NCAA Football 12 News Post

Christian McLeod has confirmed the NCAA Football 12 roster glitch will be addressed in an upcoming patch. The fix for now? Are you ready for this? Delete your named roster file.

What are the problems you ask? Here are just a few comments from the OS community.

One of the NCAA Football 12 Software Engineer's posted this topic (roster related), in hopes to get some things resolved.

via skins5680
When you edit the name of a scrambling QB it changes them to balanced and editing a balanced QB changes them to scrambling. I noticed when i downloaded a roster with names that Denard Robinson was shown as a balanced QB so i went back to the default roster and he was back to a scrambler. So i played a game with the named roster and he attempted zero scrambles. I then played a game with the default roster and he scrambled five times in the first two drives.

via Gotmadskillzson
I seen this last week when I downloaded Fairdale Kings rosters for the 360. It just isn't the QBs tendancy that changes, it is also the pass rusher, coverage guys, hard hitters.

Everybody tendancy description changes......

I noticed it also effected the Kick off and punt returns for the CPU. And effected the punt blocking the user. With no names, I was able to return punts back for a TD sometimes with a good enough returner.

With names, the gunners get down the field super fast like they did in NCAA 11.

With out names, the CPU was able to return punts and kick offs back for TDs on me. With names, their blocking is non existent and the cpu have a hard time making it to the 30 yard line on kick offs and on Punt returns they get 3 yards now, my gunners get down the field so fast now I be right on top of them as soon as they catch the ball.

So as it stands, no names seem to give the better game play.

Being that other players tendancies have changed, I noticed some things.

1. LBs get a lot of tips and INTs on named rosters, even when they aren't in position to do so.

2. Safeties who suppose to be heavy hitters, turn into coverage guys and Intercept passes they normally wouldn't.

3. WRs get off the line quicker on named rosters and they hit stick tackle people on Ints. I had intercepted a pass and a WR hit sticked me.

4. Thomas with his new found strength is now more likely to keep the ball on read option plays. More like 90% of the time now. This was the same way in NCAA 11 when you made a QB's strength too high.

5. DEs don't generate a pass rush on named rosters like they do on non named rosters.

Now I am REALLY glad I didn't delete the default roster. I will have that to play until they fixed the name rosters issue.

Way too many players to edit get them back to what they suppose to be tendancy wise. Which is another thing, with the work around even though they back to their correct tendancy, their ratings will be out of whack.

Good players will be made weaker, weaker bad players will be made stronger.

via buckeye02
Same issue with no patch.

Also messed around, it changes the tendency for every single player. Im thinking that the rosters will have to be named again if this is patched.

How can they patch it to go in reverse and correct tendencies on already named rosters?

Looks like a more realistic patch is a fix to keep it from changing for future named rosters.

via Bumble14
Just received confirmation that this issue is being looked into heavily by the guys at EA. Be patient--there is a sizable amount of testing with different design divisions to identify the issue and look into a possible fix.

It would be helpful if you can please put together a chart showing the following for all positions affected by this issue. I would then like to provide this information to EA. This would also help with making community edits if necessary. Thanks.

Default Tendency:
New Tendency:

via BaylorBearBryant
Well, so far...

Position: Quarterback
Default Tendency: Scrambler
New Tendency: Balanced
Result: Default scrambling quarterbacks hardly scramble at all.

Position: Quarterback
Default Tendency: Balanced
New Tendency: Scrambler
Result: Default balanced quarterbacks scramble all the time.

Position: Running back
Default Tendency: Speed
New Tendency: Balanced
Result: Default speed backs act as balanced backs. They'll attempt power moves too often.

Position: Running back
Default Tendency: Balanced
New Tendency: Speed
Result: Default balanced backs act as speed backs. They'll never attempt power moves.

If you want to read more about the ongoing NCAA Football 12 roster glitch, simply read the replies to this topic.

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 Redacted01 @ 07/21/11 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by redsfan4life
I always thought tendencies didn't do anything.
Well now tendencies punch us in the mouth and laugh at us it seems because it seems to all be in the words. Here is a test I may do in a while if I decide to skip out on sleep today. Base roster, no names. Take Michigan with Denard, and then create a Denard clone. I'll only play defense like someone here said they did. We'll see scrambling Denard have a field day and balanced Denard throw for a couple hundred yards and never sniff a first down with his legs beyond a short yardage situation, if that. It's all in a label in that case... and I have no idea how or why.
# 222 LionsFanNJ @ 07/21/11 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by Apostle
Haven't read through all the pages here, but is this legit?

Simulated stats, while far from perfect, were still decent with named rosters. Robinson ran for 945 yards during one season that I simulated and all of the other stats looked decent.

