NCAA Football 12 News Post

At this point in a console generation, it feels like sports games are at an advantage and disadvantage. On the one hand, developers should have an immense amount of understanding of the consoles they are working on now. This means adding those extra little elements of joy and polish can be more easily worked into the development of a game. However, it seems like it would be almost crazy to talk about installing an all-new physics engine or something else along those lines at this point in a console's life cycle. Changes like that just seem to happen more often than not at the start of a new console generation.

And NCAA Football 12 might epitomize that double-edged sword. Some of the tweaks that I was shown and was able to mess around with are immediately noticeable and mostly positive, but for folks wanting widespread change, a new engine or some masterful stroke of development genius that will create this all-new football game should probably reel in their expectations a bit.

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Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 ssryry29 @ 04/21/11 01:01 PM
I wish I had money so I could pre-order this game. Definetly getting this over Madden this year.
# 82 st0rk50 @ 04/21/11 01:11 PM
Any word on Special Team upgrades?
# 83 joshuat8210 @ 04/21/11 01:14 PM
chase can you tell me or did you even notice if they added a madden version of a accelerated clock? or if they have one in this yr? thanks man and thanks for your article
# 84 COACH WEBB @ 04/21/11 01:19 PM
# 85 Jonsco28 @ 04/21/11 01:20 PM
Is the lighting progressive, or did they just make it pretty? Hopefully it doesn't stay the same all game long.
# 86 COACH WEBB @ 04/21/11 01:26 PM
Just read this from another preview....

Moreover, lots of work has been done to beef up the custom team entrances, whether that's the spear of Florida State's Chief Osceola or Colorado U's bison. Best of all, these will be shown from different angles each time to help keep them fresh.

For fans of schools without famous pre-game ceremonies, don't worry, your team won't lack excitement. The game's presentation as a whole is being improved through things like more of a presence from ESPN, bowl- and conference-specific intros, and end-of-quarter highlights just like on TV.
# 87 Playmakers @ 04/21/11 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by WildcatDawg
So, better presentation, zone coverage, tackling, and custom playbooks. I think I will take a pass this year. Did recruiting get some added presentation? What about player progression?
zone coverage was not really a big issue in NCAA 11 IMO

just some people wanted perfect zone defense which isn't going to happen even in NCAA 12 no matter how much they hype it up as a big game improvement.

This preview basically confirmed my initial thoughts on NCAA 12 it's mostly a graphical facelift....

Most of the improvements came strictly on eye candy on the field which isn't a bad thing because i thought NCAA 11 was very good but NCAA 12 is not a huge upgrade of NCAA 11 based on what i've seen and read
# 88 BlueNGold @ 04/21/11 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by COACH WEBB
Just read this from another preview....
re: different camera angles for every entrance

Wow, I'm impressed EA. Nicely done.
# 89 sparkdawg777 @ 04/21/11 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
zone coverage was not really a big issue in NCAA 11 IMO

just some people wanted perfect zone defense which isn't going to happen even in NCAA 12 no matter how much they hype it up as a big game improvement.

This preview basically confirmed my initial thoughts on NCAA 12 it's mostly a graphical facelift....

Most of the improvements came strictly on eye candy on the field which isn't a bad thing because i thought NCAA 11 was very good but NCAA 12 is not a huge upgrade of NCAA 11 based on what i've seen and read

That's a joke right?
# 90 DorianDonP @ 04/21/11 01:38 PM
About what I expected. Hopefully we see some footage of the consecutive hit tackles.
# 91 Playmakers @ 04/21/11 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by sparkdawg777
That's a joke right?
no it isn't

so i guess will have to agree to disagree
# 92 sparkdawg777 @ 04/21/11 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
no it isn't

so i guess will have to agree to disagree

Lol yeh if you think zone coverage is sitting in one spot, yes will have to agree to disagree...
# 93 BezO @ 04/21/11 01:45 PM
Lastly, a new tackling mechanic is being introduced this year. This year gamers will be able to use the "X" button on the Xbox 360 to wrap tackle. It's the safe way to try and grab a ball carrier and take him down. When you press the "X" button, your player will "bow up" so to speak, and then he will try to engage the player. It's hard to get a feel for how this will affect things, but it certainly seems like a logical middle-ground maneuver if you don't want to just run into the ball carrier or Hit Stick him.
Nice! Hopefully running full speed into a ball carrier represents a non-wrap, knockout attempt type tackle. And we need a grab button, or maybe the X button could be that from a certain distance from the ball carrier.

Grass, weather and lighting also received love. The grass is now 3-D, and it looks great. However, while it looks awesome to have your feet digging into this surface, it does not mean it will necessarily help foot planting and so forth. I still felt a little floaty when using players, so it's more a cosmetic change than a gameplay change right now.
Damn! One of the things I hate most about Madden/NCAA. And I noticed the running animation in general is still stiff & ugly.
# 94 blkprince04 @ 04/21/11 01:45 PM
so far the only thing ncaa12 is mising is a gameday feature and a broadcast camera ,but they do have after quater and halftime highlights and breakdown of big plays and bettter stat overlays, sounds very promising ea.........
# 95 PaperBoyx703 @ 04/21/11 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
no it isn't

so i guess will have to agree to disagree
I like how you handled that. Pretty much ends the chance for a pointless rant of opinions being thrown around. Or maybe not...
# 96 blkrptnt819 @ 04/21/11 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by st0rk50
Any word on Special Team upgrades?
That was about to be my question?
# 97 sparkdawg777 @ 04/21/11 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by l_XaVo7o3_l
I like how you handled that. Pretty much ends the chance for a pointless rant of opinions being thrown around. Or maybe not...

Yeh I'm not looking for a rant, I just am shocked anyone thinks the zone defense is not broken because I think 99.9% of people on here want a better zone defense.

EDIT: Ah crap, back to the main topic.. I'm very excited to see the improvements to the zone defense and hopefully the tackling.
# 98 labguy @ 04/21/11 01:58 PM
Chase I am very excited to hear about the improvements in pass defense. Any improvements for defense in regards to the run game? Counters and stretch plays were virtually money last year even if you ran them multiple times in a row or continually throughout the game.
# 99 MrCWS83 @ 04/21/11 02:00 PM
Thanks for the write up Chase. Sounds really good so far. Any ideas when we might be hearing more about dynasty mode?
# 100 Dr Death @ 04/21/11 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by mrMagic91

Hey Chase, In post game Celebrations, do the player's helmets glued to their heads or are they off?
I believe he said he only played one half, so he's not sure on the post-game stuff.

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