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It looks like there is an issue with the Fight Night Champion sliders. Read through this thread. I broke down the sliders trying just about every combination. Currently, the Fight Night Champion sliders for the 360 do not work, haven't tested with PS3.

Game: Fight Night Round 4Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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# 101 Phobia @ 03/02/11 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by grunt
I wanted to know what are the punch numbers with 3 minute rounds.
Well if 2min rounds are seeing 70-110, I am just taking a guess but I would bet 3 min rounds would see the 100-140 range. I could test it later today.
# 102 SHAKYR @ 03/02/11 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Phobia
Well if 2min rounds are seeing 70-110, I am just taking a guess but I would bet 3 min rounds would see the 100-140 range. I could test it later today.
So, that means the "Arm Fatigue isn't doing what it's supposed to do, SMH!
# 103 Phobia @ 03/02/11 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
So, that means the "Arm Fatigue isn't doing what it's supposed to do, SMH!
Arm Fatigue only works by throwing punches over and over with one arm. Another words if you throw 10 right hooks over and over the punch will get slower. But it does nothing as far as over the course of a fight.
# 104 SHAKYR @ 03/02/11 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
Arm Fatigue only works by throwing punches over and over with one arm. Another words if you throw 10 right hooks over and over the punch will get slower. But it does nothing as far as over the course of a fight.
I don't have the game yet, nor have I played the Demo. So, the boxer's arms don't have the heavy hard to defend feel to them. They don't lower or they are hard tgo keep up after a huge punch output?
# 105 aholbert32 @ 03/02/11 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
Well if 2min rounds are seeing 70-110, I am just taking a guess but I would bet 3 min rounds would see the 100-140 range. I could test it later today.
You are really seeing 110 in 2 min rounds with ur sliders? Are you just brawling or are u getting those stats fighting realistically?
# 106 ty5oke @ 03/02/11 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
Well if 2min rounds are seeing 70-110, I am just taking a guess but I would bet 3 min rounds would see the 100-140 range. I could test it later today.
I only played one fight in the game and I went with 3 min rounds. Pacquiao vs Mosley (CPU). Mosley threw around 780 IIRC in the 6 rounds before I got knocked out.
# 107 Phobia @ 03/02/11 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
You are really seeing 110 in 2 min rounds with ur sliders? Are you just brawling or are u getting those stats fighting realistically?
This is not so much from me, even though I do end up throwing more than I should. I never brawl and you can see this from all my videos. Just click the youtube link in my sig Aholbert. There is couple videos of the CPU always chasing me throwing punches, even with CPU output to 0. I think I cycled through some of the punch stats in some and you can see upper 90s in several rounds.

Only way to get them throwing 30-60 punches a round is through the tendencies.

Now I have thought about lowering CPU offense AI and Defense AI to see if maybe they turtle more.

Originally Posted by SHAKYR
I don't have the game yet, nor have I played the Demo. So, the boxer's arms don't have the heavy hard to defend feel to them. They don't lower or they are hard tgo keep up after a huge punch output?

Originally Posted by ty5oke
I only played one fight in the game and I went with 3 min rounds. Pacquiao vs Mosley (CPU). Mosley threw around 780 IIRC in the 6 rounds before I got knocked out.
This sounds same thing I am seeing. This is 130 punches a round with 3 min rounds. That is a estimate of around 1,300 punches through 10 rounds.

That number should be half that and then even slightly less.
# 108 Phobia @ 03/02/11 12:51 PM
Part 6 of my Hearns vs Leonard video. I got destroyed by Hearns.

2 Min rounds - Hearns averaged around 80 punches a round. Rd 7 he threw 97, Rd 8 he threw 110, Rd 9 he threw 95, Rd 10 he threw 86. But he threw consistently low 80s.

Now granted I was pushing the pace at the end of the fight because I was down on the cards bad. But even in the beginning when I was going a little of a slower pace he still averaged wayyy to high. You increase mins to 3 min and numbers will be insane high.
# 109 SHAKYR @ 03/02/11 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
You are really seeing 110 in 2 min rounds with ur sliders? Are you just brawling or are u getting those stats fighting realistically?
it shouldn't matter how he fights because arm fatigue and stamina should come into play.
# 110 Phobia @ 03/02/11 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
it shouldn't matter how he fights because arm fatigue and stamina should come into play.
The gain between rounds of stamina make stamina hardly a issue in most fights
# 111 SteelerSpartan @ 03/02/11 01:43 PM
Difficulty -GOAT
12 Rounds
Round Length: 2 min

