NBA 2K14 News Post

2K Sports has released the first next-gen gameplay trailer of NBA 2K14, weighing in at 1:33 of goodness -- set to "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins.

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Member Comments
# 601 AmericasTeam @ 10/17/13 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Phreak50
Nice graphics yeah but if it's the same game I've been playing for weeks now just with a fresh coat of paint, what's the point?
What did you expect, baseball?

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# 602 wordtobigbird @ 10/17/13 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by AmericasTeam
What did you expect, baseball?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk

I don't know how people assume 2K would just throw these dope graphics on the game and not work on anything else. It's like they have NO understanding about how much goes into creating games. You think if a movie has great special effects that means they said f it on every other aspect of the movie? Different people work on different things. I doubt 2k paid the other departments to sit on their hands while t he graphic team is busting their *** making the game look this good..
# 603 MarvinOida @ 10/17/13 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by AmericasTeam
What did you expect, baseball?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
Well if it plays exactly the same and has nothing more besides graphics. In some people eyes, it's more worth it just to get the will-be cheap option of CG and just wait for 2K15. Not all people think like this but that's where I think he was going. Like if it's exactly the same in terms of gameplay/experience or no gain (highly doubt it though,) might as well buy the PC or XBOX version

Tap Taptalking away from my iPhone 5.... C
# 604 wordtobigbird @ 10/17/13 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
Well if it plays exactly the same and has nothing more besides graphics. In some people eyes, it's more worth it just to get the will-be cheap option of CG and just wait for 2K15. Not all people think like this but that's where I think he was going. Like if it's exactly the same in terms of gameplay/experience (highly doubt it though,) might as well buy the PC or XBOX version

Tap Taptalking away from my iPhone 5.... C
That's cool in how but what in the world makes ANYONE think it will be EXACTLY the same? You have to have quite the pessimistic outlook to assume that..
# 605 MarvinOida @ 10/17/13 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
That's cool in how but what in the world makes ANYONE think it will be EXACTLY the same? You have to have quite the pessimistic outlook to assume that..
It's not me, but I've known people who have thought like that, "What's the selling gimmick besides graphics?"

Tap Taptalking away from my iPhone 5.... C
# 606 boltokPwnage04 @ 10/17/13 07:21 PM
This isn't Live 14. I don't need to see gameplay to be convinced. VC has earned my trust.
# 607 youvalss @ 10/17/13 07:23 PM
Nice gif! Look at the details on the rim. Wow!
# 608 HakeemOlajuwon @ 10/17/13 07:35 PM
# 609 Vni @ 10/17/13 07:37 PM
Always check your breath before entering the court.
# 610 SPRINGS03 @ 10/17/13 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird

I don't know how people assume 2K would just throw these dope graphics on the game and not work on anything else. It's like they have NO understanding about how much goes into creating games. You think if a movie has great special effects that means they said f it on every other aspect of the movie? Different people work on different things. I doubt 2k paid the other departments to sit on their hands while t he graphic team is busting their *** making the game look this good..
Actually there are plenty of movies that have relied heavily on special effects over a good script/plot etc(transformers for example). lol, so that example doesn't help you there. It's not completely out of the question that they could have improved graphics but pretty much the same gameplay as 2k14 on this gen. Better graphics doesn't mean better gameplay. And it's not a matter of assuming the gameplay won't be worked on at all like you exaggerated. It's wondering how big of a leap in gameplay will it be between this gen and the next, and if next gen will cure a lot of the issues that have been in the game for years. If the gameplay is improved as much as the graphics, this 2k will be no joke.
# 611 wordtobigbird @ 10/17/13 07:44 PM
Actually there are plenty of movies that have relied heavily on special effects over a good script/plot etc(transformers for example).
Wrong. The script was just bad. The script is bad BECAUSE they spent all the money on special effects. The director/producer/writer whoever was wack. It isn't because the writer was doing the special effects so he couldn't write a good script. Most of the special effects come AFTER filming anyway. So yea... youre wrong.

It's not completely out of the question that they could have improved graphics but pretty much the same gameplay as 2k14 on this gen.
Yes it is. Business don't work that way. You think 2k sports had a meeting like this?

