NBA Live 13 News Post

NBA Live 13 has been canned, kicked to the curb, canceled, put out to pasture. However you want to put it, NBA Live 13 is no more.

Below is a statement from EA Sports Executive Vice President, Andrew Wilson.

After a lot of consideration, we have made the decision to not launch NBA LIVE 13. I'd like to give you a bit of perspective.

When we started the process of bringing back NBA LIVE, we knew it was going to be a long journey. We started by moving the game to a new studio. We brought in some of the best new technology that has helped fuel innovation in our other games. We launched an even deeper level of engagement with our community to gather more feedback directly from fans. And we built a whole new development team to bring it all to life. We felt like we were on the right path.

We also made a commitment to deliver a high quality experience — this is what our fans expect and what we demand of ourselves at EA SPORTS. But making great games is not easy, and we're just not there yet on NBA LIVE 13. Having continued to look at the game over the past few days, it's clear that we won't be ready in October. And rather than launch midway through the season, we're going to sit out the full year and stay focused on making next year’s game great. This decision puts us on the right track for success well into the future in a rapidly changing industry.

I'm disappointed that we have not yet met our high expectations with NBA LIVE, but I remain motivated about where we're going. We're committed to delivering new innovation in online, and our progress in the visual presentation of the game continues to take big strides. We also know that a great game starts with great gameplay, and this remains a huge priority for us.

This wasn't an easy decision, but it's the right one for our fans. I hope you'll agree when you're able to play the game next year.

Andrew Wilson
Executive Vice President, EA SPORTS

Source - EA Sports Cancels NBA Live 13 (Kotaku)

Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 bhl @ 09/27/12 08:53 PM
Isn't this basically verbatim to EA's quote for Elite? I can't take them serious as a basketball video game from here on out.
# 222 dickey1331 @ 09/27/12 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by Brooklynnets24
Is this what happens when EA Sports actually has competition hmmm makes me wonder.
Yeah cuz FIFA and NHL didn't have competition.

Do you really care where I sent this from?
# 223 mrprice33 @ 09/27/12 09:05 PM
# 224 lavy23 @ 09/27/12 09:11 PM
Why am I not surprised?
# 225 Tymes Rhymes @ 09/27/12 09:18 PM
Sorry live fans but it just looked bad this year. I wonder if they can ever reclaim the throne.
# 226 BRxSKINSx @ 09/27/12 09:26 PM
Dang.... What's been canned more.....? Live or Chicken Noodle Soup....?
# 227 madmax17 @ 09/27/12 09:27 PM
Don't be scared homie.. of a little competition

Don't have a billion bucks for exclusive rights to a sport, can teh game! I wonder if Madden would be canned if there is a 2k nfl, hmm.

But I'm not surprised, I've seen the Live 13 video, Jesus you suck ea.
# 228 jhawk826 @ 09/27/12 09:28 PM
Everything that I wanted to say has been said so I'll keep it short. If heads haven't rolled over the debacle, then they will now. The franchise is effectively dead because of this cancellation. The general public has no reason to look forward to Live 14 as Electronic Arts has shown for three years now that this franchise is not a priority for them. If they are going to continue with basketball in any shape or form, they just need to go the Street route because they have lost the simulation basketball war. Their unwillingness to relinquish their stake in the NBA is pathetic.
# 229 TheBadazz @ 09/27/12 09:36 PM
I think Sony should give it another try. Hell can't be any worse than this

sent from HTC Inspire
# 230 btrapp @ 09/27/12 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by yungflo
hell no. then they will get lazy. competition is good.
Competition is good, but 2k's been competing against themselves for the last several years and have maintained excellent product quality. I don't see them getting lazy anytime soon.
# 231 scottyp180 @ 09/27/12 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
They're losing money by not releasing the game. What would be smart is to fire whoever is managing the series. Two years and two cancelled games, it's ridicules.
Not necessarily. When you release a game you are expected to make a certain amount of money and if you don't meet those numbers your product is more or less a failure. Plus with this game supposively being a digital release they dont lose money that would have been spent on manufacturing the disc n such. I don't see how they lose money by spending an extra year to develop a game unless they decide to start from scratch again. To be honest I think this is what the sports genre needs, a game that is developed for multiple years instead of releasing a product every year just to have something to sell.

The "cancellation" of this game is similar to delays we see in big games like gta and bioshock. The companies are making sure they release the best possible product instead of releasing something that people are going to be disappointed with. We all know that this game needs more work so wouldn't you rather ea take another year to improve things and release a game that is actually worth playing? The trailer showed good graphics but everything else looked no better than live 09. No point releasing a game that is worse than the product they released 3 years ago. maybe ea is just throwin in the towel for this generation of consoles and is going to build for the future. Ea should just not mention one thing about basketball games unless it's for a new nba street or they have developed a basketball game that is actually able to offer something worthwhile.
# 232 whoahello @ 09/27/12 09:41 PM
I blame this guy (David Littman) for screwing things up even more. For those who don't know, he worked on NHL and FIFA franchises before he was given the assignment on NBA Live. Excuse me 'Elite'. He thought he could just port over the same features from those other franchises and be done with it, but oh boy.... No wonder Mike Wang left the following year to go back to 2K.

*Edit: LOL watch Jennings shoot with his right hand. Good job EA.*

# 233 I Djm @ 09/27/12 09:41 PM
um wow EA all i can really say is i wish i had a csi miami meme for this moment
# 234 jersez @ 09/27/12 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by Fly3
Damn, so even EA didn't even feel it was worth the $20 they would have sold it for?

I probably would have ended up downloading it out of curiosity, but oh well.
Lol, never thought about it like that.

Question, what happened to David Littman?
# 235 Supersonic_BR @ 09/27/12 09:46 PM
Lol, this is a joke.
# 236 Kanobi @ 09/27/12 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Drewski
Least they aren't going to sucker people into paying 20 bucks for a broken flawed game like they could have.
MADDEN '13 got away with it...suckered folks for $60....the difference is Madden has no competition to be measured against...Live does
# 237 Supersonic_BR @ 09/27/12 09:52 PM
I mean, really, they had a two year cicle (not considering the whole elite 11 debacle), and they can't even release a decent product? why would they remain focused on the elite engine?

I still believe that if they took Live 10 as a start up point they could releaseatthevery least a very decent basketball game.

EA is a joke.
# 238 jayman504 @ 09/27/12 09:52 PM
ROTFLMAO.....they saw 2k and was like..."oh oh..."nahh nah nah nah nah nah nah nah..heeyyyyyyy gooodddbyyeee!!!
# 239 scottyp180 @ 09/27/12 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Kanobi
MADDEN '13 got away with it...suckered folks for $60....the difference is Madden has no competition to be measured against...Live does
I know this is off topic but madden 13 is not as bad as people make it out to be. In comparisons to past maddens its a better game gameplay wise. It's still has flaws, ones that have existed for years, however this game was at least a step in a new direction.
# 240 22cedric @ 09/27/12 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Had Cedric22 posted in this thread? If not man someone make sure he's ok..
I course I have i'm upset by what just happened hopefully NBA Live can rebound from this disaster.

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