NCAA Football 13 News Post
NCAA Football 13 Videos
Member Comments
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On the developer side, I suppose we are all guessing unless we have seen the budgets, but why should they spend any manpower (and incur any costs) to development if consumers keep buying.
What you fail to recognize is either the lack of efficiency or talent on their development team though. You assume that b/c of their size, they should be able to get enough done. You (and I) don't know that. Maybe the EA team has much more capable and talented individuals? Obviously the stuff the NCAA guys work on (the gimmicky BS we see each year) has little interest to gamers like us, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility that EA may not have the talent to do what we want. Or maybe they do? Which would make what they do each year even more insulting.
Hell, even some of the basic things they claim to fix each year end up broke and needing patch(es).
Hey Steve. I'm calling you out. Pick up the College Football license. Operation Sports NCAA Football 14. I can see it now... :thumbup:
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Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II with Tapatalk 2
# 266
Iblocka Flocka Flame @ 05/18/12 10:38 PM
One minor issue I have with this video(which I also had with NCAA 12) is that USC's fight song(song during touchdown's) is NOT Tribute to Troy, it is Fight On. Tribute to Troy is only played on defense. Not a great look for a game that claims to have included the most authentic audio and traditions ever.
Blatantly dropped interception on that second play :/
Other than that I dont see many flaws other than it just looking the exact same as '12. The screen pass the TD pass looked nice. Too small a sample of space though to make any conclusions.
Other than that I dont see many flaws other than it just looking the exact same as '12. The screen pass the TD pass looked nice. Too small a sample of space though to make any conclusions.
# 268
swift kincade @ 05/18/12 10:59 PM
If nothing has changed after E3 with the commentary then we can all trash it. But have some hope
I'm canceling my pre-order and will just stick with NCAA 12 and Purple's edited rosters. He's doing 2012 season rosters for the game, so I'll just use that, and also still play NCAA 11 with Playmakers' alumni file.
I will also bring up my PS2 and fire up NCAA 2004 and 06.
Crazy how a 4-minute video can crush your hopes, but that's what has happened with me and NCAA 13.
Oh well. I'm working 60-plus hours a week and will just play games that grab my attention; I don't have time to mess with mediocre games.
Rather uninspiring video
Dreads look terrible again
Equipment looks the same
Atmosphere sucks (with no custom sounds)
Maybe it will have a special feel when I play it but visually it looks identical...
Dreads look terrible again
Equipment looks the same
Atmosphere sucks (with no custom sounds)
Maybe it will have a special feel when I play it but visually it looks identical...
Pre-order is officially canceled. Sorry NCAA, but your other EA Sports counterparts are just flat-out better by several miles.
I just wish that one year would be the year this game is a must buy like the old days.
I just wish that one year would be the year this game is a must buy like the old days.
# 273
superxero27 @ 05/19/12 02:49 AM
Am I seeing things or did they slightly tweak the pre-snap camera angle? It seems a smidge lower, closer to Madden's.
Or maybe my computer has a better screen than my old TV
Or maybe my computer has a better screen than my old TV
# 274
PowerofRed25 @ 05/19/12 07:41 AM
I'm fascinated how so many of you are focused on the sound (admittedly awful sounding) or atmosphere when there is blatantly glitched out gameplay happening on the field. I don't care if the video clip played "It's a Small World" on repeat for 5 minutes, but the defense was completely glitched out on every single pass play.
Read and react? I'd settle for defenders being in the general vicinity of their defensive assignment on any given play.
But hey, it's an early build...... right? Right?
Read and react? I'd settle for defenders being in the general vicinity of their defensive assignment on any given play.
But hey, it's an early build...... right? Right?

# 275
SteelerSpartan @ 05/19/12 08:29 AM
But the Crowd/Presentation was just like an instant buzzkill after hearing about how they made all these audio/presentation changes(Again,Said they did last year too) and thats what apparently is all they have to show for it
# 276
videlsports @ 05/19/12 10:34 AM
This video did not impress, I have to play the demo, or if no demo is out, then Gamefly it. So far it's not going to be a buy for me
# 277
AndrewGW88 @ 05/19/12 11:19 AM
Why do people have a thought that says there won't be a demo? Ask yourself when the last time there wasn't a demo...
# 278
kjcheezhead @ 05/19/12 11:24 AM
I'm a NFL guy mostly. There was next to no chance I was gonna get NCAA anyways, but this vid just sealed the deal for me. My expectations for Madden just dropped to the floor as well after watching this.
The next generation of consoles can't come soon enough for me.
The next generation of consoles can't come soon enough for me.
I passed on last year. I know I'm not in tune with minute details as some of you are, but I thought I'd see a lot more different stuff having missed last year.
I'm most disappointed with the passing icons. I really though that would add a more realistic dimension to the passing game. However, they were always lit up within a few steps of the receiver leaving the LOS. Take the first play, for example. The wideout on the left is running a flag route, and he's looking for the ball five yards off the line of scrimmage. Maybe this is tied to difficulty, and this was on an easier setting. From what I saw, though, is that if this is the way it works, I can't see it changing the passing game much.
I'm most disappointed with the passing icons. I really though that would add a more realistic dimension to the passing game. However, they were always lit up within a few steps of the receiver leaving the LOS. Take the first play, for example. The wideout on the left is running a flag route, and he's looking for the ball five yards off the line of scrimmage. Maybe this is tied to difficulty, and this was on an easier setting. From what I saw, though, is that if this is the way it works, I can't see it changing the passing game much.
I wish they would send you a build and allow you to tinker with the sliders and give feedback so they can tweak/adjust before Demo release.
If they would just use guys like yourself, GotMadSkillzson feedback to tweak what they have, many of the issues people are seeing wouldn't be such an eyesore year-in, year-out.
Field size is "Killing" this game.
No room for anything to play out with proper spacing causing everything to move in a vacuum.
Every pass play is a catch-two step-then contact.
No room to actually run after the catch, esp over the middle going vertical.
Man if they would just use the feedback with what they have, we wouldn't be doing this every year.
Just want another developer to bring us some College Football at this point, I don't care who it may be.
EA has had several years now and it's just not happening with them.
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