RFA - 10
RDA - 10
PWR - 7
SPD - 8
DAM - 1
TGH - 7
ACC - 0
STA - 0
CPW - 0
COA - 0
CDA - 10
OUT - 0

^^^^Ive been playing on these since late last night and the cpu is throwing about 65-80 per round...........the stamia slider is also terribly ineffective....Very few times do I finish with less then mid 80s
# 112 Phobia @ 03/02/11 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by SteelerSpartan
Difficulty -GOAT
12 Rounds
Round Length: 2 min

RFA - 10
RDA - 10
PWR - 7
SPD - 8
DAM - 1
TGH - 7
ACC - 0
STA - 0
CPW - 0
COA - 0
CDA - 10
OUT - 0

^^^^Ive been playing on these since late last night and the cpu is throwing about 65-80 per round...........the stamia slider is also terribly ineffective....Very few times do I finish with less then mid 80s
Damn!!!! The CPU Offensive Awareness at 0 still has not helped lower CPU punch numbers.

I guess we will have to rely on Tendencies is only way

Also, I don't think it is the Stamina that is the issue Spartan, If we did not gain 8 to 10% between each round then the stamina would end at a much better area. But you recover so much between rounds it is hard to get below 60% stamina.

Also there is a HUGE difference between the "prospect" fighters and the "Professional" fighters. Your starting OWC fighter at 78 overall will get tired enough that it controls punch numbers and have seen stamina reach below 40%. But the 90+ fighters you rarely see them get below 60% stamina and their punch numbers get so high because they can rip out punch combination soooo fast and so often.
# 113 DaveDQ @ 03/02/11 01:50 PM
Phobia, do you think the difficulty setting has anything to do with it? I was doing my sliders on PRO and I saw huge differences.
# 114 Phobia @ 03/02/11 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
Phobia, do you think the difficulty setting has anything to do with it? I was doing my sliders on PRO and I saw huge differences.
They could be I guess. I play on Champion difficulty and it is matching up very similar stats as the GOAT difficulty.

Fight a 10 round fight on Pro using the Sliders and post the stats. Give us a idea if it could be that.
# 115 td7 @ 03/02/11 02:02 PM
I have tried all difficulty settings and it doesn't matter. The computer constantly threw an insane amount of punches. To me the only way to fix this is through the tendencies of each boxer.
# 116 phillyfan23 @ 03/02/11 02:33 PM
seems like it is time to zero out punch tendency sliders to see the LOW range for cpu punch output.

Sliders can no longer be depended upon it seems for this game, so might as well start experimenting with zeroeing punch tendency ratings, punch accuracy ratings and stamina ratings (even if they say they're fixing the stamina for the update: heard that before ) and see if doing this can result in a balanced, sim and fun experience....

for example....you lower the tendency ratings for some fighters in the game to test. You track the punch output and the results are in-line to reality, stamina issues are realistic and punch accuracy stats are money. GREAT right ? well not so fast ....

what if on the surface the stats are correct but the cpu becomes predictable, they don't use combos to attack, everyone becomes a constant clincher? Ultimately, on GOAT level the cpu fights like it's on PRO level before the ratings were altered making fights too easy. These are things that need to be tested out.

So let's get testing, I should have my copy tomorrow and will be able to help.....thankfully the dev team allowed ratings to be adjusted so we can at least TRY to "sim" the game, because to be honest, I have no hope in the sliders from this franchise after the latest update from Phobia.
# 117 Hova57 @ 03/02/11 02:50 PM
still trying to figure out how tuners play into all this. what they are working on in a patch vs what can be done via tuner. something tells me we will only get tuners when ever there is a patch
# 118 SHAKYR @ 03/02/11 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Hova57
still trying to figure out how tuners play into all this. what they are working on in a patch vs what can be done via tuner. something tells me we will only get tuners when ever there is a patch
The producers said Tuners and Patches are to different things.
# 119 Hova57 @ 03/02/11 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
The producers said Tuners and Patches are to different things.
I know that , but for instance for NCAA 11 they never put a tuner out without puttin out a patch too. I know the difference, but so far no one has used the tuner system like NHL has
# 120 aholbert32 @ 03/02/11 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
it shouldn't matter how he fights because arm fatigue and stamina should come into play.
It should in the opening rounds though. Arm fatigue shouldnt be an issue in round 1 for most star fighters. How you fight can be the difference between a 60-70 punch round and a 100 punch round.

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