NCAA Football 12 News Post

The Gaming Tailgate has posted a bunch of specific and in-depth details about Dynasty mode that might not find their way into standard previews and press releases. These details come via a community-based Q&A session, and as with most Q&As about very specific details, there is more negatives than positives to be found here.

One negative thing coming from the Q&A is the confirmation about the lack of individual coaching ratings, which means the Coaching Carousel loses a bit of luster. If you put the pieces of the puzzle together, you sort of already knew this was coming based on some of the details that had previously been released about Dynasty mode, but it's still a little disappointing to hear. However, coach prestige will impact results during simulations, and it will still impact recruiting via the "pitches" previously in the game. These caveats should not be overlooked. Since coaches will now recruit for their playbook and style of play, if you take over a job and want to recruit for a new system, that will provide a whole new layer of challenge that was not there previously.

In addition, you can't hire your own coordinators once you're the head coach, and really, why would you if the coaches don't have ratings -- the only thing playing a part in the decision would be the playbook at that point, and you have control of that if you want. However, if you want an extra layer of challenge, you could build your team based off each coordinator's playbook, which could change your recruiting strategy at various points because the CPU Athletic Director could hire/fire coordinators.

On the positive side of things, it does seem it will be a slow burn to get from a "D" prestige to an "A" prestige level. You can also share coaches within the roster, so roster makers can now edit all the coaches in addition to all the players. Continuing with the customization positives, you can edit conferences throughout a dynasty, not just before the first year. Lastly, early signs point to simulated stats being more on point this year.

Head over to The Gaming Tailgate to get the rest of the details.

Source - Dynasty Info Q&A Thread (The Gaming Tailgate)

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 Pokes404 @ 05/23/11 05:44 PM
Wow. They must have done A LOT to Road to Glory because this just barely qualifies as a touch up for dynasty. What is the point of putting coaches into the game if 1) you can't fire/hire your own staff, and 2) the coaches have no impact on progression or on-field performance?

To all of you guys who play dynasty religiously, for your sake, I hope they're bringing more than this.
# 102 muckcity @ 05/23/11 05:44 PM
Please someone answer me this..when you do a online dynasty do.everyone have to be a DC or OC....or does each player get to choose!!!
# 103 canes21 @ 05/23/11 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Pokes404
Wow. They must have done A LOT to Road to Glory because this just barely qualifies as a touch up for dynasty. What is the point of putting coaches into the game if 1) you can't fire/hire your own staff, and 2) the coaches have no impact on progression or on-field performance?

To all of you guys who play dynasty religiously, for your sake, I hope they're bringing more than this.
Coaches do affect progression. How much, we don't know. We also don't know if a better OC = better offensive progression or if it is all HC based.

Originally Posted by muckcity
Please someone answer me this..when you do a online dynasty do.everyone have to be a DC or OC....or does each player get to choose!!!
The commish can make everyone start as a coordinator at a 1* school, 2*, 3*, etc. A head coach at a 4* or worse, etc. It is all up to the commissioner. The commish can also make it be like last year where you have complete freedom in your choice.
# 104 floppychulo @ 05/23/11 05:49 PM
IDK, is it a pride thing where EA doesn't want to replicate what another company did with their CC? The people want a CC 2k8 style. The people want sliders 2k8 style. Give the people what they want. lol
# 105 boritter @ 05/23/11 05:49 PM
I was hoping that dynasty would receive as many improvements as franchise mode did in Madden 12.

Sadly, that is not the case. This is the first year ever where I'm more excited about Madden than NCAA.
# 106 canes21 @ 05/23/11 05:51 PM
Anyone tech savvy know if it would be possible for EA to patch in the ability for the user to be in control of the coordinators?
# 107 cts @ 05/23/11 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
Anyone tech savvy know if it would be possible for EA to patch in the ability for the user to be in control of the coordinators?
I'm studying software development now...and I can't imagine that it would take very much. It's already a part of the team management engine, it would just need to be "unlocked" during the dynasty mode.

