NBA Live 14 News Post

According to the latest NBA Live 14 blog, posted by Executive Producer Sean O'Brien, we should be seeing 5 on 5 gameplay footage very soon with new screenshots and details arriving this week.

That being said, we know how you’re beyond ready to see more game assets and a 5-on-5 gameplay video. It is coming soon. I want you guys to see the game as we near completion to get a real impression (without disclaimers) of what to expect when we hit store shelves.

Between now and then, we’ll be giving you a glimpse of what NBA LIVE 14 is all about. In the next few days, we’ll be sharing a little peek of in-game screen shots and what you can expect to see and experience this fall and we’ll continue to share new assets as we lead up to the launch of the game.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 noshun @ 09/13/13 08:41 PM
We'll get excuses, before any real concrete info...
# 62 Hadlowe @ 09/13/13 09:08 PM
The blog post said pictures within the "next few days" and video "soon".

So anywhere between 3 days and a month on pictures and somewhere before Halloween on video.
# 63 Steve_OS @ 09/13/13 10:58 PM
# 64 boltokPwnage04 @ 09/29/13 10:47 PM
I like Da Czar, but he's not critical enough in reviewing games.
# 65 chrome_305 @ 09/29/13 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by phillysportsboi
AGREE 1000%!! Czar is kool...but he is way too chummy with these devs, and does not really give honest preveiw/reveiw of these BBall games. sry Czar
Czar gives honest reviews. It's always the owners of the game company that have the final decision. Besides if they where to add what everone wanted then the graphics would take a big hit (Madden).

This generation of gaming for spots has been a 1yr release. Stop buying games every yr and the COE's of the gaming companies will get the hint.
# 66 23 @ 09/29/13 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by boltokPwnage04
I like Da Czar, but he's not critical enough in reviewing games.
Originally Posted by phillysportsboi
AGREE 1000%!! Czar is kool...but he is way too chummy with these devs, and does not really give honest preveiw/reveiw of these BBall games. sry Czar
I urge the both of you to listen to his weekly radio show since you don't know


You couldn't be further from the truth. You can check past shows as well
# 67 xNe5 @ 09/30/13 04:35 AM
Will Mike Breen and Jeff Van Gundy be returning as the play by play guys? I mean if Live still has a contract with ESPN. In real games Mike Breen is by far the best play by play guy out there. I hope he's in it!
# 68 LingeringRegime @ 09/30/13 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by xNe5
Will Mike Breen and Jeff Van Gundy be returning as the play by play guys? I mean if Live still has a contract with ESPN. In real games Mike Breen is by far the best play by play guy out there. I hope he's in it!

# 69 EAGLESFAN10 @ 09/30/13 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by xNe5
Will Mike Breen and Jeff Van Gundy be returning as the play by play guys? I mean if Live still has a contract with ESPN. In real games Mike Breen is by far the best play by play guy out there. I hope he's in it!
He'll yeah they will be in.... Why wouldn't they be

Love them dudes
# 70 bigeastbumrush @ 09/30/13 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by boltokPwnage04
I like Da Czar, but he's not critical enough in reviewing games.
Originally Posted by phillysportsboi
AGREE 1000%!! Czar is kool...but he is way too chummy with these devs, and does not really give honest preveiw/reveiw of these BBall games. sry Czar

Man...go on with that nonsense.
# 71 Warrior8o8 @ 09/30/13 03:35 PM
Welp with a bit more footage from the new NBA 2k14 trailer, Which looks AMAZING! What does Live 14 have to answer back??
# 72 rockchisler @ 09/30/13 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by phillysportsboi
AGREE 1000%!! Czar is kool...but he is way too chummy with these devs, and does not really give honest preveiw/reveiw of these BBall games. sry Czar
Sorry, cant listen to anyone that cant spell preview or review..
# 73 westview33 @ 09/30/13 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by kingpnp3
i'll be waiting on Da_Czar's review. But i'm getting both.shoot i'm getting 2k on current then on next gen(xbox).
Why would anyone need someone's review to decide on a game?Either the game will be good or bad based on your playing experience with it. I don't even bother reading reviews anymore because at the end of the day the game has to impress me and reviews are just other opinions.Besides with NBA Live 14 I won't believe anything I read about this game because half the time it's just marketing hype.I want to see actual gameplay for myself before I believe anything has changed with this series.
# 74 k1lo5 @ 09/30/13 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Warrior8o8
Welp with a bit more footage from the new NBA 2k14 trailer, Which looks AMAZING! What does Live 14 have to answer back??
EA Sports silence does not sit well with me atm. 2k has held off releasing details of next gen for good reason, current gen release, now that it's out there, they will have had a tried and tested marketing strategy in place for the next 8 weeks!

I'm worried about EA!!!
# 75 23 @ 09/30/13 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by phillysportsboi
Kool and your opinion. Again i said like and respect the man...so why your on his payroll with what i need to do with him....whatever. i listen to his shows,podcast,videos! Anyway i know this...i know over the past 4 version of 2k he has loved!! telling how this work and that works? yet when i get game and check these forums from other BBall fans...i don't see none of this great stuff he tells me from his shows and vids. Now once again...ITS MY DAMM OPINION!! not saying the man suck or is bad...all im saying is that whenever there is new version of the game...THERE IS NEVER ANY FLAWS OR ANYTHING WRONG POINTED OUT!! till the following year when he does the update for the new version. that's all. calm down ppl..not bashing man! just want more honest and down too earth reviews and previews. don't tell me all the good of something..and none of the flaws or bad things.
First of all you need to calm down before you take an extended break from the site.

Secondly its your opinion but its wrong, and I just gave your proof

If you listened then you'd see him delving into the game much further than initial posts and what he say which you seem to not have done.
# 76 coolcras7 @ 09/30/13 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Phreak50
So do you listen to czar? Because he writes and spells like a 10 year old...
I guess this is what happens when Live fails to release the information they promised, all the fanboys start attaching anything and anyone they consider to be associated with other game, being a internet thug is just lame.
# 77 SageInfinite @ 09/30/13 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Sirs
Hip hop gamer > da czar
Shots Fired!!!!!
# 78 ClevelandinDistress @ 09/30/13 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by phillysportsboi
Whatever you clown cheerleader! I see this site is nothing more but a bunch cyber bullies and cheerleaders. don't dare disagree or have another opinion here...cause then we get forum bullies. Again whatever clown.
# 79 knick9 @ 09/30/13 10:21 PM
Anyway, according to Ty Stover they are working on something for later this week. Not holding my breath but can't wait to see more of what they've done.
# 80 The 504 Boy @ 09/30/13 10:31 PM
Yeah it has to be coming soon. We just got next gen footage for Madden and 2k today. So the doors are open. NBA Live info should start pouring in within the next few days. Besides...the game drops only 4 days after Madden. No more excuses.

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