NBA Live 14 News Post

Let's face it, NBA 2K is king currently.

There are no other game series which are awaited as anxiously by OS'ers than NBA 2K, and for the last couple of years the game has gone unchallenged on the marketplace.

Of course, changes this year as NBA Live 14 is entering stage right.

With such an ingrained dominance on the marketplace right now from NBA 2K, does NBA Live even stand a chance to make a mark on gamers this year and establish a foothold to work off of?

Read More - OS Roundtable: Does Live Stand a Chance?

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 mrclutch @ 09/18/13 11:14 AM
Most agree EA does a really nice job with NHL and FIFA. Football games gets more hate from fans but they sell a whole lot of them. Pretty easy to assume they can makes a decent hoops game based on the success they have on other sports.

Live 14 won't be as good as 2k. All it has to be is decent and different and they should be fine.
# 102 TheLetterZ @ 09/18/13 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by mrclutch
Most agree EA does a really nice job with NHL and FIFA. Football games gets more hate from fans but they sell a whole lot of them. Pretty easy to assume they can makes a decent hoops game based on the success they have on other sports.

Live 14 won't be as good as 2k. All it has to be is decent and different and they should be fine.
It's easy to assume they can do it based on their other games, and yet it's been almost four years since they've been able to do it. So, I'm done assuming.

I agree with your conclusion that it just needs to be decent enough and unique.
# 103 EAGLESFAN10 @ 09/18/13 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by mrclutch
Most agree EA does a really nice job with NHL and FIFA. Football games gets more hate from fans but they sell a whole lot of them. Pretty easy to assume they can makes a decent hoops game based on the success they have on other sports.

Live 14 won't be as good as 2k. All it has to be is decent and different and they should be fine.
2k won't be as good as Live either

I keep saying that because I just think of Madden when people say Live won't be as good as 2k

And I say that because When Madden was on PS2/XBOX they were the best games of the series BUT when Current Gen rolled around things started to go down hill

Now I'm not saying 2k won't be good

IMO BOTH will be good because of one word ........ COMPETITION
# 104 King_B_Mack @ 09/19/13 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Was the last time you checked 2009?
To be completely honest, they weren't lighting the world on fire in 2009 either. Live 10 was a solid effort that was leading the series in the right direction, but it's greatness gets overplayed because of all the steaming piles of trash that lead up to it.

Originally Posted by Phreak50
If Live manages to be, even half decent, yes it stands a chance.

I'm sure many people share my feelings that 2K (while a quality product) has been so similar over the last few years that we just want something different.

I'm one of the few that thought Live 2006 that launched with the 360 had a lot of potential. If they can get back there and keep going, they'll have a worthwhile series again. Especially graphically, as I saw 06 as the most realistic looking bball game.
I don't think I will ever truly GET the logic of this thinking. 2K has been a great game over the years. It's been a game with it's own flaws of course as every game does. However it's been the most realistic basketball series we've ever seen to this date. All this "just want something different" talk is insane to me. What is the point here if that's the case? What exactly do you want out of a basketball game at that point? FIFA has been the most realistic soccer game out there, closest to the real thing we've gotten and seems like we'll ever get. I never hear people talking about "just wanting something different." EA's NHL series while flawed over the last few years has been probably the best and closest hockey game to the real thing we've seen. I never hear anybody talking about "just wanting something different." Probably the best example, MLB the Show. We know how good it is and even that game has it's flaws. I never, ever hear any PS3 players talking about "just wanting something different." However when it comes to basketball despite having a series that can boast the GOAT of basketball games and being as great as it is despite it's flaws people are willing to just settle "for something different?" Crazy to me.
# 105 TheLetterZ @ 09/19/13 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
FIFA has been the most realistic soccer game out there, closest to the real thing we've gotten and seems like we'll ever get. I never hear people talking about "just wanting something different."
PES would like a word with you.
# 106 Jay Jay @ 09/19/13 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
To be completely honest, they weren't lighting the world on fire in 2009 either. Live 10 was a solid effort that was leading the series in the right direction, but it's greatness gets overplayed because of all the steaming piles of trash that lead up to it.

I don't think I will ever truly GET the logic of this thinking. 2K has been a great game over the years. It's been a game with it's own flaws of course as every game does. However it's been the most realistic basketball series we've ever seen to this date. All this "just want something different" talk is insane to me. What is the point here if that's the case? What exactly do you want out of a basketball game at that point? FIFA has been the most realistic soccer game out there, closest to the real thing we've gotten and seems like we'll ever get. I never hear people talking about "just wanting something different." EA's NHL series while flawed over the last few years has been probably the best and closest hockey game to the real thing we've seen. I never hear anybody talking about "just wanting something different." Probably the best example, MLB the Show. We know how good it is and even that game has it's flaws. I never, ever hear any PS3 players talking about "just wanting something different." However when it comes to basketball despite having a series that can boast the GOAT of basketball games and being as great as it is despite it's flaws people are willing to just settle "for something different?" Crazy to me.
Its that way because people want more control and as of today thats something 2k hasn't offered. Nhl and Fifa give us way more control because of the new engines something 2k should have done instead of porting. With 2k we have went through 2 gens of basically the same thing of course it gotten better but a lot want something different.
# 107 King_B_Mack @ 09/19/13 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by TheLetterZ
PES would like a word with you.
I'm not slighting PES. The point wasn't a PES/FIFA debate, just that by general consensus and critical acclaim, the last few years of FIFA have been held as the best of the genre. It's not like Madden where there are glaring issues that keep it from properly replicating the source material.

