NBA Live 14 News Post

According to the latest NBA Live 14 blog, posted by Executive Producer Sean O'Brien, we should be seeing 5 on 5 gameplay footage very soon with new screenshots and details arriving this week.

That being said, we know how you’re beyond ready to see more game assets and a 5-on-5 gameplay video. It is coming soon. I want you guys to see the game as we near completion to get a real impression (without disclaimers) of what to expect when we hit store shelves.

Between now and then, we’ll be giving you a glimpse of what NBA LIVE 14 is all about. In the next few days, we’ll be sharing a little peek of in-game screen shots and what you can expect to see and experience this fall and we’ll continue to share new assets as we lead up to the launch of the game.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 Jay Jay @ 10/03/13 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Skopin
He was actually pretty accurate with his description. 2k looks way better in motion because they are more animation based. The problem with that is that you lose control too often. It happened in Live too, but not as frequently.

I'm not sure how you can say either game does or doesn't resemble basketball. I played 2k14 for the first time last night, and in the three games I played I ran into the same problems I had with 2k13, 2k12, 2k11, 2k10, and 2k9 (with the exception of My Career since that wasn't in 2k9). Players not being aware of where the ball is when going for a rebound, CPU players not boxing out and allowing easy offensive rebounds, players and the ball going through players to complete an animation, etc. Spacing is still an issue, with players running into the paint to drag their defenders in. Yes, it is better than last year, but not by much. Pick & Roll controls are still broken (or maybe it's the AI. Not sure). But I couldn't get a teammate to roll to the basket after a pick to save my life. They would start to go, then immediately run back the other way.

My point is that both games have their issues. One simply does a much better job at dressing them up. Hopefully with the next generation of consoles, they can truly work to correct some of those issues.

You talk about consumers not being dumb, but then bring up your issues with Madden. If consumers are not dumb, then consumers wouldn't buy the same product with the same issues year after year. If you can't reach them through the forums, then reach them through your wallets.
Losing control was just as bad in Live.
# 102 ClevelandinDistress @ 10/03/13 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Skopin
He was actually pretty accurate with his description. 2k looks way better in motion because they are more animation based. The problem with that is that you lose control too often. It happened in Live too, but not as frequently.

I'm not sure how you can say either game does or doesn't resemble basketball. I played 2k14 for the first time last night, and in the three games I played I ran into the same problems I had with 2k13, 2k12, 2k11, 2k10, and 2k9 (with the exception of My Career since that wasn't in 2k9). Players not being aware of where the ball is when going for a rebound, CPU players not boxing out and allowing easy offensive rebounds, players and the ball going through players to complete an animation, etc. Spacing is still an issue, with players running into the paint to drag their defenders in. Yes, it is better than last year, but not by much. Pick & Roll controls are still broken (or maybe it's the AI. Not sure). But I couldn't get a teammate to roll to the basket after a pick to save my life. They would start to go, then immediately run back the other way.

My point is that both games have their issues. One simply does a much better job at dressing them up. Hopefully with the next generation of consoles, they can truly work to correct some of those issues.

You talk about consumers not being dumb, but then bring up your issues with Madden. If consumers are not dumb, then consumers wouldn't buy the same product with the same issues year after year. If you can't reach them through the forums, then reach them through your wallets.

Exactly. People are waking up to madden. Theres a reason sales are down significantly.

And your point on 2k14 is null. It is the best basketball video game to date. You can't argue that.
# 103 Jay Jay @ 10/03/13 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Skopin
Agreed. Sadly, they tried to go away from that before they were ready and without enough time to make anything worth playing. But, if nothing else, they acknowledged that it is an issue. I'm hoping that control will be emphasized all around (not just dribbling) in Live 14.
They acknowledged a lot of issues I have with b-ball games but failed at getting it done. I been asking for those issues to be fixed since 05 I think when I learned about natural motions physics engine's and to see anybody trying to fix them is music to my soul.
# 104 m1ke_nyc @ 10/03/13 03:06 PM
I defended this game all summer. Kept saying they had no reason to show their hand early. Said if we get to October and they are still quite then theres a issue. Well its October. They told us info was coming soon but "soon" has already past us by. Disappointing how they are handling the marketing of this game. I was excited to see this game return and some of the excitement is still there. But hearing nothing and then seeing the trailer for that other game its like why even bother at this point. I know im gonna get a quality product elsewhere. We havent even seen the ball go in the hoop with this game
# 105 dubplate @ 10/03/13 06:12 PM
I too feel the lack of gameplay this late in the game does not bode well.
# 106 myownsun @ 10/03/13 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by 23
I guess you've forgotten how bad NBA Live was.

