Madden 2010 News Post

Madden NFL 10 patch #2 is now available for the Xbox 360. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 RavensFan2k3 @ 12/12/09 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I've been harping on the penalty system for years. I couldn't believe after the patch I played two back to back games and once in each game a PI was called. I had to set the controller down as I've never ever seen this happen at all since I started playing in the early 90's.
Originally Posted by Trojan Man
I saw my first PI ever in M10 the other day in the 4th quarter of an online franchise game that went down to the wire. I broke on the ball and bumped the guy on accident, but it was clearly interference. It was a really nice thing to see, as it just adds that much more variety and realism. I was very upset that it happened but very glad at the same time.
What are ya'll penalty sliders set to?
# 182 tj1182 @ 12/12/09 08:15 PM
I'm happy with the patch. They finally fixed the replay issues. That's all I really needed, and they got rid of Bengals and Bears stats. I'm gonna start playing more now.
# 183 roadman @ 12/12/09 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by RavensFan2k3
What are ya'll penalty sliders set to?
100 for the penalties that aren't called enough.

The three major penalities that are called are holding, clipping and facemask. Everything else is between 75-100.
# 184 sportyguyfl31 @ 12/12/09 09:24 PM
This patch improves head to head play immensley.

Defense is legit fun, and isnt a game of "chase the damn back out of the backfield", every down.
# 185 RavensFan2k3 @ 12/12/09 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
100 for the penalties that aren't called enough.

The three major penalities that are called are holding, clipping and facemask. Everything else is between 75-100.
So what are holding, clipping, and facemask set to?
# 186 roadman @ 12/12/09 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by RavensFan2k3
So what are holding, clipping, and facemask set to?
I'm using Bill Harris penalty sliders in the sliders forum. I need to give credit where credit is due.

Holding- 52
Clipping - 75
Facemask- 75
# 187 Steve Slaton #1 Fan @ 12/13/09 12:34 AM
Why is it so easy on kickoff returns? I can get a touchdown every time if I try.
# 188 tj1182 @ 12/13/09 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by Steve Slaton #1 Fan
Why is it so easy on kickoff returns? I can get a touchdown every time if I try.
I didn't think that was patch related. I haven't played in about a month and yesterday I ran back three kickoffs with Jamal Charles in two games.
# 189 that's_what_she_said @ 12/13/09 12:37 AM
Where is the draft info for the players? I can't find them...
# 190 michigan21 @ 12/13/09 12:45 AM
I thought there was suppose replays after TD, big plays etc? My replays are still getting cut off. No replays after TD or int. Very disappointed.
# 191 Guffers @ 12/13/09 03:34 AM
I've played about 8 games post patch and have seen 4 replays after TD's. I would much rather they played after every score, be it a 3 yard run or a 70 yard bomb. Maybe next year.

It is a solid game now though, I can see Madden 11 and 12 being incredible.
# 192 captaink @ 12/13/09 10:31 AM
I don't know if it's me but I'm getting more chain gang cut scenes and it seems to be at times where they shouldn't be, like on plays where I'm clearly 2-3 yards past the 1st down line and they bring the chain gang out and measure and according to the chain gang I just made it by an inch. When I saw this the 1st time I'm like OK bad ball spot but it happened 2 more times in the same game.
# 193 GoBlue! @ 12/13/09 12:14 PM
Game speed matchs the setting better IMO, but the RB's are supermen now. Stewart and Williams (CAR) combine for 400 yds with 5 TDs for me against GB. Prior to the patch I never had that kind of insane numbers. Looks like I need to work on some slidders.
# 194 Skyboxer @ 12/13/09 03:17 PM
I can't get a game in now. 5 lockups when I tried playing today. Screen just locks up and have to reset the 360. NEVER had this problem before and I've played a few games post patch. Have no idea why it's locking up today.

Uninstalled-Installed...seems ok now..no lockups
# 195 moylan1234 @ 12/13/09 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by bomza
Watch below. I'm playing the Saints and Bush gets a handoff at my two yard line. Watch as I try to stop him but can't, and Bush scores a touchdown. WAIT.... No, EA and Madden say HE DID NOT SCORE! I kid you not. The following play was NOT ruled a touchdown and the Saints were given the ball at the one yard line. On third down I sacked Brees, and the Saints kicked a field goal. Thanks to this play I would up winning the game.

You be the judge. Is THIS a touchdown? Madden 10 post-patch 2 says NO.

EA Sports: Madden NFL 10 Video Highlight
his knee was down but the ball clearly crosses the endzone line. why can't EA just admit they're clueless about football and move on?
# 196 DrUrsus @ 12/13/09 06:22 PM
I had a game last night where I was down 30-29 after scoring a TD and I could have kicked an extra point to tie the game with 2:10 left in the game. Instead since it isn't real life, and its Madden, I was confident in a play I could use to score a 2 point conversion.
I clearly got the 2 point conversion, but they stated my WR was out of bounds (not even close during the play and watching replay). I was not even able to challenge this, so I ended up losing. It really ticked me off since it was a real game in my Franchise, so I couldn't save it and will now have to replay the game.
I guess maybe that is what I get for not playing realistically.
Anyone see this before the patch? (It probably was there, but I never saw it before).
# 197 Skyboxer @ 12/13/09 07:29 PM
I had a play today where the RB was tackled 3 FULL YARDS past the first down marker.....The freaking chain gang comes in to measure lol! Well they measure and say I was short.... I was pretty ticked BUT after that cut scene it said first and 10...
So I calmed down.
Obviously a problem in the chain gang programming. I also have not seen a decline in the chain gang uses and in fact believe I've seen more since the patch.
# 198 tj1182 @ 12/13/09 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by moylan55
his knee was down but the ball clearly crosses the endzone line. why can't EA just admit they're clueless about football and move on?
It's a blown call by the ref. What? You never seen one of those before?
# 199 tj1182 @ 12/13/09 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I had a play today where the RB was tackled 3 FULL YARDS past the first down marker.....The freaking chain gang comes in to measure lol! Well they measure and say I was short.... I was pretty ticked BUT after that cut scene it said first and 10...
So I calmed down.
Obviously a problem in the chain gang programming. I also have not seen a decline in the chain gang uses and in fact believe I've seen more since the patch.
Yeah, they also do this with obvious Touchdowns too. I like the feature, but it needs a lot of fine tuning.
# 200 moylan1234 @ 12/13/09 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by tj1182
It's a blown call by the ref. What? You never seen one of those before?
it's not a blown call it's a glitch. I guarantee that same play gets called the same way everytime because EA just can't figure out how to program the rules of football correctly. the computer calls the ball where the knee touches down everytime and a true blown call every now and then wouldn't be problem, but the fact is rule glitches like that happen all the time on both their football games.

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