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It looks like there is an issue with the Fight Night Champion sliders. Read through this thread. I broke down the sliders trying just about every combination. Currently, the Fight Night Champion sliders for the 360 do not work, haven't tested with PS3.

Game: Fight Night Round 4Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Hova57 @ 02/28/11 12:26 PM
Has the team said whether there will be a day one patch EA is usually pretty good with day one patches , plus we got the tuners so I'm sure they aren't doing anything til the game is shipped.
# 2 Phobia @ 02/28/11 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Hova57
Has the team said whether there will be a day one patch EA is usually pretty good with day one patches , plus we got the tuners so I'm sure they aren't doing anything til the game is shipped.
I have e-mailed them twice this issue. I am hoping to hear from them this week. This is a pretty serious issue for both Offline gamers and Online Gyms
# 3 Hova57 @ 02/28/11 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
I have e-mailed them twice this issue. I am hoping to hear from them this week. This is a pretty serious issue for both Offline gamers and Online Gyms
That's been 95% beef people have EA games is that the sliders never work or don't work properly.Also what info can be shared just sliders or boxing information all together ie slider, tendancies for licensed. and also just tendancies for licensed can be edit and not their actual punches correct.
# 4 DaveDQ @ 02/28/11 12:45 PM
I'm excited for this game, and I actually appreciate the dev team for their efforts, but I can not understand how something as specific as gameplay sliders can go through a development cycle and not work.

# 5 Steven547 @ 02/28/11 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
I'm excited for this game, and I actually appreciate the dev team for their efforts, but I can not understand how something as specific as gameplay sliders can go through a development cycle and not work.

Because it's the trend with EA the past couple years. Push the game out early, regardless of the issues, so try and make as much money as possible, then release some "blanket" statement: "We are aware of the slider issue and are currently working on a fix". Which comes in the form of a small patch that still doesn't fix all the issues, then they say "Next Year".... Same story different year. Sorry to sound negative, but EA does this with all their games. It's all about money not quality. This is not about some trunks that are a different color, it's about an issue that greatly affects gameplay. And your question about how it gets through the development cycle, well, archeologists will probably find the Holy Grail before we get an answer to that question.
# 6 Hova57 @ 02/28/11 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Steven547
Because it's the trend with EA the past couple years. Push the game out early, regardless of the issues, so try and make as much money as possible, then release some "blanket" statement: "We are aware of the slider issue and are currently working on a fix". Which comes in the form of a small patch that still doesn't fix all the issues, then they say "Next Year".... Same story different year. Sorry to sound negative, but EA does this with all their games. It's all about money not quality. This is not about some trunks that are a different color, it's about an issue that greatly affects gameplay. And your question about how it gets through the development cycle, well, archeologists will probably find the Holy Grail before we get an answer to that question.
Man Steven I can only hope your wrong, but deep inside I know ur right.
# 7 Steven547 @ 02/28/11 01:17 PM
I hope I'm wrong as well, but I've seen these issues slide through development with the FIFA series, Madden, NHL, and now Boxing again. FIFA with the manager mode issues, Madden with slider / gameplay, NHL with slider / gameplay and now Fight Night with slider issues. Like I said, we are not talking about trunk colors or jersey colors. These are gameplay issues.
# 8 Motown @ 02/28/11 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Steven547
Because it's the trend with EA the past couple years. Push the game out early, regardless of the issues, so try and make as much money as possible, then release some "blanket" statement: "We are aware of the slider issue and are currently working on a fix". Which comes in the form of a small patch that still doesn't fix all the issues, then they say "Next Year".... Same story different year. Sorry to sound negative, but EA does this with all their games. It's all about money not quality. This is not about some trunks that are a different color, it's about an issue that greatly affects gameplay. And your question about how it gets through the development cycle, well, archeologists will probably find the Holy Grail before we get an answer to that question.
Was just gonna say this...ala NCAA College Football.
# 9 Money99 @ 02/28/11 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Steven547
Because it's the trend with EA the past couple years. Push the game out early, regardless of the issues, so try and make as much money as possible, then release some "blanket" statement: "We are aware of the slider issue and are currently working on a fix". Which comes in the form of a small patch that still doesn't fix all the issues, then they say "Next Year".... Same story different year. Sorry to sound negative, but EA does this with all their games. It's all about money not quality. This is not about some trunks that are a different color, it's about an issue that greatly affects gameplay. And your question about how it gets through the development cycle, well, archeologists will probably find the Holy Grail before we get an answer to that question.
It's especially bad when you consider this game had a 2-year development window.
Hopefully it's fixed soon.
# 10 DaveDQ @ 02/28/11 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Steven547
Because it's the trend with EA the past couple years. Push the game out early, regardless of the issues, so try and make as much money as possible, then release some "blanket" statement: "We are aware of the slider issue and are currently working on a fix". Which comes in the form of a small patch that still doesn't fix all the issues, then they say "Next Year".... Same story different year. Sorry to sound negative, but EA does this with all their games. It's all about money not quality. This is not about some trunks that are a different color, it's about an issue that greatly affects gameplay. And your question about how it gets through the development cycle, well, archeologists will probably find the Holy Grail before we get an answer to that question.
It seems to be the tendency with many publishers. I just experienced it with Atari and Test Drive 2. You really have to believe what you're saying is true. If they claim to have X amount of testers, how in the blue heck does this happen? You have to sum it up and say they are aware and let it slip.
# 11 Phobia @ 02/28/11 02:14 PM
I don't know Dave, but I have been testing the sliders out for several days now and started getting depressed when I found out they were not doing anything really.