This is a bummer, though. Man, just one year where these types of issues don't happen would be great. I know a game will always have bugs, but how some of this stuff makes it past testing is beyond me.
I really think this particular issue is something they wouldn't test. Ea doesn't name rosters for obvious reasons, so this bug wouldn't be one that they would find during the testing phase. Though now that i think about it i think this issue has been present in all the past NCAA games as well, but since there was no logic for the CPU to scramble we never noticed. I do hae some hope this can/will be fixed because besides this i think the named rosters cause the big freezing issue on the 360 as well so they're really going to have to look into the roster database and see whats wonky about it causing this stuff.
# 223 BaylorBearBryant @ 07/21/11 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by redsfan4life
I always thought tendencies didn't do anything.
So did I, but after playing and testing I see now they play a big role.

I'm not the only one either. There's a reason this thread grew to 25 pages in 12 hours.
# 224 JohnDoe8865 @ 07/21/11 04:47 AM
I was thinking to myself - "Hey, didn't this same problem happen recently in another NCAA title?"

Sure enough, using the trusty OS Search I found it. It was NCAA Football 10. The game shipped with the wrong roster on the disc and EA ended up putting a "new" roster out for the game via an EA Locker.

Here is the link to that announcement - http://www.operationsports.com/forum...ent-plans.html

I'm thinking a similar course of action could be necessary this year, but maaaan, I'd hate to be the roster editors and have to start over from scratch!!

Here is a key excerpt from the link above from Russell_Kiniry_EA -

It's unfortunate that a we've allowed a few things to get by onto the disc in NCAA 10, this kind of thing bother us just as much as you guys... We do have time to work on some solutions, and here is the update as promised:

Rosters - A new file will be posted on EA locker to start and then we are planning on patching the online rosters.
That year the sliders were broke out of the box as well!

Here is another post dealing with NCAA 10 issues (I'm mainly interested in the roster issue). - http://www.operationsports.com/forum...k-happend.html

Also in researching I've found mention of this - "In NCAA '09, we had EA Locker rosters that were freezing the game..."

So this is not a new issue with NCAA, but hopefully one that can be remedied sooner rather than later..
# 225 BaylorBearBryant @ 07/21/11 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by JohnDoe8865
I was thinking to myself - "Hey, didn't this same problem happen recently in another NCAA title?"

Sure enough, using the trusty OS Search I found it. It was NCAA Football 10. The game shipped with the wrong roster on the disc and EA ended up putting a "new" roster out for the game via an EA Locker.

Here is the link to that announcement - http://www.operationsports.com/forum...ent-plans.html

I'm thinking a similar course of action could be necessary this year, but maaaan, I'd hate to be the roster editors and have to start over from scratch!!

Here is a key excerpt from the link above from Russell_Kiniry_EA -

That year the sliders were broke out of the box as well!

Here is another post dealing with NCAA 10 issues (I'm mainly interested in the roster issue). - http://www.operationsports.com/forum...k-happend.html

Also in researching I've found mention of this - "In NCAA '09, we had EA Locker rosters that were freezing the game..."

So this is not a new issue with NCAA, but hopefully one that can be remedied sooner rather than later..
Nice find JD. And thank you for posting in the thread on EA's site. The fact that you mentioned there were problems with other positions was the perfect follow-up to the first two posts.

EA won't know what hit 'em in the morning. Hopefully we can just get a fix.
# 226 Redacted01 @ 07/21/11 04:51 AM
I think it is time for that yearly vacation of theirs to wrap up... unless they are hiring! I'm available and would be more than happy.
# 227 buckeye02 @ 07/21/11 05:06 AM
I would take a job at 5$ an hour to let me test the product.

This needs to be addressed no matter what. They cant avoid acknowledging it because the issue was caught after naming rosters to their real life counterparts:

1. This issue doesnt only happen when naming a player, ive heard that it happens while editing other things too. Plus they put the option in for naming players, who said you are naming them their real life names.

2. The affects dynasty. Future "fake" recruits will be affected by this as well. They give us the option to edit all ratings during dynasty and then take it all away.

I am praying that this can be fixed by itself as a stand alone tuner so it wont affect other areas of gameplay. And that it can be fixed and salvage rosters.

As far as the rosters being salvaged, Im just not sure on it. Im think 25%-75% leaning towards not saving rosters.
# 228 dkrause1971 @ 07/21/11 05:13 AM
For my amazon.com purchasing brothers. The trade in right now for a copy in good condition is $33.75. So if you did the $20 bonus thru amazon and the release date delivery. Your total was $57.98 on xbox, minus the bonus and the trade in. Your only out $4.23 and still would have a week to mail it in. Just passing some information along for those like me who are getting fed up with this games issues.
# 229 Bootzilla @ 07/21/11 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Cpterp22
I went back to just numbers

Made a edit and DR went to balanced without names..

