Backbreaker News Post

The Backbreaker demo is now available on the Marketplace. Post your impressions here.

"BACKBREAKER™ is a new, revolutionary football experience that takes you straight onto the field. Breakthrough euphoria tackles, non-canned animation, and stunning on-field graphics make BACKBREAKER™ the first truly live football game."

Game: BackbreakerReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 51 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 TracerBullet @ 05/21/10 02:11 PM
Something funny just happened in my game. The CPU audibled on offense and their own TE trucked the FB before the play even start so he had to get up and get back into posistion. I wasn't sure what happened till I look at the replay I was just wondering why the FB was on the ground.
# 162 roadman @ 05/21/10 02:12 PM
My quick impressions after the first two games.

Greatest physics and animations in a sports game, yet.

The tackles are amazing.

The camera, especially on D, will take getting used to.

Eh, the scoreboard looks like my 3rd grade blackboard, but easily overlooked.

At this time, what I can't overlook, is the computer A.I. I'm playing on Pro Medium and the play calling is very questionable. After the quarter ends, the computer team has the ball on the 7 yd line and it's 2nd down. They run a play and gain 4 yds and call a timeout. 1:52 on the clock. That's questionable A.I #1. (If anything, I should have called timeout) #2. A.I. Is down by 4pts with 10 seconds left in the game and the ball on their 30 yd. line. They line up in shotgun and throw a swing pass. Really, no hail mary try?

Also, as BK said, the passing mechanic has me concerned as well.

I'll try bumping up to pro hard and check out the A.I playcalling in those games.

The A.I. will be a game maker or breaker for me.
# 163 NoDakHusker @ 05/21/10 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by ufgators253
Something funny just happened in my game. The CPU audibled on offense and their own TE trucked the FB before the play even start so he had to get up and get back into posistion. I wasn't sure what happened till I look at the replay I was just wondering why the FB was on the ground.

Something kind of similar happened to me, on a running play I accidentally trucked one of my lineman and then got flattened by 3 defenders.
# 164 SouthernBrick @ 05/21/10 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
Great observation. The pursuit angles are much easier to appreciate in Tackle Alley. I love how you can get someone to miss and because of the camera you can't tell they're still trying to track you down from behind. You may just happen to catch their shadow and think to evade while trying to focus on the defender in front of you. And none of the movement feels cheap; just a matter of taking the time to get comfortable/accept the control scheme. Also really like that acceleration is very well done and feels very natural; best in game since NCAA '06 last gen in terms of acceleration/deceleration. But this is so much better, because of the physics aspect of it all

I think the regular juke is to up right(or maybe it's just me) but, if you go into training mode and do spin moves you can really just mess around and get that feel for it without having to worry about defenders. When your running and you change a completely different direction that is when the ball carrier gets at his lowest point.
# 165 TerryP @ 05/21/10 02:16 PM
Playing on Pro/Hard, enjoying the hits/tackles, but the cpu offense sure seems inept.
# 166 Phobia @ 05/21/10 02:18 PM
Question for someone who might know.

If I queue the Backbreaker demo to start downloading from the xbox.com website. Will it turn on my Xbox at home to start downloading? Reason i am asking is I don't want my 360 just sitting on for another 5 hours before I get home from work.
# 167 roadman @ 05/21/10 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by hatisback
#1: Maybe they wanted to make sure they had enough time to score before the half.

#2: Its the half, not the end of the game. Why go for a hail mary if you are not near the 50?
Down 7-3 at half, don't you want to try to get into position to score points. If you don't score points before the half, why not run the ball?

#1, they had enough time to score in the half. 1 min 52 secs and the ball is on the 7 and there isn't enough time to score in the half on 2nd down? Wind the clock down, theory.

Man, constructive criticism can't be applied in this thread. Someone has to shoot holes in your own observations all the time.
# 168 turftickler @ 05/21/10 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by statnut
Any tips for lob passing? I can not get it.
Know where your players are lining up and defenders. Then the timing is up to you. I get sacked more often than not because I hold onto the ball, not because there are nano blitzes or suction tackles
# 169 june1004 @ 05/21/10 02:23 PM
Yeah, I definitely will be purchasing this on the first day. Everything plays tight, and I've only had one minor error with the game, aside from it freezing once, but it's just a demo; the error was found on a play where I threw the ball, and it was an incomplete pass only...another guy from the other team picked it up like it was a fumble and was running around with it, so naturally, I tackled him. Well, to my surprise, he got back up after being gang tackled and piled on by my entire team, so I tackled him again. This pattern continued for about 10 minutes straight and I could never figure out a way to stop this so I had to turn my system off. I'm pretty sure it's just a bug in the demo because other than this, I've had no issues.

On the passing side of the ball, I'm still getting used to the whole timing-based passing system. Gone are the days where I could throw a player the ball during a cut and expect it to land in his lap. My only issue is that during a few of my misplaced throws to guys that were open, I overthrew the ball so much, it got intercepted. Very frustrating, but not a flaw in the game; this is simply me not knowing how to play very well yet. I love the vision in the game, and switching receivers is very hard mid-play, as it would be to make several reads in the NFL in a matter of seconds. Very well done on the passing side of the ball.

