MLB 2K10 News Post

The patch for Major League Baseball 2K10 is now available. Please post your impressions here.

Just in case you missed it, the list of fixes were announced here.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 econoodle @ 03/19/10 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by FenwayMac
I got in a couple games last night and got stuck on some cut scenes that froze the game up twice. The first time I rebooted, the second time I subbed in a new pitcher and that "unstuck" it, but I also lost Lester who was throwing a gem and put in a cold Papelbon who faced Arod. Guess what happened? POW!

I actually can steal a bit now, and have also thrown out stealers. Do we have any control on slide type though?

One more question. If I decide to trudge forth with this season, when the next patch comes out, will it take effect on my current franchise, or will I need to start over again? I know that roster updates lock in, but what about all the other changes?

i'd liek to know this as well.

i am a ps3 2ker and figured id can get a jump on things by playing spring games and by tghe time the patch drops ill be ready to play games that count.
# 182 longshadow11 @ 03/19/10 02:46 AM
I played the demo and hate the tight camera. Any word if they might patch in a pulled back camera angle like they did last year? I won't be getting this until it's in the bargain bin anyway. but I'll never understand why they think we don't want to watch our homers fly into the stands. The current camera takes away from the excitement and feels a bit claustrophobic.
# 183 rock85 @ 03/19/10 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by nld230
League average error total for team: 96

I've seen two errors (catcher) and one OF error. NO IF errors. People continue to try and talk themselves into the idea that the lack of fielding errors is okay. It isn't. Not if you want a real baseball game.
So true in this game, about 99% are throwing errors. I have played alot of games, and i have not got an infield or outfield error yet.
# 184 rudyjuly2 @ 03/19/10 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by longshadow11
I played the demo and hate the tight camera. Any word if they might patch in a pulled back camera angle like they did last year? I won't be getting this until it's in the bargain bin anyway. but I'll never understand why they think we don't want to watch our homers fly into the stands. The current camera takes away from the excitement and feels a bit claustrophobic.
This is probably one of my biggest beefs with the game. It's really bad when playing at Fenway because you can't even see the Green Monster and the balls coming off it. The fielding in the game needs the most work of anything. From no errors to automated fielding to no camera options.

I really don't like HRs being a dead give away with the arrow at the wall. I hit a ball off the top of the wall with Cabrera and I knew it wasn't a HR because there was no error. I always turned HR celebration off in the Show because I liked the suspense. I wish they would add a similar option here.
# 185 homerelmer @ 03/19/10 08:17 AM
It seems as if presentation went down a notch after this patch. Used to be when I was batting and not pressing any buttons, the batter would ease into position and his stance, now the batter will just "cut" to being in his stance, used to be a smooth transition, not anymore.

Also, quite a few times last night my game froze up and the camera view would just keep changing showing an empty field with guys in the dugouts just turning in circles.
# 186 mebby @ 03/19/10 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by Stylez777
...niche market of console gamers.
I wouldn't exactly describe console gaming as a "niche market".

I think it's the other way around. PC Gaming has become the "niche market" and console gaming is the standard.
# 187 mebby @ 03/19/10 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by homerelmer
It seems as if presentation went down a notch after this patch. Used to be when I was batting and not pressing any buttons, the batter would ease into position and his stance, now the batter will just "cut" to being in his stance, used to be a smooth transition, not anymore.
Yea - I was scratching my head on that one too. I'm not sure why they got rid of those animations. When I first noticed it I had to check to ensure that "hurry up" mode wasn't enabled.
# 188 En Fuego @ 03/19/10 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by lnin0
Why are people saying no errors? I had three errors in my first game after the patch. All counted as errors in the box score too. Pre-patch I was also seeing errors. It is in the game but not something you see all the time. We are playing a pro game and not as the Bad News Bears.
there are no throwing errors because no matter how off-balance fielders are, no matter where their momentum is going, throws are 100% on the money every time

a fielder could be running backwards, leaping into the air, throw across his body and the throw is perfect every time

no accuracy dynamic

they dumbed the system all the way down
# 189 RedLine @ 03/19/10 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by mebby
Yea - I was scratching my head on that one too. I'm not sure why they got rid of those animations. When I first noticed it I had to check to ensure that "hurry up" mode wasn't enabled.
Something I've noticed. If you turn on both the Pitching and Batting analysis windows you will see longer animations similar to what we had pre-patch while those popup windows are on the screen. So the animations are in there, but someone decided to speed up the game and cut them off.

I would like to see an additional real-time presentation option offered that lets us determine how much of the walkup, pitching, batting rituals we want to see. Or just play them all out and let us press "A" to skip them instead of doing it automatically for us.
# 190 En Fuego @ 03/19/10 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by RedLine
Something I've noticed. If you turn on both the Pitching and Batting analysis windows you will see longer animations similar to what we had pre-patch while those popup windows are on the screen. So the animations are in there, but someone decided to speed up the game and cut them off.

