NCAA Football 12 News Post

Kotaku's Owen Good chimes in with some of his thoughts surrounding the latest micro-transactions to make their way into NCAA Football 12.

There may not be any optimal time to tell gamers about all the microtransactions and DLC for which they can expect to pay extra in an upcoming release. But the official reveal of a game's main features -- the stuff folks expect to come with the $59.99 retail price -- would probably be the least optimal.

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 201 roadman @ 05/27/11 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by coogrfan
That statement is complete and utter nonsense, but given the shocking sense of entitlement that has oozed from every single post you have made in this thread, it's hardly a surprise.

It's obvious that you are simply arguing for arguments sake at this point. I have neither the time nor the inclination to indulge you further.
Don't forget the old saying at OS:

It's difficult to argue/debate with people w/agendas.

Again, it's all about options. Either you pay for the extra service or you don't need the extra service.

It's that simple.
# 202 mattbooty @ 05/27/11 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by kbmnm247
I give up Matt. You are acting like I am saying I should get NCAA 12 for free because I paid for NCAA 11. I am not saying that at all.

You are also acting like I am saying I can pay for things and then come back and ask for my money back. I have no idea how you made such a leap in logic.

Maybe you could clear that up but currently it seems as if we are discussing two totally different things.
Without actually going back through and finding the exact post, and maybe I'm wrong here, but I'm pretty sure you made a statement to the affect that because you bought NCAA 11, you have paid for the production of NCAA 12, so you should be entitled to the web-enabled features at no cost... if I'm incorrect there then I apologize, that was the impression I got from your argument.
# 203 mattbooty @ 05/27/11 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by kbmnm247
You are also acting like I am saying I can pay for things and then come back and ask for my money back. I have no idea how you made such a leap in logic.

Maybe you could clear that up but currently it seems as if we are discussing two totally different things.
And I never said you wanted your money back, my argument was just an extension of your line of logic that because you bought a previous product from a company and a company used CAPITAL generated from the sale of a previous product to fund future products, that in someway means you personally funded the future products. Which is a point I disagree with.
# 204 RustyBlue @ 05/27/11 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by kevj349
The features you were talking about are in game. The features I'm talking about are on a computer. If I'm missing a comanality please direct me.
That still doesn't make what I said irrelevant...
# 205 mattbooty @ 05/27/11 05:23 PM
I had an enjoyable time debating this, unfortunately I must depart for the day. Thanks to everyone involved, I think it was a good discussion. I know the two sides are unlikely to ever really see eye to eye on this but it was fun to discuss it.
# 206 Cardot @ 05/27/11 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by kbmnm247

But it makes the developer lazy and greedy. They see they can charge for AFL Unis, so then they start taking out throwbacks that were always in the game and start charging for them. If EA made you pay for these Updated Uniforms/Stadiums that are shown included for NCAA 12, would you have a problem with that?

I don't care if it costs $0.50 or $50, in fact I'd rather it cost $50 since I wouldn't hear "it's only $.50, who cares.

It's not the monetary value, it's the principle of things.
It may seem "Greedy", but every company does that. That is not exclusive to EA. All companies seek to maximize profits. Some industries have margins much higher than video games. They don't sit back and say "We have made enough profits for ourselves, let's lower the price". They set prices to what people are willing to pay. That is just business.

If I purchased a game for a certain feature, and then found out I had to pay extra for that feature...yes, I would have a problem with that. But I don't think that is the case here. We are debating the topic in this thread, and the game doesn't come out for two months.

The AFL uni's are a good example for me. I go back to that era, so I was excited when they were announced. And equally bummed when I found there was a charge for it. It wasn't worth it to me, so I didn't buy them, and like you, I didn't want to encourage the DLC strategy. But at the same time, I am not going to tell anyone else how to spend their money either.
# 207 kbmnm247 @ 05/27/11 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by coogrfan
That statement is complete and utter nonsense, but given the shocking sense of entitlement that has oozed from every single post you have made in this thread, it's hardly a surprise.

It's obvious that you are simply arguing for arguments sake at this point. I have neither the time nor the inclination to indulge you further.

How is it complete and utter nonsense? If it was complete and utter nonsense you would back it up with logic and reasoning, instead you resorted to namecalling. It's okay though, I'm a grown up and I expected that.

If you would like to tell me how getting Online Dynasty without all of the features available is somehow still a Full featured Online Dynasty, I'm all ears. Until then, thanks for stopping posting.
# 208 kbmnm247 @ 05/27/11 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by mattbooty
Without actually going back through and finding the exact post, and maybe I'm wrong here, but I'm pretty sure you made a statement to the affect that because you bought NCAA 11, you have paid for the production of NCAA 12, so you should be entitled to the web-enabled features at no cost... if I'm incorrect there then I apologize, that was the impression I got from your argument.
That is correct. I did pay for the production of NCAA 12 just like you did.

Why don't I have to pay extra for HDR lighting? For new Unis/Stadiums? For the new collision tackling system?

