MLB 2K10 News Post

The Major League Baseball 2K10 patch v1.2 is now available for the PS3 and 360. No word on when the PC patch will be released. Please post your impressions here.

What's in the new patch? Check it out, right here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 SEGA_LOYAL_FAN @ 05/24/10 01:32 PM
Played a game last night after the downloading the patch and the biggest improvement that popped out on me was the graphics.

Absolutely no jaggies...i remember that after the first patch it cleaned it up but last night i was playing yankees vs mets and there were no jaggies on the players or the field.

other pros from patch that i like
+pitching (harder to hit corners but was dominating with Santana. playing on superstar.)
+POTG done correctly finally
+In between inning camera (cut scenes) not looking at grass or random places.
+rocket arms reduced.
+hit variations
-throwing animations infield/outfield
-fielding speed a bit too high for AI on default (slider adjustment needed)

I dont play franchise knowing all the issues. I stick to league play and MyPlayer.

Can't wait until next year's game since i need the injuries for franchise and want the progression fixed.
# 82 Caventer @ 05/24/10 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Bill Buckner disagree with you.

And don't blame QA for no errors. This was a design decision and falls directly on the main guys.
Well if it was a design decision, then practically everyone needs to be fired. Design takes signatures. Its just...wow. I mean really.
# 83 Wavebird99 @ 05/24/10 10:29 PM
I think the gameplay improvements are really nice. 2k finally has a nice base to expand upon. Next year should be all about improving franchise mode.
# 84 mkharsh33 @ 05/24/10 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Wavebird99
I think the gameplay improvements are really nice. 2k finally has a nice base to expand upon. Next year should be all about improving franchise mode.
...but of which we all know 2K will find something else to screw up.

I agree that the patch has made this game better, but it's still a LONG way away from simulation baseball. Franchise problem...speed of gameplay...errors...injuries...CPU in-game decisions and overall roster management - all these things and more still leave this game light years away from where it should be. Personally, I'm not holding my breath that they'll fix a lot next season, namely a Franchise Mode that needs an overhaul.
# 85 DJ @ 05/24/10 11:58 PM
Finally got a chance to play the game with the latest patch and have to say, the game played pretty similar to post-patch #1.

I was still able to pinpoint all of my pitches, no matter who was on the mound. Fielding is still on auto pilot and the lack of errors really drive me nuts, especially when you see the CPU range deep in the hole and do the jumping Derek Jeter-type throw and gun you down every single time.

It's a fun game in a lot of ways but I just don't think there's enough depth there to keep me engaged long-term.
# 86 mkharsh33 @ 05/25/10 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Djwlfpack
Finally got a chance to play the game with the latest patch and have to say, the game played pretty similar to post-patch #1.

I was still able to pinpoint all of my pitches, no matter who was on the mound. Fielding is still on auto pilot and the lack of errors really drive me nuts, especially when you see the CPU range deep in the hole and do the jumping Derek Jeter-type throw and gun you down every single time.

It's a fun game in a lot of ways but I just don't think there's enough depth there to keep me engaged long-term.
yeah, i walked two guys tonight, but still feel i have too much control of my pitches. i turned up the CPU batting contact to 70 in my sliders to force me to pitch around guys or otherwise get torched...

but this is still a "fun" game to play... and for us 360 people, our only option.
# 87 DJ @ 05/25/10 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by mkharsh33
yeah, i walked two guys tonight, but still feel i have too much control of my pitches. i turned up the CPU batting contact to 70 in my sliders to force me to pitch around guys or otherwise get torched...

but this is still a "fun" game to play... and for us 360 people, our only option.
No doubt. If you are only on the 360, then this is a solid title and I think you will get your money's worth out of it.

Last week, I managed to stumble upon a PS3 Slim and now own The Show and I just don't have time to go back and forth between 2 baseball games.
# 88 jake44np @ 05/25/10 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Djwlfpack
Finally got a chance to play the game with the latest patch and have to say, the game played pretty similar to post-patch #1.

I was still able to pinpoint all of my pitches, no matter who was on the mound. Fielding is still on auto pilot and the lack of errors really drive me nuts, especially when you see the CPU range deep in the hole and do the jumping Derek Jeter-type throw and gun you down every single time.

