't judge the gameplay yet, but the trailer looks "amateurish" TBH compared to other productions from the industry (at least for AAA games).
# 304 Rebel_INS @ 10/18/13 03:28 PM
That doesn't look next gen @ all...

Well, this just confirms what I already knew...now back 2 the regular scheduled programming...
# 305 Flightwhite24 @ 10/18/13 03:29 PM
I can never understand why some say "At least EA now has something to build on" They've been building for how long now?? EA just can't compete at this point and that's just my personal opinion not fact.

To each his/her own and I respect those who have offered an opinion of liking/not liking the trailer but fellows I've been around a long time and long enough to know that I would rethink my purchase of $60 plus on this title without a little more evidence that this title is up to fundamental standards. Just trust me on this

Sent from my iPhone
# 306 scottyp180 @ 10/18/13 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
This will be a direct post of opinion, if you don't agree! You don't have to quote my post a million times with your rebuttals!!!

People hated Elite 11 and hate Live 13 because both of them were poo and using the same engine.

NBA Live 10 was the last good Live game, and we all complained that Elite and 13 weren't built off that engine and they should have just upgraded from Live 10.

Well looks like in 14 that's exactly what they did, it's Live 10 with a lot of touch up and visual improvements. Yeah the dribbling mechanic is cool and all, but Live 10 controls were never broken.

I think where the disappointment in this footage and all the other footage, is that it's a 10% improvement from current gen basketball games and of Live 10.

When Live series went from Xbox Original to the Xbox 360, the games were 100% two different games. This is where the problem lies with this trailer and all the pictures they keep posting.

It's like 10% different 5% graphics and 5% controls, oh I'm sorry bouncetek (GTFO)

so tired of them naming all their engines and features all these weird *** names and analogies, when in motion looks like the same **** another toilet.

I for one in the Live community wanted this game to be a much different game going into the PS4 and Xbox One era. Looks like they should have rebuilt from scratch, like they lied and said they did. Listening to fans 4 games too late to build off Live 10 isn't worth the time and effort we ask for it 4 years ago.

And to give me that garbage about a 3 year plan, if it's building off this same graphics engine and gameplay engine...Then it will be the same 3 years in Live 15,16,17, etc.

I'm not going to say I'm disappointed completely, because the faces looked improved and details were better, but the whole time I watched this video, all I saw was what Live 11 and Live 12 should have been on current gen.

This should have been a Xbox 360, and PS3 game! Because with the capabilities of the Next Gen consoles this is visually mediocre at best. It might be pretty on the inside, but it's so average on the outside..
I agree with everything you say except for your skeptism on the 3 year plan. Like you said the problem with elite and live 13 was that they attempted to rebuild the engine instead of building on what they had with 10. It now looks like they are back to something similar to 10 except a bit improved. If they continue to build on the formula they should have success in a couple years. This could be similarto the nhl series last gen.

I am finding it difficult to understand how people are saying that 2k and live, graphically, aren't far off. Maybe I should watch the videos again but imo 2k looks much better. Although it is important to note that the games have 2 different art styles. I always d that 2k takes a more realistic "you are there" approach
# 307 GJC1213 @ 10/18/13 03:32 PM
So far we have seen zero real time game play videos from either game. I am not a fanboy for either game. I am a basketball fan that would love a great, new experience with my basketball gaming. I hope both companies come through with a great effort and push each other for the entire run or this new gen of hardware.

The Live trailer is certainly not as pretty as the 2k one but is doesn't look all that bad. I for one cannot make an informed enough decision based on what we have seen. The Nash trailer was disappointing but this one was ok. Say what you will, at least Live showed some real time movement, not just a slow motion, sizzle trailer. Everyone on these boards, on IGN, around the internet in general is jocking the 2k trailer as the greatest thing since sliced bread. I may be alone on this but i just don't see what is so mind blowing about it. Before i get flamed, let me say that I have bought every single 2k game since Dreamcast on day one. I think its a fine series and have no doubt that 2k14 next gen will be great. I just don't see much from that trailer. As another post said, its mostly player intros, free throw routines and celebrations with a few open court dunks and a block from behind thrown in. The level of detail is astounding but the majority of in game play wont show it all.

