Madden 12 News Post

Ian, Donny and Josh discuss the future of Madden, mostly talking about Franchise mode, but also touch on quite a few other things.

What did you like/dislike about the latest podcast?

Here are a couple of links.

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Member Comments
# 121 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 12/13/10 03:47 AM
I kinda skipped around the podcast a little because I didn't care so much about MUT as I did about franchise mode. It was cool hearing all the talk about HC09 seeing as how that was one of my favorite games that I've played.

I always assumed that moving all of those features to Madden would probably never work due to the disc space, but for me, the few features from HC09 that I would die to have are:
The Draft
Free Agent Bidding
Contract Negotiations
Pre-season (by this, I mean figuring out rookie's ratings after each game, making cuts each week, etc.)

If this takes 5 years to get all of these things in the game then so be it, but those are the 4 features from HC09 that I most want to see in Madden soon, and in that order.

Also, I'm not sure if it would save disc space or not, but with features like Adam Schefter being in HC, perhaps if Madden just had an NFL.com or something similar to what NBA 2k11 has and Schefter could have some notes on different rookies on one of the pages. I don't know if that would save space instead of having the actual Schefter head talking or not, but if it would, I would totally support that.

I'd also like to say that I appreciate the time that Ian, Donny, Josh, and all the other guys put into making this game. I think Madden is finally going in the right direction again, and hopefully we'll get back to having great franchise mode and gameplay like we did in the Madden/2k days.
# 122 die2cry @ 12/13/10 09:30 AM
It's unbelievable, but most people here criticize
ian and EA. they do their best to make to the hottest football game ever.
It is also quite unfair only to do everything down what ian says.

he does not have to upload Potcast ... he does it to let us know about it. and we have just december ok, I mean you expect the Madden 12 is already finished? madden is released in August 2011, but as times keep the ball flat ian, and let ea and work.

oh by the way it is no wonder that some people from his twitter ian list removed when he was only criticized. for that is totally unnecessary!

are rather glad that it is possible to comunicate with him or EA!

I for my part, can not wait, that madden 12 is finally released, and I also hope that this year it will finally be available in Germany.
# 123 ryan36 @ 12/13/10 11:24 AM
I like the podcasts...I don't listen to them for features that are coming up, I just like hearing the dudes talk about the game , and the behind the scenes stuff. It's like a "making of Madden" extra feature on a DVD.
# 124 Hova57 @ 12/13/10 11:26 AM
couple of things

First i just want to hear the freakin podcast i can't get them to work for me so i dont hear them. fml

as for what ian said about OS being a place to help with the game for more perspective. I think it can be done. The biggest issue with the nonsense that happened on here for madden 10 was the nubbies to the site and that bs that came with them.

There needs to be a dev portal where they can speak with Vets on OS. To be considered a Vet you would have to have a certain post count and years on OS. In this portal all Dev could speak with people on here and get good feedback and opinions.

Ian you and your crew do the best you can. Unfornately for you guys you have a very high bar to reach in the eyes of some and you'll never get there. Like someone else said on here Everyone wants you guys to succeed. Alot of us on here just want to relieve our childhood of madden too.
# 125 lgxjames @ 12/13/10 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by TomServo09
Looks like I won't be buying Madden again for a long time....oh well, maybe by then some other company will get a shot at an NFL game.
and what are you basing this on?
# 126 rooney8 @ 12/13/10 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Hova57
couple of things

First i just want to hear the freakin podcast i can't get them to work for me so i dont hear them. fml

as for what ian said about OS being a place to help with the game for more perspective. I think it can be done. The biggest issue with the nonsense that happened on here for madden 10 was the nubbies to the site and that bs that came with them.

There needs to be a dev portal where they can speak with Vets on OS. To be considered a Vet you would have to have a certain post count and years on OS. In this portal all Dev could speak with people on here and get good feedback and opinions.

Ian you and your crew do the best you can. Unfornately for you guys you have a very high bar to reach in the eyes of some and you'll never get there. Like someone else said on here Everyone wants you guys to succeed. Alot of us on here just want to relieve our childhood of madden too.
Have you downloaded the latest version of quicktime????
# 127 green94 @ 12/13/10 10:15 PM
Finally got around to listening... I think a lot of people are taking what they said out of context. They are adding in features from Head Coach... isn't that what everyone wanted?? Will it take them a few years, of course... but isn't this a great start? I'm not a Madden apologist, far from it, but I think people are hearing what they want to hear and this podcast actually gave me some hope.
# 128 N51_rob @ 12/14/10 12:58 AM
This podcast did accomplish one thing. I went to gamestop today and got Head Coach 09 for $6. Forgot how much fun I had with that game!

