MLB 11 The Show News Post

What you’ll see is around 10 minutes of gameplay at Miller Park (which has actually been changed since this video was shot.) This is as close to direct-feed that we could get, so the quality is a bit less than perfect. Also, the audio was removed completely as all you could hear was us idiots talking in the background. This is NOT FINAL CODE, and was actually changing throughout the week that we were there. Some things to focus on are the updated player models (no more T-Rex) and the analog controls.

(The team has given permission for me to post this video)

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
MLB 11 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 81 nemesis04 @ 01/19/11 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by LastActionHero
Good to know thanks.
As I recall last year the shadows progressed every at bat right?
So now it's pitch count sensitive?
It is still after each at bat.
# 82 crains13 @ 01/19/11 04:15 PM
Did I see Pagan's name on the bill of his helmet? Wow...the "little things" in the Show.
# 83 LastActionHero @ 01/19/11 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
It is still after each at bat.
Then it was the last pitch of that particular at bat I noticed it
# 84 mrhenry209 @ 01/19/11 04:33 PM
I obviously wasn't at Community Day so I'm not able to speak on anything but this video, but I noticed here that Pagan and Thole are using other peoples' stances-- Pagan is using Miguel Cairo and Thole is using David DeJesus. Anyone on the CD crew notice something similar there, too?
Edit: Similar as in players using other peoples' stances
# 85 Heroesandvillains @ 01/19/11 06:15 PM

After finally finding a workable video link, I'm recieving a message that the video "cannot be played on Mobile."

Could a Mod lend me a hand here? I mean, do you guys reformat the file yourselves, or will I have to wait until I get near a laptop?

Thanks guys, either way.
# 86 42 @ 01/19/11 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by heroesandvillians

After finally finding a workable video link, I'm recieving a message that the video "cannot be played on Mobile."

Could a Mod lend me a hand here? I mean, do you guys reformat the file yourselves, or will I have to wait until I get near a laptop?

Thanks guys, either way.

# 87 Heroesandvillains @ 01/19/11 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by 42
I appreciate the effort, Brett.

I now get to the play screen (definitely a step forward), but I'm than prompted with a "could not load movie" message.

If it's a quick fix, cool.

Otherwise I'll wait to get around a PC.

I appreciate it, though.
# 88 kt-od @ 01/19/11 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by crains13
Did I see Pagan's name on the bill of his helmet? Wow...the "little things" in the Show.
I see what you are talking about. Great eye!
# 89 Galvatron @ 01/19/11 07:05 PM
It's kinda hard to tell, but looks like Reyes has his short dreads now. Also noticed Ike Davis without a proper head shot photo, so I'm guessing that it'll be added later in development. Loving the new face designs on some of the players too!
# 90 Doormat @ 01/19/11 07:19 PM
Loved it when Braun (If I got it correctly) was safe by a step on first and then showed a cutscene of him saying "That was close!" or something close to that then
he went serious again, AMAZING.
# 91 Knight165 @ 01/19/11 07:23 PM
I have a question for you guys.
This is in regards to continuity with head shots and caps.
If SCEA were to give us the option to have generated pics for the headshots and in turn able to have the caps be team specific(and will change with a team change).....for all players, would you guys use this and be interested?
This would mean no more real headshots if you chose this.(AS AN OPTION WITHIN THE GAME....NOT AS DEFAULT)
We were just discussing how they could put the cap change in and this came up.

# 92 BatsareBugs @ 01/19/11 07:28 PM
I think SCEA can really up the ante with the generated pics. They work pretty well for all the minor leaguers a few years down the line, but would need some variation in the poses I think.

For the most part, I think even the faces of the players are spot on and there are those who will disagree. If anything, it would remove the free agent caps on the players that some have complained about.
# 93 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/19/11 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I have a question for you guys.
This is in regards to continuity with head shots and caps.
If SCEA were to give us the option to have generated pics for the headshots and in turn able to have the caps be team specific(and will change with a team change).....for all players, would you guys use this and be interested?
This would mean no more real headshots if you chose this.(AS AN OPTION WITHIN THE GAME....NOT AS DEFAULT)
We were just discussing how they could put the cap change in and this came up.

If an option then great, I am all for it. If forced and the old real shots removed, personally not too thrilling. I like seeing the real faces even when they have an older team cap on a new team. Maybe I am just used to it that way from the old school baseball days.
# 94 BDKiiing @ 01/19/11 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I have a question for you guys.
This is in regards to continuity with head shots and caps.
If SCEA were to give us the option to have generated pics for the headshots and in turn able to have the caps be team specific(and will change with a team change).....for all players, would you guys use this and be interested?
This would mean no more real headshots if you chose this.(AS AN OPTION WITHIN THE GAME....NOT AS DEFAULT)
We were just discussing how they could put the cap change in and this came up.

are you saying, like everyone shows up like the CAPs for the full minors?
# 95 bp4baseball @ 01/19/11 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by bdolski
are you saying, like everyone shows up like the CAPs for the full minors?
Yeah. In theory, if the player models looked just like photographs, then this would be a way to have the hats rotate when the players are traded.

I still like it as the real player shots, though saying that, I would love to see the option included to have them all computer generated shots. That way people could choose whichever way the want.
# 96 Sheamazin @ 01/19/11 08:08 PM
I noticed that Ike Davis has the #31 on his jersey. He had #29 last year. Is that a filler or did he really change his #?

# 97 Heroesandvillains @ 01/19/11 08:16 PM
I'd like this, Knight.

Personally, I could care less about real life photos anyway.

Guys are ALWAYS changing their styles.

I think having the ability to see their ballcaps change outweighs a real to life photo, to me anyways.

Options are always a good thing. I don't see any harm I your idea at all.
# 98 x1Blumpkin1x @ 01/19/11 08:35 PM
Some good footage there; love to see the Mets.

Knight - I would be for that option, I would prefer to have generated faces with changing caps. I have never once looked at the screen and said "Wow, what a great real photo", but I do constantly say "Ugh, still has the wrong team cap on". Obviously best if it was an option so SCEA can cater to both sides.
# 99 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/19/11 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by MetsGiants4
I really hope (pray) this is a early build of the game for the following reasons...

1. Stances are the same as last year
2. Jerry Manuel is not the manager of the Mets anymore LOL
Nope, final build, everything is locked, we get it next week.

# 100 tree3five @ 01/19/11 08:51 PM
I would be in favor of the in game head shots, they look so real in game now that I think it would look really good. I would get wrapped up in the virtual world more because I wouldnt see any "outside" images. It would all be in game and the player pictures would look exactly like the player model. I hope I am explaining myself correctly, lol.

I remember a basketball game back in the PS1 days that had the in game player faces when they showed stats and stuff. I thought it was cool.

if we had the option for both that would be absolutley awesome!!!

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