I'll tell you why, because I already paid for the production of it with NCAA 11 $ and I will be paying to use it in NCAA 12, which $ will then be used for features in NCAA 13, that if I want to use I'll have to pay $60...

I guess I just don't see where all of this extra cost from being able to hit a button to advance the week comes into play. If they want to charge for super sim, which is basically being able to play NCAA from your computer, I'd understand it. I wouldn't necessarily be happy with that nickel and diming but I'd understand it. Adding functionality to be able to remotely advance your dynasty however I see as a complete low blow to the people who obviously play this game and enjoy it the most. It's just a slap in the face to the most hardcore group of your fanbase. I thought it would be reacted to negatively but apparently no one has a problem with it, in fact they like it.
# 209 Solidice @ 05/27/11 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by kbmnm247
That is correct. I did pay for the production of NCAA 12 just like you did.

Why don't I have to pay extra for HDR lighting? For new Unis/Stadiums? For the new collision tackling system?

I'll tell you why, because I already paid for the production of it with NCAA 11 $ and I will be paying to use it in NCAA 12, which $ will then be used for features in NCAA 13, that if I want to use I'll have to pay $60...

I guess I just don't see where all of this extra cost from being able to hit a button to advance the week comes into play. If they want to charge for super sim, which is basically being able to play NCAA from your computer, I'd understand it. I wouldn't necessarily be happy with that nickel and diming but I'd understand it. Adding functionality to be able to remotely advance your dynasty however I see as a complete low blow to the people who obviously play this game and enjoy it the most. It's just a slap in the face to the most hardcore group of your fanbase. I thought it would be reacted to negatively but apparently no one has a problem with it, in fact they like it.
It's not just "pressing a button" though. they had to create the entire sim logic onto the web servers. normally all of the simming is done on the console, with this add-on, it allows all that to be done on the web server.

I don't think anyone likes paying for DLC. everyone would be happy if everything was free, but that is not the way it is here(and with most DLC out there). so it comes down to, is it worth it to me. this is not hindering you from playing online dynasty, you can still play online dynasty like before.
# 210 BlackBetty15 @ 05/27/11 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Senator Stone
I guess I don't see your point. They'll never charge for rosters, because that's simply not feasible, and dynasty is part of the meat and potatoes of the game.
When i first read the title, I thought that new "features" that we were gonna have to buy ON TOP of the $60 price tag was like the coaching carousel and some of the other neat things. Didnt really read the article or other posters. So the argument for micro trans IMO for things like extra stadiums and uniforms and the OD functions can be charged as to I myself would buy the little things.
# 211 coogrfan @ 05/27/11 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by kbmnm247
How is it complete and utter nonsense? If it was complete and utter nonsense you would back it up with logic and reasoning, instead you resorted to namecalling. It's okay though, I'm a grown up and I expected that.

If you would like to tell me how getting Online Dynasty without all of the features available is somehow still a Full featured Online Dynasty, I'm all ears. Until then, thanks for stopping posting.

Fine. If you want to quibble over semantics, I'm game.

The OD offered out of the box is "fully featured" (your phrase, not mine) in the sense that none of the enhancements (there's that word again) being offered are necessary to participate in an online dynasty. The commish can advance the dynasty as necessary via his console. Any participants who wish to can sim their games on their consoles using the same sim-playcalling style of play that will available via the web.

In short, users don't have to spend one penny over the retail price of the game to get the "full online dynasty experience". To claim otherwise is simply false.
# 212 NDAlum @ 05/27/11 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by kbmnm247
That is correct. I did pay for the production of NCAA 12 just like you did.

Why don't I have to pay extra for HDR lighting? For new Unis/Stadiums? For the new collision tackling system?

I'll tell you why, because I already paid for the production of it with NCAA 11 $ and I will be paying to use it in NCAA 12, which $ will then be used for features in NCAA 13, that if I want to use I'll have to pay $60...

I guess I just don't see where all of this extra cost from being able to hit a button to advance the week comes into play. If they want to charge for super sim, which is basically being able to play NCAA from your computer, I'd understand it. I wouldn't necessarily be happy with that nickel and diming but I'd understand it. Adding functionality to be able to remotely advance your dynasty however I see as a complete low blow to the people who obviously play this game and enjoy it the most. It's just a slap in the face to the most hardcore group of your fanbase. I thought it would be reacted to negatively but apparently no one has a problem with it, in fact they like it.
So you understand them charging for one feature but not the other?
# 213 jeremym480 @ 05/27/11 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by kbmnm247
That is correct. I did pay for the production of NCAA 12 just like you did.

Why don't I have to pay extra for HDR lighting? For new Unis/Stadiums? For the new collision tackling system?

I'll tell you why, because I already paid for the production of it with NCAA 11 $ and I will be paying to use it in NCAA 12, which $ will then be used for features in NCAA 13, that if I want to use I'll have to pay $60...