Live showed a lot more player movement and animation and overall it looks decent. Will it play better than 2k? Likely not but it is far from an embarrassment, for now. Still waiting on actual footage of the game being played. I don't know how people can worship the 2k trailer and not think Live is at least worth a try on gamefly.
# 308 aholbert32 @ 10/18/13 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Chalky White
It's less that I am a fanboy per say, and more that I am not a sheep.
Lets chill with the insults. That goes to everyone.
# 309 Dogslax41 @ 10/18/13 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by scottyp180
I agree with everything you say except for your skeptism on the 3 year plan. Like you said the problem with elite and live 13 was that they attempted to rebuild the engine instead of building on what they had with 10. It now looks like they are back to something similar to 10 except a bit improved. If they continue to build on the formula they should have success in a couple years. This could be similarto the nhl series last gen.

I am finding it difficult to understand how people are saying that 2k and live, graphically, aren't far off. Maybe I should watch the videos again but imo 2k looks much better. Although it is important to note that the games have 2 different art styles. I always d that 2k takes a more realistic "you are there" approach
Very FEW people are saying this. 99.9% of the opinions are that 2K is the first game that looks next gen. Live has a different art style than 2k and 2k has had years to perfect it. But at the end of the day Live is not going to get a pass just because they havent been around every year like 2K. At the end of the day, EA chose to step into the market and so far they have not been greeted warmly nor have they, BY THE OPINIONS OF THE MAJORITY OF THE INTERNET, responded well.

If Madden gets slammed and can't recoup the major year over sales it lost on current gen and Live fails to hit whatever sales goals they had in mind it very well could be a one and done for live.
# 310 jWILL253 @ 10/18/13 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by GJC1213
So far we have seen zero real time game play videos from either game. I am not a fanboy for either game. I am a basketball fan that would love a great, new experience with my basketball gaming. I hope both companies come through with a great effort and push each other for the entire run or this new gen of hardware.

The Live trailer is certainly not as pretty as the 2k one but is doesn't look all that bad. I for one cannot make an informed enough decision based on what we have seen. The Nash trailer was disappointing but this one was ok. Say what you will, at least Live showed some real time movement, not just a slow motion, sizzle trailer. Everyone on these boards, on IGN, around the internet in general is jocking the 2k trailer as the greatest thing since sliced bread. I may be alone on this but i just don't see what is so mind blowing about it. Before i get flamed, let me say that I have bought every single 2k game since Dreamcast on day one. I think its a fine series and have no doubt that 2k14 next gen will be great. I just don't see much from that trailer. As another post said, its mostly player intros, free throw routines and celebrations with a few open court dunks and a block from behind thrown in. The level of detail is astounding but the majority of in game play wont show it all.

Live showed a lot more player movement and animation and overall it looks decent. Will it play better than 2k? Likely not but it is far from an embarrassment, for now. Still waiting on actual footage of the game being played. I don't know how people can worship the 2k trailer and not think Live is at least worth a try on gamefly.
2K14 trailer was actual gameplay...
# 311 bigeastbumrush @ 10/18/13 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by bryce722
The only basketball game I have been playing yearly is 2k. I started when I was 10 with 2k5. The only Live game i played was Live 10 and it was good but it wasn't better than 2k10 in my opinion.

Real question: Can someone help me understand what Live offers/or 2k lacks that would make you consider to buy it over 2k? Im biased to 2k and I feel that I may not be seeing what some others are seeing. In this trailer besides the dribbling and some of the signature shots it looked bad to me.
The only advantages they ever used to have was a fun factor and player control. That's it.

You can't really even give them that because it's been 4 years.