There could be a lot more to it, of course.
# 108 Gotmadskillzson @ 05/23/11 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
Anyone tech savvy know if it would be possible for EA to patch in the ability for the user to be in control of the coordinators?
You can only patch something that was already built into the engine. If their engine wasn't built for it, they can't add it in via patch. Which is why they couldn't patch in scrambling QBs last year, their engine wasn't built for it.

The only reason why they were able to patch in dirty unifroms was because dirty uniforms was already built into the engine, just not strong enough.
# 109 canes21 @ 05/23/11 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
You can only patch something that was already built into the engine. If their engine wasn't built for it, they can't add it in via patch. Which is why they couldn't patch in scrambling QBs last year, their engine wasn't built for it.

The only reason why they were able to patch in dirty unifroms was because dirty uniforms was already built into the engine, just not strong enough.
If the game already hires the coordinators, then can't they somehow unlock it and make the user start to hire them like the guy above said? I really hope so because it's ridiculous to have no control over your coordinators.
# 110 cts @ 05/23/11 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
You can only patch something that was already built into the engine. If their engine wasn't built for it, they can't add it in via patch. Which is why they couldn't patch in scrambling QBs last year, their engine wasn't built for it.

The only reason why they were able to patch in dirty unifroms was because dirty uniforms was already built into the engine, just not strong enough.
The ability to edit rosters is already there, too. Just disabled during Dynasty. It'd be possible to patch that and enable it, from my experience.
# 111 justblaze09 @ 05/23/11 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Lavar
If you decide to be an OC with a option playbook it better not play like last years which was a fail.
Its going to be a long day watching your QB make the wrong reads or cross the line of scrimmage just to see him pitch the ball into the cornerbacks back as he often does.
You'll be sacked in a year.
You carry out the plays on whatever side of the ball you coach. The only time you have to watch is when the opposite side of the ball is on the field.
# 112 k_mac @ 05/23/11 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Lavar
If you decide to be an OC with a option playbook it better not play like last years which was a fail.
Its going to be a long day watching your QB make the wrong reads or cross the line of scrimmage just to see him pitch the ball into the cornerbacks back as he often does.
You'll be sacked in a year.
As the OC/DC you control your side of the ball. Check out this video, it's in there. http://youtu.be/ocx1kYCmDis not very far in either.
# 113 hurricanefootball4 @ 05/23/11 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Smith.0
The ability to edit rosters is already there, too. Just disabled during Dynasty. It'd be possible to patch that and enable it, from my experience.

This seems like it would be a really easy to add, so why hasn't it been added?
# 114 cts @ 05/23/11 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by hurricanefootball4

This seems like it would be a really easy to add, so why hasn't it been added?
I'm guessing there is or used to be some reason why games don't/didn't allow it. Because it's only been recently that a couple games are starting to open that up.

What that reason is? No guesses outta me.
# 115 hkwforAUTigers @ 05/23/11 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by DR_Drake_Ramore
I think you should be banned. Let the posters offer their opinions. At least this post was not negative. I swear everyone is too negative. EA programmers must be sick and tired of the community since this kind of over-reaction and negatively persists.
This is true and people do get negative (I know that I get negative sometimes), but remember that this is a business. They get payed to make the game to my (the consumers) standards and make me want to buy it.

Think of it like a carwash: there is only 1 carwash station in town, and your car is really dirty. You get it washed, and the job is so-so. you are promised upgrades are coming to the carwash system, and that it will get better. Next time you come back (remember that this is your only choice for a carwash) the job is only marginally better. Not only do you have the right, but you have the responsibility to speak up and say that something is wrong.

