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# 383
superjames1992 @ 05/23/12 05:37 PM
One thing that bothered me about 06 (or any last-gen NCAA game) was how easy the deep ball is. I was able to complete 75%+ of my deep ball passes and it got to the point where I just stopped throwing them.
Of course, NCAA 12 had this issue, as well, it seemed. I don't recall seeing it on NCAA 09-11, though.
Of course, NCAA 12 had this issue, as well, it seemed. I don't recall seeing it on NCAA 09-11, though.
So I finally got my PS2 up, and guess what I saw...A SHOVEL PASS!!!!!
# 389
Playmakers @ 05/23/12 07:45 PM
One thing i've always regret doing was trading in NCAA 06.....I didn't think i would ever need to play it again after the new systems came out.
That is the main reason why i try to keep all my older games now because you never know with these sports company how a game will turn out from one year to next.
So stupid of me because every now and then i fire up the old PS2 system and play MVP Baseball, NBA Live 06 and Metal Gear Solid....yet for some reason i traded in NCAA 06 like a dummy.
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# 392
Armor and Sword @ 05/23/12 11:56 PM
I wonder if they'll even post a "quick clip" tomorrow considering this thread has (rightfully so) turned an NCAA 06 love fest.
# 395
Ziza9Noles94 @ 05/24/12 01:12 AM
I do have to thank this current generation of NCAA's for making me a more patient runner, as I remember usually just jamming on the sprint button back in the day and hoping to find the corner. I really didn't use sprint too much, unless a guy was on my heels, and my yards per carry were around 6. The CPU used a nice direct snap (that play was borderline cheese against the CPU, so good to see them take advantage) to score on a 15-yard run.
The OL blocking in this game is so improved. They target the right guys, especially on toss and sweep plays. I had one toss where my LT had a choice of blocking 2 guys; one that was behind him by a step, or another guy that was 2-3 yards upfield. In today's NCAA, you'd see the OL peel back and get the first guy, leaving the other defender free to nail you for a minimal gain. Thanks to the OL targeting the correct player, I ripped off a 12-yard run.
The crowd sounds 100% better than NCAA 12. I forgot about the animation where the QB has to use hand signals to try and communicate with his players due to the noise. THAT is the kind of stuff we should be seeing TODAY. Home Field Advantage is a huge aspect of NCAA Football and it's so lacking in this generation of consoles.
Obviously the graphics are dated, but they aren't bad by any means.
All in all, it was a good experience and at the very least, it's a good game to pop in from time to time as a reminder of better days. Not sure how it'd hold up in Dynasty Mode.
Yeah the running/blocking is pretty good.
Downfield blocking is good.
I love how you have to be patient with when to sprint or not.
Player momentum is noticeable and makes movement seem natural.
You can cut back against the defense.
That's what I enjoy most. There is no skating. The guys look natural out there.
One thing I don't like after playing this gen is the control scheme. I think it's more natural the way we have it now.
Like you said, it brought back some good memories. Maybe one day we will get back to that level.
Downfield blocking is good.
I love how you have to be patient with when to sprint or not.
Player momentum is noticeable and makes movement seem natural.
You can cut back against the defense.
That's what I enjoy most. There is no skating. The guys look natural out there.
One thing I don't like after playing this gen is the control scheme. I think it's more natural the way we have it now.
Like you said, it brought back some good memories. Maybe one day we will get back to that level.
# 398
Playmakers @ 05/24/12 02:36 AM
I said it before I just don't understand how they haven't been able to recapture the atmosphere of NCAA 06 and also why can't the CPU run a option attack like they did in NCAA 06.
You said the OL really plays smart in NCAA 06 right out of the every NCAA game this gen I have had to go in and mannually edit ratings for all Offensive Linemen just to get them to operate smarter on the field.
We shouldn't have to do that stuff.....EA needs to spend quality time working on the game from a gameplay perspective. I also recall in NCAA 06IMPACT PLAYERS actually being a key player for each team and the CPU would utilize that IMPACT PLAYER to make big plays.
I'm not asking for the gameplay to be perfect right out of the box. But it should be better right out of the box than a game from 6 years ago. I can point out several things that NBA 2K or MLB The Show does wrong right out of the box. But I don't because those games have the basics down right and then it only requires small slider tweaks to get my own cusomized gameplay.
I don't have to mess around with ratings and stuff and I don't have to worry about Star Players performing or showing tendencies of their playing styles.
With NCAA Football it's starting to be the same routine each and every year. I'm hoping NCAA 13 is a step up from last year because i've never been so dissapointed in the series as i was with NCAA 12.
# 400
Armor and Sword @ 05/24/12 08:16 AM
NCAA 07 is just as good BTW.
Just popped that in to my old XBOX last this thread gave me the inspiration to do so. Great game as I always remembered it.
I still really like 11 and 12 but 2007 brought back a lot of what I wrong with todays games....and also whats right (Awesome dynasty mode).
Race for the Heisman on 2007 is awesome and I can see firing up another one of those.
Just popped that in to my old XBOX last this thread gave me the inspiration to do so. Great game as I always remembered it.
I still really like 11 and 12 but 2007 brought back a lot of what I wrong with todays games....and also whats right (Awesome dynasty mode).
Race for the Heisman on 2007 is awesome and I can see firing up another one of those.
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