NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 patch has been released for the 360. Please post all your impressions here.

The PS3 patch will be released at a later date.

What fixes are in the patch? Click here to find out.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Kully @ 11/06/09 08:36 AM
Can't even connect to play pickup games. When I get through, the game hangs

I think I'm just snake bitten at this point.
# 42 thriller92 @ 11/06/09 08:36 AM
Is the online better? Can you play crew and 5 on 5 team up now no problems? Is the lag fixed?
# 43 Goffs @ 11/06/09 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by airlebron_23
carlos arroyo still has black arms wtf
i believe this will be addressed with the upcoming roster update....AT LEAST THEY BETTER!

i put sliders back to defualt except for the foul sliders...

one of my biggest complaints was that no matter how many guys or what ever contact animation they had whenever you went for a layup the shot would go in!! i had layups prepatch at 40...now that the patch is here contact layups and contested ones your player will actually miss!!

Alley oops...i have seen only 1 and the guy missed! still need to test this out though against my brother since he loves throwing alley oops......but so far against the CPU its been curbed

the field goal % percentage is still a bit high to my liking....still got to play through a bit to get a feel...

PiP its still kind of easy to score inside...post up player then hook it in BUT this is early in the game later on in the 4th quarter where fatigue starts to kick in they miss more shots...still need to tweak the sliders a bit imo

again pre patch i had all the shooting sliders at 40 inside, close, and medium...3pt at 45 layups at 40 but this time around i may just tweak the shooting sliders...they just need a few clicks back and i think it will be perfect

im loving the contact animations inside now...even forcing yourself in for a layup will create contact...

plenty of loose ball fouls being called to...i have this at 100 pre-patch i hardly got any calls at all but with the game i played earlier David Lee and Wilson Chandler got called for it in the first half...
# 44 iLLosophy @ 11/06/09 08:43 AM

-I was starting with tons of minutes, now i'm on the pine again getting 5 minutes a half.
-Pickup games STILL do not work
-Some of the drills are broken (random, one time i went to a drill and it put me into a scrimmage, another time I went to a shooting drill, and I got attack the basket).
-Player seems to get tired quicker
# 45 jerseyballer7 @ 11/06/09 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by airlebron_23
replay music def. not working

player sounds and highlights sounds are working. Eberytime I score with Kobe they play a custom theme. However it's only like 4 seconds or so. I'm still playing so i dunno if potg and halftime works. i will edit when i get there.

Edit Halftime works still waiting on POTG
# 46 Goffs @ 11/06/09 08:44 AM
Defensive rotations fixed...the PG will no longer go under the rim and try to block (lol) instead he will try for the steal or go for a double
# 47 Keaton @ 11/06/09 08:45 AM
Turnovers and 3 sek. could be coincidence, but what definetly is bull****, is that brodcast cam is still stuttering in boston. Cant speak for other arenas but in boston its still there...
# 48 kolanji @ 11/06/09 08:52 AM
honestly i think i will sit this year out on nba games i got the update and i still cant connect online for S*** friends or ranked games keep getting waiting for host countdown.in only 3 games i keep throwing the ball over duncan head 6 feet away from ball handler to the post i had i wide open dunk on the break with manu and missed. fg% r better but at what cost?usually made open jumpshots now miss more frequently to maintain fg% when to me fg% wasnt the culprit it was the defense that was always helping an guys leaving wide open shooters .the in the paint is better but the fg% for jumpshots is ******** and i know u can adjusting shooting sliders buti never did never will i prefer to play default so when i go to my buddies houses i can maintain consistency instead of adjusting to suite me(rivalry since dreamcast nba 2k).alley hoops r back to the old waste of time, trowing em to guys on the break seems to b limited now to only good dunkers again the layups finished by small guards never hit even with the the small chances they even catch the ball.well am done maybe i will try again next year but for now back to shooters like COD and halo
# 49 Keaton @ 11/06/09 08:54 AM
No one menting that coaching now works? Sag off, play tight, man, they now da what u tell them to do...one of the best thing of the patch so far. Cantact in the paint is nice too
# 50 Pared @ 11/06/09 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
I really hope they don't just drop one patch and call it a year. There are still other problems.
This is their second patch. There was a launch day patch.

Any other patches outside of this one is being unrealistic.
# 51 spankdatazz22 @ 11/06/09 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
I suggest you guys go back to default sliders and post your impressions that way. Or else we're going to get a huge discrepancy, just because person is using "X slider set" that has something screwed up.
Needs to be reiterated. My partial impressions; I've only played several first quarters with different teams (All Pro):

- Shooting percentages are vastly improved; particularly for the cpu. Still a tad high, but that's to be expected. And probably a little more impressive considering I have everything at default.

- Defensive rotations are vastly improved, so much so that it's almost distracting - in a good way. I've found myself giving up easy points because I'm looking at how great the movement looks overall instead of focusing on the player I'm defending.