I guess I just don't see where all of this extra cost from being able to hit a button to advance the week comes into play. If they want to charge for super sim, which is basically being able to play NCAA from your computer, I'd understand it. I wouldn't necessarily be happy with that nickel and diming but I'd understand it. Adding functionality to be able to remotely advance your dynasty however I see as a complete low blow to the people who obviously play this game and enjoy it the most. It's just a slap in the face to the most hardcore group of your fanbase. I thought it would be reacted to negatively but apparently no one has a problem with it, in fact they like it.
Show me one post here where anyone says that they like it... People say that they understand why there is a charge associated with it and it is of value to them so, they are willing to pay it. However, no one likes it. I'm not sure why you keep stating that over and over again.
# 214 mattbooty @ 05/27/11 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by kbmnm247
That is correct. I did pay for the production of NCAA 12 just like you did.
disagree. i have no more arguments for this at this point. you don't get it by now you won't. I will no longer be commenting on this part of the argument.

Originally Posted by kbmnm247
Why don't I have to pay extra for HDR lighting? For new Unis/Stadiums? For the new collision tackling system?
Because these features don't require EA to purchase and maintain a server farm for you to use them?

Originally Posted by kbmnm247
I guess I just don't see where all of this extra cost from being able to hit a button to advance the week comes into play.
Then you really don't know what you are talking about when it comes to software development, particularly web services, and you are making an uninformed argument. We've tried to explain numerous times but you refuse to listen. Our little debate over how games are funded is one thing, but there is no debate over the fact that the web-enabled features WILL add substantial ongoing costs to EA to support. It isn't debatable. Now you understand right?

Originally Posted by kbmnm247
Adding functionality to be able to remotely advance your dynasty however I see as a complete low blow to the people who obviously play this game and enjoy it the most. It's just a slap in the face to the most hardcore group of your fanbase. I thought it would be reacted to negatively but apparently no one has a problem with it, in fact they like it.
I love it, I've been wishing for a way to advance from my PC for a while now, its going to be a great feature. I don't see why you think adding this feature is such a slap in the face?
# 215 poopoop @ 05/27/11 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by mattbooty
I love it, I've been wishing for a way to advance from my PC for a while now, its going to be a great feature. I don't see why you think adding this feature is such a slap in the face?
From the Kotaku article

And what doesn't sit well with me and others is the fact these were community requested features, especially advancing weeks from the web. Few things fire up a community like a developer taking its suggestions seriously and bringing them to a game. To turn around and charge for that sends a pretty bad message.
# 216 bkrich83 @ 05/27/11 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by wallofhate
I laugh because whenever someone doesn't agree with a post they have to respond with little insults sprinkled in. lets be honest nobody is "whining" or "crying" it's just reaction to a company who struggle to satisfy the masses yet still feel the need to draw more blood from the stone! as far as the bmw example people dont complain about bmw because most people love the car and have dreamed about acquiring one. im pretty sure if you were buying a used lesser acclaimed car your complaints would be more pronounced. i'm shocked giving the financial climate and their reputation EA wouldn't choose to give you more for your buck like alot of other companies do. I guess most companies can't erase thier compitition so those measures have to be taken to stay competitive.
I take it you've never owned a BMW before. Really not that great of an experience.
# 217 poopoop @ 05/27/11 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by mattbooty
Those of us who are arguing the justification of the cost are not "HAPPY" paying it.... we are HAPPY that the feature was added, we understand the justification behind the added cost, and feel that it is worth the relatively low price-tag associated with it.

Would we all like everything to be free? Of course, but just because I want something to be free doesn't mean I don't understand why I have to pay for it and am satisfied that its a fair price.
Well seeing as EA will measure the success/failure of this based on how many people buy it...Arguing why it's justified and saying that it's worth purchasing might as well be saying you're happy about it. At the very least supporting it.

Originally Posted by roadman
So do other gaming companies.

I said in the Madden thread, our son pleaded for us to buy a map pack for COD. We bought it for him and he told me it was a piece of crap. He's never asked again. That was $15.00, this is $3.00.
The COD people are just as bad (if not worse) than EA when it comes to this. If I played those games and this was a COD thread I'd have beef with them too.
# 218 bkrich83 @ 05/27/11 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by kevj349
The only thing I have a problem with is this mentality that EA is evil and trying to suck the life out of everyone. It is a good talk aside from the fact that more than half the people come up with unbased claims and are just making things up. For every valid post there are two following just making things up.
Exactly!! The best part is we all know who these people are, yet they continue to post like they know what they are talking about.
# 219 bkrich83 @ 05/27/11 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by coogrfan

Fine. If you want to quibble over semantics, I'm game.

The OD offered out of the box is "fully featured" (your phrase, not mine) in the sense that none of the enhancements (there's that word again) being offered are necessary to participate in an online dynasty. The commish can advance the dynasty as necessary via his console. Any participants who wish to can sim their games on their consoles using the same sim-playcalling style of play that will available via the web.

In short, users don't have to spend one penny over the retail price of the game to get the "full online dynasty experience". To claim otherwise is simply false.
I didn't think this was the difficult to understand. It's amazing what people will say to complain, simply for the sake of complaining.
# 220 NDAlum @ 05/27/11 11:33 PM
BK, you and your sense of reason have no place in this thread sir.

Good day!

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