NBA 2K10 News Post

It has been an exciting 10 years for the NBA 2K series and basketball gamers alike. After the first installment in 1999, NBA 2K soon became a staple in the hoops genre. The series has provided an enjoyable playing experience for casual gamers while presenting a good enough challenge for those with insane stick skills. The franchise has also been known for dishing out a realistic NBA experience that allows basketball junkies like myself to live out their hoop dreams through our gaming consoles.

With perennial All-Star Kobe Bryant starring as the game's front man, NBA 2K10 aims to accomplish the same goal as its cover athlete: defend its championship crown. But like all things from which greatness is expected, the level of expectations are high. A decade since its introduction, can NBA 2K10 still rise up to the challenge?

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 BlackRome @ 10/06/09 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
Sorry, but this rating is too high. It should get about and 8.0 to 8.2. 2k's player movement is still clunky and sluggish, the CPU teams don't play closely enough to their real life counterparts, and the defensive AI is pretty weak.
This is my biggest problem with the game.

Oh well. Back to Madden.
# 42 Neo79 @ 10/06/09 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by FadeEmAll
It's obvious this site gives a "home team push" to the developers who post here often. Madden '10 getting a 8.9 or 9 was an atrocity and example of what to expect. This game gets an 8.5 so I'm willing to bet Live's rating will be inflated.

Please note I am not bashing anyone or anything just noting certain elements to take into account when reviewing ratings on this site.

Also note quotes like this one

Show the posters obvious bias and can't be relied on for any real information. See how the poster states his previous love for one game to validate his bashing of said game. Anyone should be able to see this person has an agenda. I'm not perfect and am guilty of things like this myself at times. I thought Live last year was absolute garbage, but this year the game has made great strides and I can see a real competition developing. I'm still rocking with 2K until the end (or Gamespot rates Live better).

Final Thoughts = There are lots of things to be discovered at OS if you are good at filtering through all the bias and b.s.
Cmon dude, are really being serious here. I love video games, good video games. NBA 2K7 was a great video game, but the series has gone down since. You can't seat here and tell me that 2k10's gameplay is better than live this year. Live has been horrible for the past 4 years, but they have bounced back. I am not going to seat here and just pretend that 2k10 is a good because its not. The game is not fluid, and it has frame rate issues. Post ups are horrible, passing animations are ridiculous. If you are looking for a true NBA simulation, live is the way to go.
# 43 Serra11 @ 10/06/09 11:50 AM
Little question:
do the "attacking" PG(like Rondo,Parker etc...) go to the hoop???
Or they play like in 2k9 where they do nothing???
Does Parker take his shots like in reality???
# 44 NINJAK2 @ 10/06/09 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Neo79
Cmon dude, are really being serious here. I love video games, good video games. NBA 2K7 was a great video game, but the series has gone down since. You can't seat here and tell me that 2k10's gameplay is better than live this year. Live has been horrible for the past 4 years, but they have bounced back. I am not going to seat here and just pretend that 2k10 is a good because its not. The game is not fluid, and it has frame rate issues. Post ups are horrible, passing animations are ridiculous. If you are looking for a true NBA simulation, live is the way to go.
Guys this is a 2k Review so lets stay on topic and not turn this into yet another Live vs 2k thread.

Good informative review as always at OS. People need to stop complaining about what wasn't mentioned and focus on what was discussed. A review is one individuals opinion. They do not take a poll to decide what they will score it or what they will talk about. Different people equals different experiences. Way too many score fiends around here.
# 45 DustinT @ 10/06/09 12:24 PM
nice review
# 46 Gusto1 @ 10/06/09 12:29 PM
Does anybody know if NBA 2K10 has coach mode?
# 47 sambowie @ 10/06/09 12:41 PM
I love how people bash a website for being biased or whatever whenever a game doesn't get a review score they think it deserves. If the people writing these reviews really are so out of whack that they shouldn't be taken seriously, then stop visiting the site! It's that simple.

On a different but related note, perhaps OS should stop scoring games and just let the written reviews speak for themselves. The only thing scores do is spark tired flame wars.
# 48 NINJAK2 @ 10/06/09 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by sambowie
I love how people bash a website for being biased or whatever whenever a game doesn't get a review score they think it deserves. If the people writing these reviews really are so out of whack that they shouldn't be taken seriously, then stop visiting the site! It's that simple.

On a different but related note, perhaps OS should stop scoring games and just let the written reviews speak for themselves. The only thing scores do is spark tired flame wars.
:n chuck:
# 49 instantpop @ 10/06/09 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by FadeEmAll
Please note that standards change each year. If the game was a 9 last year and they re-release the same game with updated rosters, that doesn't mean the game will get another 9. In fact the game would actually decrease to 7.5 or 8 due to lack of innovation. The fact that this game gets 8.5 should not be related to last year's 9.0 in any way.
And herein lies the biggest catch-22 I think. We all know that 2K has been the better game critically for quite some time. But because NBA Live has absolutely stunk up the joint for the last two years, this new version is getting high marks because they finally come out and make some improvements - even though those improvements may not match what 2K has been doing for years.