But to me, 2K has taken so many steps to improve their product since 2011 that it's not even comparing basketball to basketball anymore.
# 312 jenglund @ 10/18/13 03:36 PM
Who knows about the gameplay yet, but I figured the one area EA would invest in would be graphics and animations, and I think those look pretty bad in that trailer. Body sizes are off, animations are choppy, and just from a graphic perspective, faces look like they are from the 2010 version. Of current gen.

Very surprising that this trailer didn't LOOK better.
# 313 aholbert32 @ 10/18/13 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
I'm sick and tired of both of these companies acting like cowards by not showing playable gameplay angles. It is a direct slap in the face. These people have to SELL their games to us. There are no demos. Zoom in on most stuff with consoles this powerful and it will look good. That being said...

This game animates exactly like Live 2009. I don't know why people keep pointing to Live 10 but the hitch on the jump shots is clearly 2009 animations.

And it is so obvious that rocket dunks are back. Just look at Derrick Rose's gather and then he just launches up to the rim. You can also see it on Terrance Ross' dunk and Dwyane Wade's dunk.

Something more concerning is I get a feeling that EA is trying to hide something. There were only 2 playable angles to see. One was the Nash P&R which we already saw. The second was Knicks ball vs. the Cavs. If you look there is someone on the Knicks curling around the 3 point line before Melo receives the ball. I think it's Felton. Well dude is moving at lightning speed.

Forget Ignite. KDRE pointed it out...that old ANT is really messing things up for them. They need to scrap it ASAP. Things aren't smooth at all. As nice as DWill's size up looked (best part of the trailer IMO), something about it is just off.

I don't know. Watch Dogs, Drive Club. Madden looks like crap. 2K is hesitant to drop gameplay. This is really underwhelming when I thought I'd be pumped for next gen.

But this trailer makes it look like Live 10 never came out. It looks like a next gen version of Live 2009 with better dribbling and an updated soundtrack and that is sad.
We will have 5 on 5 from both games in the next two weeks.
# 314 basketball444 @ 10/18/13 03:42 PM
This looks terrible! I am digging the dribbling though. But after Rose beat his man off the dribble he was taking little baby steps wtf? Everything else looks so unnatural.
# 315 aholbert32 @ 10/18/13 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Chalky White
You aren't understanding what I'm saying. Yes, they game looks like that but it wont be zooming into LeBron or Iggy's face every time they dunk the ball or celebrate.
Thats not fair. You are discrediting 2k for having zoomed in action shots but ignoring the fact that Live did the same thing. There are only two shots in the Live trailer that zoom out to a playable view and neither of them are more than a half a second long.
# 316 Artur @ 10/18/13 03:43 PM
This trailer looking very ugly for me! It's like EA devs suddenly awaken after first 2k next gen trailer and start doing something quickly over old and poor engine.
# 317 Dogslax41 @ 10/18/13 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Thats not fair. You are discrediting 2k for having zoomed in action shots but ignoring the fact that Live did the same thing. There are only two shots in the Live trailer that zoom out to a playable view and neither of them are more than a half a second long.
You're wasting your keystrokes. Nothing you say will make a difference. I don't think he can see things from anyone's perspective but his, as evident by the fact that he doesn't understand calling a majority of the people posting in this thread sheep, passive aggressive or not, was insulting.
# 318 ruLEX$$ @ 10/18/13 03:46 PM
Not bad looking. I really didn't wanna compare the 2 games but I'm finding it hard not to. So I'm just going to say not bad.

One thing I did like was the sneakers. I think the fit the player models perfectly. The 2k shoes looked a little too bulky not sleek and fitting.

Oh and melo's animation was a niiiice touch
# 319 bigeastbumrush @ 10/18/13 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by GJC1213
So far we have seen zero real time game play videos from either game. I am not a fanboy for either game. I am a basketball fan that would love a great, new experience with my basketball gaming. I hope both companies come through with a great effort and push each other for the entire run or this new gen of hardware.