So, the edit code is messed up
Geez. So in order for tendencies to be right absolutely nothing can be edited? If we play with unnamed rosters but give Denard dreads his tendencies will change? Sheesh...........
# 230 kjjnesb @ 07/21/11 08:57 AM
Wow I was considering buying the game next Friday but this seems like a pretty bad glitch..
# 231 TheShizNo1 @ 07/21/11 09:10 AM
I don't know why I'm apologizing, but I seriously apologize to all the roster makers for this.

Damn EA....

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
# 232 acts238shaun @ 07/21/11 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
I noticed it also effected the Kick off and punt returns for the CPU. And effected the punt blocking the user. With no names, I was able to return punts back for a TD sometimes with a good enough returner.

With names, the gunners get down the field super fast like they did in NCAA 11.

With out names, the CPU was able to return punts and kick offs back for TDs on me. With names, their blocking is non existent and the cpu have a hard time making it to the 30 yard line on kick offs and on Punt returns they get 3 yards now, my gunners get down the field so fast now I be right on top of them as soon as they catch the ball.

So as it stands, no names seem to give the better game play.
Explains what I am seeing...
# 233 wsumichigan @ 07/21/11 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by buckeye02
I posted the issue at EAs website and they delete the topic in mere minutes. Whats the deal with that?
i also opened up a new thread on EA's website...just wanna dee how long it takes for them to take it down because right after they take it down...i'll be posting it right back up
# 234 redsfan4life @ 07/21/11 09:51 AM
Ugh, they're gonna have to release a new roster then we'll play the waiting game again while the roster makers get to work. Well, we should be good to go by the time Madden comes out.
# 235 wsumichigan @ 07/21/11 10:00 AM
within 5 min, the post about this has been removed from EA's website
# 236 Bootzilla @ 07/21/11 10:17 AM
This is ridiculous. Just to confirm. Ran a few tests and.............

ANY EDIT will cause this to happen.

IT DOES AFFECT how players play.

RELEASE DAY PATCH OR NOT does it on both.

# 237 dkrause1971 @ 07/21/11 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by wsumichigan
within 5 min, the post about this has been removed from EA's website
Very telling.

It will be interesting to see if this problem is the roster database or just a coding problem between the database and the playing module. Since the edit screen does list it correctly, and the roster page doesn't I am not sure which it is. It would make more sense if they were both incorrect if strictly a database issue. If its a database issue, i bet the rosters will need to be redone to have the tendencies work correctly.
# 238 imwhatzup @ 07/21/11 10:24 AM
Here's a question: Does it affect RTG?
# 239 Bumble14 @ 07/21/11 10:26 AM
What difficulty are you guys playing on?

I'm going to be perfectly honest, so don't kill me here, but I am not seeing that big of a difference on default Heisman. Running a test with Michigan's QB I found him to still scramble when the opportunity presented itself even when being considered a balanced QB. Now as a scrambler he definitely took off earlier, but the ratio between the attempts in each game wasn't that large. In the balanced game he took off 5 times for 75 yards, and in the scrambling game he took off 8 times for 82 yards. Also--in the balanced game, the QB ran around in the pocket more often before throwing.

Where I see the biggest difference is that balanced QB's like Stanford's now run more often. Even though slightly unrealistic, I enjoy the challenge.

Worth noting as well is that slider tweaks to the human pass rush and CPU pass block make the CPU QB take off more often.

There definitely is an issue here that needs to be addressed. Personally I am not experiencing a gamebreaking difference on default Heisman--maybe it is more pronounced on AA and Varsity? Also, what slider tweaks have you guys made that are seeing the issue? The more information we can give the better at this point.

I will reach out to my contacts and see if I can get an answer.
# 240 MrRudy @ 07/21/11 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by BaylorBearBryant
I played two games with my awesome tweaked sliders. They're based off of KK's. Both games I played against Michigan. In one Denard was a "scrambler" and one was with him as a "balanced" QB.

In the "balanced" game against a lesser opponent. At halftime Robinson was 6/10 for 132 yards. 2 TDs. 2 carries for 0 yards.

In the "scrambler" game against UT. At halftime Robinson was 9/17 for 129 yards. 3 TDs 2 INT. 8 carries for 110 yards! 1 TD long of 71!

It was night and day for me. All of a sudden realism was PRESENT.
I took a break from NCAA and the boards for the about 24 hours. I come back and there is a thread with what seems like the NCAA Football 12 version of the Ebola virus. It's spreading fast, the fear is rampant and it seems that nobody from EA has any assurances. Eek.

From reading through, these stats tell the whole picture.

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