You can 2k all day if you want to and talk about what isnt but this series was that much worse in almost every aspect, from animations to AI to rebounds, etc...

All you keep doing if giving EA a pass for making a crappy game when there is a standard out there. If they can't even reach that then they're no further than they were in 2006
Truth Be spoken!
# 107 ehh @ 10/04/13 11:18 AM
This is on par with the "we're making an announcement that we'll be making a big announcement soon!" strategy.

Frustrating and concerning.
# 108 djbaker @ 10/04/13 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by ratedmoney
I defended this game all summer. Kept saying they had no reason to show their hand early. Said if we get to October and they are still quite then theres a issue. Well its October. They told us info was coming soon but "soon" has already past us by. Disappointing how they are handling the marketing of this game. I was excited to see this game return and some of the excitement is still there. But hearing nothing and then seeing the trailer for that other game its like why even bother at this point. I know im gonna get a quality product elsewhere. We havent even seen the ball go in the hoop with this game
That last sentence murdered everything. Call the cops...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
# 109 WTF @ 10/04/13 12:36 PM
Aren't we supposed to get something "this week"? Today being Friday, I'm assuming they don't release on Saturday. Seems the obvious choice that we'd get "something" today?
# 110 Behindshadows @ 10/04/13 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
Aren't we supposed to get something "this week"? Today being Friday, I'm assuming they don't release on Saturday. Seems the obvious choice that we'd get "something" today?
What's up Will....honestly man I'm so disappointed with them right now it's not even funny....just seriously disappointed.

I started to come in with a funny comment, like you got better chances on seeing Santa Claus or the Eat Bunny than seeing Live footage...but well it's the internet..lol

I gave them some bad messages on twitter and they have gone mute..I was really hyped for the return of this game...But that excitement left, with mediocre footage and release info.

I mean us as fans, have gotten absolutely nothing and its out in a little over a month. We have nothing to get excited about...

Info, news and all footage, seem none important to EA NBA camp...

Honestly I've seen them market app games better than this...
# 111 jinntu @ 10/04/13 01:51 PM
I'm honestly still baffled as to why people still have faith in this product...EA lost me years ago because its always a lot of promises a bunch of gimmicks that they claim are new but are rehashes of stuff they took out of games or have been in other games for years and frankly I got sick of being jerked around JUST LIKE THIS. I wish there would be some competition because I liked having two NBA products but I just have no faith left in EA for getting a good basketball game done.
# 112 WTF @ 10/04/13 02:18 PM
I don't think people even have "faith" really. I just wanted something "different". Next Gen or not, I'm assuming 2k will still "feel" like 2k, and not something new. I'll pick up 2k, just because I know it'll be a good game, but at the same time, I'm clamoring for a breath of fresh air.

BS,what's up man. Been a bit. I don't think I really have any expactations of Live. I just wanted to "see something". I don't care what it is (just not another Kyrie picture). Their marketing team is just... I have no words. I need to dig up my "3 year cycle" thread, so the guys on the NBA Live team (if they read these forums) can see my thoughts on the whole process that we've been through since Live 06 on the 360.
# 113 Flightwhite24 @ 10/04/13 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by dubplate
I too feel the lack of gameplay this late in the game does not bode well.
Any and every time EA has held back videos of the BB titles it has always turned out to be a disaster. I think it was Live 08 and they didn't show any videos and if I have my year right guys had SUPER HIGH ARCS in there shots.

Trust me this game is gonna flop IMO. We've seen this dog & pony show before from EA

Sent from my iPhone
# 114 Hadlowe @ 10/04/13 02:51 PM
I've said it before. 2k is winning by default. Live has to convince me that their game will be at least fun. I need to see gameplay to get there. I have played 2k14, and it is very good, but not flawless. What does Live have to compare with it? Twenty seconds of stylized dribbling, so far.

