MLB 2K10 News Post

The patch for Major League Baseball 2K10 is now available. Please post your impressions here.

Just in case you missed it, the list of fixes were announced here.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 chpmntsptx @ 03/23/10 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Try batting from the "batter" view. That's what it's designed for
I like the pitcher view b/c I prefer the tv broadcast feel to a game. I've never actually paid attention to the catcher movement, at least consciously. Controls shouldn't be backwards, though, if they're gonna put that view in.
# 222 rj9902 @ 03/23/10 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by ckarlic
Not sure if this was mentioned yet, but has the patch for the PS3 dropped yet? The other day I was prompted for patch 1.06. Is this the same patch as the recent 360 one?
yeah, i would really like to know this as well. and if it has dropped, where would i look for it?
# 223 jeffy777 @ 03/23/10 11:33 PM
Ron said on Twitter that the PS3 patch will be out when the next 360 patch comes out, and the PS3 patch will be a combination of the two 360 patches.

He's also dropped a couple hints that it's because of Sony that they have to do it this way. It kind of sounds like Sony will only let 2K release one more patch for this game....either that or they have placed a limit on how often they can release a patch, but Ron seems to indicate that Sony is not being as cooperative as Microsoft when it comes to patching 2K10.
# 224 PHIBALNATION @ 03/23/10 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Ron said on Twitter that the PS3 patch will be out when the next 360 patch comes out, and the PS3 patch will be a combination of the two 360 patches.

He's also dropped a couple hints that it's because of Sony that they have to do it this way. It kind of sounds like Sony will only let 2K release one more patch for this game....either that or they have placed a limit on how often they can release a patch, but there's definitely something going on between Sony and 2K.
Is $ony really worried this much about the competition. I mean 2k is nice this year, it actually feels as though I'm involved in the game not just pressing one button all game.
# 225 SphillyBG @ 03/23/10 11:51 PM
I dont think they are worried about 2k over taking The Show sales.No matter what they do their product still has that rep of being glitchy and messed up,and theirs doesnt.
TBH alot of the stuff is overlookable,i would just love to see a working stat sim engine,player progression that works(mostly for pitchers),and for the AI to stand for Artificial Intelligence instead of Artificial Idiocy.
# 226 rudyjuly2 @ 03/24/10 06:48 AM
The number of free patches is negotiated usually before a game is released. Two years ago the Madden team was allowed to do 2 patches for free while NCAA only 1. Who knows what they agreed to for this game. Maybe Sony only allowed one free patch. EA did say to go over the limit is very expensive. 2K probably wanted to save that money considering sales are slow.
# 227 Artman22 @ 03/24/10 12:24 PM
Did anyone notice after the patch on the 360 there's less jaggies. You can notice it a lot when you look at the pitchers mound. Before it looked like stairs and now it's perfect.
# 228 NumberOneRB @ 03/24/10 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
Did anyone notice after the patch on the 360 there's less jaggies. You can notice it a lot when you look at the pitchers mound. Before it looked like stairs and now it's perfect.
Yah, this is something many of us posted about around the time the patch was first released. A nice welcomed surprise.
# 229 Eddivegas @ 03/24/10 01:14 PM
any word on when the 2nd patch will be released (360)?
# 230 CMH @ 03/24/10 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by celtic78
yes catchers should move....but not so early...they could delay it by a sec. or have the catchers get crossed up sometimes. if u watch the catcher is always in the spot as soon as the ball is thrown and the ball always ends up where the catcher is. now maybe they have to change it so the pitcher isnt so accurate to the catcher or the other way around. but it totally ruins that view.

the show does it perfectly in the psp version if i remember correctly.

and how can one not look at the catcher? hes behind the plate where the ball is being aimed to in the direction you have to look in to swing at the ball. you cant miss him.
He's obvious. But, the sign he drops isn't if you keep your eyes away from that spot.

I get what you're saying about the movement, I just don't want the catcher to be a statue back there. There should be better way to do this though.
# 231 Juiceman @ 03/24/10 05:46 PM
While I get what you're saying Celtic, it's not so simple as just... "how can you not look at him?" One reason I already mentioned is because the pitcher will throw at you ala Cliff Lee in spring training! But I digress...who knows why Lee did that.

Back to the 2k game aspect of this; you mentioned yourself how can you not look? So, looking shouldn't be the issue. Teeing up because you know the location is the issue. With a timing based game it doesn't matter the height of the pitch. Just swing on-time and you'll probably hit it decent. In real life that's great if you know where the catcher set up...now try hitting the ball because you have no idea what's coming at you pitch-wise AND in terms of height. One reason why I liked cursor hitting in 2k games and not time based hitting.
# 232 duke776 @ 03/25/10 01:01 PM
I've been having framerate issues with this game ever since the patch. I've had it in two situations, one that is fairly common.

When I am pitching the the cpu gets two runners on base, the framerate slows down for the first pitch of the AB.

The second one was on a Jason Werth homerun to right center field in Citizens Bank Park.
# 233 Artman22 @ 03/27/10 11:52 PM
^^^ That's because they removed some of the jaggies by enabling the AA. I haven't notice it. I only see it with foul balls.
# 234 kennytomson @ 03/28/10 08:34 AM
don't have time to read through every post, but in case it hasn't been mentioned enough...

'Fast Play' with optioned turned 'off' should not cut right to next pitch...no post action by batter.
# 235 RoyalBoyle78 @ 03/31/10 09:34 AM
haven't been in here for awhile, has there been any update on a PS3 patch?
# 236 BIG CAROLINA @ 03/31/10 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
haven't been in here for awhile, has there been any update on a PS3 patch?
Negative brother. I have yet to hear anything, but I am not the most informed guy on the topic. But I am sure someone would have posted something in here about. Sorry man
# 237 rudyjuly2 @ 03/31/10 10:00 AM
Ronnie 2K basically said in a tweet yesterday that the 360 and PS3 patch are coming but not done yet. Considering the QA and certification time, end of April is probably the earliest we will get it for Sony. Maybe MS will rush the next patch out quickly like last time.
# 238 rudyjuly2 @ 03/31/10 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by bsbll4
Any indication as to what they are hoping to get covered with this patch? I know last time we didn't know until after it was released, but I thought that perhaps since this patch was from the fan community they might give more indication as to what they hoping to get accomplished.
They had a long list of things in the 2K forums but they won't release the details until after the patch is finished and/or released.
# 239 Artman22 @ 04/02/10 12:56 AM
I hope they really address the no error problem with the next patch.
# 240 rudyjuly2 @ 04/02/10 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by joejccva71
They are still working on a patch to fix the pitcher fatigue resetting?? Hasn't it been weeks since the last patch? I haven't been here in a while so thought I would ask.

MLB 2k10 is shelved until they fix the pitcher fatigue.
From what I understand the 360 patch did not fix the fatigue resetting but just the manager AI to yank the pitcher sooner. But it is supposed to be fixed in the big patch sometime at the end of this month. If we don't get any news soon it may slip into May. That's not good.

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