NCAA Football 12 News Post

The Gaming Tailgate has posted a bunch of specific and in-depth details about Dynasty mode that might not find their way into standard previews and press releases. These details come via a community-based Q&A session, and as with most Q&As about very specific details, there is more negatives than positives to be found here.

One negative thing coming from the Q&A is the confirmation about the lack of individual coaching ratings, which means the Coaching Carousel loses a bit of luster. If you put the pieces of the puzzle together, you sort of already knew this was coming based on some of the details that had previously been released about Dynasty mode, but it's still a little disappointing to hear. However, coach prestige will impact results during simulations, and it will still impact recruiting via the "pitches" previously in the game. These caveats should not be overlooked. Since coaches will now recruit for their playbook and style of play, if you take over a job and want to recruit for a new system, that will provide a whole new layer of challenge that was not there previously.

In addition, you can't hire your own coordinators once you're the head coach, and really, why would you if the coaches don't have ratings -- the only thing playing a part in the decision would be the playbook at that point, and you have control of that if you want. However, if you want an extra layer of challenge, you could build your team based off each coordinator's playbook, which could change your recruiting strategy at various points because the CPU Athletic Director could hire/fire coordinators.

On the positive side of things, it does seem it will be a slow burn to get from a "D" prestige to an "A" prestige level. You can also share coaches within the roster, so roster makers can now edit all the coaches in addition to all the players. Continuing with the customization positives, you can edit conferences throughout a dynasty, not just before the first year. Lastly, early signs point to simulated stats being more on point this year.

Head over to The Gaming Tailgate to get the rest of the details.

Source - Dynasty Info Q&A Thread (The Gaming Tailgate)

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 jethrotull @ 05/23/11 03:16 PM
Seems to read like Coaching Carousel is all cosmetic.

Where's the beef?
# 62 Dame @ 05/23/11 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by sparkdawg777
Toe anyone saying this lack of a CC is ok because it is the first year,

Was it not College Hoops 2k8's first year with CC when they implemented theirs? If so is it not a shame that EA had a basis of CC that they could learn from and instead only took 5% of it?

With that being said this game still looks a lot better than previous versions but I was so hyped about CC and when it's finally in it is actually pretty disappointing. Honestly without the leaked RTG info I would be pretty mad today about the dynasty info. Kudos to the new RTG dev who in 1 year not only kept this mode alive (which I like) but possibly made it a better mode than dynasty. I mean I am extremely excited that I am going to be able to replay my Senior season! And not only that but I can recreate the schedule with TB? AWESOME
nope it took 2k something like 3 or 4 games to get it right like in 2k8 I think
# 63 justblaze09 @ 05/23/11 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by sparkdawg777
Toe anyone saying this lack of a CC is ok because it is the first year,

Was it not College Hoops 2k8's first year with CC when they implemented theirs? If so is it not a shame that EA had a basis of CC that they could learn from and instead only took 5% of it?
Again, 2K8 WASN'T (not yelling, just making it clear) the first year the 2K team has "CC" in the game. You could search for jobs in 2K4 and 2K5 (and it wasn't you search for it, you got it, you had to be good). 2K6 and 2K7 expanded on that, and 2K8 is the first one I remember that was as full-blown as they gave us.

People need to realize to get where 2K8 got is a process, and unless you neglect everything else about Dynasty, it's going to take 2-3 years to get there.
# 64 BenGerman @ 05/23/11 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by sparkdawg777
Toe anyone saying this lack of a CC is ok because it is the first year,

Was it not College Hoops 2k8's first year with CC when they implemented theirs? If so is it not a shame that EA had a basis of CC that they could learn from and instead only took 5% of it?

With that being said this game still looks a lot better than previous versions but I was so hyped about CC and when it's finally in it is actually pretty disappointing. Honestly without the leaked RTG info I would be pretty mad today about the dynasty info. Kudos to the new RTG dev who in 1 year not only kept this mode alive (which I like) but possibly made it a better mode than dynasty. I mean I am extremely excited that I am going to be able to replay my Senior season! And not only that but I can recreate the schedule with TB? AWESOME
They had a feature implemented way bad in CH 2K4 where you could search for a job. Coaching Carousel took a little while for them actually implement into the game. But when they did they did it right. EA has given us CC, and this will be there first year for both the feature, and any sort of Coach Mode. Also to say we got 5% is absurd. The only things missing are Coach Ratings, and even then we have a general coach rating (prestige) in its place. We actually got most of what we wanted. Ability to create a coach, ability to progress with this coach, CPU controlled Coaches taking new jobs, playbooks attached to offensive and defensive coordinators, the fact that we got coordinators was unexpected IMO. I think for their first attempt, EA has done a damn good job.
# 65 sparkdawg777 @ 05/23/11 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by illwill10
I was not expecting a 2K8 type of CC. But I was disappointed that there might not be anything else added besides Tuning. IE Spring Game and other stuff. I hope we can play on a TB team. That would make my day. MY hopes are that you can set Quarter Lengths and improved Coach play calling
With the RTG info this made my day. This will probably might be my #1 mode this year.