Give me an 8 minute quarter of gameplay. If it sucks now, it's not going to be better at next gen launch.
# 115 Subversion @ 10/04/13 03:16 PM
Remember two years ago Live's reputation was dwindling. After two years of cancellations, it has none what so ever. Basically, they're releasing a new IP. I don't care that there is no footage of a ball going in a hoop yet, but this should concern everyone that they are not confident in their current product and are most likely working on polishing the video so that it looks better than it actually plays.
# 116 The 504 Boy @ 10/04/13 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by djbaker
That last sentence murdered everything. Call the cops...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Yeah he definitely killed it with that last line lmao.
# 117 The 504 Boy @ 10/04/13 03:52 PM
Yep I just got off of twitter and EA has gone completely silent. I can tell even Ty Stover is getting frustrated with NBA Live at this point. He actually responded to someone that asked about a trailer by saying "Are you bugging 2K like this?" LMAO how rude was that? "His next comment was have patience, it'll be worth the wait" which at this point after all of the broken promises this statement just sounds like a stalling method. I'm not sure he knows whats going on. Lastly he responded to someone by simply saying 'I am done talking". If he represented my company talking to fans like that I WOULD CAN HIS ***!! It goes to show you that EA really doesn't give a **** about any of us. What is mind boggling to me is that my friend in Orlando, Fl (tester for this game keeps telling me the game is fine and just needs some tweeks. I'm starting to wondering if he is covering up something just to keep his job. When trailers are cancelled/delayed it can't be fine. Not when you have 2 cancellations and 0 releases in a 4 year period. There is just too much at stake to lose momentum. This game has no more momentum....2K's trailer took the last bit.
# 118 Hadlowe @ 10/04/13 05:16 PM
To be fair, we don't know that any trailers have been cancelled. The info that was up on nba.com was supposedly sourced from someone not affiliated with EA or Live.

The main problem is that 2k has already released current gen and it is pretty good. A lot of the frustrating animation lock is gone. If the 2k next-gen trailer is representative of the final product on next-gen, then Live is really in trouble.

Live could have gotten out in front of this by being engaged with the fans and community. Show us some developer insights. Bouncetek is a neat idea, but it has to be seen in the context of the game to really understand how improved dribbling helps to get buckets.

So, either the witholding of info is calculated, waiting for 2k to show its hand first, or the game just isn't ready for the light of day. The first option is cynical and will backfire in reduced sales. The second option is par for the course.
# 119 The 504 Boy @ 10/04/13 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by Hadlowe
To be fair, we don't know that any trailers have been cancelled. The info that was up on nba.com was supposedly sourced from someone not affiliated with EA or Live.
If you believe that then you're a fool. EA has been j-jerking us for years on this project. You are actually buying this crap they tryin' to sell us? NBA.com is no random *** sight. They are about as creditable as you can get after maybe nbalive.com itself. They wouldn't just put up dates from a non-affiliated source my dude. That's absurd to believe that. Have you not noticed all of the other promises that haven't been met yet? Summers over. We still aint seen 5 on 5 yet. We got a lovely trailer for madden which mind you is coming out of the exact same studio now. They were very proud to show that. Look at Ty Stover EA marketer's twitter. Do you see how he is handling the fans? Either they don't give a **** or this game is in trouble or a culmination of both. NBA Live 14 should be going gold in about a week or two and i guarantee you they are still trying to polish and patch up a whole crap load of issues at the last minute. This train is not on schedule guys. Thats why that sizzle trailer was all chopped up like that. They missed the PS4 launch by 4 days. Thats a bigger deal than most of you think. If this game was on schedule they would have made the PS4 launch. Its too risky not to. That clearly tells me they are scrambling to get this thing out. I almost feel bad for them. Maybe they just don't have the right team yet to do b-ball. Don't be surprised if it gets pushed back another month or so. EA sucks at hitting deadlines for this product. The only reason it won't be cancelled is probably because they are being forced to get this game out by the NBA. This is pure speculation but something is very wrong here. Red flag
# 120 Arod2k9 @ 10/04/13 09:28 PM
Another day and still nothing from EA, Im stunned and dont understand their thinking. Show what you have so can at least get customer respect.

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