According to Pastapadre and Kotaku, Phil Frazier (Executive Producer for Madden NFL) is the latest to leave EA Sports Tiburon.
"It is currently uncertain where he is headed however two prime possibilities are Row Sham Bow – the new social gaming company started by former Tiburon GM Philip Holt – or the massive social gaming company Zynga which has taken on several former Tiburon employees in the last year."
Why can't EA use Frostbite2 engine on Madden 13? Frostbite2 makes animation transitions so seamless and lifelike, people moving about realistically. Can anyone with understanding explain.
Why can't EA use Frostbite2 engine on Madden 13? Frostbite2 makes animation transitions so seamless and lifelike, people moving about realistically. Can anyone with understanding explain.
Built for two completely different types of games. You can't just make the Frostbite 2 engine play out a football game.
Also, they both use the same animating tool. Battlefield 3 animates the characters with EA's ANT tool and so does Madden, NCAA, Fifa, etc.
Thanks. So basically, a new engine designed specifically for american football needs to be built? For instance, The ANT animation tool is used for all different types of sporting and non-sporting games. So it's the engine differences between BF3, Fifa, NHL, Madden, that is responsible for the different quality from each? What engines do NHL, FIFA use? Do NCAA and Madden share the same engine? What engines did NFL 2K5 and APF 2K8 use, what does NBA 2K11 use, are those engines propriety owned by 2K sports or not?
Also, why couldn't frostbite2 be used to build a football game? Eg, Natural Motions Euphoria engine is used for all sorts of different games -- red dead, star wars unleashed, backbreaker, icebreaker, etc. Aren't there are other renowned engines out there, like Unreal, which many different studios/games use? So, why would frostbite2 not work for sport?
Still, the main criticism levelled against it – usually by its competitors, we should say – is that the engine is geared towards first- (or third-) person shooters. Nevertheless, customers have managed to extend and rip apart the engine to power everything from Japanese-style RPGs to open-world action-racing games like The Wheelman.
One of the emerging usage groups is for MMO development. In order to give the engine a better standing against dedicated MMO solutions like HeroEngine and BigWorld, and emerging threats like CryENGINE, **** has tasked its China office with the development of Atlas, its persistent world server technology and MMO creation and management toolset.
I'm not the best guy to be talking this over with, but the Frostbite 2 engine was built solely for FPS games. It was never intended to be used for a football game.
What Madden and NCAA run off is a number of "engines". I don't know exactly what, but the ANT tool is what they use to craft their animations. This is pretty much all I am sure of, but may possibly be wrong. If Mr. Cummings was still on, then he'd be the best person to explain this probably.
Mr. Cummings complaining about people saying bad things about on the internet is akin to complaining the sky is blue. It should be water off a ducks back. With luck, this post will be case in point.
I'm happy to see Ian and Phil go because to me they play a significant role in the crap that has occurred year after year on next gen. I may be wrong, I know next to nothing on EA's inner workings and am not in any way invested enough to find out (I've discovered, to my great and everlasting chagrin, that not enough people are concerned when they displease me - thus my displeasure is forever wasted).
Unfortunately, while Madden 12 appears to be what I've wanted Madden to be for years I fail to understand how people can place faith in a game that they have not played based on reviews from sites that rarely have little bad to say. Fool me once and all that nonsense. Luckily, if Madden 12 actually turns out to be amazing and then Madden 13 etc. returns to the dark years, I"ll delete this post and tearfully claim how I always lamented the loss of Ian and Phil!
Out of all the comments I've read this one has stuck out to me....not afraid to bite your tongue and keeping it genuine. I feel almost the same as this guy when it come to this GEN madden. things are just being added back from the ps2 days of madden so somewhere down the line you lose faith in the people behind this franchise....Besides all of that M12 is what I've been looking for since 06 and these videos are just E3 build..I hope the final build hold up
I'm not the best guy to be talking this over with, but the Frostbite 2 engine was built solely for FPS games. It was never intended to be used for a football game.
What Madden and NCAA run off is a number of "engines". I don't know exactly what, but the ANT tool is what they use to craft their animations. This is pretty much all I am sure of, but may possibly be wrong. If Mr. Cummings was still on, then he'd be the best person to explain this probably.
It's cool, thanks for responding because I still learned a few things I didn't know before. But yeah, if Mr Cummings, or others can respond to educate a gamer on such things, that'd be appreciated.
...Ian, you're not apart of the company anymore so can you give us a better idea of what's going on over there? Your not on a "gag order" are you?
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings
I guess I could, but I don't think it'd be all that wise. No reason to dwell on old stuff and air dirty laundry, especially against a place that was so great to me...
