NCAA Football 12 News Post

The Gaming Tailgate has posted a bunch of specific and in-depth details about Dynasty mode that might not find their way into standard previews and press releases. These details come via a community-based Q&A session, and as with most Q&As about very specific details, there is more negatives than positives to be found here.

One negative thing coming from the Q&A is the confirmation about the lack of individual coaching ratings, which means the Coaching Carousel loses a bit of luster. If you put the pieces of the puzzle together, you sort of already knew this was coming based on some of the details that had previously been released about Dynasty mode, but it's still a little disappointing to hear. However, coach prestige will impact results during simulations, and it will still impact recruiting via the "pitches" previously in the game. These caveats should not be overlooked. Since coaches will now recruit for their playbook and style of play, if you take over a job and want to recruit for a new system, that will provide a whole new layer of challenge that was not there previously.

In addition, you can't hire your own coordinators once you're the head coach, and really, why would you if the coaches don't have ratings -- the only thing playing a part in the decision would be the playbook at that point, and you have control of that if you want. However, if you want an extra layer of challenge, you could build your team based off each coordinator's playbook, which could change your recruiting strategy at various points because the CPU Athletic Director could hire/fire coordinators.

On the positive side of things, it does seem it will be a slow burn to get from a "D" prestige to an "A" prestige level. You can also share coaches within the roster, so roster makers can now edit all the coaches in addition to all the players. Continuing with the customization positives, you can edit conferences throughout a dynasty, not just before the first year. Lastly, early signs point to simulated stats being more on point this year.

Head over to The Gaming Tailgate to get the rest of the details.

Source - Dynasty Info Q&A Thread (The Gaming Tailgate)

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 DorianDonP @ 05/24/11 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by zethisis

Also this is what really got me fuming and EA is gonna have to fix this but each Coordinator should only recruit their side of the ball instead of recruiting everybody. So basically they stripped you of either controlling the offense/defense but you're gonna do all of the recruiting. So basically they pretty much implemented goals (the arrows pointing in either the negative or the positive), the ability to only play on one side of the field and the ability to still recruit everybody. So most likely, the fellow CPU coaches aren't gonna do any recruiting and you're gonna do all of it.
In real life, the coordinators recruit both sides of the ball. Jimbo Fisher, when he was strictly an OC at LSU, recruited both offensive and defensive prospects. That goes for pretty much every assistant in college football.

What EA should have done (IMO) was designate a region and a set number of prospects they want you to sign. For instance, if you are a coach at Georgia they want you to sign at least one player from Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, and they want you to sign 10 players in total. Then should also tell you what positions to recruit, for instance your coach wants 2 RBs, 3 OL, 2 LBs, 2 DTs, one K. If you recruited those three states, signed 10 players and met your positional needs then you met your goals for recruiting, if not, you failed.
# 122 canes21 @ 05/24/11 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by DorianDonP
In real life, the coordinators recruit both sides of the ball. Jimbo Fisher, when he was strictly an OC at LSU, recruited both offensive and defensive prospects. That goes for pretty much every assistant in college football.

What EA should have done (IMO) was designate a region and a set number of prospects they want you to sign. For instance, if you are a coach at Georgia they want you to sign at least one player from Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, and they want you to sign 10 players in total. Then should also tell you what positions to recruit, for instance your coach wants 2 RBs, 3 OL, 2 LBs, 2 DTs, one K. If you recruited those three states, signed 10 players and met your positional needs then you met your goals for recruiting, if not, you failed.
It would be too hard to program the game to make coordinators recruit both sides of the ball, but in regions. In real life you have 8+ position coaches, thats why they can do regions. In NCAA 12 they should have made you stick to your side of the ball. Although it isn't realistic, it is the best solution to only having 3 coaches.
# 123 metallidevils @ 05/24/11 09:15 AM
This is a perfect example of why sports games should have 2 years development cycles, with every other year just being a roster update.
# 124 CHIEFxxROCKEM @ 05/24/11 09:42 AM
With all the arguing going on above me, I hope neutral site games are in.
# 125 justblaze09 @ 05/24/11 09:45 AM
Some people will just never be happy. No matter what they won't be satisfied
# 126 DorianDonP @ 05/24/11 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by canes21
It would be too hard to program the game to make coordinators recruit both sides of the ball, but in regions. In real life you have 8+ position coaches, thats why they can do regions. In NCAA 12 they should have made you stick to your side of the ball. Although it isn't realistic, it is the best solution to only having 3 coaches.
I didn't say the game needed to make the CPU coordinators recruit regions. I'm talking about the user. The rest of the recruiting class would be filled out like it is right now. The CPU recruiting wherever. But the user coordinator should have a region and both side of the ball to recruit. There's nothing difficult about that from a programming standpoint. It's simply maintaining a pipeline (already in the game) and signing positional needs (already in the game).
# 127 The JareBear @ 05/24/11 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by justblaze09
Some people will just never be happy. No matter what they won't be satisfied
I agree with Blaze. I think NCAA 12 is going to be great. I still play 11 and with the improvements I am sure I will be playing 12 til the day 13 comes out. The fans ask EA for so much and when a number of things are put in or improved on its never enough. When they put in coach ratings there won't be enough ratings, or they won't be dynamic and change week to week, or they won't affect recruiting enough.

