NBA 2K14 News Post

Last year 2K Sports started up their Community Team-Up Program for NBA 2K13, giving the biggest NBA 2K fans an exclusive look at the game. IpodKingCarter, Chris Smoove, KSpade64, vannwolfhawk, ShakeDown and sma11z99 all accepted their invites, while Da_Czar declined and Shady00018 couldn't make it.

2K Sports has just started up another Community Team-Up Program for NBA 2K14. It would be great to see someone from the OS community get in on the action.

With that said, speak up now. Who are your recommendations?

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Member Comments
# 161 ForeverVersatile @ 07/26/13 12:59 AM
Wow they invited YMDgento. This guys sounds like a copy of shakedown and chris smooth combined. I'm really disappointed at 2K with misleading everyone about the purpose of the "community" keyword "community" team up.

They have everyone thinking they have a chance to get invited to go play the game early when in fact all they want is free marketing. Well you know what change the name of the team up to something else because community doesn't fit well when it's not about the community.

Marketing to a bunch of little kids that subscribe to these so called commentators only tells me that they're catering to the casual crowd again and not serious about fixing the pile of mess that has been NBA2K for the last 2 years.

NBA Live 14 please give these jerks some competition, they've grown too arrogant and forgot where they came from.
# 162 black_mamba24 @ 07/26/13 01:07 AM
YO we need to get Shake4ndBake! Dudes a MyTeam legend. He basically started the Dell Curry craze. You better believe that if he spotted Dell as a good(cheesy) player in MyTeam, he'll be a great person to bring back info. To piggyback off LD2k, That's what this event is about. Bringing info and opinions about the game back to the fans. How much of the NBA 2k community is on OS? Not as much as I wish.

I understand that a lot of OS'ers are very adept at catching details, but YouTubers will be able to broaden the info quicker. I really wish as much as you guys that at least 5+ OS members will go, but I doubt it. In the long run, having the YouTubers visit will benefit all of the 2k community. Especially from the #SH4KES if Shake4ndBake goes. I can't wait for the SHAKE dual comm that both shakes will be doing when Shake4ndBake goes.
# 163 black_mamba24 @ 07/26/13 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by The_Throne2K11
Wow they invited YMDgento. This guys sounds like a copy of shakedown and chris smooth combined. I'm really disappointed at 2K with misleading everyone about the purpose of the "community" keyword "community" team up.

They have everyone thinking they have a chance to get invited to go play the game early when in fact all they want is free marketing. Well you know what change the name of the team up to something else because community doesn't fit well when it's not about the community.

Marketing to a bunch of little kids that subscribe to these so called commentators only tells me that they're catering to the casual crowd again and not serious about fixing the pile of mess that has been NBA2K for the last 2 years.

NBA Live 14 please give these jerks some competition, they've grown too arrogant and forgot where they came from.
I've pretty much given up with 2k making their NBA games more sim. With the emergence of the casual gamer 2k can't do anything but make it more causal. We can't change that. If 2k doesn't appeal to a broader audience then they don't sell. If they don't sell they drop the product. By the way I'm not a "little kid" and I'm subscribed to Gento, Smoove, Shakedown, IpodKingCarter and more. When you think about it, we are all adults playing a virtual game with virtual dolls of Kobe and LeBron that play basketball on a TV with a fake court and everything. We are all kids in a fantasy world. The thing is, that's what makes us love the game. The fact that we can go on to this fantasy court and play against random people we added as friends that we don't know in real life intrigues us. You don't realize how much the game has come since 2k1. Look at these pics. 2k7 and 2k14. AMAZING WORK by 2k. This is a reason for them to be "arrogant".
Arrogance is an exaggerated sense of one's importance or abilities to the point of being overbearing. How could 2k exaggerate something that wasn't there? We need to appreciate more and judge less. I want a good ball game just as much as you do.
# 164 ForeverVersatile @ 07/26/13 01:45 AM
This proves my point, just watch half of this video.
# 165 MarvinOida @ 07/26/13 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by black_mamba24
I've pretty much given up with 2k making their NBA games more sim. With the emergence of the casual gamer 2k can't do anything but make it more causal. We can't change that. If 2k doesn't appeal to a broader audience then they don't sell. If they don't sell they drop the product. By the way I'm not a "little kid" and I'm subscribed to Gento, Smoove, Shakedown, IpodKingCarter and more. When you think about it, we are all adults playing a virtual game with virtual dolls of Kobe and LeBron that play basketball on a TV with a fake court and everything. We are all kids in a fantasy world. The thing is, that's what makes us love the game. The fact that we can go on to this fantasy court and play against random people we added as friends that we don't know in real life intrigues us. You don't realize how much the game has come since 2k1. Look at these pics. 2k7 and 2k14. AMAZING WORK by 2k. This is a reason for them to be "arrogant".
Arrogance is an exaggerated sense of one's importance or abilities to the point of being overbearing. How could 2k exaggerate something that wasn't there? We need to appreciate more and judge less. I want a good ball game just as much as you do.
I expect a lot from PS2 to PS4.

