NBA Live 13 News Post

NBA Live 13 has been canned, kicked to the curb, canceled, put out to pasture. However you want to put it, NBA Live 13 is no more.

Below is a statement from EA Sports Executive Vice President, Andrew Wilson.

After a lot of consideration, we have made the decision to not launch NBA LIVE 13. I'd like to give you a bit of perspective.

When we started the process of bringing back NBA LIVE, we knew it was going to be a long journey. We started by moving the game to a new studio. We brought in some of the best new technology that has helped fuel innovation in our other games. We launched an even deeper level of engagement with our community to gather more feedback directly from fans. And we built a whole new development team to bring it all to life. We felt like we were on the right path.

We also made a commitment to deliver a high quality experience — this is what our fans expect and what we demand of ourselves at EA SPORTS. But making great games is not easy, and we're just not there yet on NBA LIVE 13. Having continued to look at the game over the past few days, it's clear that we won't be ready in October. And rather than launch midway through the season, we're going to sit out the full year and stay focused on making next year’s game great. This decision puts us on the right track for success well into the future in a rapidly changing industry.

I'm disappointed that we have not yet met our high expectations with NBA LIVE, but I remain motivated about where we're going. We're committed to delivering new innovation in online, and our progress in the visual presentation of the game continues to take big strides. We also know that a great game starts with great gameplay, and this remains a huge priority for us.

This wasn't an easy decision, but it's the right one for our fans. I hope you'll agree when you're able to play the game next year.

Andrew Wilson
Executive Vice President, EA SPORTS

Source - EA Sports Cancels NBA Live 13 (Kotaku)

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 321 k3yD @ 09/28/12 10:39 AM
Please please please hopefully EA's NFL license will expire soon so 2K can make a proper NFL game!
# 322 kpax1º1 @ 09/28/12 10:45 AM
Aaaaaaand now we wait for EA to compensate this and release a HD remastered version of the NBA Street series from PS2
# 323 k3yD @ 09/28/12 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by barimanlhs
Its sad that we went from around 10 basketball games to 1 in under like 5 years. How did that happen?
2K became too good that it just wasn't worth it competing against them anymore.
# 324 DBMcGee3 @ 09/28/12 11:13 AM
Wow, what an embarrassment. Hard to feel bad for these A-holes, they did it to themselves, and they've attempted to monopolize sports games for years. No sympathy from me, sorry EA.
# 325 UnbelievablyRAW @ 09/28/12 11:33 AM
# 326 schnaidt1 @ 09/28/12 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Caveman24
Everyone happy? Why with 1 game on the market 2k can put out trash and almost make sure you guy it oh wait didn't that happen to Madden?We need competition to keep these devs and company in check other than that will get the same watered down game like that's what happen to Madden and to be honest don't think it can't happen to 2k.I want more than 1 game hell let's get NBA Shootout back out there we need this competition we don't want another monopoly.
2k has such a solid game already...they would have to make absolutely no improvements each year and then somehow regress. 2k doesnt have an nfl game to make, a hockey game to make, or a baseball game to make. so they are def going to make sure their basketball game continues to blow people out of the water. plus they got Jayz on board....one of the most innovative and creative people in our generation. i really think this post was absolutely no merit to it and you are worried over nothing. Trust 2k's track record.
# 327 scottyp180 @ 09/28/12 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by airaron32
Programming and animating costs money, and they still need to pay salaries.

But still, back to the main topic...

Wow, didn't expect that to happen. *cough*sarcasm*cough*
Programming and animating cost money but its not like they are just goin to throw out all their work and start from scratch. According to ea they cancelled elite (worked on elite 09-10), spent the next year taking apart elite and tryin to see what was worth keeping and trashing (so 10-11), and then began working on live 13 (11-12). Based off that they have roughly a years worth of work into a live title, if they spend another year on the game then live14 has a chance to one be released and two actually be a decent title. Based on the trailer they game has the graphics to compete by the animations and gameplay need work. Ea doesn't need to release a state of the art inovating basketball title, as long as they can release something next year that plays good basketball then they will be in good place or the future.
# 328 KuruptOwnz @ 09/28/12 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
"After a lot of consideration, we have made the decision to not launch NBA LIVE 13. I'd like to give you a bit of perspective."

The folks at EA need to give themselves a bit of perspective. Instead of being the developers of a basketball video game, they have (for the past 3 years) done damage control for a series that has lost its soul. Your assumption that we need "perspective" is entirely condescending.

When we started the process of bringing back NBA LIVE, we knew it was going to be a long journey. We started by moving the game to a new studio. We brought in some of the best new technology that has helped fuel innovation in our other games. We launched an even deeper level of engagement with our community to gather more feedback directly from fans. And we built a whole new development team to bring it all to life. We felt like we were on the right path.

Quit blaming the fans. For every reason you mention you won't be delivering your game, "from/for the fans" is attached to it. Quit patronizing the consumer with your talks of superior development skills but you just can't nail it down "for the fans."

We also made a commitment to deliver a high quality experience — this is what our fans expect and what we demand of ourselves at EA SPORTS. But making great games is not easy, and we're just not there yet on NBA LIVE 13. Having continued to look at the game over the past few days, it's clear that we won't be ready in October. And rather than launch midway through the season, we're going to sit out the full year and stay focused on making next year’s game great. This decision puts us on the right track for success well into the future in a rapidly changing industry.