On the flipside, you have 2K which has been the #1 game for some time, but it's going to take knocks for not having enough "innovation." Still the same great game but because there's nothing groundbreaking in it, it gets a lower score than before.

Compare those two together and all of the sudden you have scores taken completely out of context and, in my opinion, an unfair comparison. Kind of like the NHL series. NHL 10 got a lower score from some people than it did last year, simply because there wasn't enough "new innovation." Well, the game is still just as fun, if not moreso, than last year, but by some accounts and going by just the score, you'd think the game took a step backwards.
# 50 Akeptic @ 10/06/09 01:21 PM
The game is great, there is really only 1 flaw (and many bugs). This flaw is the only reason this game in straight unplayable .... the fps issue. The FPS in this game cause it to be unplayable... Therefore, the score should be 0. I would play NBA Live at a score of 10 over this. Its rediculous, ah make me so mad a great game was made but cant be played.
# 51 swac07 @ 10/06/09 01:53 PM
easily a 8.9 or 9...I cant stop playing it...lol@madden a 9 this thing been sitting on my counter after I bought it months ago
# 52 3rdamention @ 10/06/09 01:58 PM
Ok, was it just me, or did they not mention ANYTHING about the horrible framerates? Nothing? I looked at the review, and didn't see anything about it. Maybe I am missing it, but that would be a huge oversight.

If it is excluded from the review, I seriously cannot take this review serious. I mean, it is plain as day that the game has a crappy framerate right now.

Also, OS's "review" on the Online in 2k is pretty ridiculous. They mention all of the modes, and additions, but not one comment on how it plays. How is the lag? How is the fluidity online? How are the connections? Do the connections drop a lot? Nothing, not one word about what happens when you actually join a game.
# 53 MrSimCity @ 10/06/09 02:37 PM
There were frame issues at first, but my last coupe of days with the game, those were no where to be found
# 54 bears5122 @ 10/06/09 02:40 PM
NBA 2K gets a 8.5 but Madden got a 9?
# 55 rudeworld @ 10/06/09 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by wEEman33
Those reviews were done by three different people, so obviously, the rating comparison doesn't hold up.

I did the NHL 10 review and gave it a 8.5, but if you asked me rate Madden 10, I would've given it a 7, and if I'd done NCAA Football, it probably would've gotten a 6 from me.

Haven't played the full version of either basketball game yet, so I've got no comment on those.
victim of its own success
# 56 CallMeDrop @ 10/06/09 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by FadeEmAll
Please note that standards change each year. If the game was a 9 last year and they re-release the same game with updated rosters, that doesn't mean the game will get another 9. In fact the game would actually decrease to 7.5 or 8 due to lack of innovation. The fact that this game gets 8.5 should not be related to last year's 9.0 in any way.

Well they make a thread about the review for people to discuss it. If a score doesn't matter then they should just review the game and give no score at all, but they don't.

2k9 did not get a 9 rating last year! IGN gave it an 8.5, gamespot gave in an 8. This game is better than an 8.5 IMO.
# 57 3rdamention @ 10/06/09 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Terrell28
From what I have heard and researched the framerate issues are in only certain arenas and yes that sucks but I don't and haven't had that issue YET. To 3rdamention the reason they dont mention 2k's online play is because for anyone who has played the 2K series online knows it plays well so much so it goes without saying, the only lag I know of is with the 5 on 5 but other than that Online is not a problem. The game is still great and still better than Live was is me or in NBA Live the Ref's dont call anything but a moving screen yeah thats a real NBA sim 4 ya!!! lol

Last year's 2k9 Online play was ful of lag. It affected Jump Shots, Cutting, Passing. I have purchased the last 5 2k Basketball games and the online play has always left something to be desired. And just to say that online will be good this year, because it was last year, is not a review. That is a simple assumption. Many people have voiced their impressions the last 2 years and have not been over the top excited about 2k's online play.

Many people thought the framerate would be better this year, after it started bad last year before patched. The online actual gameplay and framerate needs some help, I want to know if the actual gameplay has been improved. Just mentioning the modes, as OS did, is a preview. Explaining how they play, that is a review.
# 58 AntRWill @ 10/06/09 08:03 PM
Are you guys being honest with yourselves? Some of you guys are saying the game should get a 9 or better, I have to respectfully disagree. After playing the Live demo and renting the retail 2K10 I've decided I'm getting Live this year. I still like 2K10 but added tweaks are not enough to warrant another purchase. And I have bought 2K every year since 2K4 and exclusively since 2K6. IMO, the game is more of the same. Too many of the same old problems that made me fustrated have made their way back into the game.
# 59 AntRWill @ 10/06/09 08:03 PM
Are you guys being honest with yourselves? Some of you guys are saying the game should get a 9 or better, I have to respectfully disagree. After playing the Live demo and renting the retail 2K10 I've decided I'm getting Live this year. I still like 2K10 but added tweaks are not enough to warrant another purchase. And I have bought 2K every year since 2K4 and exclusively since 2K6. IMO, the game is more of the same. Too many of the same old problems that made me fustrated have made their way back into the game.
# 60 bowdown2shadi @ 10/06/09 08:35 PM
Good Review, thanks.

Originally Posted by ockbarz69
i give it a 6
It's out of 10, not 5.

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