Now I know that no one forces us to buy the game, but they are getting payed to make the only college football game available. Don't think for one second that people shouldn't complain, because the day that people stop complaining is the day that the game will become turrible.

just my 2 cents...
# 116 austezie @ 05/23/11 11:17 PM
The goal numbers are very unrealistic just like the recruits workout numbers. I was hoping for a spring game :-/
# 117 PaperBoyx703 @ 05/23/11 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by Roggie
@Donovan Warren example: Not a good one, since he left early and went undrafted. He didn't really develop them. He had the talent, but he personally never helped them improve. His D coordinator worked with them, since RR admitted to spending 98% of his time with the offense. Which is why we need a little more than one broad prestige rating.
Originally Posted by Roggie
How many of those guys did Rich Rod recruit? Warren was there before him, if I'm not mistaken (RS Junior), Graham, Brown, and Mouton weren't his recruits either. He recruited 2, maybe 3, guys that look like they could be NFL quality. A team like Michigan should have 2-3 A YEAR.

And did you just use NCAA ratings to justify a coach in real life? Um... I'm not even sure how to respond to that. A guy worthy of a 91 overall rating, especially a corner, would NEVER go undrafted. He was more like an 83 or so who needed another year badly.
A few things:

1) Rich Rod players were constantly changing from 2008-2010 transitioning from pro style, players to spread opt players, thats why his focus was primarily on offense

2) 2010 Rich Rod FINALLY had his players set in place and the spread option guru was ready to go for 2011

3) Yes he admitted he focused on Offense but that doesnt mean he didnt have a positive impact on the Defense whenever he got in their faces during the game screaming to top of his lungs for them to step up, they had some pep in their step but they were young, outsized in the BIG TEN(Wisconsin RAN THE BALL THE WHOLE SECOND HALF and still Won) and MOST IMPORTANTLY had a horrid D-Cord

4) Greg Robinson(D-Cord) used a teddy bear(i love to forget which game) to motivate his players, and he came from Syracuse, which BTW did better on defense once he left.

5) The only thing to blame Rich Rod was his D-Cord Choice(Robinson *they were friends*) and extended practice(NCAA GOT US) and some minute tradition blunders(Wearing Red I laughed though and a close one withe the #1 jersey almost giving it to a DB).

6) He still recruited very well for both sides(bringing in very good prospects on D) of the ball(2 top 25 classes) and to say he had NO positive or skills or interest in the defense is foolish and you know nothing about how the program was being handled at the time just going by what was analyzed and ESPN sportcenter highlights.

7) Back to the Scenario of Rich Rod being an A prestige and affecting the whole team but D-Cords and O-Cords have prestiges too I beileve they are 1-3 stars(plz correct me if im wrong) So Rich Rod can have a good effect while the bad 1 star D-Cord will hold the Defense back or make the D perform badly(Which was the case in real life for Michigan fro 2008-2010)

8) Lastly why is the Rich Rod prestige even relevant? Why is this even an argument? Last I heard the man has moved back to West VA and is still looking to join a CBS network and be a sports analyst. So this doesnt make any sense because he is not coaching. So he wont even be in the game.
# 118 zethisis @ 05/24/11 03:29 AM
I'm gonna be 100% real about this. EA plain and simple is lazy and doesn't want to make a satisfying product. Since there is no competition they don't have to put out a quality Football game. We've seen it with Madden and NCAA. The only reason they put those changes in Madden this year was because their license is about to expire soon. I guarantee the year when 2k can make a College football/NFL game it will be better than anything EA puts out. And as far as the CC goes, it's okay but they should have added so much more. It was the bare minimum but the fact that you can't hire OC/DC is really disapointing and takes the cake. The Coach prestige system needs to be totally redone. They didn't really change anything with that system besides the arrows telling you how you did. It was almost merely the same thing as it was the last 4 years.

The goals for the OC/DC are okay but they can be retuned too, like coordinators actually gaining prestige for having the best Defense/offense in their conference/Nation/or getting a 4,5 star recruit to come to you're school/Top recruiting classes/ or even having a player on you're side of the field projected as a first round pick or winning a award. Something that actually matters in real college football. They also do need to add actually ratings to the coach system. Something along the lines of: Recruiting(Affects how much you're calls and visits sway recruits), Offense, Defense, Prestige. There also needs to be a spring game added to the dynasty mode as a way of really seeing who should be on field playing. (In my opinion there's no excuse as to why this isn't in the game by now. It's really just a modified practice). Senior Bowl games should also be included.