I would like to see an additional real-time presentation option offered that lets us determine how much of the walkup, pitching, batting rituals we want to see. Or just play them all out and let us press "A" to skip them instead of doing it automatically for us.
yea this really upsets me.. part of the allure of 2k baseball is their great sig animations/mannerisms

to cut them off makes no sense at all.. ppl are missing out on the best part of their game
# 191 Skyboxer @ 03/19/10 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
This is not true. You have to learn how to steal and take the right jumps.

I can steal bases and I can throw out base runners stealing against me.

Is it hard? Yes, definitely. However, I'm not convinced it's broken. I studied how the CPU takes jumps and been doing the same with some success. Convinced I need to do better and can do better.

Agree.. NOT broken at all IMO
# 192 Eddie1967 @ 03/19/10 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Agree.. NOT broken at all IMO
I agree with this too.
# 193 lnin0 @ 03/19/10 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by En Fuego
there are no throwing errors because no matter how off-balance fielders are, no matter where their momentum is going, throws are 100% on the money every time

a fielder could be running backwards, leaping into the air, throw across his body and the throw is perfect every time

no accuracy dynamic

they dumbed the system all the way down
I agree there are far too many spectaular catches and throws but there are still some throwing errors. I have not seen an infielder bobble a ball but I have seen bad throws. Nothing that has missed and gone completely by, but stuff that has gone for errors. In the last two games I have seen :

- third basemen throw high to first base on a bunt
- the first baseman fielded a ball and threw left of base to pitcher covering bag
- outfield to cuttoff was too hard and cuttoff lost footing wasting time trying to get throw home
- throw from second to first was so hard that first basement was pushed foul off the bag

I have also seen a couple outfielders drop a catch and a wild pitch to the backstop.
# 194 RawLo @ 03/19/10 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by lnin0
I agree there are far too many spectaular catches and throws but there are still some throwing errors. I have not seen an infielder bobble a ball but I have seen bad throws. Nothing that has missed and gone completely by, but stuff that has gone for errors. In the last two games I have seen :

- third basemen throw high to first base on a bunt
- the first baseman fielded a ball and threw left of base to pitcher covering bag
- outfield to cuttoff was too hard and cuttoff lost footing wasting time trying to get throw home
- throw from second to first was so hard that first basement was pushed foul off the bag

I have also seen a couple outfielders drop a catch and a wild pitch to the backstop.

I'm also now seeing errors post-patch... most are throwing errors on double plays- stuff like that, but I've also seen dropped balls, etc.. CPU and my own errors. However, I am also seeing errors when a pitcher gets shotgunned and can't make the play to first! I don't think they score that as an error in a real game, they just give the batter a hit. Anyone know for sure?
# 195 nld230 @ 03/19/10 05:04 PM
I'm suspicious that the lack of errors (fielding errors) was a specific and intentional oversight.

Last year, when 2K was transitioning to VC, the ability to edit stances and windups were left out... ON PURPOSE. They simply chose to cut corners in order to get the game situated in other areas.

This year, we have a new fielding mechanic. The animation begins before the ball gets to the fielder.... what else? we have no bobbled balls or misplays.....

I hate to say it, and I hope I'm wrong, but I believe that 2K is using this strategy.
# 196 Kaanyr Vhok @ 03/19/10 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by playball335
Shoudn't matter how it "sells". If you release a game for a particular platform you should support it FULLY, otherwise don't release it at all.

The PC is a scaled platform. Only a fool would expect much support for the high end when they are selling 3000 dollar vid cards.
# 197 rudyjuly2 @ 03/19/10 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by kpkpkp
Like last year you could set the action cam to 'dynamic' or 'classic' etc etc.

I wish something like that was back this year, the action camera this year focuses on the player too much and not the ball itself.
Has there been any talk of possibly patching in the old camera options? I know it's probably unlikely but I remember really liking the 2K9 demo camera angle.
# 198 UATide @ 03/19/10 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by bulls23
Those cameras are already in the game. They are labeled Batting and Pitching....the defaults are Batting 2 and Pitching 3.
I think rudyjuly2 is talking about the fielding camera, and how you can't change it.
# 199 jeffy777 @ 03/19/10 10:39 PM
You couldn't change the fielding camera in 2K9 either. Last time we had that option was 2K8. My guess is they have it locked to help with the framerate
# 200 UATide @ 03/19/10 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
You couldn't change the fielding camera in 2K9 either. Last time we had that option was 2K8. My guess is they have it locked to help with the framerate
I liked changing between fielding cameras too, for a change of pace. I miss those options, oh well.

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