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It looks like there is an issue with the Fight Night Champion sliders. Read through this thread. I broke down the sliders trying just about every combination. Currently, the Fight Night Champion sliders for the 360 do not work, haven't tested with PS3.

Game: Fight Night Round 4Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 BezO @ 03/01/11 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Phobia
...We as sim guys just like to press the developers in a direction we would like to see the game go, but that does not take away the fact the game is fun.
It does for me.
# 42 Phobia @ 03/01/11 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by BezO
It does for me.
What takes it away?
# 43 Hova57 @ 03/01/11 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Phobia
I received a e-mail last night.

They are looking into fixing and addressing this issue in the first update.

They found the issue.

Punch Accuracy Slider & CPU output Slider is not doing much effect.

While most the others are working better. But a "drastic" change will be made.

Good News Guys

Edit: The Punch accuracy slider itself having a drastic effect will be huge. Just messing with that slider along can you fix many of the sim issues. Stamina decreases quicker with more misses, so punch numbers comes down as the rounds wear on, and damage and KO's go down because of less shots landing clean.

This is a key fix and the Devs should be commended on getting back to me so quick on this issue.
So were prob looking at a month til the update comes then? I would suggest gyms to use time for sparring before getting into anything serious
# 44 Motown @ 03/01/11 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
Well I had the game pre-ordered, but I am not going to pick the game up until some patches are done.

Its inexcusable. All I can say is that if 1 slider doesn't work properly, they may all be broken. Who knows if they will really fix them or not completely. I don't have time to test hundreds of slider combinations.

I am tired of trying to fix EA games with sliders, only to find out after hours and hours of testing that some sliders won't get you the desired results no matter how hard you try.

They had 2 years to produce a product. I can't give them my money on day 1 with something this important broken.
What system u on F O R...I believe the PS3 sliders are workin'
# 45 albsur2003 @ 03/01/11 11:09 AM
Ugh, wish that this wasn't true, but at least they found the problem. I'm still gonna purchase this game because i loved the demo. The game will probably get a solid 4-5 months of game play (online/offline) out of me before it gets traded in or something like that.

But I will say that I am truly disappointed that the legacy mode basically hasn't been touched. One of the number one complaints that Fight Night Round 4 had was the legacy mode was boring and unrealistic and the FN team basically didn't address it and added another mode on top of the problem.

I love boxing and unfortunately, NO ONE else is making a game so I can't complain. I'm still getting a quality product for the most part. Nothing is perfect. But damn, if this just had a quality legacy mode and better pre-fight presentation/commentary this would be on NBA 2K11's level of excellence. It's just disappointing. I think these guys may have gotten down the gameplay on this version so they should focus on presentation, realistic commentary and legacy for the next one. And if they need ideas, COME TO US. Haha.
# 46 Phobia @ 03/01/11 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Motown
What system u on F O R...I believe the PS3 sliders are workin'
Naw Mo its been confirmed the PS3 has the same issues as 360.
# 47 SHAKYR @ 03/01/11 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Phobia
Naw Mo its been confirmed the PS3 has the same issues as 360.
yeah, we can't let rumors keep us from getting this problem solved. Playstation 3 sliders are no responsive like sliders should be.
# 48 tcrews @ 03/01/11 11:50 AM
Issues like this one make me really, really happy that I signed up for Gamefly awhile back. I added it up and I've saved $600+ on games I would have bought first day. Literally all of the rental stores in my area closed down about a year ago. So it was either buy the game, or wait for a price drop...and buy the game. If I ended up hating it, or it was broken like a lot of EA's games, I could trade it back in for $15, which was just pure insanity. I will have this today or tomorrow via gamefly and nearly bought it today anyway because I love boxing and figured this would be a keeper. But sliders are a huge part of any game, and if they're busted, then I am so glad I didn't buy it nor have to buy it in order to play it. I'm with the crowd that says they can't in good conscience support EA with a first day buy when they can't even get sliders right on a 2 year development cycle. No excuse for that at all. I don't care what their technical claim is for missing this, there's absolutely no reason this should be an issue. Absurd.
# 49 Phobia @ 03/01/11 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Flamehead
So the next question is how quickly the update will come out?
That I can't answer, and they won't tell me that information. So it is a wait and see game for all of us.

