
NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

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Old 08-20-2013, 04:24 PM   #169
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Re: NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

Originally Posted by Sundown
Totally cool with weakened off hand passing, but 2K might be thinking it's confusing because you don't actively choose which hand to pass with, where as you dribble left when you're dribbling left, and layups depend on how you attack (can we still choose left vs right layups like years past with Pro Stick?).

Please keep in mind when I share stuff like that, That I'm trying to give you a peek without revealing everything that was apart of that discussion because some of it is need to know. So sometimes I oversimplify just to avoid further questions. So it is just the base part of what we discussed that I feel I won't get in trouble for. LOL

You guys have some good suggestions. Also remember too as I posted in another thread that Dev' have managers and sometimes decisions are made there as well.

You guys had some great suggestions for how to communicate these changes maybe one day they will put it in.
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Old 08-20-2013, 04:30 PM   #170
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Re: NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

Originally Posted by JasonWilliams55
Is this not common sense? Do users now understand why they missed a layup while going off hand (lefty usually)... does this even apply to 2k? (off hand lays)

Wouldn't that same thought process apply for dribbling? Why did he lose the ball/get ripped, even though he was going off-hand. Do users understand that? I mean there is a rating for OHD... so why not just apply that concept.

Since in player creation you have to select a dominate hand (what is this for? dribbling only) and pretty much anyone who has dribbled a basketball in real life knows that ya off hand is not as good.

As for implementation... I was thinking Off hand lay, off hand pass. Now as for getting casuals to know... make it one of those in-game pop ups when it happens.. (ya know... "wondering why that pass was off target...")

But overall I hear ya tho fam.
I am the one who fought to not only get that included but get it turned on. It was off for the same reason above. I was able to get them to turn that on that is why it is easier or was easier to get the ball handler to pick up the dribble when dribbling with his off hand.

This is a process family were a small percentage of their sales and yet we get to have input into the process. I know it's not where you want it but for better or worse it's beneficial to remember we are but a small percentage of their fan base.

Understanding that is why I believe I have been able to be effective in talking them into little additions here and there.
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Old 08-20-2013, 04:31 PM   #171
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Re: NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

Originally Posted by Optik
A few more question:

Will the flick-flick shots from 2K11 return? You know, when you're near the perimeter and you've stopped dribbling and you shot-fake the defender, and then your momentum takes you to the side to get an uncontested (although leaning to the side) shot off. Sometimes Kobe uses this move. You can't lean forward to shoot because the defender was already in your grill before you shot-faked.

Will you be able to punish people who recklessly fly at you to contest your 3pt shot, by faking and drawing the foul to shoot 3 FTs, like in 2K11 and before?

Will you be able to pull of that move like in 2K11 where you jumpstop as if you were taking a shot but you just bring the ball up in the air in a circle, kind of like Hedo Turkologu and Bargnani used to do? It can completely fake out the defender, and create space for a clean shot.

What about controls for defense? Are there any new ones this year?
That's still in the game... albeit much harder to pull off. But I can get it if trying... RS into defender when they jump.
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Old 08-20-2013, 04:34 PM   #172
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Re: NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

Originally Posted by JasonWilliams55
That's still in the game... albeit much harder to pull off. But I can get it if trying... RS into defender when they jump.
Yeah it happened to me in 2k13 too....maybe just a little harder to trigger...
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Old 08-20-2013, 04:44 PM   #173
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Re: NBA 2K14 - Rob Jones Briefly Explains The Pro Stick: Dribbling and Shooting

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I am the one who fought to not only get that included but get it turned on. It was off for the same reason above. I was able to get them to turn that on that is why it is easier or was easier to get the ball handler to pick up the dribble when dribbling with his off hand.

This is a process family were a small percentage of their sales and yet we get to have input into the process. I know it's not where you want it but for better or worse it's beneficial to remember we are but a small percentage of their fan base.

Understanding that is why I believe I have been able to be effective in talking them into little additions here and there.
Definitely understood.

I'm of the train of thought of making the game - respect the game, then 'dumbing' down for the casuals through settings/auto control.

I think the easiest way to implement off hand (circumstances) without getting complicated would be to just do a standard 10% (arbitrary # selected, it could be 5%, 7% w/e) penalty for off hand lays/passes off the rating. So a 99 passer who passes off-hand would pass at that time with a 99 x .90 = 89.9 rating instead, same for lays. Simple and effective. No new ratings really needed, then just add a simple help tip when it happens in-game stating "off hand lays/passes have a slight decrease from the rating, to reflect the same way off hand dribbling works" or something to that effect.

Obviously this wouldn't be accurate, but it would be a quick fix, until it could get expanded upon.
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Old 08-20-2013, 05:22 PM   #174
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[Posted this in another thread but thought I'd put it here too.]

Alright guys this is WAY out there. Talking with my brother about what something that could be next gen or just a crazy feature that would blow my mind. Get this...

Imagine you could start a myPlayer in any era or season in the league? Get drafted in '84 with Jordan and Hakeem and then play your career from that point on. Get drafted in the '03 draft class. There would have to be a database of almost every player who played (that's where it gets crazy impossible) but year after year you would have the correct draft classes of players coming into the league. Imagine if you could do the same thing with an Association? Start an association the Magic in '92 when they draft Shaq and see how the years play out. Each draft would be the correct players coming into the league (I think this Manu Ginobili kid could be good!) but it would still be random. Or do a fantasy draft in '86 and shuffle the players/teams around.

How f'ing cool would that be! Will it happen? No. Never, but it had be thinking about what could happen in 5 years or so. NEW FOR 2K20!!!
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Old 08-21-2013, 12:23 AM   #175
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Originally Posted by Sundown
Passing and other problems have been talked about. There's a whole bloody thread on it. Latest news is that there's more zip to passes, something we've asked for for years. More accurate passing is also in the feature list thread.

No word on rebounding but paint contact, defense, and blocking have been upgraded, as has defensive AI. All core gameplay issues.

Just pay attention. Meanwhile, good luck with Live. That series doesn't even have gameplay out to improve. Meanwhile, 2K's already incorporated what Elite sought to do and then some without tanking their franchise.
I'll decide if it's legit when I RENT it.
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Old 08-21-2013, 12:27 AM   #176
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Originally Posted by bumpyface
I'll decide if it's legit when I RENT it.
Sure, do that. The negativity towards 2k and the positivity towards Live is silly though, especially when the info you wanted has been out.
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