NBA Live 13 News Post

I recently got the chance to see NBA Live 13 in action and while the results weren't the greatest to be sure, there were some helpful tidbits of information you could gather from my initial viewing. The NBA Live 13 team showed us an early pre-alpha version of the game, which according to the Developers, was 60% complete -- so it was a quite early version of the game which probably won't represent the final product given the games early build.

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Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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# 141 gdh5503 @ 06/06/12 03:00 PM
These guys spend so much money on strategy marketing and development that they forget about gameplay, player models and AI adaptability. It has been 13 years and we still don't have a basketball sim to revolutionize the way we play basketball games. 2k to me still has another level to go and i don't think they will do it this year either.

To me 2K12 was a downgrade. 2K11 was okay... Better than 2K12, but okay. I still don't see it happening this year either. I don't know what they are waiting for but they haven't wowed me. I mean think about it for a second just really sit back and think about it. Have we seen a basketball sim that has revolutionized the way we play simulation basketball? It has been over 13 years we have spent money to play these so called simulation basketball games.

I am not talking about the development over the years because I give them credit in the sense that as a game in general they have come pretty far from a graphic standpoint and the things you can do as a user, the moves and stuff you can pull off, but what I am taking about is changing the way we play and the way the AI plays against us. I have not been immersed into a basketball sim yet. Not even 2K has sucked me into that "experience" that they talk about every year. Presentation, gameplay all that is okay but not spectacular the way it is hyped up. I found myself skipping through the Sprint momentum play by play by Doris Burke the halftime report I skip, and the intermissions with other teams that are playing report gets skipped. Even the intros I skipped after a month.

I know this thread is about Live 13 but I just got to say it all because they are both making claims about simulation, gameplay experience, ESPN this, Sprite that, and neither Live or 2K has really showed up. Live especially, these dudes been out the game for two years and their build is below average at this point and they don't have very long to go to launch and I fear for them. look how long its been that we have played these basketball games. Just sit and think about it. What are they waiting for, Next Gen consoles? I hope not because we will be right back here again, all next gen is going to be is graphic enhancement.

Its been a very long time for these basketball sims and we are still being tickled with gameplay and visuals. Just think about it as a consumer. Does anyone feel cheated but me? Just my opinion either 2K and maybe Live for that matter are holding back for something big for next year because it is not this year and I can guarantee that based on what I have seen so far and we all know they don't have a whole lot of time to scrap and build again before launch or in reality they have reached their CEILING.

Both games in my opinion need an EXTREME MAKEOVER from player models not just faces, to presentation and commentary adaptability, replays and halftime reports, a real deep and immersive Dynasty mode, deep and immersive Create a player not just my player but create a player in Dynasty mode, Olympic games and teams not in a mode only but also into the deep and immersive Dynasty mode and so on. Its been 13 years?!!??
# 142 Paul Pierce_OS @ 06/06/12 05:00 PM
Visually, a revamped graphics engine has players looking better than ever before. A whopping 100 man-hours have gone into each pro’s head alone, and signature styles such as free-throw routines, jumpers, and dribble moves will all be accurately depicted. Still, the overall look of the game is decidedly lacking at this admittedly early stage, with cartoony animations and, worse, the same hyper-speed, arcade-y gameplay pacing that we docked the last NBA Live for. Again, however, NBA Live 13 has plenty of time left on the shot clock to execute its play. We look forward to seeing what it’s got we get the controller in our hands.
# 143 chivs890 @ 06/06/12 08:42 PM
It's like they're creating a tech demo instead of a game. They talk of these physics, collisions, data.. yet the real life stuff like player movement, animations, general sim gameplay.. just seems to be an after thought.

This has started out identically to NBA Elite, promises of all these great things that they can do with this new tech, yet when it's put together and you actually see it it's a complete mess.
# 144 EAGLESFAN10 @ 06/06/12 09:10 PM
If Im not mistaken physics and collisions can be tied with player movement and collisions
# 145 DW3 @ 06/06/12 09:12 PM
I just pray live 13 is even on par with live 10. It's to the point where I'm flat out bored with 2ks rendition of basketball. Not saying anything is wrong with the game just as a 2k players for over 12 years, the game is becoming stale to me. I love basketball period. It will be a huge disappointment for me if both games end up mediocre.
# 146 nccomicfan @ 06/06/12 09:39 PM
I'm treating this as a first year EA title, and I have a strict rule not to breathe of EA's first version of anything.
# 147 Subversion @ 06/06/12 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by DW3
I just pray live 13 is even on par with live 10. It's to the point where I'm flat out bored with 2ks rendition of basketball. Not saying anything is wrong with the game just as a 2k players for over 12 years, the game is becoming stale to me. I love basketball period. It will be a huge disappointment for me if both games end up mediocre.
Yep same feelings here. I saw the private presentation of Live at E3 and came away thinking "They had 2 years to develop a new idea, and all they did was borrow ANT from FIFA?" All the other assets are from Elite 11'.