I am going to put some work in tonight on editing some boxers ratings to get the game playing how I want. There is a tab that reverts a boxers ratings back to "default" so I think I am going to just edit two guys and see how realistic I can make it.

Then once patch drops, revert them back to default
# 50 Phobia @ 03/01/11 11:53 AM
I want everyone to understand one thing.

The GLOBAL Sliders are busted. But the Tendencies and Boxer ratings adjustments work great and you can still shape the game how you want it to be.

Just because a couple of the global sliders are not working does not mean you can't get the game to play how you would like. It just means you have to do a little more editing.
# 51 TDKing @ 03/01/11 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
Well I had the game pre-ordered, but I am not going to pick the game up until some patches are done.

Its inexcusable. All I can say is that if 1 slider doesn't work properly, they may all be broken. Who knows if they will really fix them or not completely. I don't have time to test hundreds of slider combinations.

I am tired of trying to fix EA games with sliders, only to find out after hours and hours of testing that some sliders won't get you the desired results no matter how hard you try.

They had 2 years to produce a product. I can't give them my money on day 1 with something this important broken.
I agree 100%. I don't understand how something like this can happen, I really can't. Its embarassing ! I think I'm going to wait a few months then decide based on further reviews after the newness wears off.
# 52 SteelerSpartan @ 03/01/11 12:27 PM
I'll be down for some testing late tonight after I get my CAB made
# 53 Phobia @ 03/01/11 02:46 PM
Well Guys

I just received another e-mail and I have been corrected.

The issue that will be addressed is the default accuracy game play functionality and not the sliders.

I don't know what to say. So lets just say I will keep my mouth shut
# 54 SteelerSpartan @ 03/01/11 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
Well Guys

I just received another e-mail and I have been corrected.

The issue that will be addressed is the default accuracy game play functionality and not the sliders.

I don't know what to say. So lets just say I will keep my mouth shut

Wait does that mean they won't touch sliders at all in any of their patches?????
# 55 Hova57 @ 03/01/11 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
Well Guys

I just received another e-mail and I have been corrected.

The issue that will be addressed is the default accuracy game play functionality and not the sliders.

I don't know what to say. So lets just say I will keep my mouth shut
so is this something that can be fixed by tuner
# 56 Phobia @ 03/01/11 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by SteelerSpartan
Wait does that mean they won't touch sliders at all in any of their patches?????
Supposedly, I don't know what to say man. I received a e-mail saying the Gameplay sliders do work and only the CPU punch output and Boxer Punch accuracy do not work as intended but "we are not fixing this issue".

-I know the Global Sliders have the CPU Punch Output & Boxer Punch Accuracy issue
-AI Tendencies work perfect

So take it how you want, I don't even know how to respond.
# 57 phillyfan23 @ 03/01/11 03:13 PM

WOW.....they acknowledge 2 extremely important sliders don't work and they say" they're not FIXING the issue" ??? Hopefully it ain't so....

but if it is true.....how can anyone have any more faith in this franchise if you are sim gamer?
# 58 BlueNGold @ 03/01/11 03:20 PM
Let me just preface this by saying I'm not in the least an "EA *****" (H word) and I know there's going to be people that take full advantage of this ****-up, but there's not much I can say after reading Phobia's last posts other than.....


I think I'll leave it at that. Oh, and thanks for finding the issue and trying to get it fixed, Phobia. At least you actually care about the game and its sim community.
# 59 Hova57 @ 03/01/11 03:27 PM
I'm so confused so the sliders work, but the cpu output and boxer accuracy-which they aren't fixing for what ever reason. But the default accuracy gameplay is jacked and will be fixed. so my first question is exactly what does that do? and can it be fixed through a patch or tuner?
# 60 Kanobi @ 03/01/11 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
I received a e-mail saying the Gameplay sliders do work and only the CPU punch output and Boxer Punch accuracy do not work as intended but "we are not fixing this issue".
That's cool...because "I am not buying this game"

One would have to be an absolute fool to pay for a broken product and one the manufacturer readily refuses to fix/recall.

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