It's a fun game in a lot of ways but I just don't think there's enough depth there to keep me engaged long-term.
I cannot pinpoint my pitches near as easy as I could before, this is with the pitching sliders difficultity almost maxed out by the way.
My problem is it is too easy to hit after this second patch.
# 89 rudyjuly2 @ 05/25/10 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by jake44np
My problem is it is too easy to hit after this second patch.
Not for me. I've sucked on offense since the patch. Not sure if it's a usual slump (probably) or something else.
# 90 DJ @ 05/25/10 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by jake44np
I cannot pinpoint my pitches near as easy as I could before, this is with the pitching sliders difficultity almost maxed out by the way.
My problem is it is too easy to hit after this second patch.
I have mine pretty much maxed out, too. Pretty much all my pitches still hit their intended target.

I agree with hitting. Post-patch I'm getting 10-plus hits with no problems.
# 91 NumberOneRB @ 05/27/10 07:22 PM
Although I applaud VC for the strides they've made in 2k10 compared to last year's disaster, Its just not polished enough for me to roll with it this year. I wanted a blu-ray player, so I decided I might as well just get a PS3 since its the best player out there, and I went ahead and got the Show so I'm going to roll with that until 2K gets their act together in the future.
# 92 rudyjuly2 @ 05/28/10 09:40 AM
I think the cpu sits some of my guys in the bullpen if I make a mound visit. There have been a couple times the last few games where I swear I had a guy warming up only to go to the pen and nobody is. This is only something I've seen (or mis-remembered) post-patch.
# 93 rudyjuly2 @ 05/31/10 01:11 PM
I wish they would have the double switch option on the quick menu for subs. I think everyone knows you can leave a pinch hitter in the game now so that was a nice fix. Just played the Dodgers in a series in LA.
# 94 KleShreen @ 05/31/10 03:06 PM
Don't know if it was the patch that caused it since I wasn't there before...but my "My Player" mode now freezes whenever I try and hit "start" after year two's recap. It goes through the awards and everything, and goes to the screen showing your player's progression from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, and you have to hit start to advance...game freezes there every time now.
# 95 rudyjuly2 @ 06/01/10 06:43 AM
Did you know when you go to sub a pitcher using the quick menu (pushing down) that if you hit triangle while in that menu the bullpen gets displayed? The pitcher(s) throwing in the pen get shown and it shows their readiness level as well. I did this by accident the other day and never knew it existed.

Check out Ichiro robbing me (click in my sig for the blog and video).

# 96 Vince @ 06/01/10 10:50 AM
How is this game post patch vs 2k9 post patch?

I sold the Show cause I'm bored of it and like the hitting and pitching of the 2k game.

So I bought 2k9 on the cheap and it's decent so far. And I found some very good updated rosters online.

Curious to know if 2k10 is that much better to the point where I should get it.
# 97 jeffy777 @ 06/01/10 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Vince
How is this game post patch vs 2k9 post patch?

I sold the Show cause I'm bored of it and like the hitting and pitching of the 2k game.

So I bought 2k9 on the cheap and it's decent so far. And I found some very good updated rosters online.

Curious to know if 2k10 is that much better to the point where I should get it.
It's much better than 2K9. I'd hate to go back to 2K9 after playing 2K10.
# 98 DonkeyJote @ 06/01/10 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by jayhawker
It depends on what you want out of the game. From what I can tell, 2K10's franchise play is not worth the money.

But for a pick-up and play game, it's pretty great. MLB Today is just a fantastic feature, and 2K has done a surprisingly good job of keeping up with roster moves and line-ups.

I play a couple of games a day, and I just find the presentation and gameplay to be addictive. I'm playing through a franchise season right now with the Cardinals and the Rangers just to see how bad the stats really are.

But I'm still drawn to the MLB Today games. I will go through and play games where that feature the guys on my fantasy baseball team. It's pretty cool, because I get up-to-date stats and standings for lots of different teams, as I play their games. MLB today has me playing as far more teams than I ever took the time to play before.
At least 2k10 doesn't freeze all the time in franchise. Even after patches, I couldn't get past May in any franchise without it permanently freezing. And that franchise had a lot of problems as well. Both franchises are bad, but 2k10's is probably a little better, as at least you can edit a ton of players in the minors now, and you get 40 day rosters, and the in game play is fun.
# 99 Buckeye @ 06/01/10 07:04 PM
I think the patch helped the game tremendously.
# 100 RoyalBoyle78 @ 06/03/10 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Codyjohnpaul
I think the patch helped the game tremendously.
me too.

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