Oh yeh that is a big thing that's needed too. I know Madden has had it in for their Superstar mode so hopefully they will take from it. That makes a big difference because I want to be able to get a realistic amount of plays in. Also it would be nice to be able to change it during the season because HS is only 12 minutes so their are less plays.
# 66 jethrotull @ 05/23/11 03:22 PM
Practically the whole Q & A looked like this
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. No

Does not make sense to add a mode that really has no substance. A CC should have Coach ratings.

My Point: Look at teams like SMU, Baylor etc. When the NCAA Pre Package roster is released it rarely has good players on bad teams, which is not at all a simulation of real life NCAA Football. Great players can be found on terrible teams. Therefore a coach rating system would lower or raise certain abilities of players making them better or worse when playing for a certain coach at a certain school. I think you see my point, coaching should have some affect on players, making them better or worse.
# 67 RynoAid @ 05/23/11 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by jethrotull
Practically the whole Q & A looked like this
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. No

Does not make sense to add a mode that really has no substance. A CC should have Coach ratings.

My Point: Look at teams like SMU, Baylor etc. When the NCAA Pre Package roster is released it rarely has good players on bad teams, which is not at all a simulation of real life NCAA Football. Great players can be found on terrible teams. Therefore a coach rating system would lower or raise certain abilities of players making them better or worse when playing for a certain coach at a certain school. I think you see my point, coaching should have some affect on players, making them better or worse.
have you even read the whole thread... ? The coach prestige rating has a DIRECT IMPACT ON PROGRESSION of a team.
# 68 justblaze09 @ 05/23/11 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by BenGerman
They had a feature implemented way bad in CH 2K4 where you could search for a job. Coaching Carousel took a little while for them actually implement into the game. But when they did they did it right. EA has given us CC, and this will be there first year for both the feature, and any sort of Coach Mode. Also to say we got 5% is absurd. The only things missing are Coach Ratings, and even then we have a general coach rating (prestige) in its place. We actually got most of what we wanted. Ability to create a coach, ability to progress with this coach, CPU controlled Coaches taking new jobs, playbooks attached to offensive and defensive coordinators, the fact that we got coordinators was unexpected IMO. I think for their first attempt, EA has done a damn good job.
and to also add to that, ln TGT it has been made clear that coaches will actually prefer certain styles of players to recruit (but if someone highly ranked wants to come there, they will recruit him).
# 69 sparkdawg777 @ 05/23/11 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by BenGerman
They had a feature implemented way bad in CH 2K4 where you could search for a job. Coaching Carousel took a little while for them actually implement into the game. But when they did they did it right. EA has given us CC, and this will be there first year for both the feature, and any sort of Coach Mode. Also to say we got 5% is absurd. The only things missing are Coach Ratings, and even then we have a general coach rating (prestige) in its place. We actually got most of what we wanted. Ability to create a coach, ability to progress with this coach, CPU controlled Coaches taking new jobs, playbooks attached to offensive and defensive coordinators, the fact that we got coordinators was unexpected IMO. I think for their first attempt, EA has done a damn good job.

Ok 5% was a obviously an exaggeration but still I wouldn't give it 25% because right now it will only be playbooks floating around. We can't even hire/fire OC/DC's which shows even more that they have little impact. Now if it is true that they will make an impact for simulated games that will be interesting to see but right now I'm still skeptical.

Also I didn't realize 2k had implemented CC before, I searched for it and it wasn't advertised. That's the biggest thing too is the CC in 2k8 wasn't even listed as a feature and EA makes it their feature which isn't even close to CH2k8.

Now with that being said I will take a step back because I am not blasting this game at all in fact I haven't been this excited about NCAA in a while but it bugs me that they make this a feature, which 2k didn't, and it is still way behind 2k.
# 70 cts @ 05/23/11 03:28 PM
Of course the majority of the answers in the thread were "No."

