According to Pastapadre and Kotaku, Phil Frazier (Executive Producer for Madden NFL) is the latest to leave EA Sports Tiburon.
"It is currently uncertain where he is headed however two prime possibilities are Row Sham Bow – the new social gaming company started by former Tiburon GM Philip Holt – or the massive social gaming company Zynga which has taken on several former Tiburon employees in the last year."
I have too disagree with u about the presentation aspect of the game, they could have outshined NFL2k5 this gen, but didn't for some reason. Gameplay wise is debatable. They was on the right track with the Extra Point and could have really built off of that. Madden presentation has been bland and boring for 6 years and still lacking. Take out the intros and camera angles, its still Maddens ole presentation. Its a lot more than intros and camera angles, it does help though. Look at NBA2K11 and MLB2K11 presentation package and commentary..outstanding!!! Madden needs to take notes on that, then they can say they "true to the game".
u can disagree all u want
fact is....I skipped madden until M10...the previous titles weren;t worth my money.
NFL wouldn't let EA....oops...*strongly encouraged EA* to not use ESPN..and besides....if EA DID use the ESPN license I'm pretty sure guys like u would be the first to post..."yada yada...i saw that 7 years ago..yada yada..." (c'mon, admit it, you know would...LOL)
and.....have to disagree with u just dismissing camera angles so quickly....those things are huge.....many of those angles are from the same angles that CBS uses..and more (NFL FILMS)...they alone add so much more to presentation.
i'm not here to get into a phssing match with u on 2k.....i was a fanboy myself--go look up my posts from 2004!...heck I still play APF when i need my gameplay fix.
alos..Adembroski said that Ian & Co. spent a lot of time building tools that would allow for huge leaps & bounds in their yearly dev cycle....i think you'll see that for M12 & beyond.
I've made peace with NFL gaming....maybe it would do u some good to as well
Seeing Phil leave doesn't get me upset, theres always a lot changeover in any big company. People want to move on to next stage of their career, I wish Phil the best of luck at his new gig.
I would be upset if Josh Looman left though. If he left, then EA would have a lot of problems replacing 3 big cogs in basically one years time.
U made peace with NFL gaming...why?? Are u willing to settle for what EA gives us every year and have tasted that almost perfect fruit of NFL2k5..lmao
We both know what almost perfect presentation is, last year, did u like the stats package for Madden11? Madden12 looks similar in that category looking at the E3 videos. We could have so much better in that dept, thats why i dont understand why the developers fail too visually see it, they say they look at the NFL broadcast all the time. Stats, Stats and more Stats, we see it all the time in the NFL, why not Madden? 2k5 did this very well and i hope Madden can do the same with this new GM..Cam Weber
yup....made peace
BTW...whats the alternative?
*make Youtube vids showing APF/2K5 highlights?..nah...lame use of time
*spend countless hours on a gaming website with my captain obvious cape on reminding/telling everyone how superior 2k was?.......again....lame use of time
Why didn't you say this when Ian brought up the subject? SMH
What are you trying to prove?
"What's understood doesn't need to be said."
Originally Posted by adfletch71
We both know what almost perfect presentation is, last year, did u like the stats package for Madden11? Madden12 looks similar in that category looking at the E3 videos. We could have so much better in that dept, thats why i dont understand why the developers fail too visually see it, they say they look at the NFL broadcast all the time. Stats, Stats and more Stats, we see it all the time in the NFL, why not Madden? 2k5 did this very well and i hope Madden can do the same with this new GM..Cam Weber
Have you watched the M12 vids? The stats package is eerily similar to what CBS is doing -- quick stats pop out of the score hub, and there are full stat banners in necessary situations i.e. after scoring at TD.
2K5 had great presentation. It was the standard. But ESPN Sunday Night Football no longer comes on TV, and it would be foolish for Madden to attempt to reflect a dated broadcast experience. If you watch CBS football games, you can tell that's where the influence on Madden comes from and they seem to have captured it well (the videos suggest that at least).
Seems to me you're not impressed b/c it doesn't look like that other game. And I'm not suggesting the presentation in Madden will be on that level. But I think you're ignoring that the broadcast experience has changed IRL.
First off, I wish Phil the best of luck with what ever his next endeavor is.