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
# 129 ryan36 @ 12/14/10 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by Dewie12
Come on man OS is better than this.

These podcasts are nice little tokens. I listen to them when I am bored at work, I take notes and comment on it.

And if the purpose is to get the things you want in the game....you might try a different persuasive approach, hate isn't working.

# 130 mwjr @ 12/14/10 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by K_GUN
time to start skipping yearly installments....i'm doing it with MLB the show and it's worth it....and if the team is stressing *future*....no need to spend money on this franchise every year anymore.

not a knock, just stating...."it is what it is"
I started skipping after Madden 09. That was the last one I bought. I rented 10 and 11, but with no significant enhancements to the offline Franchise Mode - which is what I play - it's not worth the investment. The replay value isn't there and, in my opnion, the game's not worth $60. I'm happy with NFL Head Coach, but I would gladly pay $20 and change for updates to that game.

Until Madden gets back to, at the very least, the Franchise Mode of 2004, I doubt I'll be buying it again.
# 131 PGaither84 @ 12/15/10 09:56 AM
This is a good podcast imo. You get to hear from Josh Looman what it was like to work on what is "our favorite feature" in madden, at least for many of us, and where they would like to go with it in the future.

You could boil the whole thing down to "We want to put Head Coach into Madden 12 as much as you want us to. We can't put the whole thing in right away, but we are working hard to do what we can." That alone is good to hear.
# 132 rooney8 @ 12/15/10 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by PGaither84
This is a good podcast imo. You get to hear from Josh Looman what it was like to work on what is "our favorite feature" in madden, at least for many of us, and where they would like to go with it in the future.

You could boil the whole thing down to "We want to put Head Coach into Madden 12 as much as you want us to. We can't put the whole thing in right away, but we are working hard to do what we can." That alone is good to hear.
Yeah Josh saying HC is going to be the inspiration and that's the base their working with right now was good to hear.
# 133 huskerwr38 @ 12/15/10 01:34 PM
I don't think those features will be taken out of the game, but I don't think they will be improved upon just like pro-tak wasn't or any other "feature" that has been added in the past 6 years since their move to next gen. And if they say they have been improved, then it's not noticeable.
# 134 ryan36 @ 12/15/10 02:36 PM
"Simpler , quicker , deeper " was because they tried to eliminate button presses and improve play times.

Not because of things like playbooks. Ian said they pulled out plays that people didn't use, but then later he said it was because with the new blocking they wanted to get the plays scripted correctly (which was what I suspected all along).

So what happens is they figure out what they want to do , how to market it, and then do it.
# 135 rooney8 @ 12/15/10 03:15 PM
Just realised "Simpler , Quicker , Deeper " seems more like a slogan for a very different kind of toy.
# 136 roadman @ 12/15/10 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by rooney8
Just realised "Simpler , Quicker , Deeper " seems more like a slogan for a very different kind of toy.
Voice of experience? LoL
# 137 rooney8 @ 12/15/10 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
Voice of experience? LoL

No points for that Roadman. Way too easy. lol
# 138 youALREADYknow @ 12/15/10 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by LiquorLogic
I'm calling it right now: Game flow and Game Planning will be taken out of the game for Madden 12. They're not going to improve it if it stays. To improve the feature, and make it fully functional, EA is going to have to add down and distance situations to the defense. They're going to have to merge those down and distance situations with the offense's personnel because you have to defend four wides differently on 2nd and 5 than you would on 3rd and long.
I'd contend that they only need to resolve the defect they introduced with a patch that broke GamePlanning for multiple teams (including CPU controlled teams).

I'd be perfectly fine with the same exact GamePlanning, but bug-free, and I'm sure many others would be as well. To remove the feature entirely would be a disgraceful waste of development time.
# 139 roadman @ 12/15/10 07:57 PM
And they won't remove it because it was Madden's suggestion to implement it.
# 140 Lambeau 1919 @ 12/16/10 10:12 PM
If you are gonna delete posts at least dont use a false reason. My whole post was referring completely to the podcast #3. The topic should be changed to Madden Podcast 3 (Constructive criticism banned)

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