The Live trailer is certainly not as pretty as the 2k one but is doesn't look all that bad. I for one cannot make an informed enough decision based on what we have seen. The Nash trailer was disappointing but this one was ok. Say what you will, at least Live showed some real time movement, not just a slow motion, sizzle trailer. Everyone on these boards, on IGN, around the internet in general is jocking the 2k trailer as the greatest thing since sliced bread. I may be alone on this but i just don't see what is so mind blowing about it. Before i get flamed, let me say that I have bought every single 2k game since Dreamcast on day one. I think its a fine series and have no doubt that 2k14 next gen will be great. I just don't see much from that trailer. As another post said, its mostly player intros, free throw routines and celebrations with a few open court dunks and a block from behind thrown in. The level of detail is astounding but the majority of in game play wont show it all.

Live showed a lot more player movement and animation and overall it looks decent. Will it play better than 2k? Likely not but it is far from an embarrassment, for now. Still waiting on actual footage of the game being played. I don't know how people can worship the 2k trailer and not think Live is at least worth a try on gamefly.

No reason anyone should flame you. You hit the nail on the head man.

It's like this....I'm not going to sit at home and watch a TV commercial for a shiny new car and cut a check for it without even seeing it in action. Not some souped up commercial to make it look great. Heck, that car company may have a better marketing department than it's competitor but the car may drive like crap.

But these guys are sitting back just laughing. Less than 30 days before launch and you're showing us angles? Man, Precious can look good in a cropped pic with a filter put on it.

Originally Posted by aholbert32
We will have 5 on 5 from both games in the next two weeks.
I hear you man. See above.

These dudes are laughing though. They're counting the preorders & forecasts in like, "Suckers!" as they prepare their Day 1 patches to push to Sony & MS.
# 320 scottyp180 @ 10/18/13 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
This will be a direct post of opinion, if you don't agree! You don't have to quote my post a million times with your rebuttals!!!

People hated Elite 11 and hate Live 13 because both of them were poo and using the same engine.

NBA Live 10 was the last good Live game, and we all complained that Elite and 13 weren't built off that engine and they should have just upgraded from Live 10.

Well looks like in 14 that's exactly what they did, it's Live 10 with a lot of touch up and visual improvements. Yeah the dribbling mechanic is cool and all, but Live 10 controls were never broken.

I think where the disappointment in this footage and all the other footage, is that it's a 10% improvement from current gen basketball games and of Live 10.

When Live series went from Xbox Original to the Xbox 360, the games were 100% two different games. This is where the problem lies with this trailer and all the pictures they keep posting.

It's like 10% different 5% graphics and 5% controls, oh I'm sorry bouncetek (GTFO)

so tired of them naming all their engines and features all these weird *** names and analogies, when in motion looks like the same **** another toilet.

I for one in the Live community wanted this game to be a much different game going into the PS4 and Xbox One era. Looks like they should have rebuilt from scratch, like they lied and said they did. Listening to fans 4 games too late to build off Live 10 isn't worth the time and effort we ask for it 4 years ago.

And to give me that garbage about a 3 year plan, if it's building off this same graphics engine and gameplay engine...Then it will be the same 3 years in Live 15,16,17, etc.

I'm not going to say I'm disappointed completely, because the faces looked improved and details were better, but the whole time I watched this video, all I saw was what Live 11 and Live 12 should have been on current gen.

This should have been a Xbox 360, and PS3 game! Because with the capabilities of the Next Gen consoles this is visually mediocre at best. It might be pretty on the inside, but it's so average on the outside..
I agree with everything you said except for your skeptism for the 3 year plan, which workes perfectly for the nhl series. Like you said elite and live 13 departed from the live 10 formula and the result was disasterous. Now that they look to be back to something similar to live 10, albeit more improved, I think they are in position to build on this game and develop a winning game.

I find it hard to believe that some people think these games aren't far off graphically. Imo 2k looks years ahead of live in terms of visuals. However these games do have a distinctly different art style. I think 2k goes for a more realistic "you are there" approach while live goes for a little less realistic approach and a sense that this is what you see when watch on tv not what you see whe you are in the arena. Just my personal opinion and I will admit thati did a poor job describimg the art styles lol.

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