Games aren't just a methodical calculation, there has to be creativity.

Last NBA game I really played was 2K9. Been passing on these games for a while now.
# 148 NoTiCe_O @ 06/06/12 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by thevaliantx
No doubt you will, but for those of us who are familiar with EA's history (trust me, the negative preview that EA got on this isn't bothering them one bit because they're loaded with cash), we know that EA will improve some things, and remove other working things. More of the same.
That's what i figured, EA can hire the best engineers and game designers in the country if they feel the need. I figure if LIVE 13 is alright EA will do what they have to, money and technology wise, to make Live 14 a way better game.

That was just an initial reaction after reading the preview though, Live 13 may have a shot on my shelf, not day one though
# 149 noshun @ 06/06/12 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Subversion
I saw the private presentation of Live at E3 and came away thinking "They had 2 years to develop a new idea, and all they did was borrow ANT from FIFA?" All the other assets are from Elite 11'
Do go into details...
# 150 bigeastbumrush @ 06/06/12 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Subversion
Yep same feelings here. I saw the private presentation of Live at E3 and came away thinking "They had 2 years to develop a new idea, and all they did was borrow ANT from FIFA?" All the other assets are from Elite 11'.

Games aren't just a methodical calculation, there has to be creativity.

Last NBA game I really played was 2K9. Been passing on these games for a while now.
Care to elaborate on what you saw?
# 151 Playmakers @ 06/06/12 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by 22cedric
They're adding tons more signature animations,celebrations etc to NBA Live 13 this year. A collision system is also being added.
hey look man don't take this the wrong way because you seem like a cool guy.

But we aren't buying anymore of EA's B.S. on here.

Most of these guys will believe it when they see it on the floor. I mentioned this before to you that all the interviews, screen shots and previews are all just HYPE.

These guys had two years off and to come on here and say the game is only 60% complete is a slap in the face to all those who have supported EA for years.

What did they do for the 1st 12 months work on their marketing/Hype Skills?

They should be finished with the product and showing us videos of live gameplay....showing us how hard they worked doing the down time.

Instead we get a preview talking about 60% complete and be forgiving to them (EA) for the gameplay not being up to speed yet.....
# 152 Mr_Riddick @ 06/07/12 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
hey look man don't take this the wrong way because you seem like a cool guy.

But we aren't buying anymore of EA's B.S. on here.

Most of these guys will believe it when they see it on the floor. I mentioned this before to you that all the interviews, screen shots and previews are all just HYPE.

These guys had two years off and to come on here and say the game is only 60% complete is a slap in the face to all those who have supported EA for years.

What did they do for the 1st 12 months work on their marketing/Hype Skills?

They should be finished with the product and showing us videos of live gameplay....showing us how hard they worked doing the down time.

Instead we get a preview talking about 60% complete and be forgiving to them (EA) for the gameplay not being up to speed yet.....
Pretty much sums it up for me...
# 153 NoTiCe_O @ 06/07/12 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by thevaliantx
That's not at all what I was saying, but thanks for trying. What I DID suggest is that EA does the bare minimum to survive (and uses their marketing to do the rest of the work), and that their long, long history shows that AT BEST they will make minimum improvements on successor products, and remove things that are working ..... under the guise of "we just didn't have the space to put it all in", only to market said removed things at "NEW!!!!!" a year or two later.
I get ya now, i read it wrong.

I don't think EA has the luxury to make min. improvements with NBA Live though, all their other sports titles are starting to flourish while NBA Live still lags behind 2k. Marketing a bad game isn't gonna help much when 2k's already got a loyal consumer base on lock.

