NBA Live 13 News Post

I recently got the chance to see NBA Live 13 in action and while the results weren't the greatest to be sure, there were some helpful tidbits of information you could gather from my initial viewing. The NBA Live 13 team showed us an early pre-alpha version of the game, which according to the Developers, was 60% complete -- so it was a quite early version of the game which probably won't represent the final product given the games early build.

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Game: NBA Live 13Hype Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 56 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Dynastium @ 06/05/12 03:04 PM
Holy Batman
# 2 DaWolf @ 06/05/12 03:08 PM
Thx for the honest preview. Doesnt sound too good..
# 3 eko718 @ 06/05/12 03:09 PM
LMAO... more of the same it sounds like.
# 4 vln13 @ 06/05/12 03:10 PM
Finally, a preview that isn't like "I played pickup basketball with these guys and they are all so passionate about what they do (aka doing a great job at bribing me to write a nice review when the time comes)", all about gameplay! Hope you do the final OS Review!

In any case, Live is in a tough place, and I think to call it the most hyped game at E3 is off - expectations should be pretty low. One thing I hope they keep from Elite was the Career mode which seemed interesting, better than MyPlayer (or will they go with connected careers?)
# 5 bigsmallwood @ 06/05/12 03:10 PM
wow. Not what I wanted to hear about Live 13, but I will wait and see. We may be surprised as we were with Madden this year ;-)
# 6 sheredia @ 06/05/12 03:10 PM
just improve on 2k weaknesses (online play, etc.) and add some things 2k doesn't have (fiba teams/mode, maybe an olympic mode or something, and they could peak my interest......
# 7 morningstar777 @ 06/05/12 03:11 PM
Not impressed, at all.
# 8 miami01 @ 06/05/12 03:13 PM
I was really looking forward to this game as well. Dissapointed to say the least and not very optimistic about the final version being very far off of what you saw
# 9 BuddyColtrane @ 06/05/12 03:14 PM
well that sucks
# 10 Greene_Flash03 @ 06/05/12 03:14 PM
Yikes! Not looking good EA...
# 11 Ermolli @ 06/05/12 03:16 PM
I thought I could hear something positive from the gameplay but from this preview it's not promising at all. I hope EA steps up and do all they say they will do so we can have a good second choise. Besides, there needs to be a slider for speed so we could adapt the game to a more real tempo.
# 12 Super Glock @ 06/05/12 03:22 PM
Are you freaking kidding me. After nearly 2 years of development they show a build that is only 60% done and isn't that good. Unbelievable!!!
# 13 23 @ 06/05/12 03:24 PM
The NBA Live 13 team showed us an early pre-alpha version of the game, which according to the Developers, was 60% complete -- so it was a quite early version of the game which probably won't represent the final product, at least that's the theory I'm working with for now.

So my question to you is, since NBA E-Lite didnt come out, they had time to work on this, from planning to code writing... how much of an unfinish build is it when they've had all this time?
# 14 Bulls321974 @ 06/05/12 03:26 PM
One word: Ouch!
# 15 lv2bll @ 06/05/12 03:26 PM
Was really looking forward to this game. I'll be contempt as long as its a step in the right direction.
# 16 NoTiCe_O @ 06/05/12 03:30 PM
I'll get NBA Live 14
# 17 23 @ 06/05/12 03:31 PM
Actually, the dunks didn't look bad, but the speed of the moves and the players seemed too fast to me (more on that later).
This too.... its the same old NBA Live issues... wonky animations, I could provide examples im sure, but the ratings needed to be tweaked up the YING YANG to get them to not warp into super speed, like he said, as if some frames went missing in between
# 18 Muzyk23 @ 06/05/12 03:35 PM
The most disappointing thing is, from the preview, that the game seems to have the same kind of problems as past iterations. Unbelievable !!
# 19 İroke @ 06/05/12 03:36 PM
Why would they have a final product 4 months before release it? If the game ends up being bad, then we can complain about all the time they had, but right now, having an uncomplete game seems obvious to me... wether it's good or bad
# 20 noshun @ 06/05/12 03:36 PM
EA Basketball will never amount to anything other then 10 Gargamels on the count in posture and movement. New devs using the same animations and if they arent the same they are programming them the same.. I have no hope in these guys..

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