NCAA Football 11 News Post

The NCAA Football 11 demo is available now. Please post your impressions here.

Game: NCAA Football 11Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iPhone / PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 83 - View All
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# 1361 BroMontana82 @ 06/16/10 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyJote
It's about a month before the final build.
nice that's still good news. i'd like to see some HQ videos from the later builds in the next few weeks demonstrating the fixes they implemented that will be in the blog.
# 1362 rhombic21 @ 06/16/10 10:29 PM
I just threw for nearly 500 yards and 6 TDs with 2 minute quarters using OU against Texas. Just run 5 WR Four Verticals every single play. The computer will never stop it.
# 1363 Playmakers @ 06/16/10 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by rhombic21
I just threw for nearly 500 yards and 6 TDs with 2 minute quarters using OU against Texas. Just run 5 WR Four Verticals every single play. The computer will never stop it.
Isn't the CPU pass coverage set at 50 on the demo?

I'm pretty sure EA usually set it's at 50 default which means you can actually increase their Pass Coverage ability by 50 later on if you like.

But my point being is the default pass coverage is always poor and shoudl be increased on the retail version makes them react better
# 1364 mistershadez @ 06/16/10 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
Isn't the CPU pass coverage set at 50 on the demo?

I'm pretty sure EA usually set it's at 50 default which means you can actually increase their Pass Coverage ability by 50 later on if you like.

But my point being is the default pass coverage is always poor and shoudl be increased on the retail version makes them react better
Love your slider work in the past few years. But what gets guys like me and rhombic so frustrated is, playing online (or ODs), we're stuck with the defualt 50 sliders and AA difficulty.
# 1365 Playmakers @ 06/16/10 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by mistershadez
Love your slider work in the past few years. But what gets guys like me and rhombic so frustrated is, playing online (or ODs), we're stuck with the defualt 50 sliders and AA difficulty.
my bad bro.....

didn't realize he was playing online. I thought online you could change sliders atleast that's what i see guys doing in their OD's
# 1366 wickedbadman @ 06/16/10 10:49 PM
Have the developers commented on the inept safety play yet?
# 1367 FlyingFinn @ 06/16/10 11:09 PM
The biggest problem with this game is there is no analog running. Without it... the new locomotion = FAIL.
# 1368 mistershadez @ 06/16/10 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
my bad bro.....

didn't realize he was playing online. I thought online you could change sliders atleast that's what i see guys doing in their OD's
Yea, the sliders work in the ODs when playing the CPU, but when playing another user it resets to default.
# 1369 rhombic21 @ 06/16/10 11:19 PM
Played again as Florida vs Florida State. 82-0 on 2 minute quarters. I recovered about 6 onside kicks.

QB finished with somewhere north of 800 yards passing and 11 TDs. Could have been more, but by midway in the third quarter all my WR's were tired and the game subbed in CBs, who dropped some easy passes.
# 1370 Spanky @ 06/16/10 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by rhombic21
Played again as Florida vs Florida State. 82-0 on 2 minute quarters. I recovered about 6 onside kicks.

QB finished with somewhere north of 800 yards passing and 11 TDs. Could have been more, but by midway in the third quarter all my WR's were tired and the game subbed in CBs, who dropped some easy passes.
Gee, that sounds like a lot of fun. Just keep making onside kicks and pile up a ton of points.
# 1371 ThatShaneGuy @ 06/16/10 11:37 PM
This is my first ever comment, and my impressions on the PS3 demo. I have played two games so far, and haven't noticed much of a difference between the "varsity" and the "all-American" difficulty modes. Both times I played it they felt the same. The graphics seem nice and smooth, as does player movement. Computer AI seems smarter. They do not run the wrong way for no apparent reason for example.

My biggest gripe is that when your on defense, the d-line seems slow off the ball. Also after a play is over there is a replay, but it seems choppy. There are a few ball glitches. Sometimes a player will receive a handoff and not hold the ball properly. I am hoping these are just demo problems that do not translate into the final version of the game.
# 1372 HarkTheSound @ 06/16/10 11:37 PM
Is QB sneak completely broken? I just ran it four straight times on the inch line and didn't score. In fact I think I lost yards when I clearly couldve scored on like every attempt.
# 1373 PVarck31 @ 06/16/10 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyJote
It's about a month before the final build.
This is correct.
# 1374 fightinchicken26 @ 06/17/10 12:44 AM
I was disappointed to see a couple of graphics bugs (incorrect stats displayed, scoreboard reading "Booth Review" for a whole quarter). The gameplay also feels weird to me (I have bought NCAA Football every year since 2003 up to this very past year on the PS2, and must say I love that gameplay much more) now that I have just gotten a PS3.

However, it shows some real promise. I have wanted for years to see the incorporation of ESPN telecast material into the game, and they have finally done so. The atmosphere of the FSU-Florida game felt real, too.

