News Post

It looks like there is an issue with the Fight Night Champion sliders. Read through this thread. I broke down the sliders trying just about every combination. Currently, the Fight Night Champion sliders for the 360 do not work, haven't tested with PS3.

Game: Fight Night Round 4Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
Fight Night Round 4 Videos
Member Comments
# 141 Phobia @ 03/03/11 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by td7
Phobia, have you come up with anything as far as messing with the tendencies?
To be honest man, I have been getting off of work and heading home to play some of our Gym. I have not messed with the Tendencies in couple days. I planned on diving into them this weekend man.
# 142 td7 @ 03/03/11 09:43 AM
No problem, keep us updated with what you come up with.
# 143 DaveDQ @ 03/03/11 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by sdrotar
Nothing wrong with being passionate...
Poetic and I have been up in Burnaby with the development team ourselves - they're certainly good people, and I never question their work ethic. Making games is hard work.

That said, this is consumerism - if the product sells well enough the way it is, then don't expect changes. If it doesn't? Well, then, they'll look to places like this to see how they might be able to sell more copies to others.

When I ran the content here at OS, that was always goal No. 1 - constructive criticism for developers, but always for the sole purpose of making certain that consumers - gamers - got the best bang for their buck.

Hopefully, the products fit the bill out of the box, and the release-then-patch mentality that seems to permeate today's games is nothing less than vile - those that complain that they're basically paying $60 to be beta testers aren't that far off from the truth.

However, rather than having no recourse at all and being stuck with a game we're unhappy with, we have, well, each other - like-minded, solution-oriented individuals who choose to roll up their sleeves and pick up the slack for no other reason than the fact that we all share the same hobby. That's what makes gaming different than any other entertainment medium.

You can't fix an underwhelming movie, book or music release, but clever people like the ones here can do something to help their fellow gamer feel like their time and money isn't wasted.

For every thousand foolish, profanity-spewing punks online, for every hundred racist, sexist, homophobic wastes-of-space on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network, there's someone here who's trying to make gaming more fun for their fellow man or woman... just because they want to.

Believe me, it's not for nothing. I've seen the difference it makes first-hand.
Thanks for making that difference.
You should write a blog or something.
# 144 Fiddy @ 03/03/11 01:07 PM
why do people keep posting in the slider thread, if they dont work? lol.. #confused
# 145 SHAKYR @ 03/03/11 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Fiddy
why do people keep posting in the slider thread, if they dont work? lol.. #confused
It got me confused too,but you have people who will keep accepting placebos thinking they work because they want them to.
# 146 acts238shaun @ 03/30/11 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by jHorns
just got this game today and noticed that there was a patch. anyone know if the sliders are working?
They are for me. I posted some in the slider section. I wouldn't do so otherwise.

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