As far as my reaction to him leaving, I can't say that I see it as negatively as most on this thread. Before you sick the dogs, let me explain.
I am not a huge fan of a lot of aspects of the game, so it would stand to reason that I would not be against any of the team leaving. Could the new regime be worse? Of course it could, but if you have major issues already, wouldn't you risk it?
This is nothing personal against Phil or Ian. I am just unhappy with the state of the game that they were a part of producing. Do I think there are needed improvements made in 12? Yes. Do I think that the title is probably headed in the right direction? Yes, but I also feel that, from my vantage point at least, that though it may be headed in the right direction, it will take a very long time to reach its destination.
So again, good luck to Phil and Ian. I am looking for radical changes to be made to the game. Maybe Phil and Ian would have made those radical changes eventually. Maybe they wanted to do them long ago. I don't know. I can only go by the product on the shelf, as I don't work at EA/Tiburon. Judging it by that alone, I'd be lying if I said I was sorry that any particular dev or lead left.
I'm not trying to "prove" anything. I'm asking, what is in my opinion to be, a valid question. If you don't agree, I don't know what to tell you, but then I also didn't pose the question to you either.
"From GameInformer: EA Sports has confirmed that NCAA executive producer Roy Harvey will take over Frazier's role and act as dual EPs for both franchises until the company names a successor for the NCAA series"
"From GameInformer: EA Sports has confirmed that NCAA executive producer Roy Harvey will take over Frazier's role and act as dual EPs for both franchises until the company names a successor for the NCAA series"
"From GameInformer: EA Sports has confirmed that NCAA executive producer Roy Harvey will take over Frazier's role and act as dual EPs for both franchises until the company names a successor for the NCAA series"
Mega-ugh. I haven't liked the way NCAA looked or played since the PS2 era. Well, we'll see how this impacts things. Given NCAA's commitment to online dynasties, maybe there will be a renewed focus in M13 on the online franchise. Who knows.
"From GameInformer: EA Sports has confirmed that NCAA executive producer Roy Harvey will take over Frazier's role and act as dual EPs for both franchises until the company names a successor for the NCAA series"
This is good news, considering the positive direction NCAA is heading. 2011's Dynasty mode blew Madden's franchise mode out of the water.
This is good news, considering the positive direction NCAA is heading. 2011's Dynasty mode blew Madden's franchise mode out of the water.
Exactly. If there's even a chance that this move is another step in the direction of getting M12 a complete online franchise experience then, I'm Team Harvey all the way!!
Disclaimer- I'm still hoping that M12 has a complete OF though.
This is good news, considering the positive direction NCAA is heading. 2011's Dynasty mode blew Madden's franchise mode out of the water.
That is because they have been basically rebuilding franchise mode for M12 the past few years. They did't update but a few things in Madden 11's franchise because most of the time spent on the mode was to get it to where it is now in Madden 12.
Now it looks like Madden 12's franchise will crush NCAA 12's dynasty, but that isn't too hard since NCAA really hasn't changed their mode in years besides the layout. They added a coaching carousel, but it still is bland and really doesn't look like it will do much this year besides make playbooks change over time.
It doesn't matter who is the lead, who is executive. That individual will be hated, reviled, loved, supported, bashed, insulted, exalted, and everything in between.
Roy Harvey ??? Dang........Wonder why Josh wasn't made the head. Or Mike Scantlebury. Maybe those 2 like staying behind the scenes I guess.
Production and Design are different roles... Josh and Mike are both designers. I am also a designer, and I'll say it straight out; I would not want Phil's job. It's a whole lot of schedules and meetings and spreadsheets and way too much business for me. I want to get my hands dirty... I want to watch my designs become reality in game.
To address how this affects Madden; Cam Weber has really set us on a course that I believe is going to result in great things from Madden in the future. I think he's a fine leader and has a great sim oriented vision for Madden.
If you'd told me six months ago that Ian and Phil (the two people most instramental in bringing me here) would be gone by the time I finished my first contract, I don't think I'd have come... but I just signed my extention, and I'm going to stay, because I believe in where Cam is taking us. I'm nervous, because now I'm here without any of the people who brought me here, but I'm going to be working my *** off to prove myself.