I think we will see a fix for it, but it is like you said. How does this slip through for so long?
# 12 Chef Matt @ 02/28/11 02:21 PM
Is this currently an issue on both systems?
# 13 Phobia @ 02/28/11 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by chefdad
Is this currently an issue on both systems?
I don't know about PS3, but 360 for sure
# 14 Kanobi @ 02/28/11 02:38 PM
Thanks phobia. You just saved me some $$$
# 15 Motown @ 02/28/11 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Kanobi
Thanks phobia. You just saved me some $$$
They'll work eventually dude
# 16 Kanobi @ 02/28/11 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Motown
They'll work eventually dude
and that's when I'll eventually buy the game
# 17 Money99 @ 02/28/11 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Kanobi
and that's when I'll eventually buy the game
# 18 Motown @ 02/28/11 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Kanobi
and that's when I'll eventually buy the game
I hear ya bro. I can holdover 'til then...in the mean time, I'll be checkin' out the brilliant GFX damage system lol.
# 19 SteelerSpartan @ 02/28/11 03:28 PM
Yeah I was afraid this.....This is really a downer......We need to hammer them on this so they get this in their 1st patch This is one thing that 2k just nails in all their games.......

Having tons of Powerful....Working Sliders

It allows users to craft their own game almost....

Listen up Team Brizzo, when I set that CPU Punch OutPut to 0 they better consistently average 15-30 punches a round if not lower....That should be your goal

Plus we need three more sliders if they can be implemented in a patch.
Boxer Block Strength
Boxer Block reflexes
Perfect Block (0 = no perfect block / 10 = bigger window for Perfect block)
Yes...Id also like to see the damage system split up between Cuts and Swelling so that you can tune which happen more or less

Also another big thing is that you should be able to set User and CPU sliders individually

So for Example:

You'd Have a Global Tab with

Difficulty: GOAT
Round Length:
Counter Punch Window - 0
Boxer Speed - Default (5)
Perfect Block-0

Then the next tab/page would be
the individual User Sliders and after that CPU

Boxer Power - Default (5)
Boxer Cuts - Default (5)
Boxer Swelling-5
Boxer Toughness - Default (5)
Boxer Accuracy - 0
Boxer Stamina - 0
Boxer Block Strength-10
Boxer Block reflexes-8

Boxer Power - Default (5)
Boxer Cuts-5
Boxer Swelling - Default (5)
Boxer Toughness - Default (5)
Boxer Accuracy - 0
Boxer Stamina - 0
Boxer Block Strength-10
Boxer Block reflexes-4
Offensive Awareness - Default (5)
Defensive Awareness - Default (5)

I hope I made that clear^^so that Team Brizzo knows what we're asking for
# 20 DaveDQ @ 02/28/11 03:31 PM
This issue is building steam and will have to be addressed soon.

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