- Movement is a lot better; much more contact; contact is portrayed better. Have seen more "get that s**t outta here" block attempts in the few quarters I've played than I saw in most games.

- Superstar play was better. Lebron and Wade dominated the ball in my brief time and played even more like themselves. Saw Lebron hit two pretty fadeaway/spread leg mid-range jumpers which I didn't see much of pre-patch - nice to see it a little more.

- Another big plus: haven't seen the cpu drive and do a perfect laser pass to a guy open on the perimeter. Occurred a lot pre-patch

- Crowd sounds may be improved but hard to tell; not enough playtime. I'd expect some awkward silence moments just because, but haven't had any awkward silence/low volume moments yet.

- Player movement overall is much better. Still hate the big mean defensive "crab-walk" defensive stance, and don't like that I can't get my player to manually walk the ball up as easy as in 2K9, but that's about it. At least the big men defensive stance anim doesn't seem as prevalent w/the improved movement. Noticing some new anims.

Overall very impressed w/my brief time w/the game; gameplay in single-player is vastly improved imo. looking forward to playing more/tweaking to taste
# 52 Ballatician @ 11/06/09 08:59 AM
Good to read the lead pass/alley oops and defensive rotations are fixed. Everything else I could live with. This has the potential to be the best basketball game ever made.

Originally Posted by Keaton
No one menting that coaching now works? Sag off, play tight, man, they now da what u tell them to do...one of the best thing of the patch so far. Cantact in the paint is nice too
# 53 DC @ 11/06/09 09:03 AM
Can someone make a mental note about assist #'s and how they are rewarded? 2K said they were toning them down.
# 54 eNgIeS @ 11/06/09 09:08 AM
While I'm definately glad they patched this game, not to sound ungrateful, but there is still problems at least on default

I found i was getting a fair few and 1 dunks and flying over 2 or 3 ppl with Deng and Rose against the bobcats on both All Star and Superstar

The CPU was attempting Alley Oops or passes inside, thank god the defense actually doesnt play as dumb and intercepts them, but still concerned it still attempted to do them a number of times. Its like they didnt reduce the alley oop attempts as much as they just made it easier to intercept

I found it impossible to try and jump shoot from the free throw line without doing an animation where I get contact and launch up a shot with no foul called

While I definately saw over the back fouls, on default the number of blocking and shooting fouls are still below average

The computer still scored pretty easy in the post, in fact Boris Diaw scored 10 of the bobcats first points from gliding or backing down into the post on thomas and despite several double teams still making it

Fast breaking works now with not as much stopping for passes

No were near as much lead passes into the paint

Theres definately need for slider and rule adjustments but the game is more playable. While not perfect I could see the slider getting it near perfect. Props to 2K for the effort, i hope they dont screw up and need a patch when 2k11 comes
# 55 WTF @ 11/06/09 09:11 AM
Just downloaded it... off to play before work this a.m.
# 56 kingofdasouf14 @ 11/06/09 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by chibulls12
Is dynamic attendance in pre-existing my players? And, what rosters are you guys using?
As far as dynamic attendance in general it seems as if it is NOT attached to the patch but IS attached with the roster update that put it in the game....

I loaded up Kings vs TWolves using nogs roster for example and got no dynamic attendance....

but as soon as I loaded up the "Official" 2k update that put it in the game in the first place I had a TON of empty seats again

May need more testing but it seems as if this is the case
# 57 Streets @ 11/06/09 09:11 AM
Just turned it on to check one thing before I head out for the day (I'm actually running late). But, the autosave in Association is still glitched. I had it turned off in the main menu, started an Association, went to start my first game and it autosaved (arrgghh). Also, Yao and T-Mac are both 100 percent healthy to start the 2009-2010 season.
# 58 DiceMan @ 11/06/09 09:17 AM
Nice impressions guys. Keep 'em coming as I'm on PS3 and have to wait.
# 59 ZoneBlitz @ 11/06/09 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by Pared

Yes, they are are still a bit high but I've only played a few games on pro. I agree that the shooting still needs to be toned down ever so slightly.
Yes, I look forward to your new post-patch sliders.
# 60 eNgIeS @ 11/06/09 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by Keaton
Several good things with the patch, but I see nagatives allready:

Now my players are all marathon mans...they dont get tiered at all. Hope the stammina slider fixes this, it was ok before the patch, damn turbo abusers who complained...

Shooting with my old sliders is, wow, nobody hits anything, cpu or me. Three charges on three drives is a bit much but maybe its coincidence.

And,really tterrible and I hope its only the first game: Non-steal Turnovers are gone...didnt see one. No more three second either...both things I really liked
saw some non steal turnovers and too many 3 secs

The stamina is screwed i agree stupid cheesers. BTW were u playing on sliders

go to default just to see how it is at first im sure we can all start making or using post patch sliders in the next week

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