NBA 2K10 News Post

I and a few others were lucky enough to attend the NBA 2K10 launch party here in NYC.

We were given full copies of the game and are willing to answer questions.

The only thing I'm going to tell you guys right now:

NO QUESTIONS ABOUT RATINGS. We already post them in the NBA 2K10 screenshots section.

Ok, let the madness begin.

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Member Comments
# 861 warnerwlf98 @ 09/28/09 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by DC

Pared can we put the game in "Temporary Coach Mode" to that we cans et our subs/coaching options like we could in 2K8. Rememeber they took this option away from us in 2K9.
I'd like to know this too.

EDIT: ^^ Great news!

I know I've asked this for many previous versions and it has never been added, so I'll ask again for the heck of it: Did they include the Suns sunburst jersey from the mid 90's? They only seem to have the older jersey style from the 80's and before.

# 862 Vast @ 09/28/09 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Thanks for helping him out fellas.

I have to say, I had a few bad games last night, and I'm not sure if my sliders were the culprit. I went back to default and for some odd reason the AI is continually forcing a lot of shots in the paint. It could be possible once you change something in the tendency sliders it breaks something... not sure, this is COMPLETE SPECULATION on my part.

With that said, I'll be deleting the data and starting over fresh. Game was solid out of the box but what I'm seeing now are some problems from 2k9. The paint just isn't being defended well enough by my teammates and the CPU covers it well. Again, could be my sliders broke some algorithm in the AI.

There is ONE huge issue that can't be overlooked. It needs to be addressed. In fact, I think it was an issue with 2k9 vs. the CPU. Athletic bigs, when they are running down the middle of the paint after a made basket or change of possession, are being thrown alley oops. My big man is not in position to defend a good % of the time, and instead of standing his ground when in the paint, he will follow the offensive player, leading to easy oops by the CPU. And the CPU takes advantage of this...

I have two problems with the issue.

1) The CPU shouldn't be attempting this as often as they do.

2) My defender should be aware enough to impede Noah's position to no allow something like this to happen.

Instead of my defenders playing man-you-basket positioning, they are off to the side of their man, allowing them ample room to slip by if they get turned around or any other little misstep.

There are times where the AI is running a nice, organized offense, exploiting mismatches and really attacking the user. And there are others where the CPU just sets up shop, then goes inside because of the post defenders inability to keep their men in front of them.
The one thing that was bugging me at first, and takes time getting used to... is this year on defense there is like an auto movement applied to your player. that if you sag off the man your defending and he doesn't have the ball, it kind of keeps you in the proper position... but it has also slightly moved me out of position at times, especially when trying to defend the Alley Oops. Or in the paint.

Now im kinda used to it, but i haven't heard Pared or Mo mention it, so i figured you guys should know. I haven't checked to see if its an option and can be turned off, but im hoping it can.
Cuz there are tons of contact off ball animations in the paint, so keeping your man out of the paint or bodying him up is not difficult.
# 863 iLLosophy @ 09/28/09 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Canned animations have been severely toned down. There are some instances in the game where you feel it, however.

I would say the control is better... tighter... but you still lose control of your player at times.
The biggest canned animation I hated from DC is when a guy runs past a screen and they have that little run with their hands out...
# 864 Pared @ 09/28/09 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Vast
The one thing that was bugging me at first, and takes time getting used to... is this year on defense there is like an auto movement applied to your player. that if you sag off the man your defending and he doesn't have the ball, it kind of keeps you in the proper position... but it has also slightly moved me out of position at times, especially when trying to defend the Alley Oops. Or in the paint.

Now im kinda used to it, but i haven't heard Pared or Mo mention it, so i figured you guys should know. I haven't checked to see if its an option and can be turned off, but im hoping it can.
Cuz there are tons of contact off ball animations in the paint, so keeping your man out of the paint or bodying him up is not difficult.
I have not played much off-ball so it makes sense I wouldn't see this. I'll check tonight and let you guys know what I find.
# 865 PrettyT11 @ 09/28/09 11:50 AM
I have looked at all the video's you guys have posted and read through this whole thread. Good look on all this early info. My question is I have seen that they have fixed Kobe's and others shot from the combine but have they changed LeBron's?? Did they take it back to his 2K9 shot or is it something new?? In the combine they gave him Joe Alexander's shot shot for some dumb reason. I try to get every player's shot as real as possible and I couldn't stand the thought of LeBron having Joe Alexander's shot. Also if anybody could a video of LeBron's would be very nice.
# 866 idrisguitar @ 09/28/09 12:08 PM
hey pared, im wondering if you did get a chance to check on the easy pick and roll problem. where the ai defense just woulnd;t pick up on the big man cutting to the hoop? do higher difficulties fix this or not (higher than all-star)

i keep seeing it in all the videos being released, so im just hoping on superstar-hall of fame, this is cut out. otherwise we will have to wait for a patch i guess, because this will ruin the fun of the game for me. as PnR are a major part of the game.
# 867 SublimeAnarky @ 09/28/09 12:19 PM
pared and mo..

long time lurker here.. first off - let me say that no amount of thanks does justice to the time/effort you guys are putting in while trying to share with us what the upcoming hoops game season looks like.. but for what its worth - thanks a ton guys!

now, to my q: maybe i'm not quite framing the thoughts in my head right.. but i've been reading everything you guys have ben putting out - along with the stuff on 2k10 from other sites, and i've been looking at the gameplay videos that have hit the web in recent time.. and i catch myself sayin - hmm, 2k9.5 maybe ?