After the elite fiasco i don't think EA basketball holds much weight anymore, they've got to deliver. They can't risk to do the bare minimum, they've gotta come with it or 2k might deliver a knockout blow.
# 154 Tyrant8RDFL @ 06/07/12 12:41 AM
Yes Im having a hard time believing with 2 years worth of work on this title,and what they displayed was only at 60% with major bugs, horrible animations , and not being able to showcase more than graphics. With only 4 months away from launch how can we has the consumer feel confident?

Man I'm so disappointed
# 155 bigsmallwood @ 06/07/12 01:47 AM
This is highly disappointing considering the fact that they have had 2 years off and apparently the graphics have gotten worse. I'm not sure if they are on a mission to sabotage the NBA Live brand but right now they have very little time to get the ship righted.
# 156 truintellectplaya @ 06/07/12 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by EAGLESFAN10

· Smart Spectacular Gameplay – NBA LIVE 13 features smart and spectacular gameplay through Basketball IQ which delivers organic team play as your teammates react and respond to the flow of every game. Driven by Basketball IQ, each team has the ability to adjust quickly to any situation where players can analyze and read off of each other. Gamers will experience the feeling of hitting a cutting player at just the right time for an open lay-up or driving the lane to dish to a teammate for an open jumper – this is real, intelligent, team basketball. Relive those wow moments, and experience what it is like to be Jeremy Lin and deliver the perfect pin-point alley oop pass to a high flying Tyson Chandler!

· ESPN Broadcast Presentation – NBA basketball fans will enjoy a fully integrated ESPN broadcast package in NBA LIVE 13. The presentation will look, feel and sound like a real NBA broadcast, from detailed player images and arena modeling, to the on-air personalities of ESPN’s #1 commentary team of Jeff Van Gundy and Mike Breen, to authentic camera angles from ESPN’s TV broadcasts that will immerse players in a realistic NBA game experience.

· Player Authenticity – NBA LIVE 13 features a brand new graphics engine that takes player authenticity to a whole new level! Your favorite NBA players will mirror their real-life counterparts with photorealistic star heads thanks to EA SPORTS state-of-the art technology. In addition to authentic player shoes, tattoos and hair, signature bodies enable NBA LIVE 13 to scale and map every single player to their real-life size and tailor the player model to each individual’s body composition. The game will feature a full package of signature styles for all the top NBA superstars - from look and feel to tendencies and emotions, such as Lebron James’ chase down block.

· Connecting Experiences – EA SPORTS has always delivered great online experiences and NBA LIVE 13 will feature all-new online features that will keep players connected and competing all year round!"

The all-new Playmaker Engine leverages world-class animation technology that delivers unprecedented feel, responsiveness and authenticity to NBA LIVE 13.

Keep these in mind
I hope you are getting paid for touting some new engine. We heard the same about Elite
# 157 SouthBeach @ 06/07/12 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by captaintuna
No actual Live 13 gameplay video has surfaced yet and some of you guys are piling on EA based on a couple of bloggers' opinions?

I swear some of you guys hate on EA "just because......"
Personally, I just want two great basketball titles this year.

And when you've had a little less than two years to develop a game, it's a little unsettling when someone previews your "beta" build and they don't necessarily see potential.

With 2K, even if they released it right now, most people would be upset because it looked like 2K12 but...the potential would still be present.

It's still early, so I hope everything they're saying is actually shown in due time.
# 158 Ermolli @ 06/07/12 09:36 AM
After reading how bad the game is right now it makes me wonder how would it be if the EA Canada team continued building Elite without wasting time like EA has by moving to Tiburon and finding a team to create the game. I know Elite 11 was bad but at least they had an idea and a three year plan which would culminate this year. That game despite its flaws (which were many) had some promising things and I believe that if they continued with that project, their build would be better than the one Live 13 had at E3. Besides the new passing, the "move with a purpose", "improved" AI, and the rest of the features could perfectly be added in the Elite cycle during the last two years without losing time. Elite could have been a solid game and good second option if EA gave them the time needed because you couldn't make the game properly in just one year (as we saw with Elite 11).
# 159 Ermolli @ 06/07/12 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by captaintuna
Does anyone know if Live 13 will retain the "Elite 11" controls (right-stick for shooting)??? Has this been mentioned anywhere?

I know many here hated it, but personally I thought it was great and added a new dimension to the game. I really hope they offer that control option in Live 13.
It was already stated that they went back to the old right stick controls.
# 160 Sydney Deane @ 06/07/12 01:49 PM
Two years and their objective is still bells and whistles.

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