NBA 2K12 News Post

Check out the new NBA 2K12 Developer Insight #10, featuring Mike Wang, Sr. Game Designer, as he talks about some of the new features and improvements made to the offensive end of the floor in NBA 2K12 – primarily in the areas of ball handling and shooting.

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Member Comments
# 101 mreyes930 @ 09/19/11 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
Anybody know when the video is going to be posted?
Should be sometime this week. It appears that they were planning on releasing this Insight before the demo all along so I'd say tomorrow at the earliest but this is purely speculation.
# 102 Bootzilla @ 09/19/11 05:56 PM
I'd prefer Training Camp mode to a standard demo. It's going to take some serious lab time to get my mind and fingers in sync. Loving what I'm hearing by the way.
# 103 DustinT @ 09/19/11 05:56 PM
One thing I love about the controls, is you have to follow through on everything. Too many times did I pull of the perfect fake and spin only to not take the damn shot.

I kept getting too excited with the movement that my fingers would ease up off the sticks, assuming I was going to be taking the shot.

Concentration is key this year.
# 104 mreyes930 @ 09/19/11 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by DustinT
One thing I love about the controls, is you have to follow through on everything. Too many times did I pull of the perfect fake and spin only to not take the damn shot.

I kept getting too excited with the movement that my fingers would ease up off the sticks, assuming I was going to be taking the shot.

Concentration is key this year.
Ahh, thanks for the heads up.
# 105 Kashanova @ 09/19/11 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
By default, in relation to the hoop. But there's an option to make the shot stick absolute if you want.
Great insight, great work as usual. I'm psyche to try out some of the moves in the demo tomorrow
# 106 jersez @ 09/19/11 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by mreyes930
Should be sometime this week. It appears that they were planning on releasing this Insight before the demo all along so I'd say tomorrow at the earliest but this is purely speculation.
I thought they were releasing the video with the insight. O well, thanks for the info.
# 107 EarvGotti @ 09/19/11 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
I thought they were releasing the video with the insight. O well, thanks for the info.
They were supposed to but Ronnie is talking some crap about it's less than 20% likely to get approved today smh. I'm not blaming Ronnie, just think it's silly to have to wait so long just to get a video approved for release.

Give it to us today so that by the time the demo drops we will at least have an idea of how to pull off certain moves.
# 108 bigd916 @ 09/19/11 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Pared

B/c you can't really move your feet after a hop step - I understand refs look the other way but it should still be there as a possible result.

Good to read.

see this gets me into a lot of arguments whenever I play pickup games...

this is the rule - If you do a hopstep, which is jumping and then picking up the dribble and landing, you have one more step because the hopstep was 1 step, and then either foot could be a pivot for a step through.

now if you do a PRO HOP, which is when you gather the ball off of one foot and then jump and land on two feet, you cant move your feet because that was two steps. big thing is you MUST land on two feet in a pro hop.
# 109 blues rocker @ 09/19/11 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by SaC_KiNg09
I think you are talking about the drive cam. I love that CAM but like you, I dont play it often due to the lack of view of the other players. 2k has always listened to us b4 so hopefully next year we have some better cams.
yeah...i don't understand why 2k offers so many cameras that have such a limited view of the court...how can i play the game if i can't even see where the other players are because the camera is too zoomed in?...i'm surprised more people don't complain about it...but maybe that's because most people just use the broadcast cam...but i'm under the impression that a lot of people prefer the 2k cam.

one of the most essential parts of playing the game is being able to see where the other players are...yet so may cameras are zoomed in so close to the ball handler that they cut off other players and large portions of the court...thus making those cameras virtually worthless. bottom line...if i can't see all the other players at all times, then the camera isn't doing what it should.
# 110 Beluba @ 09/19/11 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by DustinT
What about your euro-hop-five-step-bounce-shot?
you and steve... man.

I haven't committed a travel in like a year... then I make one bad move and don't hear the end of it.

In my mind, I saw 3 options on that break: split the defenders with a euro, hop step to the right side, or stutter step into a D-Rose floater. I just ended up combining them all into one. At least I made the shot. lol. That's the kind of innovation you can look forward to in next year's game.
# 111 Da_Czar @ 09/19/11 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
yeah...i don't understand why 2k offers so many cameras that have such a limited view of the court...how can i play the game if i can't even see where the other players are because the camera is too zoomed in?...i'm surprised more people don't complain about it...but maybe that's because most people just use the broadcast cam...but i'm under the impression that a lot of people prefer the 2k cam.

one of the most essential parts of playing the game is being able to see where the other players are...yet so may cameras are zoomed in so close to the ball handler that they cut off other players and large portions of the court...thus making those cameras virtually worthless. bottom line...if i can't see all the other players at all times, then the camera isn't doing what it should.
Because your supposed to know where the other players are. You can't always see everything when your playing. I love those cam's because of that. I wouldn't be against a slight zoom out but if you need blimp vision use the blimp cam's LOL I know I am in the minority but I love being right in the action. Reminds me of being on the floor and using court sense to know where guys are at.

Beluba has a FAT close off broadcast camera that I will be using for my personal enjoyment.
# 112 fatleg3 @ 09/19/11 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Right, i've been wanting and asking about this for a long time... ID messed me up with the AI doing things to you that you would do to it

That adds a whole different dynamic to trying to stop stars and all stars as opposed to regular role players
It will make the tougher difficulties more realistic. Hopefully the cpu stars will be pulling off all kinds of moves instead of jacking up contested shot that all go in. It wont seem like the higher difficulties cheat you as much now.

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
They can do the moves but there are not as fast or as effective as the other players and their shots out of those moves have a lower ceiling if you will. But test away of course.
Thank you. This was a gripe of mines in 2k11. For example, in 2k11 tyson chandler would be able to pull off the same moves as pau gasol with the same speed and all.