Look at the majority of the questions.
# 71 PikeJR23 @ 05/23/11 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
This also means Rich Rod would produce better defensive players than any coach with a lower prestige than him, but we all know that Rich Rod has defensive players get worse under him in real life.

Even though his defense at Michigan didn't perform he still had NFL talent on that side of the ball. The defense he ran wasn't ideal for his conference or personnel. If you have a bunch of players who fit the 4-3 scheme (which Lloyd Carr had that Rich Rod was left with) it doesn't mean you will succeed in a 3-3-5 scheme. Matter fact Donovan Warren, and a few other lineman have went on to the NFL during Rich Rod's tenure. And again, with coach prestige changing yearly you probably will see a situation where a guy, much like Rich Rod, comes into a big school like Michigan with wild expectations and under perform and as result lose prestige and eventually their job.

So in Rich Rod's case he comes in A or A- to a school where he can't meet the immediate goals b/c of personnel issues, lose prestige (w/ the ability for players to progress as well) and may lose their jobs quicker than a coach who comes into a situation that is more ideal (Jimbo Fisher @ FSU) b/c he was a coordinator at that school or b/c he has a similar philosophy to the previous coach.
# 72 Roggie @ 05/23/11 03:31 PM
@Donovan Warren example: Not a good one, since he left early and went undrafted. He didn't really develop them. He had the talent, but he personally never helped them improve. His D coordinator worked with them, since RR admitted to spending 98% of his time with the offense. Which is why we need a little more than one broad prestige rating.
# 73 buckeye02 @ 05/23/11 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Smith.0
Of course the majority of the answers in the thread were "No."

Look at the majority of the questions.
Most of the questions were pretty much a wish list. Im satisfied with what has come out do far. This is the biggest leap from one year to the next in this franchise imo. EA has earned my $65
# 74 Cusefan @ 05/23/11 03:31 PM
I really really hope Neutral site games made it in. When i think about it, it does not seem like a huge addition to do. Neutral site games are already in, there is a bunch of non NCAA stadiums in, and just treat the crowd like a bowl game.
# 75 justblaze09 @ 05/23/11 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Cusefan
I really really hope Neutral site games made it in. When i think about it, it does not seem like a huge addition to do. Neutral site games are already in, there is a bunch of non NCAA stadiums in, and just treat the crowd like a bowl game.
They're not in, nor is being able to set the time and day of your game.
# 76 Rivals @ 05/23/11 03:42 PM
Custom conferences seem more restrictive than first advertised. Interested to see what the blog reveals tomorrow.
# 77 jwilphl @ 05/23/11 03:43 PM
I still wonder if Teambuilder has seen any additions? My guess is no but thus far there has been zero clarity on this.
# 78 DorianDonP @ 05/23/11 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Smith.0
Of course the majority of the answers in the thread were "No."

Look at the majority of the questions.
What was wrong with the majority of the question? None of them were over the top/longshot type of questions. They were things we've seen in past NCAA games, should expect to see now, and things we see Madden introducing now.

1) Medical redshirts?
2) Spring game?
3) Off-season drills?
4) Homecoming game?
5) Heisman presentation show?
6) Scouting feature during recruiting?
7) In-season progression?
8) Dynamic player ratings from week to week like Madden?
9) More accurate sim stats?
10) Senior day/night?
11) Create or lose rivalries?
12) HS All-American Bowl with ESPN top 150?
13) Senior Bowl?
14) Designate Impact players and team captains?
15) Full editing of existing players during a Dynasty?
16) Editing of recruits in Dynasty?
17) Changes or improvements to the slot machine recruiting system?
18) National signing day show with player announcements from a select group of top recruits?
19) Can we update our Stadiums over the course of a Dynasty? Specifically the ability to change the seating capacity of the stadium? Change the field color? Endzone and Midfield art? Field type (grass, field turf, art. turf)?

Everyone of these questions were no, except 7. What exactly are you implying about the questions being asked? That they are unrealistic or not viable to put in the game in a year?
# 79 georgiafan @ 05/23/11 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by jwilphl
I still wonder if Teambuilder has seen any additions? My guess is no but thus far there has been zero clarity on this.

I want to see some additions to TB even if its just allowing us to customize entrances
# 80 Cusefan @ 05/23/11 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by justblaze09
They're not in, nor is being able to set the time and day of your game.
2 things:

maybe we can get it in through a patch, doubt it but it could happen

I really hate your avatar, babies are generally ugly but that one is exceptionally ugly.

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