On the running side of the ball, it's very authentic. 99% of the run plays are for less than 5 yards, which is very realistic if you ever watch a full length NFL season. The huge runs that we see on Sportscenter the next morning are 1 in about 30 per player, if that. So I love the running game, but I have found myself going too far backwards as the camera swings around to center itself, but that's just another thing I need to get used to. This is not the game's fault, but something that I can work on. I love the learning curve as Madden has become something very easy to pick up and play, whereas this takes some getting used to. Kudos to the dev team for that.

On the defense/special teams, I think this is the best thing to do in the whole game. It plays exactly like one would expect it to when thinking about the NFL. Of course, when we can lengthen the quarters, we'll find it more authentic, but we are no longer trying to mircomanage the entire field anymore. We have responsibilities to take care of with out one player, and we need to do those, whether it's guarding a man, playing a zone, rushing the passer, or being a QB spy, we have to execute that task and not roam the field trying to make a huge play. I've been the safety the last 3 games, and I think I've only been involved in a total of 4 plays, and it's be so rewarding because that is when you know you are doing your job, when the ball doesn't even come to you.

For my overall impressions, the players move realistically, and the tackles themselves are about as perfect as we could hope to see in this game. There are few glitches and almost nothing to report as glaringly wrong. The player bodies are pretty well proportioned to the positions, and the gameplay itself is a very good risk/reward basis. I look forward to getting my hands on the full copy in 10 days, but until then, I'm going to keep playing the demo looking for things to talk about. I hope this review has helped those who have the PS3/
# 170 fikedemon @ 05/21/10 02:26 PM
You will NEVER see a play like this in any other game
Thats just sick!!!
# 171 SouthernBrick @ 05/21/10 02:28 PM
Ughhh....gotta get ready for work. Going to be a long 8 hours and then the 3 day vacation engages(if i don't get called in). I don't have the time to go in depth and give a meaningful review of the demo but, I hope to see some more tonight.

A lot of potential here people but, my biggest question is the A.I.. I've only played one game so I haven't seen enough yet.
# 172 Phobia @ 05/21/10 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by hatisback
Unfortunately it wont start DLing until you turn it on when you get home. The demo doesnt take long at all to DL. Maybe a half hour at the most.
Thanks for the help hatisback
# 173 SouthernBrick @ 05/21/10 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by fikedemon
You will NEVER see a play like this in any other game
Thats just sick!!!
Words don't do justice....Also hilarious commentary imo. Didn't expect such colorful language in that video lol.
# 174 pointNumberOne @ 05/21/10 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
Question for someone who might know.

If I queue the Backbreaker demo to start downloading from the xbox.com website. Will it turn on my Xbox at home to start downloading? Reason i am asking is I don't want my 360 just sitting on for another 5 hours before I get home from work.
No. The demo will start downloading once you turn your xbox on.

edit >> I'm slow and didn't refresh once I reached the end of this *massive* thread <<
# 175 duckdown7 @ 05/21/10 02:36 PM

I am extremely happy with this game, I will buy this game no doubt, I am DONE with the Madden series, the Graphics on this game looks way better then it does on the videos I been watching on youtube

all we will need is for someone to create real NFL Teams and Rosters and upload and share them and MADDEN IS DONE!

EA SPORTS been robbing people since they got the exclusive deal with the NFL...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! If sales drop dramatically then it is no way the NFL will even consider renewing its exclusive license with the EA and that means Backbreaker will be able add the NFL License to this AMAZING game

but so far playing the demo, this game is so good I don't even care about License right now
# 176 MAzing87 @ 05/21/10 02:37 PM
Wow. To read all this positive feedback, as a gamer, a football gamer, is great. I dont have a 360 but can only hope the PS3 version has similar feedback.

# 177 allBthere @ 05/21/10 02:38 PM
I'm actually trying buttons right now and won a game 10-0.

I broke a 22 yard run too that was awesome...I started with a juke to make a guy miss and when I saw someone closing on my left side I dove and he dive-tackled me below the waist making my legs spin out of bounds - was awesome.

Another play I did a dead stop and made a guy fly by looking silly, but little did I know his buddy was making a b-line for me and absolutely blew me up pushing me right back so that my helmet filled most of the screen. Like a helmet in my living room lol.

I found that I wish I could map the controller with a hybrid or have both activated...buttons are great for quickly cycling receivers. I have yet to complete a great pass...only west coast style is working for me.

I'm going to play on hard now against the best team.
# 178 fikedemon @ 05/21/10 02:46 PM
# 179 capn_razzamataz @ 05/21/10 02:46 PM
I just spent 20 or so minutes playing the linebacker blitz drill simply watching blind-side tackles. Its also easy to spend a more than a few minutes watching a single instant replay. My only wish is that they gave you camera control during instant replays.
# 180 NoDakHusker @ 05/21/10 02:46 PM
This game just keeps handing me awesome moments. I need to be recording at all times lol.
I'm Chicago against Columbia on hard.
Tied 7-7 with :27 to go in the 2nd. Columbia goes to kick a FG and I take a player to go block it. I bust through the line and dive..I don't block it(although watching the replay, if I had just been angled a little to the right, I would have blocked it) but end up clobbering the holder instead. I love that...I noticed the holder put his arms out, bracing for impact.
What other game do you see something like that in?

I mean I CLOBBERED his butt to the ground. I laughed so hard because I was only diving to block the kick, not really to tackle anyone and the holder happens to be in my path.

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