MLB 2K10 News Post

The patch for Major League Baseball 2K10 is now available. Please post your impressions here.

Just in case you missed it, the list of fixes were announced here.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 201 Eddivegas @ 03/20/10 12:00 AM
feel stupid asking - but can someone tell me how to download the patch?

I connected to XBox Live (Gold), and I only noticed the Live Rosters were updated. Not sure what to do, or where to go to get the patch. thanks.
# 202 BA2929 @ 03/20/10 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by Eddivegas
feel stupid asking - but can someone tell me how to download the patch?

I connected to XBox Live (Gold), and I only noticed the Live Rosters were updated. Not sure what to do, or where to go to get the patch. thanks.
It should have prompted you to download the patch when you fired up the game. You may have it and didn't even notice. If not, you'll probably have to clear your cache or something. I'm not qualified to tell you how to do that either.
# 203 Eddivegas @ 03/20/10 09:44 AM
possible I suppose. maybe I downloaded it without evening noticing.

how can I check to be sure. I do have CPU check swings, btw.
# 204 UATide @ 03/20/10 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by bulls23
At least we know it's something that is possible to be patched. They added a pole cam back in 2K7.
Pole cam - I couldn't remember the name of it. I used to love that cam, I don't know why! I remember there being two options: dynamic, and pole, I believe.
# 205 tj1182 @ 03/21/10 04:28 AM
Did they fix the My player issues? I mean my starter was going 14 innings for the most part, and I changed the fatigue sliders around. And my Closer was being brought in the seventh inning and pitching to the end of the game, some in extra innings. I played ten games with him and only got one save opp.
# 206 Wavebird99 @ 03/21/10 05:17 PM
I am overally unhappy with this patch, alot of the main issues in my opinion (such as the fatigue glitch, the MP glitches.. etc) were overlooked. Good thing I hear theyre in the process of a 2nd one already.

I have also noticed more glitches than normal after the patch... including some new ones occuring in games - such as the camera not panning away from a player after a play or something.

I do like this game but the more I play the more I get annoyed by some of these glitches
# 207 BigBlue @ 03/21/10 05:25 PM
I saw an ugly fielding glitch. My CF is running in to try and get to a low sinking line drive. I hit the RT and he makes the play. But if you look at the replay, the ball should have bounced about 6 inches in front of him. Instead, the ball 'warped' into his glove.

Not good.

# 208 marc68 @ 03/21/10 10:01 PM
So I wait till they patch the game to buy it and they don't fix the pitching fatigue issue. WTH??!!

Bottom of the 10th the cpu still has in their starting pitcher and his stamina was 98!!!! ugh!!

I really like this game, why cant they fix the big issues? I don't care at ALL about playing online, but the stamina thing affects MY personal experience, and for $60.00.....come on 2K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 209 CMH @ 03/22/10 11:49 AM
2K never said they fixed the stamina issue. Reread the patch details. They are working on the stamina issue for the 2nd patch.
# 210 tinpanalley @ 03/22/10 12:00 PM
Sorry if I missed it but is there yet any indication as to when that 2nd patch is expected?
# 211 CMH @ 03/22/10 01:45 PM
No, not yet.
# 212 nld230 @ 03/22/10 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by BigBlue
I saw an ugly fielding glitch. My CF is running in to try and get to a low sinking line drive. I hit the RT and he makes the play. But if you look at the replay, the ball should have bounced about 6 inches in front of him. Instead, the ball 'warped' into his glove.

Not good.

I'm guessing there was no dive. I don't want them to increase the frequency of diving catches on grounders in the IF, but I've yet to see a dive in the OF.
# 213 chpmntsptx @ 03/23/10 12:48 AM
I got the game only after I could confirm that the pitcher view is an option for batting. But it seems that the controls are not inverted from the standard/batter view. I can't really confirm b/c I'm not up to speed on hitting and/or maybe the animations suck and aiming hits doesn't work well. I don't think I can get used to pulling the stick left in order to hit it to right. That's ********.

Can anyone else confirm?

Also, no check swing for classic control sucks.
# 214 mebby @ 03/23/10 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by celtic78
batting behind the pitcher view is ruined again this year....the catcher moves to the exact spot way too early before the ball so u know exactly where the ball will end up just by looking at the catcher.
I'm not knocking this view but I'm just curious as to why you would want to bat using that camera angle (from behind the pitcher)...

Regardless, I agree with you. If they provide that camera angle then they should ensure that the controls are intuitive and that the game doesn't give away the spot of the pitch so easily.
# 215 jeffy777 @ 03/23/10 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by celtic78
batting behind the pitcher view is ruined again this year....the catcher moves to the exact spot way too early before the ball so u know exactly where the ball will end up just by looking at the catcher.
Try batting from the "batter" view. That's what it's designed for
# 216 CMH @ 03/23/10 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by celtic78
batting behind the pitcher view is ruined again this year....the catcher moves to the exact spot way too early before the ball so u know exactly where the ball will end up just by looking at the catcher.
I disagree. The catcher should move if he moves. That's baseball.

I like BTP as well (though I'm going with BTB when hitting for this year) and that's just how it is. You can also see what the catcher throws down from that view.

Up to you to look or not look.

I would hate it if they made the catcher a statue just because we want to hit from that view.
# 217 Juiceman @ 03/23/10 02:19 PM
I have to agree. Catchers move. I can't remember which catcher, but someone wanted to pummel A-Rod a year or two ago for looking at the catcher right before the pitch. The catcher thought it was 'cheating'. I say it's a smart move if you want to hit well and can find the time to do that. And I can't stand A-Rod for the record.

edit: the only problem in a video game is that if the catcher "catches" you looking at him before the pitch, it doesn't matter in a video game if the next pitch is a bean ball at you. In real baseball the bean ball might deter you from doing that again. Sad but true.
# 218 trick02 @ 03/23/10 02:22 PM
Any news on when the next patch is due? I really want throwing arm, injury and error sliders.
# 219 ckarlic @ 03/23/10 02:37 PM
Not sure if this was mentioned yet, but has the patch for the PS3 dropped yet? The other day I was prompted for patch 1.06. Is this the same patch as the recent 360 one?
# 220 jeffy777 @ 03/23/10 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
I disagree. The catcher should move if he moves. That's baseball.

I like BTP as well (though I'm going with BTB when hitting for this year) and that's just how it is. You can also see what the catcher throws down from that view.

Up to you to look or not look.

I would hate it if they made the catcher a statue just because we want to hit from that view.
I remember back in Bases Loaded II for the original Nintendo, the catcher would stay stationary but only his glove would float around towards the direction of the pitch as it came in (without his arm attached). It was pretty awesome

But yes, catchers should move in video games. This isn't 1990 anymore.

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