NBA 2K14 News Post

IGN recently had a chance to play an early build of NBA 2K14 with the game Director, Rob Jones. They talk briefly about the Pro Stick dribbling and shooting.

It turns out that holding LT (on Xbox 360) now triggers an assist pass based on whatever direction you nudge on the right stick. It's wild fun on fast breaks or for driving the lane and kicking out to a spot-up shooter behind the three-point line.

Once I got some advice from longtime series director Rob Jones, the dribble-stick controls made a lot more sense. As he simply stated, "Dribbles are taps [on the right thumbstick], shots are holds."

UPDATE: 2K Team-Up member @IpodKingCarter has posted more details.

UPDATE #2: 2K Team-Up member @QJBeat has posted more details.

UPDATE #3: 2K Team-Up member @Shake4ndBake has posted more details.

UPDATE #4: 2K Team-Up member @ShakeDown2012 has posted more details.

What are your thoughts?

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 mauro78 @ 08/20/13 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by JasonWilliams55
That's still in the game... albeit much harder to pull off. But I can get it if trying... RS into defender when they jump.
Yeah it happened to me in 2k13 too....maybe just a little harder to trigger...
# 162 JasonWilliams55 @ 08/20/13 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I am the one who fought to not only get that included but get it turned on. It was off for the same reason above. I was able to get them to turn that on that is why it is easier or was easier to get the ball handler to pick up the dribble when dribbling with his off hand.

This is a process family were a small percentage of their sales and yet we get to have input into the process. I know it's not where you want it but for better or worse it's beneficial to remember we are but a small percentage of their fan base.

Understanding that is why I believe I have been able to be effective in talking them into little additions here and there.
Definitely understood.

I'm of the train of thought of making the game - respect the game, then 'dumbing' down for the casuals through settings/auto control.

I think the easiest way to implement off hand (circumstances) without getting complicated would be to just do a standard 10% (arbitrary # selected, it could be 5%, 7% w/e) penalty for off hand lays/passes off the rating. So a 99 passer who passes off-hand would pass at that time with a 99 x .90 = 89.9 rating instead, same for lays. Simple and effective. No new ratings really needed, then just add a simple help tip when it happens in-game stating "off hand lays/passes have a slight decrease from the rating, to reflect the same way off hand dribbling works" or something to that effect.

Obviously this wouldn't be accurate, but it would be a quick fix, until it could get expanded upon.
# 163 richlane007 @ 08/20/13 05:22 PM
[Posted this in another thread but thought I'd put it here too.]

Alright guys this is WAY out there. Talking with my brother about what something that could be next gen or just a crazy feature that would blow my mind. Get this...

Imagine you could start a myPlayer in any era or season in the league? Get drafted in '84 with Jordan and Hakeem and then play your career from that point on. Get drafted in the '03 draft class. There would have to be a database of almost every player who played (that's where it gets crazy impossible) but year after year you would have the correct draft classes of players coming into the league. Imagine if you could do the same thing with an Association? Start an association the Magic in '92 when they draft Shaq and see how the years play out. Each draft would be the correct players coming into the league (I think this Manu Ginobili kid could be good!) but it would still be random. Or do a fantasy draft in '86 and shuffle the players/teams around.

How f'ing cool would that be! Will it happen? No. Never, but it had be thinking about what could happen in 5 years or so. NEW FOR 2K20!!!
# 164 bumpyface @ 08/21/13 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Sundown
Passing and other problems have been talked about. There's a whole bloody thread on it. Latest news is that there's more zip to passes, something we've asked for for years. More accurate passing is also in the feature list thread.

No word on rebounding but paint contact, defense, and blocking have been upgraded, as has defensive AI. All core gameplay issues.

Just pay attention. Meanwhile, good luck with Live. That series doesn't even have gameplay out to improve. Meanwhile, 2K's already incorporated what Elite sought to do and then some without tanking their franchise.
I'll decide if it's legit when I RENT it.
# 165 Sundown @ 08/21/13 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by bumpyface
I'll decide if it's legit when I RENT it.
Sure, do that. The negativity towards 2k and the positivity towards Live is silly though, especially when the info you wanted has been out.
# 166 I am disappointed @ 08/21/13 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by LD2k
One of the best things about dribbling this year is chaining your dribbles into a natural shot.

For example, off-the-dribble pullups and fadeaways (ala Kobe, Melo etc) are just one silky smooth transition to the next. 2K14 is scary good in this department, among other things.
You guys at 2k make me sick ! I was so disappointed with 2k13 so I said I wouldn't care what they said about 2k14.........

BUT from what I've read about the defensive improvements and the better spacing and now this new pro-stick *sighs* now I'm on the hype train again smh

I am disappointed (in myself)
# 167 quehouston @ 08/21/13 04:55 AM
The scheme sounds really nice as far as dribbling and shooting goes. But the flashy passing is something im still a little iffy on. We'll see though.
# 168 Vni @ 08/21/13 06:51 AM
Escape dribbles have been removed right?
# 169 scottyp180 @ 08/21/13 11:48 AM
Its amazing how scared people can be about change. The same exact thing happened last year when 2k changed the shoot/dribble stick. So many people were skeptical before hand but once people got the game in their hands and got use to the controls they realized how much of an improvement it was. While I like the controls and gameplay last year (in the shoot/dribble department) I thought there were still a lot of improvements to be made. With out having the game and controller in my hands its hard to get a grasp on how exactly the controls will work and it does seem a little overwhelming when hearing or reading about it; however I think once we get our hands on the game it will be a much easier adjustment.

My hopes for this control scheme is that it will eliminate the moments of "control loss" that would occur while dribbling and shooting in previous years. I think this is an area that has been continually improving over the past 3 or 4 games and I hope this will be the game that finally finds that sweet spot. For people worried about complex controls just realize that it will lead to better user control. I was always against the nhl games because I thought the controls were too complicated and I could never get a grasp of them but last year when I finally took the time to learn the game I realized that it is the best controlled sports game out because it feels so fluid and natural once you get the controls down. Hopefully these new changes will bring that feel and control to the 2k franchise
# 170 Steve_OS @ 08/21/13 05:07 PM
Just added a video from Shakedown2012 that should clear things up some more.
# 171 DatGD12guage @ 08/21/13 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
A hold in ANY direction will get you a shot. Hold left, hold right, hold at an angle, Hold in any direction = a shot Fitz.

So you do your move if you want to, then whatever direction it feels comfortable for you to shoot push the stick in that direction.
this sounds interesting so this means we can pretty much lean and fade in all angles if so this is starting to make me very happy. Now the pro stick is starting to make perfect sense.

Imagine receiving a handoff pass around a screen and then having the option to lean in to the right/left or drift or fade upon receiving the pass without dribbling, the way it would feel does make total sense now.

I imagine we can do this right czar? If so this would add another dimension to the post game giving us different angels with the hooks, floaters, etc being able to perform these different moves from different angles.

Ok Im sold now..... or as soon as a muf confirm all this shh i just imagined. Somebody say it is soooooo LOL.
# 172 canucksss @ 08/22/13 04:23 PM
i was hoping that they will show this new feature with 2k14 game and not 2k13.

its hard to follow all the verbiage and use imagination doing it.
# 173 NvME @ 08/24/13 04:11 PM
Self alley-oops. Flashy passes. I always personally got more joy out of flashy aesthetics than gameplay Maybe next year the player will actually have the ability to toss the ball through the defenders legs. The possibilities. By all means, keep the flash and flare coming.

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