NBA 2K14 News Post

IGN recently had a chance to play an early build of NBA 2K14 with the game Director, Rob Jones. They talk briefly about the Pro Stick dribbling and shooting.

It turns out that holding LT (on Xbox 360) now triggers an assist pass based on whatever direction you nudge on the right stick. It's wild fun on fast breaks or for driving the lane and kicking out to a spot-up shooter behind the three-point line.

Once I got some advice from longtime series director Rob Jones, the dribble-stick controls made a lot more sense. As he simply stated, "Dribbles are taps [on the right thumbstick], shots are holds."

UPDATE: 2K Team-Up member @IpodKingCarter has posted more details.

UPDATE #2: 2K Team-Up member @QJBeat has posted more details.

UPDATE #3: 2K Team-Up member @Shake4ndBake has posted more details.

UPDATE #4: 2K Team-Up member @ShakeDown2012 has posted more details.

What are your thoughts?

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 scottyp180 @ 08/19/13 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by alabamarob
How do you pumpfake if taps are not shots? Or is this a way to make pump fakes realistic meaning you have to start a shot then stop at the right time?
I actually hope this is the case (start shot, stop at right time to pump fake) because that would mean shots should feel better having more control and more natural feel. Hopefully we will be getting a trailer and gameplay this week
# 22 blues rocker @ 08/19/13 12:49 PM
wow. a decent amount of new controls this year. i have a feeling it's going to take some time to master these new controls. it will probably be worth it in the end though.
# 23 Steve_OS @ 08/19/13 12:52 PM
Updated the OP w/ IpodKingCarter's detailed impressions. It should answer some of the questions you guys have.
# 24 daveberg @ 08/19/13 12:53 PM
Not sure about this. Getting a little fed up of 2k changing their control scheme every year instead of expanding on existing set-ups. That said, I wasn't happy about the initial change of dribbling mechanics that 2k13 brought, but I warmed to it in the end, I'm sure this will be no different.

Looking forward to playing the demo when it arrives to see just how different the controls actually are.
# 25 champsbasketball @ 08/19/13 12:54 PM
the only thing I'm worried about is well Their be a shot delay since you have to hold it
# 26 Gramps91 @ 08/19/13 12:55 PM
please tell me i can still pass with x and shoot with square

I HATE STICKS. I love dribbling moves with the sticks but I do NOT like the sound of passing or shooting with them. I've always hated the shot stick.
# 27 scottyp180 @ 08/19/13 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by DboyRavage
I can see this being a great change if the dribble moves are 100% responsive.
Yes! My biggest problem with 2k, that I didnt completely realize until I started playing nhl, is how sluggish and unresponsive it can feel at times. In 2k the stick, while dribbling, initiates animations which need to play through before you make your next move. In nhl the stickon the controller, correspondes with the players stick and puck movement so the puck goes where the [controller's] stick goes. If 2k can get the dribbling, control, and animations on a whole to be responsive, similar to nhl, then that would be a huge upgrade.
# 28 cthurt @ 08/19/13 01:08 PM
Its funny how 2k can take something simple as drbbling the ball and make it seem like rocket science. I had enough trouble with dribbling in 2k13 playing on broadcast cam instead of the 2k cam most guys play on made the whole dribbling experience suck to say the least. But ill see what i can do this year with this new control hopefully with all of this everything is more responsive.
# 29 Guapo516 @ 08/19/13 01:16 PM
Not sure what to think of this but it really seems 2ks strategy of doing things is beat ea sports to the punch. This like many other 2k features is a twist on ea sports ideas on controls. And idk if it will ever be a bad thing they started doing it in 2k11 and every game since has been better and better.
# 30 Vni @ 08/19/13 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by cthurt
Its funny how 2k can take something simple as drbbling the ball and make it seem like rocket science. I had enough trouble with dribbling in 2k13 playing on broadcast cam instead of the 2k cam most guys play on made the whole dribbling experience suck to say the least. But ill see what i can do this year with this new control hopefully with all of this everything is more responsive.
Can't wait to read your version of the nba 2K control scheme.

And I suggest you should use absolute right stick dribbling.
# 31 ccoaxum @ 08/19/13 01:23 PM
besides how you dribble, the way you do skill or cool passing was the same set up EA had in their old game one point, you had to hold one of the top button and use the right stick to do a cool past(steve nash like pass)..im not understand why 2k is starting to do things that they normally don't do..got alot of ppl making funny faces right now smh
# 32 ccoaxum @ 08/19/13 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
We don't know that without trying it ourselves. It might be really good and we'll find out in time. They wouldn't change it unless they felt it was an improvement.
of course they going to feel that way..what company is going to sell something and don't feel that way.....but its still up to the consumer to decide if it works for them..which is why it is always nice to have another option
# 33 ccoaxum @ 08/19/13 01:28 PM
if you have to flick the stick to do a dribble moves...tells me i don't have full control of my dribbles and i'm going to have watch these animations all over again smh..i hate that!..hope this is not so
# 34 Eman5805 @ 08/19/13 01:29 PM
People overract too much. Haven't they always allowed you to switch up the controls? Even go back to older control configurations?

If you don't like the way it is, change it back.
# 35 NoTiCe_O @ 08/19/13 01:37 PM
Won't this throw off shot timing? I wonder about the post game also...
# 36 green225 @ 08/19/13 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by qnzballa5

IGN recently had a chance to play an early build of NBA 2K14 with the game Director, Rob Jones. They talk briefly about the Pro Stick dribbling and shooting.

UPDATE: 2K Team-Up member IpodKingCarter has posted more details.

What are your thoughts?

don't like it. bad passers shouldn't be rewarded
# 37 ccoaxum @ 08/19/13 01:38 PM
shooting and dribbling on the same stick reminds me of nba elite 11 that didn't make it out but this is simular to what they was trying to do...if anybody played the messed up demo lol
# 38 blues rocker @ 08/19/13 01:38 PM
after watching ipodkingcarter's vid, it has cleared some things up. i definitely like that you no longer need to hold the left trigger for right stick shots. that cumbersome left trigger combo is what kept me from using the shot stick last year.

my only concern is that the shots might feel a bit delayed since you now have to hold the right stick for the game to register it as a shot.
# 39 scottyp180 @ 08/19/13 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
Can't wait to read your version of the nba 2K control scheme.

And I suggest you should use absolute right stick dribbling.
Absolute is the way to go on broadcast cam however I still feel that sometimes the player doesnt do what I am telling him
# 40 jersez @ 08/19/13 01:44 PM
Situational Dunks are in this year, please no more windmill dunks in traffic. Good video IkC looking forward to the demo or SOME GAMEPLAY VIDEOS whenever 2k decides to release them.

Edit: I Still would like to see how effective spin dunks are tho.

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