Also this is what really got me fuming and EA is gonna have to fix this but each Coordinator should only recruit their side of the ball instead of recruiting everybody. So basically they stripped you of either controlling the offense/defense but you're gonna do all of the recruiting. So basically they pretty much implemented goals (the arrows pointing in either the negative or the positive), the ability to only play on one side of the field and the ability to still recruit everybody. So most likely, the fellow CPU coaches aren't gonna do any recruiting and you're gonna do all of it. Basically the same features that they've had for the past 5 years. This is real ****ty on EA's part. And everybody on here know EA be on here reading these forums. Just give us what we want in a game. Freaking 2K listened to us about the NBA 2k series and look what it got them. It's a pretty good game even if it isn't perfect. Sadly the day the license is up is the day we will get a good football game.
# 119 pmurray20 @ 05/24/11 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by zethisis
I'm gonna be 100% real about this. EA plain and simple is lazy and doesn't want to make a satisfying product. Since there is no competition they don't have to put out a quality Football game. We've seen it with Madden and NCAA. The only reason they put those changes in Madden this year was because their license is about to expire soon. I guarantee the year when 2k can make a College football/NFL game it will be better than anything EA puts out. And as far as the CC goes, it's okay but they should have added so much more. It was the bare minimum but the fact that you can't hire OC/DC is really disapointing and takes the cake. The Coach prestige system needs to be totally redone. They didn't really change anything with that system besides the arrows telling you how you did. It was almost merely the same thing as it was the last 4 years.

The goals for the OC/DC are okay but they can be retuned too, like coordinators actually gaining prestige for having the best Defense/offense in their conference/Nation/or getting a 4,5 star recruit to come to you're school/Top recruiting classes/ or even having a player on you're side of the field projected as a first round pick or winning a award. Something that actually matters in real college football.

Also this is what really got me fuming and EA is gonna have to fix this but each Coordinator should only recruit their side of the ball instead of recruiting everybody. So basically they stripped you of either controlling the offense/defense but you're gonna do all of the recruiting. So basically they pretty much implemented goals (the arrows pointing in either the negative or the positive), the ability to only play on one side of the field and the ability to still recruit everybody. So most likely, the fellow CPU coaches aren't gonna do any recruiting and you're gonna do all of it. Basically the same features that they've had for the past 5 years. This is real ****ty on EA's part. And everybody on here know EA be on here reading these forums. Just give us what we want in a game. Freaking 2K listened to us about the NBA 2k series and look what it got them. It's a pretty good game even if it isn't perfect. Sadly the day the license is up is the day we will get a good football game.

u said they could have added more? are u kidding me this is the first year they have CC in and other features and yet you still complain. maybe you should buy this game and just go in a closet and play the quiet game. Because to be honest i will be playing this game all the time, there may be some bugs but that doesnt mean im going to flip out on EA and say that they cant make a good football game. and as far as 2K their servers flat out suck, they are always down when you want to play and are back up when you dont care
# 120 hkwforAUTigers @ 05/24/11 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by pmurray20
u said they could have added more? are u kidding me this is the first year they have CC in and other features and yet you still complain. maybe you should buy this game and just go in a closet and play the quiet game. Because to be honest i will be playing this game all the time, there may be some bugs but that doesnt mean im going to flip out on EA and say that they cant make a good football game. and as far as 2K their servers flat out suck, they are always down when you want to play and are back up when you dont care
They should not have spent all their time CC when they could have improved many things (ie practice, offseason workouts, spring game, medical redshirts, etc.). Instead they gave us a half complete mostly cosmetic CC. I'm not even close to satisfied. Its not necessarily that 2K made better games, but that they were competition and forced EA to make enhancement. lets face it, they are a monopoly right now.

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