I see i will have to spend some time in training camp. Moves more complicated then in 2k11 but im sure that after some practice i will have them down.

Hopefully someone will make some tutorial vids from the demo. I remember last year like a day after the demo came out there were vids of people pulling off kobe sig moves so smoothly. Cant wait to see some this year from the demo.

This is what i mean. I still cant pull moves off like this. Just think how sweet it looks with this guy pulling moves of with dirk, or lebron, wade, and bosh in the post.
# 113 blues rocker @ 09/19/11 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Because your supposed to know where the other players are. You can't always see everything when your playing. I love those cam's because of that. I wouldn't be against a slight zoom out but if you need blimp vision use the blimp cam's LOL I know I am in the minority but I love being right in the action. Reminds me of being on the floor and using court sense to know where guys are at.

Beluba has a FAT close off broadcast camera that I will be using for my personal enjoyment.
to each his own, my friend....but i personally can't stand not being able to see the other players...i only use icon passing, so it's frustrating when I want to icon pass to teammates, but they're being cut off by the camera and I have to guess which button to press because I can't tell if it's the SG or the SF...

i get what you're saying about remembering where the other players are, but some of the cameras are just zoomed in a bit too much...in real life you have peripheral vision where you can still see people out of the corner of your eye and whatnot...or in real life you are able to turn your head to see other areas of the court...so i still feel that some of those zoomed in cameras are even more limited than your real vision is.

the blimp cam isn't quite right for me either...i like the angle and position of the 2k cam, just want to be able to zoom out more.
# 114 Beluba @ 09/19/11 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by UnbelievablyRAW
I love how a dev is here answering questions. Love the dedication.

The biggest questions that need to be answered are:

1) Are there still animation 'facial' dunks? I can honestly say that Lebron and Wade were overpowered in 2K11 becaue they could constantly force you into an animation of them dunking on you.

2) Did you fix Derrick Rose's layup package? He only does floaters from medium to close range lol
1. yeah dunk-ons are still in the game. we removed the ones that pull the defenders way out from the side because they felt bad. so the only time they'll trigger now is when the defender is standing underneath the rim, not in position to make a play.

2. yes, D. Rose has a new layup package with 6 different floaters. the standing floaters actually aren't in the manual, they're one of the "hidden" moves in the game. to get them, you have to be standing within about 12 feet of the basket... then hold the Left Stick away from the hoop when you hit the Shot Stick or Shot Button.
# 115 EarvGotti @ 09/19/11 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
1. yeah dunk-ons are still in the game. we removed the ones that pull the defenders way out from the side because they felt bad. so the only time they'll trigger now is when the defender is standing underneath the rim, not in position to make a play.

2. yes, D. Rose has a new layup package with 6 different floaters. the standing floaters actually aren't in the manual, they're one of the "hidden" moves in the game. to get them, you have to be standing within about 12 feet of the basket... then hold the Left Stick away from the hoop when you hit the Shot Stick or Shot Button.
Thanks for the info Beluba. How effective are floaters this year? Last year they rarely seemed to go in. However, in 2K10 they we're pretty effective.
# 116 elprez98 @ 09/19/11 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
2. yes, D. Rose has a new layup package with 6 different floaters. the standing floaters actually aren't in the manual, they're one of the "hidden" moves in the game. to get them, you have to be standing within about 12 feet of the basket... then hold the Left Stick away from the hoop when you hit the Shot Stick or Shot Button.
AWESOME!!! Can't wait to learn these.
# 117 domidomdomz @ 09/19/11 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
2. yes, D. Rose has a new layup package with 6 different floaters. the standing floaters actually aren't in the manual, they're one of the "hidden" moves in the game. to get them, you have to be standing within about 12 feet of the basket... then hold the Left Stick away from the hoop when you hit the Shot Stick or Shot Button.
You just "unhide" it, sir. Will definitely try this in the demo.
# 118 23 @ 09/19/11 07:08 PM
There are hidden moves you forgot to mention in the insight?

Of course in no way would I speculate that hard to start something here : )

...and nice going on the 3 moves in one in that pickup game... you should've told them they do call you "Mike"
# 119 JWiLL02 @ 09/19/11 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by elprez98
AWESOME!!! Can't wait to learn these.
Between a beefed up Rose and Booz with the new post game you should be a handful in 2k12.
# 120 blues rocker @ 09/19/11 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
1. yeah dunk-ons are still in the game. we removed the ones that pull the defenders way out from the side because they felt bad. so the only time they'll trigger now is when the defender is standing underneath the rim, not in position to make a play.

2. yes, D. Rose has a new layup package with 6 different floaters. the standing floaters actually aren't in the manual, they're one of the "hidden" moves in the game. to get them, you have to be standing within about 12 feet of the basket... then hold the Left Stick away from the hoop when you hit the Shot Stick or Shot Button.
Beluba...i have another issue i've been wanting addressed for a while - it regards blocking animations around the hoop....one of my biggest problems with 2k11 was that players could block layups and dunks by having their arms and hands pass THROUGH the rim...like if i'm doing a layup on the right side of the rim, a defender could jump from the left side, make his arm pass through the rim like a ghost and swat my layup away...in real life, he would not have been able to block my layup because I was "using the rim as a sheild" with my position and he wouldn't be able to get to me from the other side. another issue was players sticking their arms up through the middle of the rim to poke out dunks and layups and not being called for goal tending.

obviously some work would need to be done to the blocking system to make players "aware" of the rim so that their block animation would be limited or altered by their relation to the rim.

these issues aren't game-killers, but it would happen to me about 2 or 3 times per game in 2k11.

if it has not been addressed in 2k12, can you guys please try to work on this for 2k13?

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