As for the response about control (not you, I forgot to multi quote) I don't buy that for a second. There's plenty of control in 2K, there are still some moves that could use work, but the control thing seems to be a myth that guys have latched onto after the Elite hype train and them leading the war on "canned animations" and never let go. Cause I recall several animations in the beloved Live 10's gameplay that took control out of your hands. From the defenders that latch onto you and ride you up the court forcing you to loose the ball out of bounds on the sidelines, to the dudes who forget how to jump for a rebound when you hit the jump button or on the occasion that they do respond to the button command, they lean forward head first like they're about to faceplant and then jump. All these sports games have their issues, it's expected, it's a fact of programming. Yet only with basketball do we seem to have dudes that "just want something different" even if it means accepting sight unseen another game or based off a screen shot or something equally non-revealing.
# 108 Jay Jay @ 09/19/13 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
I'm not slighting PES. The point wasn't a PES/FIFA debate, just that by general consensus and critical acclaim, the last few years of FIFA have been held as the best of the genre. It's not like Madden where there are glaring issues that keep it from properly replicating the source material.

As for the response about control (not you, I forgot to multi quote) I don't by that for a second. There's plenty of control in 2K, there are still some moves that could use work, but the control thing seems to be a myth that guys have latched onto after the Elite hype train and them leading the war on "canned animations" and never let go. Cause I recall several animations in the beloved Live 10's gameplay that took control out of your hands. From the defenders that latch onto you and ride you up the court forcing you to loose the ball out of bounds on the sidelines, to the dudes who forget how to jump for a rebound when you hit the jump button or on the occasion that they do respond to the button command, they lean forward head first like they're about to faceplant and then jump. All these sports games have their issues, it's expected, it's a fact of programming. Yet only with basketball do we seem to have dudes that "just want something different" even if it means accepting sight unseen another game or based off a screen shot or something equally non-revealing.
In a lot of situations in EA and Live recent b-ball games control was took from the user when 2 man mo cap animations occur and thats what people is tired of. Can't speak for 2k because we don't know about the nextgen version but its been stated that players in Live 14 is completely independent from each other instead of watching it play out. People don't want a game where most of everthing is predetermined because of 2 man mo capswe want a game where our skill determine the outcome. The truth is Fifa, Madden, and Nhl have brought something different and b-ball been the same.
# 109 benyamin5687 @ 09/24/13 03:58 AM
Live is like Myspace, 2K is like Twitter, nothing else to say.
# 110 DETERMINOLOGY @ 09/25/13 08:47 PM
My opinion 2k and live are 2 different b-ball games and once nba live gets rid of the robotic movement/animations its going to be another game to pick up along with 2k to have best of both worlds but untill then 2k for me
# 111 Jay Jay @ 09/26/13 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by DETERMINOLOGY
My opinion 2k and live are 2 different b-ball games and once nba live gets rid of the robotic movement/animations its going to be another game to pick up along with 2k to have best of both worlds but untill then 2k for me
Its going to be none for me if either cant fix sliding, warping, physics, and dribbling. I can live with a few ugly animations any day over those problems.
# 112 GisherJohn24 @ 09/26/13 06:31 PM
2k will probably be the same game it always has been. Live was made from the ground up for next gen. I think it could be awesome
# 113 lgxjames @ 09/26/13 10:37 PM
I think Live needs to come out guns-Uh-blazing to change the perception. I don't know how well the whole 3 year plan strategy is going to work considering the favorable fanbase 2k still has.

Now if it was a challenger to Madden we were talking about it would be a bit different because Madden fans are looking for a ALT so it wasn't and wouldn't be hard for fans to try a different game.
# 114 knick9 @ 09/26/13 10:50 PM
They have the technology and the right vision as far as focusing on Sim play, the only question is time--do they have enough to get it right this year.
# 115 mlp111 @ 09/27/13 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by GisherJohn24
2k will probably be the same game it always has been. Live was made from the ground up for next gen. I think it could be awesome
You have to be deceived, Live was probably rebuilt from the ground up, but its still appears they used codes from elite 11 and live 13, so i think people are really looking into that complete rebuild thing to much... if thats the case why do we still see the same issue that plagued previous installments, lag, stiff movement, and is you watch those physics videos you still see ball warping and snapping....
# 116 The 504 Boy @ 09/27/13 01:56 PM
You guys are critiquing this game way too hard. Those physics and trailer show vast improvement over the two canned installments. Compared to what we saw in the glitchy Live 13 video last year.....this thing does look built from the ground up. Does that mean they have to scrap every animation and code from previous games? Certainly not. It would take two complete development cycles maybe more if they did that. Remember Live 13 was canned around this time last year so there's no way they could start from scratch and be ready for Nov. 19th. Time isn't on their side. Lets just hope they kept the good and scrapped the bad. At the end of the day it's still a video game. Will they ever be able to fix these issues entirely? Probably not. Will that make it a bad game....hell no. That would mean 2K is a horrible game too. C'mon man yall crack me up.
# 117 knick9 @ 09/27/13 02:31 PM
FYI they've updated the nba.com/nbalive site (correctly this time I assume) and now they are listing 3 total trailers--the first we've seen already and the next two coming in October. So wouldn't expect anything until late next week at the earliest.
# 118 franzis @ 09/27/13 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by knick9
FYI they've updated the nba.com/nbalive site (correctly this time I assume) and now they are listing 3 total trailers--the first we've seen already and the next two coming in October. So wouldn't expect anything until late next week at the earliest.
epic fail
# 119 m1ke_nyc @ 09/27/13 06:24 PM
Im starting to become less interested in this game.
# 120 Thrash13 @ 09/27/13 11:35 PM
All of you griping will be right back here next week or the week after when they release more media. Like the guy above me said, we've still seen more next-gen NBA LIVE stuff than 2K. I'm not even sure I'm getting a next-gen system this year, but I'm still hopeful EA can do the right thing and get things back on track.

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