NCAA Football 12 News Post

The NCAA Football 12 demo is available now for the 360. Click here to queue it up.

UPDATE: PS3 demo is available now.

Please post your impressions here.

Experience the pride and pageantry of gameday like never before with the NCAA Football 12 demo. With an enhanced in-game presentation, new traditions, and an all-new tackling system, make an impact by leading your team to victory. Play in two exciting match-ups as Alabama takes on Florida State and Oregon battles Texas. Get details on other great improvements to NCAA Football 12, and share the demo with a friend to unlock 5 Nike Pro Combat uniforms for use in the full retail version of the game.

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 poopoop @ 06/28/11 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by booker21
hmm no one metion nothing about Overthrows or under throws. Passes hitting the grass without any kind of interaction between by the Defense or offense.

Does the CPU and Human overthrows passes as Madden 2011 did or the Game is exactly as NCAA 2011?

So far i have seen many videos and i havent seen more than 2 overthrows in the entire videos i have seen.

how about the demo?
It's pretty much the usual standard with the majority of incompletions being dropped or swatted balls. I did see one overthrow where the CPU tried to go deep on me but got pressured before he released and the ball sailed out of bounds.
# 222 OmahaKnights @ 06/28/11 01:12 PM
I noticed that about the flats too. And slant patterns, especially with TEs are still an almost certain catch.
# 223 Lakers 24 7 @ 06/28/11 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by trick02

4) Yes the passing game is way too easy. Its not hard to fix that is what sliders are for.

You can't use sliders online, so that's not an option for online players. EA just needs to get things right. Besides that, sliders don't fix everything anyway. There are certain core mechanics, and animations that need to be improved.
# 224 DGuinta1 @ 06/28/11 01:14 PM
Some crazy new facemasks!
# 225 thelasthurtknee @ 06/28/11 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Lakers 24/7
You can't use sliders online, so that's not an option for online players. EA just needs to get things right. Besides that, sliders don't fix everything anyway. There are certain core mechanics, and animations that need to be improved.
did you play a hum Vs. hum game?
# 226 khaliib @ 06/28/11 01:18 PM
All I have to say is that Ratings will need to be lowered across the board.

For teams to be rated as A's, means most of their players must be rated in 90's, which means we will see DE's/LB's with 90'ish Acceleration Ratings...

Def Player's with Super High Pursuit ratings (which causes players to change on a dime)

Corners with high Tackle/Strength ratings to be making the tackles the Demo is showcasing.

Super High Play Recognition which causes Def players to know the play (screens, PA etc...) before you snap the ball.

And to know that Recruits will be in line with Default Roster

This 4th yr issue just takes away from all the other good things that are in the game because by year 4 in your Dynasty, we'll basically spend more time requesting Tuner sets to fix the Ratings that effects Gameplay.

Man, we did this song-n-dance last year how these High ratings killed the game.

Is editing 1,000's of players ratings to get just 4 yrs of Gameplay in Dynasty worth it in order to enjoy the other good aspects of the game?
# 227 Watson @ 06/28/11 01:23 PM
OverreactionSports never fails me
# 228 Lakers 24 7 @ 06/28/11 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by thelasthurtknee
did you play a hum Vs. hum game?

No. I'm not sure what that has to do with sliders though.
# 229 Gotmadskillzson @ 06/28/11 01:28 PM
PS3 updates their store in the evening time
# 230 DGuinta1 @ 06/28/11 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by usc50
When is the PS3 demo supposed to be available?
TOnight is what I read.
# 231 Mauer4MVP @ 06/28/11 01:29 PM
What I've noticed so far:

-The tackling looks and feels much better. It doesn't allow that cheap spin move where you could always make a defender miss like you could on 11.

- Zone Coverage is much improved, though the defenders don't make a play on the ball a much as they should.

- I don't like the play calling set up. I liked last years much better.
# 232 Gotmadskillzson @ 06/28/11 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Mauer4MVP
What I've noticed so far:

-The tackling looks and feels much better. It doesn't allow that cheap spin move where you could always make a defender miss like you could on 11.

- Zone Coverage is much improved, though the defenders don't make a play on the ball a much as they should.

- I don't like the play calling set up. I liked last years much better.
Really ? I like the new setup, reminds me of Madden 11 setup.

I don't like the kick off plays though. Return, middle, onsides........that's it. No return left, no return right
# 233 DGuinta1 @ 06/28/11 01:35 PM
I normally don't play demos that long but I am having FUN!! Video games are for FUN! What do you folks think of the lighting? Pretty hot right? Game looks good! Day to night progresses nicely.
# 234 outlaw24 @ 06/28/11 01:35 PM
why is it taking so long for the demo to hit the psn?
# 235 matt8204 @ 06/28/11 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Really ? I like the new setup, reminds me of Madden 11 setup.

I don't like the kick off plays though. Return, middle, onsides........that's it. No return left, no return right
Still no squib kick option?
# 236 The JareBear @ 06/28/11 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by DGuinta1
I normally don't play demos that long but I am having FUN!! Video games are for FUN! What do you folks think of the lighting? Pretty hot right? Game looks good! Day to night progresses nicely.
I honestly think the game LOOKS fantastic. The visuals are great.

I know its hard to read a lot of negative comments on here sometimes but I feel its necessary, to me, there just are some really glaring issues that don't seem like they should be that hard to fix....

As someone else said, sliders cant fix online play and a number of us play online. My impressions so far are a good looking game, but a game that plays well enough but needs a lot of work. Most of this work I think has been done already, as this build is old.
# 237 thelasthurtknee @ 06/28/11 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
I didn't forget it, its something so minor that i didn't think its worth mentioning not to mention it was already in the old games so i'm not going to praise them for bringing back an old feature like custom playbooks and act like its a big deal.
minor??? jeez what could of been a better addition? wow. not a big scheme guy?
# 238 renatus @ 06/28/11 01:40 PM
what i would love to know from a Dev is what are (if any) the changes between the demo and final build.
# 239 Lazlo @ 06/28/11 01:41 PM
They always upload demos and anything on Xbox Live first because there is more people. It sucks, i turned xbox on and it said I had to pay 10 bucks for gold to get the demo. lol, so i turn on ps3 and its not even up yet.
# 240 Gosens6 @ 06/28/11 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by WatsonTiger
OverreactionSports never fails me
Truer words were never spoken. I'm having a ball with this game and it's only the demo. I seriously can't wait

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