NBA Live 13 News Post

NBA Live 13 has been canned, kicked to the curb, canceled, put out to pasture. However you want to put it, NBA Live 13 is no more.

Below is a statement from EA Sports Executive Vice President, Andrew Wilson.

After a lot of consideration, we have made the decision to not launch NBA LIVE 13. I'd like to give you a bit of perspective.

When we started the process of bringing back NBA LIVE, we knew it was going to be a long journey. We started by moving the game to a new studio. We brought in some of the best new technology that has helped fuel innovation in our other games. We launched an even deeper level of engagement with our community to gather more feedback directly from fans. And we built a whole new development team to bring it all to life. We felt like we were on the right path.

We also made a commitment to deliver a high quality experience — this is what our fans expect and what we demand of ourselves at EA SPORTS. But making great games is not easy, and we're just not there yet on NBA LIVE 13. Having continued to look at the game over the past few days, it's clear that we won't be ready in October. And rather than launch midway through the season, we're going to sit out the full year and stay focused on making next year’s game great. This decision puts us on the right track for success well into the future in a rapidly changing industry.

I'm disappointed that we have not yet met our high expectations with NBA LIVE, but I remain motivated about where we're going. We're committed to delivering new innovation in online, and our progress in the visual presentation of the game continues to take big strides. We also know that a great game starts with great gameplay, and this remains a huge priority for us.

This wasn't an easy decision, but it's the right one for our fans. I hope you'll agree when you're able to play the game next year.

Andrew Wilson
Executive Vice President, EA SPORTS

Source - EA Sports Cancels NBA Live 13 (Kotaku)

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 241 BRxSKINSx @ 09/27/12 10:00 PM
Another "Epic Fail"..... How bout instead of saying "EPIC FAIL".... We just say "NBA LIVE" from now on.....

# 242 dickey1331 @ 09/27/12 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by TheBadazz
I think Sony should give it another try. Hell can't be any worse than this

sent from HTC Inspire
Did you play Sonys last game? It was pretty bad.
# 243 J-Unit40 @ 09/27/12 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by DEFTFUNDAMENTALZ
Not really surprised. But, it is sad on so many fronts. Namely, competition.

I wonder if they will use the same boot up screen next year?
Competition? Live wasn't even going to sniff NBA2K and hasn't for many years. The thought of them being around is good to keep 2K on their toes, but that is about it.
# 244 Wildcats302 @ 09/27/12 10:10 PM
NBA Live looked awful, good call on their part to cancel this abomination from coming out and stealing some of you poor guys' money on this forum who would have actually bought the game. That leaked footage was real and I knew it was, only the naive thought otherwise.

2K is ballin so no will care about this after next Tuesday.
# 245 Tomba @ 09/27/12 10:12 PM
I really miss NBA Live guys. its editing was able to be edited globally etc if they had a better player creator id support nba live 10 yearly with updates
# 246 Jukeman @ 09/27/12 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by J-Unit40
Competition? Live wasn't even going to sniff NBA2K and hasn't for many years. The thought of them being around is good to keep 2K on their toes, but that is about it.
I sont know what everybody is talking about this being sad news and competition will suffer (any company is free to make a NBA game)

I think this is great news because maybe the suits at EA will finally start to listen to its Dev team. I highly doubt the creators were proud of polishing this turd.

# 247 youvalss @ 09/27/12 10:23 PM
Immediately reminded me of this:


I should have bet. EA just can't build levels.

A sad day.
# 248 Supersonic_BR @ 09/27/12 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Jukeman
I sont know what everybody is talking about this being sad news and competition will suffer (any company is free to make a NBA game)

I think this is great news because maybe the suits at EA will finally start to listen to its Dev team. I highly doubt the creators were proud of polishing this turd.


I don't know about that. They seemed pretty happy to me in their interviews released prior to E3.

At the end of the day, this is terrible news. I commend 2K's effort in releasing quality games year in and year out, but usually lack of competition results in absolutely terrible results.
# 249 Jukeman @ 09/27/12 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Supersonic_BR
I don't know about that. They seemed pretty happy to me in their interviews released prior to E3.

At the end of the day, this is terrible news. I commend 2K's effort in releasing quality games year in and year out, but usually lack of competition results in absolutely terrible results.
Lol Madden's Dev team is happy every year.

It seem like they dont even play the game post release with how oblivious they are to all the problems.

..Or are they.

But yea I think its great news anytime a company doesnt feed trash to its consumers and willing to take a bullet to HOPEFULLY improve the product.

# 250 Supersonic_BR @ 09/27/12 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jukeman
Lol Madden's Dev team is happy every year.

It seem like they dont even play the game post release with how oblivious they are to all the problems.

..Or are they.

Madden 13 is a quality game, it's nowhere near elite's 11/live 13 league.
# 251 Khaos_Kiwi @ 09/27/12 10:30 PM
Wow. How tragic...
# 252 Boilerbuzz @ 09/27/12 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Supersonic_BR
Madden 13 is a quality game, it's nowhere near elite's 11/live 13 league.
Certainly agree. Lets lay off Madden guys and stay on topic.
# 253 Jukeman @ 09/27/12 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Supersonic_BR
Madden 13 is a quality game, it's nowhere near elite's 11/live 13 league.
Never said that.

# 254 Kashanova @ 09/27/12 11:02 PM
How the mighty have fallen.
# 255 JODYE @ 09/27/12 11:04 PM
A real shame what this series has become, after being the premier basketball game for a number of years.

As Juke says, I think in the long run this is a good thing and will allow them to realize that they need a drastic overhaul of this game and that they need to start NOW.

As a fan of competition and basketball in general, seeing Live reduced to this sucks, especially seeing I grew up on it but you have to call a spade a spade and right now the Live series is an absolute disaster.

I sincerely hope the team continues it's community interaction throughout the basketball season and continues working on game play to hopefully give us a quality product next year.
# 256 tyberious4now @ 09/27/12 11:11 PM
Everybody should be fired!!
# 257 chronoxiong @ 09/27/12 11:18 PM
Lol at EA. This is what happens when they have to compete every single year for our hard-earned money. They can't figured out how to make better games and I'm sure this will happen if Madden had competition every year too. I'm not even surprised with Live 13 being canned.
# 258 sportzbro @ 09/27/12 11:19 PM
Serious lolz. What a disaster.
# 259 green225 @ 09/27/12 11:23 PM
hope of crew dies with live.
# 260 bxphenom7 @ 09/27/12 11:26 PM
Obviously their best technology isn't good enough to make a playable game of basketball. EA, stop bull****ting. At least you know you ****ed up and realize people aren't stupid enough to buy a game from you just because of updated graphics and an EA logo, can't say the same for Madden fans unfortunately. I guess it took them a whole gen to realize gameplay is the core of a great game. I still don't get why they didn't build off of NBA Live 10 or start developing Live 13 as soon as Elite 11 was cancelled. I like how 2k won't let up on the gas, even though there are simple things they seem to overlook in their games. Well, if anything, there's always next-gen. I think the technology will be at a point where developers can't get away with their usual excuses and profit-seeking or holding back for the next year will be exposed much more easily. Honestly, we're paying $, we're not stupid to waste $ for a **** product. It's like game companies forgot how to make money making good games instead of trying every which way to squeeze money out of us smh

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