NBA 2K10 News Post

It has been an exciting 10 years for the NBA 2K series and basketball gamers alike. After the first installment in 1999, NBA 2K soon became a staple in the hoops genre. The series has provided an enjoyable playing experience for casual gamers while presenting a good enough challenge for those with insane stick skills. The franchise has also been known for dishing out a realistic NBA experience that allows basketball junkies like myself to live out their hoop dreams through our gaming consoles.

With perennial All-Star Kobe Bryant starring as the game's front man, NBA 2K10 aims to accomplish the same goal as its cover athlete: defend its championship crown. But like all things from which greatness is expected, the level of expectations are high. A decade since its introduction, can NBA 2K10 still rise up to the challenge?

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 superstarshad @ 10/06/09 09:29 PM
I can't believe the majority of you feel 2k10 is better than live10. You guys remind me of the movie idiocracy. Give them some bells and whistles....that'll fool them. Live10 is more realistic than madden and the presentation makes for a better basketball game. It is what it is. I purchased the 2k10 combine, and rented both titles today. Played LIve10 first, thinking it would be the inferior product......it held my ps3 hostage. Thinking I was in for bball bliss, I put in 2k10. Played a couple of games, couldn't wait to put LIVE back in. 2k has an awesome playlist though
# 62 dubz @ 10/06/09 09:29 PM
Framerate issues FTL! What a $60 con job.
# 63 MSUHitman @ 10/06/09 09:55 PM
Has anyone noticed if free throw animations are fixed this year? From the demo it still seems like the first and second FT's have different framerates again, which makes it hard to sink both shots, even with good FT shooters.
# 64 dave731 @ 10/06/09 10:18 PM
"You can also invite a friend who is online to play with you in your Association. So if you’re one who likes to manage a team year after year but does not necessarily love playing against the CPU, you can invite your buddy or anyone online for that matter to come play with you or as the other team."

THANK YOU 2K! Madden and NCAA need to take notes!
# 65 Boilerbuzz @ 10/07/09 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by teamgt
Madden 10 gets a 9 and NBA 2K10 & NHL 10 gets a 8.5, I'll be the first to say you guys have no clue about ratings
Honestly, I have to agree. No offense OS'ers. Really, both NHL and NBA 2K represent their sports better than Madden. Honestly, as I think about it, Madden just sucks.

Ultimately, the scores mean absolutely nothing though. Read the review for what it is. I think it's an outstanding review - and not because I agree with most of it. I think it's fair, balanced, and pretty comprehensive.
# 66 Boilerbuzz @ 10/07/09 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by bailey4mvp
This for anyone who has played 2K10 and NBA Live 10.

What is a better sim style game (like IRL) and what do you think is the better overall game.
Really? Good LORD! You read a 2K review and you have to ask this question? You have to ask this question when there are TONS of threads asking the same question?
# 67 Boilerbuzz @ 10/07/09 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by AntRWill
And I have bought 2K every year since 2K4 and exclusively since 2K6. IMO, the game is more of the same. Too many of the same old problems that made me fustrated have made their way back into the game.
For better or worse, THIS statement here killed any credibility you could have possibly started with. Nice drive by.
# 68 mojomojo @ 10/07/09 12:57 AM
Good review.
I felt the demo was too easy but presentation rocks big time. Well done 2k!
# 69 Boilerbuzz @ 10/07/09 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by Dalsanto0026
I see what you're saying, but NBA2K and NHL don't need to innovate. If improvements have been made to an already solid title even if the adjustments made are small then logically the game deserves a better score/review as it's better than the previous version. I don't need innovation in 2K10, just the main problems from last year to be ironed out and I'm content. I'm not as picky as some and need a new dribbling system or control scheme or game/graphics engine.
I sorta agree and disagree at the same time. Let's think about it. If you made the perfect game in 08, what else are you expected to do for 09. Now, OF COURSE, 2K10 is FAR from perfect. But if the game was a handful of issues away from being the holy grail, how would you rate it? I have no problem with the rating. It's pretty much what I would have given it, I guess. But at some point, if they are going to make games on an annual basis, you HAVE to be able to sense a year worth of work on the game. The question is, do changes noted in the review represent a fair amount of a year's worth of work for the developers? If you can say 'yes', then maybe you can justify a higher score. If not, a lower score should be expected...

With that said, I think NHL, MLB, NBA, soccer, and NFL games need to continue to innovate to some degree. All annual sports game. Otherwise, why should anyone buy them year after year?
# 70 mojomojo @ 10/07/09 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
I sorta agree and disagree at the same time. Let's think about it. If you made the perfect game in 08, what else are you expected to do for 09. Now, OF COURSE, 2K10 is FAR from perfect. But if the game was a handful of issues away from being the holy grail, how would you rate it? I have no problem with the rating. It's pretty much what I would have given it, I guess. But at some point, if they are going to make games on an annual basis, you HAVE to be able to sense a year worth of work on the game. The question is, do changes noted in the review represent a fair amount of a year's worth of work for the developers? If you can say 'yes', then maybe you can justify a higher score. If not, a lower score should be expected...

