NBA 2K14 News Post

IGN recently had a chance to play an early build of NBA 2K14 with the game Director, Rob Jones. They talk briefly about the Pro Stick dribbling and shooting.

It turns out that holding LT (on Xbox 360) now triggers an assist pass based on whatever direction you nudge on the right stick. It's wild fun on fast breaks or for driving the lane and kicking out to a spot-up shooter behind the three-point line.

Once I got some advice from longtime series director Rob Jones, the dribble-stick controls made a lot more sense. As he simply stated, "Dribbles are taps [on the right thumbstick], shots are holds."

UPDATE: 2K Team-Up member @IpodKingCarter has posted more details.

UPDATE #2: 2K Team-Up member @QJBeat has posted more details.

UPDATE #3: 2K Team-Up member @Shake4ndBake has posted more details.

UPDATE #4: 2K Team-Up member @ShakeDown2012 has posted more details.

What are your thoughts?

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 NATIONofAmbition @ 08/19/13 09:53 AM
They changed the controls again? For what?
# 2 jersez @ 08/19/13 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by qnzballa5
I must admit I am skeptical about this but I cant wait to get hands on the demo to see how this game will be with these new controls

Great find, answers the question of the shot stick, which I knew wasn't going to be taken out.

Sounds like we'll have to adjust to the left trigger and right stick combo being for passes, and tapping for dribbling but sounds like it's going to be a smoove transition from dribbling to shooting. Which I like.
# 3 WizardJay @ 08/19/13 10:20 AM
Dribbles are taps shots are holds - NO!!!!!!!

What was wrong with using the trigger?

What was wrong with using the A button for passes?

To many unnecessary changes.
# 4 KyotoCarl @ 08/19/13 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by WizardJay
Dribbles are taps shots are holds - NO!!!!!!!

What was wrong with using the trigger?

What was wrong with using the A button for passes?

To many unnecessary changes.
We don't know that without trying it ourselves. It might be really good and we'll find out in time. They wouldn't change it unless they felt it was an improvement.
# 5 WizardJay @ 08/19/13 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
We don't know that without trying it ourselves. It might be really good and we'll find out in time. They wouldn't change it unless they felt it was an improvement.
Very true. hopefully its turn out good.
# 6 Goffs @ 08/19/13 10:29 AM
hmm I need to get used to this....so basically holding down LT+stick will still be the shot stick and flicking the stick while holding down LT will be passing?

"Dribbles are taps [on the right thumbstick], shots are holds."
Or is it back to pure shot stick without the LT trigger? So...shotstick and dribble stick....oh man...need more info...
# 7 alabamarob @ 08/19/13 10:53 AM
How do you pumpfake if taps are not shots? Or is this a way to make pump fakes realistic meaning you have to start a shot then stop at the right time?
# 8 The 24th Letter @ 08/19/13 11:02 AM
Sounds interesting....

Definitely going to need more info...
# 9 IYoDa @ 08/19/13 11:14 AM
Would be good if....
Dribble/iso - tap
Shoot/fake - LT/L2 + hold/tap
Icon Pass - RT/R1 tap + icon
Flashy Pass - RT/R1 hold + icon or hold+tap
# 10 Optik @ 08/19/13 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by alabamarob
How do you pumpfake if taps are not shots? Or is this a way to make pump fakes realistic meaning you have to start a shot then stop at the right time?
Yeah, didn't think of that; it'll be interesting to see what they've done with it. Maybe whilst you're holding the stick you might have to quickly hold in the opposite direction.
# 11 Vni @ 08/19/13 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by WizardJay
Dribbles are taps shots are holds - NO!!!!!!!

What was wrong with using the trigger?

What was wrong with using the A button for passes?

To many unnecessary changes.
I think A are still for regular passes. LT + right stick flashy pass. Right stick tap dribble moves, right stick hold shoot.
# 12 DboyRavage @ 08/19/13 11:28 AM
I can see this being a great change if the dribble moves are 100% responsive.
# 13 Vni @ 08/19/13 11:31 AM
I like new control schemes personnally. I just love to go in practice and try to figure it out for hours. I bet it will be good in the end. 2K isn't putting up a bad control scheme.
# 14 nip83 @ 08/19/13 11:42 AM
RS taps=dribbling...
So how do you pull off spin moves or fake spins or cross and spin?Does the hold while you steer the stick ,account for spin shots or spin layups instead?It could lead to confusion between different moves ,unless the spin controls got assigned only as double taps on the hop step button.Also, how can you perform eurostep and hopstep layups if taps are dribbling only?

RS holds=shots...
Then again how can you pumpfake , up n under ,or perform hop steps and drop steps from the post(they used to be LT+RS double taps on 2k13)?Wouldnt these lead to dribbling moves as taps?Unless some post play and shots have been nerfed.

Possible answer:Contextual animations only=less control of the type of shots?
# 15 jayman504 @ 08/19/13 12:03 PM
Where are our insights to calm the masses of this hysteria...
# 16 SpacialJones @ 08/19/13 12:05 PM
to be honest, im tired of adjusting to new controls.... each... and every.....year....this game comes out. ive been adjusting since 2k3. it sounds cool no doubt but i was really feeling 2k13 control scheme. i dont know if im excited about this feature though because i use direct passing. i never pass with the x button (Ps3 user,not as accurate imo) but if the game becomes more fluid for users then im all for it.
# 17 Conda @ 08/19/13 12:11 PM
So, can we pump-fake with the stick?
# 18 jersez @ 08/19/13 12:12 PM
We shouldn't be assuming anything right now till we actually play the game. These guys have spent months playing the game they wouldn't have changed it, unless they felt like it was a step up over last year's control scheme like KyotoCarl said.

I just think it's funny because last year when they changed the shot stick, to left trigger to shoot guys were complaining about that. But I don't see anyone complaining about that anymore.

So just calm down. Play the game first before you pass judgment on the control scheme.
# 19 Jujuwebe @ 08/19/13 12:28 PM
I understand that this will most likely be an improvement, but it is getting really annoying having to re-learn the controls every year.
# 20 jersez @ 08/19/13 12:35 PM
Don't we have to learn new moves every year? lol I just don't see why guys are mad or annoyed by this.

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