Also, PS2, look at Sam Cassell, that's scarier than usual.
# 166 Goffs @ 07/26/13 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by The_Throne2K11
This proves my point, just watch half of this video.
To be fair who would you go for for free advertising? A Youtuber with a decent amount of subscribers or a noname pleb on some forum?

It sucks I know but hey at least these guys get to play the DEMO earlier than anyone else here!

meh...I don't even care anymore...I'm just going to wait on the info so I could either be disappointed or be "surprised"
# 167 ForeverVersatile @ 07/26/13 02:17 AM
I just think it was very shady of 2K to promote team up in a way that was totally not what everyone thought it was. I'm done with the situation now.
# 168 MarvinOida @ 07/26/13 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by The_Throne2K11
I just think it was very shady of 2K to promote team up in a way that was totally not what everyone thought it was. I'm done with the situation now.
We probably shoulda realized this since the fact that the event happens less than 2 months when the game gets to be at houses. But NEXT GEN is still out there. Who knows?

But seriously, we need like an early Team Up thing were our best OS members in certain categories just go and play the beta and give ideas. Doing it around this team up thing NOW is probably close to late and is the stretch of promoting everything for the 2 month hype (which includes this Team Up thing)
# 169 jersez @ 07/26/13 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
We probably shoulda realized this since the fact that the event happens less than 2 months when the game gets to be at houses. But NEXT GEN is still out there. Who knows?

But seriously, we need like an early Team Up thing were our best OS members in certain categories just go and play the beta and give ideas. Doing it around this team up thing NOW is probably close to late and is the stretch of promoting everything for the 2 month hype (which includes this Team Up thing)
Originally Posted by LD2k
Ronnie2K and I are going to try to increase this program to have members up here twice a year. The dev's would love to sit down with OS members and talk nitty gritty details and I wanted to provide that opportunity for this community in the future. Basically, if we were to expand this to March as well - there would be time for lots of input on the current project - where we would love to bring in a "team OS" group.

For now, the team is looking at guys who help promote the content and discuss, well, some surprises we have in store for all our fans. More on that later. I'm very happy that we can bring in these guys to provide feedback and talk about some of their future interests in the series.

We have some surprises for everyone.
Sorry if you read this already, but just to repost what ld2k said about bringing in OS players and the purpose of team up. Hopefully they'll stick to their words.
# 170 The Lob Mob @ 07/26/13 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by The_Throne2K11
This proves my point, just watch half of this video.
I watched 4 seconds... That was enough for me. SMH. What an egomaniac!
# 171 MarvinOida @ 07/26/13 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by The Lob Mob
I watched 4 seconds... That was enough for me. SMH. What an egomaniac!
I laugh at his introductions every time... It just makes me laugh... Cause its like a catchphrase for him.
# 172 OkayC @ 07/26/13 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
I laugh at his introductions every time... It just makes me laugh... Cause its like a catchphrase for him.
Ive only heard about subthegamer and never watched him. Now im not going to watch him.
# 173 MarvinOida @ 07/26/13 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by OkayC
Ive only heard about subthegamer and never watched him. Now im not going to watch him.
I just YouTubers for entertainment, if I want to learn 2K, I'll just go to OS
# 174 mango_prom @ 07/26/13 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by OkayC
Ive only heard about subthegamer and never watched him. Now im not going to watch him.
Never heard of the guy. Watched a video where he played with some All-Euro team against MJ and friends. After a few minutes of spin dunks and lead passing I'm wondering if that's the target group 2k is aiming for once again. I mean this tool is the type of person you want to give a first look at 2k14? All he does is posting videos of him opening stupid MyTeam packs and sh*t...yeah he really knows what he's talking about. He's posting face cam vids of him playing MyTeam, now that's impressive...