With that said, I think NHL, MLB, NBA, soccer, and NFL games need to continue to innovate to some degree. All annual sports game. Otherwise, why should anyone buy them year after year?
There is a lot of room for improvement not just in games modes or depth in the games, also in the gameplay side. I still believe that we are consuming old gen gameplay, yes we have more animations and amazing graphics but nobody hasn't been able to master real gameplay. I dream with the day where I won't be able to differenciate a videogame from broadcast.
# 71 Eddie1967 @ 10/07/09 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
For better or worse, THIS statement here killed any credibility you could have possibly started with. Nice drive by.
So true, that statement is the troll calling card. Every time someone says I bought every game since blah blah blah, but this year blah blah blah, I know exactly their agenda is.
# 72 jyoung @ 10/07/09 01:23 AM
People just try to read way to much into review scores when really, they are nothing more than the author's general impression of the game at hand.

Review scores don't have anything to do with last year's game, and unless the same guy is reviewing more than one game (which is rarely the case here at OS), the score doesn't have anything to do with other games, either.

If you want to know whether a game is better or worse than last year's version, most reviews will usually tell you within the text itself.

Problem is, most people don't bother to read the text and just jump straight to the score, which unfortunately for them, won't tell them anything besides what that specific reviewer thought of that specific game.

Bottom line is, it shouldn't be the reviewer's fault that people don't understand the basis of a game's rating.
# 73 Boilerbuzz @ 10/07/09 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Eddie1967
So true, that statement is the troll calling card. Every time someone says I bought every game since blah blah blah, but this year blah blah blah, I know exactly their agenda is.
# 74 BOSsTOwN @ 10/07/09 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by Neo79
Am I going crazy or what, this game is not playable. What are you guys talking about? The isomotion is just terrible, thats plain and simple. The dribbling is a joke in this game, the passing game is ********. The game is a dunk fest!! I mean, seriously. I have been playing 2k since 2007 but this year I tried the live demo and I was very impressed by how fluid the controls were. I am going with LIve this year. No doubt about it.
Iso motion has been terrible for the last few years. I always switch to the control scheme that let's you use B for dribble moves
# 75 sambowie @ 10/07/09 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by Dalsanto0026
I love how some people make narrow-minded assumptions about other people without having the common sense to understand what that person is saying. Your interpretation skills need work. I have nothing against the reviewer and thought he gave a decent impression of the game. It's review scores that I'm against because they often don't make any sense when compared with other scores. I shouldn't have to spell out what I'm saying for you.

Your last paragraph you've said exactly what I was saying in my post. Do you have trouble reading?
I love how some people are so myopic they use their "interpretation skills" to glean that I was making a comment about one poster, i.e. you. All I know is that after reading several posts accusing the reviewer of bias (and seeing similar accusations of bias all over this site directed to OSers) I got a little tired of the attack.

Disagree with this view all you want but try to do it without petty personal attacks next time.
# 76 NBAfan#109287322 @ 10/07/09 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by Eddie1967
So true, that statement is the troll calling card. Every time someone says I bought every game since blah blah blah, but this year blah blah blah, I know exactly their agenda is.
too right mate, who hasn't played a b'ball game every year one has come out on any platform, it's just lame, 2k10 looks great this year and i haven't played the demo, nor will i have a copy till 10th Oct, but I like the new animations, the areas look awesome and the new broadcast system sounds great, nice work 2k
# 77 marc68 @ 10/07/09 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by rspencer86
No mention of framerate issues? Or custom in-game sounds for the 360? Or anything on the Association mode?

Do we need to have the review out at midnight of release date if it means glossing over or skipping some substantial areas of the game?
Exactly....what about the framerate problems I have read about?????????
# 78 Boilerbuzz @ 10/07/09 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Dalsanto0026
I can see your point about innovation. Does 12 months give developers enough time to take a new direction from the game's current mechanics, which honestly are quite solid? It's one hell of a risk. If it was financially viable I think a 2 year development cycle would be a good idea to give them the opportunity to try and test new ideas.

Overall though, I think developers are judged too harshly because a game isn't that different from the previous version. If you look at it from the perspective of someone who is new to the game I'm sure they would be more impressed. Afterall there are some people who've never played 2K's basketball games.
Exactly. I just think that too many people get jaded. Whether the feel of the game is great or terrible, it seems all they want is "different". I really hate that. My best example is Madden. The old gen Maddens played and felt awesome. They changed for the current gen systems and broke a LOT of things that were great about the game. Now, in MY opinion, the franchise is in the toilet in terms of overall quality of gameplay. It's a harsh opinion, but my point is that change for the sake of change is ***. People complaining about the game "feeling the same" are just looking to complain. They are bored and want to feel something new. Nothing is wrong with that. Just recognize it for what it is.

Once a sports title hits a console, that's pretty much the look and feel you're going to be stuck with until the new consoles come. People need to get over themselves and accept that. It takes more than 12 months to make a new game.
# 79 sicksteen @ 10/07/09 10:47 AM
Too much help defense, too easy to get under the hoop and score, and maybe its just me but I cant stay in front of anybody with the new lockon d. But on the positive, the courts bigger, turbo bar cuts down cheesing, no more constant trapping, makes the game way more fair to play.

# 80 kydice @ 10/07/09 12:08 PM
The game is great. I think that there needs to be a patch for the over spectacular alley-oop ability. I don't like the release system it is difficult to tell when you are shooting a bad or a good shot. But the gameplay is more sim than ever. It is more difficult to pull off cross-overs. But over all I love the game and all of the extras

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