Are we to believe that you guys got together the last few days and said, "Yikes, October is just a couple weeks away...and we're not ready! better pull the plug." This game wasn't ready months ago. If you "demand" anything of yourselves, demand honesty.

I'm disappointed that we have not yet met our high expectations with NBA LIVE, but I remain motivated about where we're going. We're committed to delivering new innovation in online, and our progress in the visual presentation of the game continues to take big strides. We also know that a great game starts with great gameplay, and this remains a huge priority for us.

This wasn't an easy decision, but it's the right one for our fans. I hope you'll agree when you're able to play the game next year.

Again, quit blaming "the fans." Quit spinning EA's inability to put out a video game as this valiant effort for "our fans." The bottom line is that EA believes development of NBA Live 13 is entirely not ready, and to release it now would do more damage to EA and this franchise than if they were to yet again cancel it and ask "the fans" to look forward to next year where the game will be great.
Wins the entire thread!!!!!
# 329 jreezy18 @ 09/28/12 12:16 PM
I can't say I'm surprised at this news. It is unfortunate. Even if EA Sports can put out an NBA Live game next year I have a hard time believing they'll recover from this. Besides the waste in development costs over the past few years the name of the NBA Live brand continues to be damaged with news like this.
# 330 TheBrooklynBaller @ 09/28/12 01:29 PM
let me rephrase what Andrew Wilson actually said:

" We here at EA Sports played the demo for NBA 2K13.... and boy that **** was awesommmmmmmme!!! Screw Live, we're gonna be too busy playing this 2K13 and so should you. AndWiL187 on XBOX Live and on PSN... see you guys online 10/2/12!!!!

Andrew Wilson
Executive Vice President, EA Sports and avid fan of NBA 2K13"
# 331 HoosierDaddy @ 09/28/12 01:31 PM
I'm glad to hear this. The game simply isn't ready and instead of putting out garbage, they've decided to continue working.

With that being said, call some legit people in NOW instead of in June when it's too late in the dev cycle. Just a thought?

EA, call me maybe? lol
# 332 tril @ 09/28/12 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrooklynBaller
let me rephrase what Andrew Wilson actually said:

" We here at EA Sports played the demo for NBA 2K13.... and boy that **** was awesommmmmmmme!!! Screw Live, we're gonna be too busy playing this 2K13 and so should you. AndWiL187 on XBOX Live and on PSN... see you guys online 10/2/12!!!!

Andrew Wilson
Executive Vice President, EA Sports and avid fan of NBA 2K13"
I believe there was some truth to this.
They waited till the 2k demo to release then theyd ecided to cancel. Prior to that it was suppose to be a DLC, a stripped down version. so if they canned this they must have really thought that they couldnt even compete even if they released a twenty dollar DLC!!!.

Im not an NBA LIVE fan but it would have still been nice to see 2 games on the market
# 333 regroc88 @ 09/28/12 02:06 PM
One down one too go!!! Hopefully madden us next!!!! Rotf lol
# 334 bigballa21 @ 09/28/12 02:28 PM
I guess you can put me on the 2k side since i really like the game but i understand the need for competition and would of appreciated a live game out there.....but like someone else said in this thread i believe that the graphics currently can compete they can be tweaked a bit but the graphics are solid.....If they spend the rest of the time working on the gameplay and getting the robotic animations out then they could have something.....but you never know....they had like what 2 almost 3 years to bring something to the table but couldn't so i guess time will tell......
# 335 Pared @ 09/28/12 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by HoosierDaddy
EA, call me maybe? lol
Hey, they just met you - and this is crazy.
# 336 HoosierDaddy @ 09/28/12 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Hey, they just met you - and this is crazy.
I knew you'd get that. LOL


It's time you threw in the towel
Your team is starting to drown
My fists are pounding the ground
I'm just trying to say

Live 10 was golden
That's where you do your molden'
Instead you started foldin
Where you think you're goin lately?
# 337 qbdaprizzle @ 09/28/12 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by noshun
The real problem in all of this is that for all the gripes that people have with NBA 2k, Live keeps trying to make a new game every year instead of building a proper foundation, and adding to it.

This doesnt surprise me one bit, its the same scenario from when I did QA on Live 07/08. The devs just dont get it man. It stems from the suits on down. For all the mess the devs were talking about how they were going to go for 2ks weaknesses, they completely overlooked their own, in a cocky manner, that blew up in their faces.

All that yapping.. 100 hours on faces rhetoric, pat on the back hallway meetings etc... they(artists side)all need to retake human anatomy courses, becuase Lives main failure will always stem from their animaitons and human movement.

I know because Im an animator. Lives downfall will always start with basic human movement. Until they fix that, their game will never succeed.

The programmers need to not allow animations to break at any keyframe, becuase its kills any semblence of "realistic human movement" All that spastic stuff happening.

I am going to compile all my post and research all my post into this 1 post becuase someone, anyone needs to show these guys why they continue to fail.

23 or admin, will it be okay for me to go ahead with this. Hopefully a EA dev will read and take what Im going to post to heart.
this...well put
# 338 djbaker @ 09/28/12 04:28 PM
EA Sports, its in the...oh, wait.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
# 339 Money99 @ 09/28/12 04:43 PM
So let's reiterate EA's M.O. "If you can't beat them":
a) get the exclusive license.
b) scrap the game.
# 340 Pared @ 09/28/12 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Money99
So let's reiterate EA's M.O. "If you can't beat them":
a) get the exclusive license.
b) scrap the game.
c) ????
d) Profit!

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