Given the hours you guys have put into the game so far - is this truly a successor of 2k9 ? or do you guys feel this is a smaller iteration of the 2k series as we know it over the past 2-3 years ? I see sliding/uncontrolled animation, i see scoring in the paint (albeit toned down..), i hear some new lines in commentary but a lot of old, i see inbounding steals.. i'm sure this is more me being hesitant and once the demo hits, a lot will become clearer... but as far as gameplay goes this 'weight' and 'feel' that you guys talk about - is 2k10 that far ahead of 2k9 in the core aspect of gameplay ?

maybe i'm just expecting too much - but if i decided to pass of 2k10 and stick with the 2k7s-2k9s of past - will i be missing much ? (ok yeah, my player mode merits purchase in itself - but if the gameplay has the same issues, is it so different ?)

Apologies for the huge post, but i had to put this out there and hope you guys understand my question - i think i let eloquence get the better of me.

Thanks guys.
# 868 eNgIeS @ 09/28/09 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
YES! It's not a still graphic, just like Live's set up.

There is still no ability to choose to wear and away jersey while at home, also.

I don't recall seeing the "El Heat" jersey, but we definitely know they are in. I hope it's not an association only thing.

If you missed it, the Red Heat alt. jersey is just SICK. Best jersey in the game I've seen so far. The entire thing has this sheen, reflection look to it... such a beautiful thing to see. The Cav's yellow and burgundy is also a gorgeous jersey.
How the hell is that not fixed yet? 2K has added some good things this year but the simple things that could easily be fixed are still being neglected! very dissapointing
# 869 TheKasmar @ 09/28/09 12:45 PM
Pared, I know it's the cpu doing alleys, but since LT + A serves as both the lob pass and the alley-oop, could that be the reason why there are so many alley-oop attempts. Instead of attempting a lob pass, the cpu is essentially triggering an alley-oop by accident. I've always thought those two functions should be seperate anyways.
# 870 TheKid28 @ 09/28/09 01:05 PM
Im new here I wanted to know if the best player on each team is unstoppable like in 2K9??
How is the create-a-team this year??
& are there any new legends & throwback jerseys in the game??
# 871 RubenDouglas @ 09/28/09 01:23 PM
im glad a few people got it early. money is tight and I just may wait it out after all im hearing. We shall see what this week brings about. still 8 days to decide.

just wanted to thank pared and others with the game. i got tired of reading questions and answers, i cant imagine trying to read, then do the answering... A lot of work right there.

RE: CPU guarding the paint. im seeing it now in almost every video that is coming out on youtube. im not sure whats going on. It's not looking too great though
# 872 LionsFanNJ @ 09/28/09 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
You don't know how much that angers me...
# 873 Ed21 @ 09/28/09 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by LionsFanNJ
You don't know how much that angers me...
I agree... There is no way that 2k can put that out and be satisfied. It looks so horrific, it's almost as if this is from a beta version and they've just forgotten to add in more members of the crowd or other courtside things... It looks half complete.

Really disappointed with this shoddy job if this is actually what it's gonna look like in the final version.
# 874 youvalss @ 09/28/09 02:06 PM
That "Temporary Coach Mode" sounds great! Is it automatic, or you have an option to turn it on?
# 875 youvalss @ 09/28/09 02:08 PM
By the way, is there a chance that the "El Heat" jersey becomes available only on a certain date?
# 876 babythug23 @ 09/28/09 02:16 PM
Are the courts bigger or players smaller? I see better spacing
# 877 DC @ 09/28/09 02:27 PM
How are the dunk ratings looking Rebel? Press in the left stick to see detailed ratings. Are there many 90s+?
# 878 Kushmir @ 09/28/09 02:36 PM

its disappointing that the CPU Lob still needs to be TONED DOWN (i touched on how overeffective they were in my top 20 List), but way to be on BUG PATROL!...hopefully an issue like this can be resolved. we need to put together a solid list and get a good email address from one of the producers who lurk here so we can get the stuff like this patched.

that said i still haven't heard anything about over-the-back fouls..they in? its crazy how they vanished since we went Next Gen...how about illegal screens?
# 879 Lagoa @ 09/28/09 02:36 PM
Hey Pared/Mo

Dont forget my question please...

Sorry for this, but you guys is the only can tell me some information about my "little headband issue"

# 880 ataman5 @ 09/28/09 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Kushmir

its disappointing that the CPU Lob still needs to be TONED DOWN (i touched on how overeffective they were in my top 20 List), but way to be on BUG PATROL!...hopefully an issue like this can be resolved. we need to put together a solid list and get a good email address from one of the producers who lurk here so we can get the stuff like this patched.

that said i still haven't heard anything about over-the-back fouls..they in? its crazy how they vanished since we went Next Gen...how about illegal screens?
You can't control screens the way you control in the Live 10 so all i can say there could never be an illegal screen call in 2k10 this year unfortunately, that's what i thought from the vids ofcourse, i don't know for sure.

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