...When I left, IMO Madden was really headed in the right direction. Outside of that, not much I can say.
Sometimes silence speaks volumes...
Yes, Mr. Cummings, I see you have given your reason for leaving in another post... And I suppose it's rather pointless to speculate...
But still I just can't see this as a good thing. Madden finally gets on course, then these guys all jump ship???
I wonder just how much control they really had... And I wonder where Madden is headed in the future. Given EA the publisher's track record, it does not bode well.
ehh, as far as Madden goes Im kind of indifferent about this, because I just don't have all the facts about who was really making the decisions with the money/priorities.....that I disagreed with
Ian and Phil I guess did a commendable job at bringing the game back to a decent game of "Madden", that game we lost when we went to NG.........An Nfl Nut like me will enjoy their work(Especially this year providing theres no major bugs)
but its still not close enough to where I envisioned Next Gen NFL Football to be at in the year 2011 in terms of realism....and comes up a bit short when stacked against the other big sports games like NHL,Forza/GT,The Show,NBA 2k, and Fifa.....
Now that Madden finally has its feet under it again somewhat, its time for someone to truly innovate/evolve/enhance the realism in the series for the next decade and beyond
Saw a TSS video on this announcement of Mr Frazier leaving.
This comment from someone is interesting...
i think Cam Weber is bringing in his people to work on madden. so he's cleaning house with the devs who have been working on madden in the past. Cam Weber brought FIFA back from the dead and he' s going to do the same with madden.
I can't help but feel that there is something bigger going on in the background at EA that is causing so many to jump ship. Maybe in 12 months time things will be clearer & the reason for these departures will become more evident.
I don't really like to speculate, but it does 'shake' me a bit being that I have really enjoyed where madden 10 and beyond has been going.
all in all as a fan of Madden, I just hope that the direction madden 12 is going is where we go in the future.
resist major bugs or fix them, i am good.
as for Phil and Ian I wish them well and hope they don't stray to far away from the passion they held for the game in their years on the front lines of developing Madden.
i like a sim game and id on't like virtual trainers. I get the game for franchise mode and creating CAPS for it. so i hope that stays true along with the gameplay.
It just really does make me wonder when two people that were 'faces' of madden 'decide to move on' do. . . just not ready for the change i think. again too early to say my worry might be just in the names leaving.
as long as madden doesn't suffer the direction it is going as of Madden 12 I am ok.
No offense intended to Phil here at all, but this isn't exactly like Gabe Newell leaving Valve or John Carmack leaving id. EA is clearly a pretty cookie cutter operation and while it's obviously important to get talented people to run the ship, which Phil clearly was, ultimately I don't think franchises like Madden are prone to massive swings in direction based on any single person staying or leaving. EA wouldn't roll like that. Companies like these try very hard to make sure noone is irreplaceable.
Now, Phil may be replaced by a corporate suckup who's entire interest lays with maximizing profits rather than expanding the game's core quality while maintaining enough of a profit margin to keep management off his back, which might have a negative effect on the series from our perspective, but ultimately the future direction of the series will in large part be dictated by M12's relative success. It makes sense to build on what works, and if M12 works, I don't think much will change focus wise. If it doesn't work as well as hoped, well chances are pressure would have been applied to people like Phil anyway and we'd see the same negative focus changes, Phil present or not.
Like any job, there comes a point in time where you feel that you have either maximized your potential, or realize that there are better opportunities out there for you. I wont go into some of the reasons that people are leaving, but rest assured that they are doing something that has been a topic for a few years now.
Its just that now is the time that opportunity is knocking. Dont think for one minute that anyone that has left....or that is leaving ( 2 more very likely within the next 2 months ) , is not doing it on their own free will.
I read every post up until this point and there is no reason to continue reading these crappy responses, i lol'd soooo damn hard that my right contact lens popped outta my eye and i cant find it, u owe me a contact lens, and we sir owe u and phil many thanks, madden is the name of the game but u and phil have been the posterboys/media outlets/community spokesmen for the last few years and now we seem to have a great product commin to our gamming consoles in just a few weeks!
Always remember one thing, for every ***** u encounter, there's about 100+ gamers out there who appreciate all of u guys hard work so, i say congrats to the both of u and goodluck on all future endevors, peace out
End of an era, bro. No Phil and Ian next year is gonna be totally weird. Wish them both the best..and let's hope Madden 13 won't be crap, after what looks to be an incredible Madden 12.
its about time these guys move on, they have other talents and probably wanted to work on other projects..... unless you are getting a pension most workers like to move around after about 7 years IMO. i see it all the time in corporate america dont see why it cant be true for tech guys as well...