So maybe more social media integration and focus on MyPlayer/MyTeam for 2k14? Man, I realy hope EA delivers...
# 175 Da_Czar @ 07/26/13 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by mango_prom
Never heard of the guy. Watched a video where he played with some All-Euro team against MJ and friends. After a few minutes of spin dunks and lead passing I'm wondering if that's the target group 2k is aiming for once again. I mean this tool is the type of person you want to give a first look at 2k14? All he does is posting videos of him opening stupid MyTeam packs and sh*t...yeah he really knows what he's talking about. He's posting face cam vids of him playing MyTeam, now that's impressive...

So maybe more social media integration and focus on MyPlayer/MyTeam for 2k14? Man, I realy hope EA delivers...
Just because marketing is targeting a certain audience that doesn't tell us who the gameplay team was targeting. Certainly playability for all has to be considered if you want to move units but it's marketing's job to sell units.

If your only concern is game-play then almost nothing said before the last few weeks before game release (Since they seem to talk gameplay last) should really be of interest.

I mean it's not like we don't understand the situation. There is no perceived NEED to market to us. We seek out the information and are certain to make up our own minds to buy or not to buy based on what is important to us.

In fact if they did try to market to us we would probably reply simply by saying show us gameplay or a demo and then I will make my decision. So let marketing and youtubers do what they do.

And continue, as a community, to make smart, focused threads with the meat you want to see in your game.
# 176 Eman5805 @ 07/26/13 04:18 PM
Send me! People say I sound like James Earl Jones. My review will be awesome!
# 177 jersez @ 07/26/13 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Just because marketing is targeting a certain audience that doesn't tell us who the gameplay team was targeting. Certainly playability for all has to be considered if you want to move units but it's marketing's job to sell units.

If your only concern is game-play then almost nothing said before the last few weeks before game release (Since they seem to talk gameplay last) should really be of interest.

I mean it's not like we don't understand the situation. There is no perceived NEED to market to us. We seek out the information and are certain to make up our own minds to buy or not to buy based on what is important to us.

In fact if they did try to market to us we would probably reply simply by saying show us gameplay or a demo and then I will make my decision. So let marketing and youtubers do what they do.

And continue, as a community, to make smart, focused threads with the meat you want to see in your game.
I agree with this, business wise it's a very smart marketing tool I'm not mad at them for using, to get people to advertise your product to a lot of people for free really, and it's only july going into August where they really start to promote the game. So Team up is really like the beginning to 2k's promotional campaign.

In terms of gameplay,I can't really say it's going to more of the casual user I'll say you really don't need to practice and learn the game like in previous 2k's. While running plays and having multiple options is really a sim feature, even though broken plays still occur. I'm in wait and see mode, before I can say they're going towards the casual crowd, and I play the cpu hof sim so idk if that matters.
# 178 The Lob Mob @ 07/26/13 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
I laugh at his introductions every time... It just makes me laugh... Cause its like a catchphrase for him.
I do the same thing as far as on my commentary videos I say 'Hello World, this is another Lob Mob Video...' something I started out doing subconsciously... & subscribers & other member of The Lob Mob brought it to my attention but I think as long as it's organic then it's cool... but when it's all catch phasey that's when I'm not feeling it... I see where you're coming from though.
# 179 ForeverVersatile @ 07/26/13 05:21 PM
I have to disagree with Da Czar, even if the game play is slightly balanced, they're still advertising to the 1000’s of kids subscribed to these YouTube guys. Online play will be just as bad as it is now which is so kid/casual friendly.
# 180 LD2k @ 07/26/13 05:28 PM
Oh I might add, the plan was to have two separate sessions this year but...


Busy times.

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