From what I read, it sounds like the IMPORTANT stuff is getting worked on. On TGS the guys said CPU QBs scramble more often, I have read that CPU will now recruit more wisely, which is a BIG deal. The CC will be fun and they make it sound like you will have to work hard for an A+ prestige. The customization options, improved defense (hopefully, still not sold but hopeful on this), and graphic improvements warrant a must buy status to me.
# 128 FOREST007 @ 05/24/11 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Roggie
I just don't understand how people aren't ticked about it being half-assed.
It's EA, I've come to expect these types of things from them, so I never even got my hopes up. I'm just waiting for all the ragers when something goes terribly wrong with Franchise in Madden
# 129 canes21 @ 05/24/11 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by FOREST007
It's EA, I've come to expect these types of things from them, so I never even got my hopes up. I'm just waiting for all the ragers when something goes terribly wrong with Franchise in Madden
I think we have all come to expect everything EA does will have obvious faults. I hate to be like that because I truly beleive the guys working on the game are doing the best tbey can, but their pride gets in the way, or something else does. We, the fans, tell them what we want, so they give us something, but always put an EA twist on it.

We get ESPN presentation, but the replay angles are EA'd and are unrealistic and upset us more than making us happy. Then with the CC they don't add individual ratins which is disappointing, but somewhat understandable, but it also looks like they went their own way and made sure it was accessible and make sure you get one offer every year and it looks like it is easy to get a job. It needs to be like 2k8 where we need to earn our jobs. I am in year 7 and still have not gotten any better offers than a few mid majors in 2k8 which is what we want. We have the ability to choose our favorite teams, so there is no reason to make the CC easy to get the jobs at the top school.
# 130 PaperBoyx703 @ 05/24/11 12:04 PM
This is the first year implementing it and I for one am impressed with what they have given us for a first attempt. 2k8 was not, I repeat, not a first attempt that was going from 2k4 with the search for a job then built up to what it was in 2k8.

Its way better than just a job search for a first attempt and with the inclusion of DC/OC no one expected they would get into that at all and we got it. With all the overall improvements and new features and new RTG the game is going to be a really fresh experience, then NCAA 13 and 14 is where expectations for CC can be higher but for first year implementation this is a good attempt.

But then we got select people with these High expectations based of a game's(2k8) CC that people passed around as a first attempt when it clearly was being worked on since 2k4.

Its really funny to see.
# 131 jeremym480 @ 05/24/11 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by zethisis
I'm gonna be 100% real about this. EA plain and simple is lazy and doesn't want to make a satisfying product. Since there is no competition they don't have to put out a quality Football game. We've seen it with Madden and NCAA. The only reason they put those changes in Madden this year was because their license is about to expire soon. I guarantee the year when 2k can make a College football/NFL game it will be better than anything EA puts out. And as far as the CC goes, it's okay but they should have added so much more. It was the bare minimum but the fact that you can't hire OC/DC is really disapointing and takes the cake. The Coach prestige system needs to be totally redone. They didn't really change anything with that system besides the arrows telling you how you did. It was almost merely the same thing as it was the last 4 years.

The goals for the OC/DC are okay but they can be retuned too, like coordinators actually gaining prestige for having the best Defense/offense in their conference/Nation/or getting a 4,5 star recruit to come to you're school/Top recruiting classes/ or even having a player on you're side of the field projected as a first round pick or winning a award. Something that actually matters in real college football. They also do need to add actually ratings to the coach system. Something along the lines of: Recruiting(Affects how much you're calls and visits sway recruits), Offense, Defense, Prestige. There also needs to be a spring game added to the dynasty mode as a way of really seeing who should be on field playing. (In my opinion there's no excuse as to why this isn't in the game by now. It's really just a modified practice). Senior Bowl games should also be included.