2k head: Okay guys, this time around we are going to do ONLY graphics?
2k team: Only?
2k head: Yea, only graphics. So the rest of you guys just play some GTA5 or something while the graphic department handles this. We'll just copy the old gameplay over. Don't worry about messing with it.
2k team: Sounds good.


Better graphics doesn't mean better gameplay. And it's not a matter of assuming the gameplay won't be worked on at all like you exaggerated.
yes it is. you said it will pretty much be exactly the same.. if not you other posters. maybe you dont know what exactly means? that means they didnt work on it at all.
# 612 Sundown @ 10/17/13 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Phreak50
Nice graphics yeah but if it's the same game I've been playing for weeks now just with a fresh coat of paint, what's the point?
I know she's WAY hotter and looks like Kate Upton now but if she's the same girl I've been dating what's the point?
# 613 MarkWilliam @ 10/17/13 07:46 PM
This is absolutely true, I hadn't played the CG one in about a week. I game it on PC.

To pass the hour while I waited for this trailer, I started a game. Clippers at Blazers.

Got to halftime, watched this trailer, picked up my jaw, watched it 37 more times (at 11PM in Australia - work today......), cleaned myself in the pants and then went to bed......

I honestly didn't want to resume that CG game because it would just depress me! Haha!!
# 614 tyberious4now @ 10/17/13 07:49 PM
In my Bart Scott voice....Can't Wait!!
# 615 hawley088 @ 10/17/13 07:51 PM
All I have to say is WOW, and to think what this game will look like when we see actual gameplay via a broadcast camera. Funny, just today I told my girlfriend I was going to get Madden 25 at launch and asked her for 2k for xmas, but now, im getting both at launch, plus bf4, the 15th is going to be an expensive day
# 616 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 10/17/13 07:52 PM
Can't wait to see this right in front of me. It will look amazing . Current gen already looks ok in HD.
# 617 Sports fanantic @ 10/17/13 07:53 PM
# 618 RayRay34 @ 10/17/13 07:53 PM
Ain't gonna lie..... I get chills every time I watch it..... I think I felt movement in my pants once to.

After the other basketball game showed us a little something yesterday day it was ready to cancel my ps4 pre order..... Now...... Bring it on!!!!! I honestly don't even care if classic teams make it onto this game.... I want it.
# 619 SPRINGS03 @ 10/17/13 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by SPRINGS03
Wrong. The script was just bad. The script is bad BECAUSE they spent all the money on special effects. The director/producer/writer whoever was wack. It isn't because the writer was doing the special effects so he couldn't write a good script. Most of the special effects come AFTER filming anyway. So yea... youre wrong.

Yes it is. Business don't work that way. You think 2k sports had a meeting like this?

2k head: Okay guys, this time around we are going to do ONLY graphics?
2k team: Only?
2k head: Yea, only graphics. So the rest of you guys just play some GTA5 or something while the graphic department handles this. We'll just copy the old gameplay over. Don't worry about messing with it.
2k team: Sounds good.


yes it is. you said it will pretty much be exactly the same.. if not you other posters. maybe you dont know what exactly means? that means they didnt work on it at all.
Nope, there literally are movies where plot and script aren't focused on because of special effects. They don't worry about the plot as much because they expect the special effects to carry the movie, they do in a sense say "f it" on other aspects of the movie. Which you said doesn't happen, it does. A lot of action movies do that, where have you been man? lol

Yeah the whole meeting thing was cute, and you exaggerated but that is very possible. It's not as cut and dry as you make it seem, but it's very possible that the gameplay engine will be the same as 2k14 on this gen. I hope it's a big improvement, but it's definitely not impossible. In fact there were some people on here who were saying that people expecting a big leap in gameplay on the next gen were "demanding too much from 2k". Definitely possible. And has happened before.

Can you not read? I never said it will be pretty much exactly the same lol. Where did you pull that from. I was saying how graphics won't matter if the gameplay isn't greatly improved on. Try re reading my post.
# 620 swaggedout @ 10/17/13 07:56 PM
Just a thing of beauty. Now waiting to see if there will be a difference in the Ps4 and Xbox One versions so I can make my final decision on a console. Now lets see what happens tomorrow.

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