I do not think I will buy this game immediately. After being spoiled for years with PS2 gameplay, I find this version certainly not worth more than it at $60. I will definately need to rent the game first before making a final call, as it could go either way depending on that.
# 1375 teammaxwell @ 06/17/10 12:46 AM
"play of the game" still broken. I lost by 20 pts to texas, and the play of the game was the texas RB running the ball to the left for a 3 yard gain?
# 1376 PVarck31 @ 06/17/10 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by teammaxwell
"play of the game" still broken. I lost by 20 pts to texas, and the play of the game was the texas RB running the ball to the left for a 3 yard gain?
Its not broken. This happens in the demo because they cannot cache replays. This will work fine in the retail game.
# 1377 BoiseState07 @ 06/17/10 01:33 AM
Downloading now, already addicted and haven't played yet!
# 1378 jdroberts1218 @ 06/17/10 01:34 AM
First I want to give EA props for taking the game in the right direction: Second here are my likes and dislikes.

Locomotion (it took a bit to get used to, but once you get rolling it's pretty nice)
team entrances (wish they would have showed tOSU swaying right to left though)
Definitely love all the new uniform accessories and pro combats
Stadium sounds/atmosphere ( I felt that was a definite upgrade from last year)
blocking schemes

Dislikes or areas that need to be improved IMO:
The crowd ("visually" the crowd is a let down, they don't react to big plays, and they look absolutely terrible, they honestly look like the old school crowds from super tecmo bowl)
The ice skating feel
Breaking tackles (I did play all the games on Heisman, but I had a very hard time breaking tackles or trucking anyone. everytime they wrapped me up i was down)
Replays (i mean the close ups are cool, but we should have a choice to get some broadcast cam replays for some added realism)

Hopefully these last few items can be fixed before the retail version is out.
# 1379 seawolves9 @ 06/17/10 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by White Out
After playing a couple games.. then, for craps and laughs putting in madden 10, here are a few things I wanted to share with the community.

The graphics in NCAA, compared to other EA titles (never mind some games out there that are amazing) are nothing short of embarrassing. Anyone who disagrees simply isn't looking. I feel so strongly about this point, and KNOW better (I've played the show, madden, nhl, all on my new 52"lcd) that anyone who says differently instantly outs them as nothing more than an EA apologist desperate for college football. I love college football.. but not enough to ignore how bad this games graphics are.

Maddens graphics are sharp, vibrant, colorful. NCAA is grainy, low resolution looking, drab, and the colors are all sorts of wrong. NCAA 11's graphics are actually ps2 looking compared to Madden 10. This isn't hyperbole.

Ah yes, there is the rub. This game looks, feels, and sounds like NCAA 08. Has there been tweaking and improvements? Sure. But this is basically the same stuff. Infact, we have new glitches ( I wont bother to list them, they are everywhere in this thread). Oh and locomotion, while interesting and has potential, makes it seem like everyone is skating and not running.

I wont bother with sound, as once again nothing was changed there.

The Bottom Line
Madden has grown, and to my shock become a solid football game. I was a huge madden ***** once I started with NCAA back in he day (4 years now). In that time, I've watched Madden become a solid game and NCAA regress into obscurity. Why in the name of god couldn't they just have given us Madden 10 with a speed slider and packaged it as College ball? Here is fact:
Madden looks better
Madden sounds better
Madden PLAYS better. If you disagree with that, you are wrong. Period. This is football, not NFL arcade. And with a speed slider, you could have had madden game mechanics with ncaa speed. And how much would EA save basically making one game with college being the stage for one, and the NFL the other??

This will be the 1st time in 4 years I wont purchase a new NCAA, and I am happily awaiting madden 11. This disgusts me, being a massive college football fan. But what am I to do? Play a subpar game just because I want to play as Kentucky or Miami? My frustration isn't anymore with ridiculous game breaking glitches that surface every year, it's Tiburons general incompetence or apathy. They either aren't willing to make a great game, or, they aren't being provided with the resources. Either way, this is a shoddy product that gets dated every single year a new one is released.

Sorry if I offend anyone but this is my honest 100% opinion and believe me; I am just as disappointed to write it as I'm sure a lot of you are to read it, as there is a lot of negativity out here already. But I feel it's justified.
Are you serious right now? Someone needs to get off the Madden sack.. On the real dude. College and Pro football are two different worlds. Why would I want Madden re-packaged as NCAA when they're so much different? I feel like you put the demo on Varsity or something on the CPU handed you your hat, and you got butt-hurt about it. Sorry if I offended you, this is just my 100% honest opinion.
# 1380 Oregon23 @ 06/17/10 02:38 AM
i think its way better then 10 but the play of the game is still broken and theres no halftime show. but it has a more real feel to it then before and the graphics have improved by alot

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