Also this is what really got me fuming and EA is gonna have to fix this but each Coordinator should only recruit their side of the ball instead of recruiting everybody. So basically they stripped you of either controlling the offense/defense but you're gonna do all of the recruiting. So basically they pretty much implemented goals (the arrows pointing in either the negative or the positive), the ability to only play on one side of the field and the ability to still recruit everybody. So most likely, the fellow CPU coaches aren't gonna do any recruiting and you're gonna do all of it. Basically the same features that they've had for the past 5 years. This is real ****ty on EA's part. And everybody on here know EA be on here reading these forums. Just give us what we want in a game. Freaking 2K listened to us about the NBA 2k series and look what it got them. It's a pretty good game even if it isn't perfect. Sadly the day the license is up is the day we will get a good football game.
I agree with some of your post but, the first line stating that EA is lazy is probably one of the more ridiculous things that I've read in awhile. Also, the last line shows your agenda. Good luck with that.
# 132 cts @ 05/24/11 12:06 PM
Did someone with the game say it was easy to get a position at a top school? Or is this an assumption based on screenshots, etc.?
# 133 jeremym480 @ 05/24/11 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Smith.0
Did someone with the game say it was easy to get a position at a top school? Or is this an assumption based on screenshots, etc.?
Seems like pure speculation to me.

If it's not, I'd like to see proof.
# 134 hurricanefootball4 @ 05/24/11 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by jeremym480
If it's not, I'd like to see proof.
Which there won't be, all we have is screenshots and second hand accounts of how it plays out.

We are trying to judge what jobs people should and shouldn't get based on screenshots where we don't see any other data or what goals were fulfilled.

An OC for team that went 3-9 overall still might be a great hire b/c maybe they averaged 40 points a game and their QB threw for 5,000 yards. We aren't able to see stats or goals achieved though so everything at this point is speculatory
# 135 PaperBoyx703 @ 05/24/11 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
I think we have all come to expect everything EA does will have obvious faults. I hate to be like that because I truly beleive the guys working on the game are doing the best tbey can, but their pride gets in the way, or something else does. We, the fans, tell them what we want, so they give us something, but always put an EA twist on it.

We get ESPN presentation, but the replay angles are EA'd and are unrealistic and upset us more than making us happy. Then with the CC they don't add individual ratins which is disappointing, but somewhat understandable, but it also looks like they went their own way and made sure it was accessible and make sure you get one offer every year and it looks like it is easy to get a job. It needs to be like 2k8 where we need to earn our jobs. I am in year 7 and still have not gotten any better offers than a few mid majors in 2k8 which is what we want. We have the ability to choose our favorite teams, so there is no reason to make the CC easy to get the jobs at the top school.
Hey, i think you should watch the IGN video again, because I dont get where it was said you could jump ship to your favorite school automatically or recieve offers to your favorite school. I believe it said you would recieve 3 offers a year from diff schools and you had to "EARN" your way to a top 6/5 star school. It didnt say you could lead North Texas to a 9-3 season and then get and offer from Texas Year 1. because if Texas is succeding they wont fire the coach and offer anyone, if he retires or moves on then they open up and search for coaches and then your still not guaranteed a job.

They even showed in the video that if a change was coming to a 6 star school your name had to be in their top 3 interest to even be considered or and if the school wasnt listed an Alma Mater of you then it would even be harder to get in.

Just watch the video at IGN on the dynasty preview.
# 136 NDAlum @ 05/24/11 12:19 PM

In 2K you had the option of Open/Closed legacy. You have the option of building your way up or starting out at a big time school. I don't see the problem.

You act as if your POV is the only one. Not everybody wants to play through 7 years to go from Idaho to Maryland.
# 137 The JareBear @ 05/24/11 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by NDAlum

In 2K you had the option of Open/Closed legacy. You have the option of building your way up or starting out at a big time school. I don't see the problem.

You act as if your POV is the only one. Not everybody wants to play through 7 years to go from Idaho to Maryland.
I agree with you One Thousand Percent on everything you said here.
# 138 The JareBear @ 05/24/11 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by tpain2345
So all they did was "tune" recruiting? any idea what that means?
I think it means they fixed how the CPU would rexruit 12 QBs and 20 HBs and not recruit to their playstyle? Not positive tho
# 139 hurricanefootball4 @ 05/24/11 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
You act as if your POV is the only one. Not everybody wants to play through 7 years to go from Idaho to Maryland.
Despite the draw of getting very fresh french fries in Idaho, I agree that I don't want to spend 7 years there.

I think it will be balanced, and those that want to make it more difficult can always stay at their school until there is a job that they really are shooting for gets offered.
# 140 cts @ 05/24/11 12:55 PM
I think a reasonable solution here would be to have a setting similar to how they added recruiting difficulty levels. Add a setting for how hard it would be to get good job offers.

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