NBA 2K10 News Post

I and a few others were lucky enough to attend the NBA 2K10 launch party here in NYC.

We were given full copies of the game and are willing to answer questions.

The only thing I'm going to tell you guys right now:

NO QUESTIONS ABOUT RATINGS. We already post them in the NBA 2K10 screenshots section.

Ok, let the madness begin.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 lathrowback @ 09/25/09 02:39 AM
What are the Lakers Throwback unis?any new ones?
# 22 skinnybonez @ 09/25/09 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by MomentousCeltic
I can post screen shots as well. Not going into ratings though, I know how you dudes get.
Allen Iverson
# 23 ekzpozed @ 09/25/09 02:40 AM
momentous, you should make your "gif thread"

its been tradition lol
# 24 chance @ 09/25/09 02:41 AM
What kind of options are there for custom arena music??
# 25 lathrowback @ 09/25/09 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by chance
What kind of options are there for custom arena music??
2nd this?
# 26 Mr_Riddick @ 09/25/09 02:43 AM
did they add more shoes to full game? Pared?
# 27 Pared @ 09/25/09 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by chance
Can you change headband colors?
No, you have one option: Headband Yes or No.

Originally Posted by tcnumba10
Did you play against the CPU? If yes, did you find that the CPU team utilize their superstar enough on offense? Like if they took over for their team and leading the team in shots taken or points scored?
I'm playing lots of quick games. I'll have to come back to this later.

Originally Posted by infam0us
Substitutions, do the players go up to the table and remove warm up?

Second question, can you get me in for 2k11's party
They go up to the table and leave the warm ups on. Once the play is dead, the warm up disappears. You can't see it in the game, as the camera is focused elsewhere. Have to go into replay mode and look for it.

Originally Posted by Illadelph83
What was your general impression of the game? Did it improve on the things that YOU thought it was lacking in 2k9 and what are some things that stood out?
The defense is definitely improved. There is more "meat" to players, as they have weight on them, something that you had an idea of in the Combine.

Out of the box, it has a more realistic feel. I don't feel the need to lower the speed so far, which is a first.

Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
How is defense looking Pared?
Very nice... the weight to the players lends to this immensely. You can't just go by the defender...

Originally Posted by J-H!zZl3
The first question that I would like to ask is if paint scoring has been tuned down dramatically in this game? Is it a lot more difficult to score in the paint at will, now?
I wouldn't say dramatically. You can still get to the hoop, although it's not like last year where you can just go through people. Plus players are missing more ala 2k8 pre-patch.
# 28 nautica @ 09/25/09 02:45 AM
wrong thread srry
# 29 Rockafella2x @ 09/25/09 02:49 AM
whats been the biggest problem to you so far?
# 30 J-H!zZl3 @ 09/25/09 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
No, you have one option: Headband Yes or No.

I'm playing lots of quick games. I'll have to come back to this later.

They go up to the table and leave the warm ups on. Once the play is dead, the warm up disappears. You can't see it in the game, as the camera is focused elsewhere. Have to go into replay mode and look for it.

The defense is definitely improved. There is more "meat" to players, as they have weight on them, something that you had an idea of in the Combine.

Out of the box, it has a more realistic feel. I don't feel the need to lower the speed so far, which is a first.

Very nice... the weight to the players lends to this immensely. You can't just go by the defender...

I wouldn't say dramatically. You can still get to the hoop, although it's not like last year where you can just go through people. Plus players are missing more ala 2k8 pre-patch.
I'm glad you said the defense is like NBA 2k8 pre-patch. That is definitely good news.
# 31 Greene_Flash03 @ 09/25/09 02:51 AM

How's the arena sounds? Lighting and everything? Can you tell the difference between a regular season game and playoffs as far as the atmosphere? Can you choose atmosphere like in Live?
# 32 Pared @ 09/25/09 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by VilleCity101
did u see tha ps3 version in action?
No, 360 only.

Originally Posted by phenom1990
how is post offense and defense in the game?
The post offense is phenomenal. My gripe with it is, just like last year, you feel like once a shot is up, it's going in. Hard to explain. The system needs a controllable release.

Originally Posted by tcnumba10
Did Accessory colors change (headbands, armbands...) depending on if a team was playing at Home or Away?

Example: Cleveland wears white headband/accessories at home and red headband/accessories on the road.
Red headbands at home, not sure about away.

Originally Posted by rm217
How much did the graphics and animations impress you? Did the game feel fresh?
Honestly... the graphics are insane. I'm blown away that they were able to put work into the graphics. Player faces are hit or miss... as in the shots, Melo looks terrible, but the courts are hi resolution once again.

I honestly would say the textures are up there with Live's textures. The game pops more, but not TOO MUCH as I feel it does in Live.

Something to note, the reds all seem to be slight shades off. I know it's not my TV... they just don't have some colors the correct shade to the naked eye, specifically reds.

I did notice some frame-rate stutter here and there. Seems like it is in some arenas once again.
# 33 chance @ 09/25/09 02:53 AM
# 34 J-H!zZl3 @ 09/25/09 02:54 AM
Pared, what did you think of turbo feature?
# 35 Pared @ 09/25/09 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by Greene_Flash03

How's the arena sounds? Lighting and everything? Can you tell the difference between a regular season game and playoffs as far as the atmosphere? Can you choose atmosphere like in Live?
Sounds are INCREDIBLE. You can close your eyes and it sounds like a real game.

My biggest beef is that damn overhead two handed pass animation. It really throws the look of everything else off. It needs to go!

One awesome thing... if you take a 3 in front of the away teams bench, they will scream at you.

OH! Vince Carter has a new shot too. Very nice and lazy, he doesn't kick that leg up anymore.
# 36 eDotd @ 09/25/09 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by thmst30
Can you post screens of the new Bobcats jerseys?

Originally Posted by RayAP19
I'm starting to think we're gonna get white or red headbands with the Cavs navy blue alts again... everyone is avoiding answering about that, and apparently we can't change headband colors.

Anyone wanna resolve this?

Originally Posted by 23
can you just post of gifs of your fav players like tmac...lol?
Originally Posted by infam0us
Good suggestion 23, gifs of some shots that impressed you or just players with new shots. Curious to see how Bosh, Carter, Dirk, McGrady and Kevin Martin jumpers look this year.
I'm going to make my own thread for this. I'm trying to keep up with this thread while working on a presentation I have for class tomorrow morning. .gifs are probably out of the question for tonight.

Originally Posted by tcnumba10
Did you notice the huge gap at the end of the Cavs and Raptors bench like it was depicted in the video Steve_OS made from the beta version of the game?
Still there

Originally Posted by CtSimPlayer
Any screenshots of the sixers arena would be greatly appreciated MC. Thank you!!!!
# 37 SageInfinite @ 09/25/09 02:58 AM
Hows the cpu play on levels higher than pro?

Does the CPU cheese like in 2k9(leade passes, alley oops, passing up open jumpers to drive, force there way to the basket)?
# 38 Pared @ 09/25/09 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by J-H!zZl3
Pared, what did you think of turbo feature?
I need more time to give an impression for sure. All I know is I saw dudes all over the place tonight with ZERO energy wondering why they weren't able to make shots and why guys were turning the ball over.
# 39 CelticBalla32 @ 09/25/09 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
One awesome thing... if you take a 3 in front of the away teams bench, they will scream at you.
That is outstanding.
# 40 infam0us @ 09/25/09 02:59 AM
Another simple question, are jerseys still restricted to home and away? Like you can't wear your alt jersey at home?

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